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Message from the owner(s)
The Scarab 1.0.22 Release Candidate 1 is available -
please see the Announcement
for full details. There are three alternatives for
trying scarab:
As the release candidate is already extensively tested we hope
to have a final release soon, but of course we appreciate your
help with testing, feedback and bug fixing. If you like to help us, you
always can checkout the newest sources from our subversion
repository at http://project.tigris.org/svn/scarab/branches/release/1.0.22/
and report to the Mailing
List(s) or the Scarab
issue tracker
The Scarab developer team
The goal:
The goal of the Scarab project is to build a highly
customizable Artifact tracking system.
Documentation sets:
Code repository:
You need a subversion client
to access Scarab's sources. The code base can be checked out from our subversion repository:
svn co http://scarab.tigris.org/svn/scarab/trunk scarab --username guest --password ""
That will check out a copy of the Scarab source tree into a
directory named scarab on your local machine. The statement accesses the main development branch.
Feature list:
- Standard features
data entry, queries,
reports, notifications to interested parties,
collaborative accumulation of comments,
dependency tracking.
- Fully customizable
Scarab has fully and free
customizable and unlimited numbers of
- Modules (e.g. your various projects)
- Artifact types (e.g. "Defect", "Enhancement", "Requirement", etc)
- Attributes (e.g. "Operating System", "Status", "Priority", etc)
- Attribute options
All aspects of your artifact management can be defined
on a per Module basis so that each of your modules is
configured for your specific tracking requirements.
- Multilingual
Scarab uses java resource bundle technology and is shipped
with the language localizations for de, en, es, fr, it, ja,
ko, nl, pl, pt, ru and zh. The used languages are all available
simultaneously. Users can choose their individual language
based on their browser language preference settings.
- Based on application server technologies
Scarab is built using Java Servlet technology for speed,
scalability, maintainability, and ease of installation.
- Import/Export interface via XML
That allows an easy migration
from other tracking systems (e.g. Bugzilla).
- Modular code design
That allows manageable modifications of
existing and new features over time.
- Integrated customization UI
Scarab is fully customizable through a set of administrative
- Easily modifiable UI look and feel
- Integrateable
Scarab can be integrated into larger systems by
re-implementing key interfaces.
- Self contained
Scarab is a ready to use issue management system
distributed under a BSD/Apache style license.
User references:
See our new user reference table.
Commercial support:
Commercial support for Scarab is available from several companies
around the world. In case of interest please contact the Scarab
developers list.