- published: 22 Jan 2015
- views: 11911
A sensorium (plural: sensoria) is the sum of an organism's perception, the "seat of sensation" where it experiences and interprets the environments within which it lives. The term originally entered English from the Late Latin in the mid-17th century, from the stem sens- ("sense"). In earlier use it referred, in a broader sense, to the brain as the mind's organ (Oxford English Dictionary 1989). In medical, psychological, and physiological discourse it has come to refer to the total character of the unique and changing sensory environments perceived by individuals. These include the sensation, perception, and interpretation of information about the world around us by using faculties of the mind such as senses, phenomenal and psychological perception, cognition, and intelligence.
In the 20th century the sensorium became a key part of the theories of Marshall McLuhan, Edmund Carpenter and Walter J. Ong (Carpenter and McLuhan 1960; Ong 1991).
McLuhan, like his mentor Harold Innis, believed that media were biased according to time and space. He paid particular attention to what he called the sensorium, or the effects of media on our senses, positing that media affect us by manipulating the ratio of our senses. For example, the alphabet stresses the sense of sight, which in turn causes us to think in linear, objective terms. The medium of the alphabet thus has the effect of reshaping the way in which we, collectively and individually, perceive and understand our environment in what has been termed the Alphabet Effect.
Sensorium- Haunting Verity (Official Lyrics Clip) - [Operatic Power Metal]
Epica - Sensorium
Epica~ Sensorium {Lyrics}
Epica - Sensorium (Piano Cover)
Epica - Sensorium (HD) by Nahiem
Boursin® Sensorium 360 Virtual Reality Experience #BoursinSensorium
IK Prize 2015 Shortlist: Tate Sensorium
Sensorium - Epica Keyboard Cover
Stella Artois Sensorium - A Feast For All Five Senses | Extended Version
The very first single of an Israeli Power Metal band Sensorium from their debut album Art of Living. A contrasting combination of hard guitar riffs and intensive drum parts with opera vocals and complex melodic and symphonic orchestration defines our music. All Music by Sensorium. Pre-production & recording by Cast Iron Music LISTEN FREE & BUY our album/CD: https://sensorium1.bandcamp.com/album... Follow us on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Semsoriun?fr... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sensorium - Haunting Verity Lyrics by Ksenia Glonty "...A thought awoke. It exhausted and crushed down his ingenuous straightforward mind. He tossed about seeking a way out, a solution to his predicament…" M. A. Sholokhov. "And ...
Band:Epica Song:Sensorium Album:The Phantom Agony(2003) Genre:Syphonic\Gothic Metal Lyric: Chance doesnt exist But the path of life is not totally so predestined and time and chronology show us how all should be In the ways of existence To find out why we are here Being conscious is a torment The more we learn is the less we get No one surveys the whole, focus on things so small But lifes objective is to make it meaningful only searching for this That which doesnt exist Although our ability to relativize remains unclear Being conscious is a torment The more we learn is the less we get Every answer contains a new quest A quest to non existence, a journey with no end scream: Im not afraid to die Im afraid to be alive without being aware of it Im so ...
One of my favorite songs from Epica's first album: "The Phantom Agony"
You must view the experience in the latest YouTube app or Chrome desktop browser. Move your phone around and plug in your headphones in to see the Boursin fridge come to life! Mobile – 360° Video: Open this video in the YouTube app or Chrome, then move your phone around (right to left, top to bottom). Mobile – Virtual Reality: To view in virtual reality with your Cardboard headset on your Android device, open this link in the YouTube app or Chrome, and place your phone horizontally in the headset and look inside. Desktop – 360° video: To view on your computer, open this link in Google Chrome and click to drag around. The Boursin® Sensorium virtual reality experience takes you on a magical ride through a food lovers fridge, packed with the fresh ingredients included in Boursin® origina...
Flying Object London, UK Flying Object propose an installation of sensory stimulators which allow users to smell, taste, touch and hear works of art, whilst recording their neurological or physiological responses. IK Prize 2015 http://www.tate.org.uk/about/projects/ik-prize
I'm a music producer, follow my virtual portfolio on SoundCloud, make sure to subscribe, please! http://soundcloud.com/studio813 Watch in HD (720p) for better audio quality. Trust me, it's better. I missed doing cover so there you have, Sensorium by Epica. Recorded and mixed with Pro Tools, sound recorded through a Behringer MIC2200 and an M-Audio Mobile Pre. Video edited on Final Cut. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/vithor
Honoring the way a perfectly poured Stella Artois immerses the 5 senses, we present Sensorium. The experience takes place September 10 - 27 in Toronto. Book your tickets here and awake your senses. http://stellaartoissensorium.com/
I feel a sensation
I could say anything
And you would not hear
I could be anyone out there
And you would return
Never knew this would be the first time again
She is the last but I know she is the first
Uptown apocalypse
Concrete and shouts all around
Down on the street I can see well
Pictures of voice models in Korean army chic
This could be the center of sense
Could be a disco kitsch
Well is this where it happens
1000 bodies cramped into a tight space
Line up the guns
The squad will be down in a minute
Shoot all the people in a single file