- published: 27 Feb 2012
- views: 776
Tess may refer to:
Zombi 2 is a 1979 zombie film directed by Lucio Fulci. The film was adapted from an original screenplay by Dardano Sacchetti to serve as a sequel to George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead, released in Italy as Zombi. It stars Tisa Farrow, Ian McCulloch and Richard Johnson, and featured a score by frequent Fulci collaborator Fabio Frizzi.
The film tells the story of a Caribbean island cursed by voodoo, whose dead residents rise as zombies to attack the living. A scientist's daughter journeys to the island after her father's boat turns up abandoned in New York City. Intended as a return to "classic zombie tales" by its writer, Zombi 2 was filmed in Italy, with further location shooting in New York and Santa Domingo.
Produced on a small budget of ₤410 million, the film earned several times its production costs back in international gross. It attracted controversy upon its United Kingdom release, becoming listed as a "video nasty"; however later years have seen a greater appreciation for the film from critics. Frizzi's score has also been released independently of the film, as well as being performed live on tour by the composer.
Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time is a 2013 free-to-play tower defence video game developed by PopCap Games and published by Electronic Arts. It is the sequel to Plants vs. Zombies, and was released worldwide on Apple App Store on August 15, 2013 and Google Play on October 23, 2013.
Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time is a free-to-play game, unlike its predecessor, supporting in-app purchasing of coins in order to utilize certain power up abilities: Plant Food, a new power-up, allows plants to power up for varying amounts of time. Each plant has its own ability when given Plant Food. Players are able to complete the whole game without purchasing these abilities, some of which can be earned throughout the game instead of being purchased. Players can optionally start with a tutorial on the basics of the game which takes place in the player's house. After the tutorial, or immediately if the player chose to skip it, the player time-travels first to Ancient Egypt and can use either purchase access to worlds or win in-game World Keys to unlock a series of additional period settings ("worlds"); this required a certain number of stars in earlier updates. The Chinese version has two additional worlds. As players go through levels, they unlock new plants each with advantages and unique boosts.
Plants vs. Zombies is a tower defense video game developed and originally published by PopCap Games for Microsoft Windows and OS X. The game involves a homeowner using a variety of different plants to prevent an army of zombies from entering their house and "eating their brains". It was first released on May 5, 2009, and made available on Steam on the same day. A version for iOS was released in February 2010, and an HD version for the iPad. An extended Xbox Live Arcade version introducing new gameplay modes and features was released on September 8, 2010. PopCap released a Nintendo DS version on January 18, 2011 with content unique to the platform. The PlayStation 3 version was released in February 2011 also with added new co-op and versus modes found in the Xbox 360 version. An Android version of the game was released on May 31, 2011 on the Amazon Appstore, while it was also released to the Android Market (now Google Play) on December 14, 2011. On February 16, 2012, a version was released for BlackBerry PlayBook. Later, a BlackBerry smartphone version of the game was released on January 2013 following the launch of BlackBerry 10. Furthermore, both the original Windows and Mac version of the game have been re-released with additional content in a Game of the Year version. In January, 2015, a free ad-supported version of the game was released for iOS.
Cada anochecer - RoOla2crew(McQuinta,McNero) FT Blanco!
en cada anochecer estas
Tess-Tuya en Verano Noche (Mejor calidad)
cada anochecer , melisa Quintanilla, Mc Nero , y Blanko Mc
Rafa Espino - Buenos días princesa (Videoclip Oficial HD)
Time lapse anochecer en Los Santos de la Humosa
Mi dulce amor...Los inquietos del vallenato...♫♥♪
Kudai - Sin Despertar
Atardecer Cadiz Playa La Caleta
Time-lapse - Amanecer de Alaraz (HD 720p)
KindLed 1000 y Critical Mass, seguimiento Episodio 1
NoPro | Time-lapse | Anochecer @1080p
Un Atardecer y anochecer en santiago centro ....en 3 minutos
Moonflower and Dusk Lobber Challenge Every Plant Power Up in Plants vs Zombies 2
Superacion Personal y Autoestima - Motivacion en Español
TIMELAPSE ANOCHECER // gopro hero 3+ silver
Timelapse - Amanecer y Atardecer en el Paraíso - Santa Elena Antioquia
I lost everything...
Warframe | Como hacer La Arboleda plateada/Donde encontrar las plantas(Guia)
Nash 2016 Carp Fishing DVD + Eurobanx 2 Alan Blair Full Movie
una rolitaa , de rola2 crew , espero y les guste apoyando a el bn RAP potosino .
Ya puedes escuchar y adquirir mi nuevo disco Eterno: ► Spotify: https://goo.gl/CSCcQ6 ► iTunes: https://goo.gl/8Yn7Bl ► GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/SGqZRn ► Deezer: https://goo.gl/14gcFQ Copias físicas: http://www.rafaespino.com/tienda ******************************************************************* ¡PÁGINA OFICIAL DE RAFA ESPINO EN FACEBOOK! Dale a "me gusta" y compártela con todos tus contactos! https://www.facebook.com/RafaEspinoOficial "Buenos días princesa" Nuevo tema de Rafa Espino. Videoclip Oficial HD 2012 +LETRA - Voz y letra por Rafa Espino: @Rafa_Espino - Vídeo Grabado, editado y renderizado por Jose García: @JoseGarcia_FS - Sonido Grabado, mezclado y masterizado por Snakeproducciones en Metro Cuadrado Estudios: www.snakeproducciones.com -Música: BSO titanic vía internet ...
Con una cámara deportiva SJCam y haciendo una foto cada 10 segundos he probado a realizar un time lapse del anochecer con Madrid y Alcalá de Henares de fondo, y este ha sido el resultado
♥..Cuando llegaste a mis ojos Cuando te amé sin tocarte Cuando no tuve palabras Cuando quise tener alas. Cuando soñé los colores Que dibujaban tu rostro Que guardaban para siempre Mi mirada mas ardiente. Casi al anochecer vi florecer tu amor En el silencio aquel, en medio del temor era imposible uyir, tu risa me envolio Y me quedé a vivir escondido en tu voz Y tu magia me encanto Y me convirtió en canción Que canto eternamente para ti. Y hoy no puedo ocultarlo No puedo callarlo Tus besos me llevan al punto mas alto Donde todo existe, donde nada es triste Donde solo estamos tú y yo. Y hoy no puedo esconderlo no puedo callarlo cubrir con mis manos el cielo tan ancho [Más Letras en http://es.mp3lyrics.org/fW3] tu er...
Otro time-lapse, en este caso es un amanecer. Se ve muy bien como sale el sol y se desplaza a medida que las nubes cambian de color. Unas cuatro horas con la compacta Canon Ixus 75 (con el fimware modificado CHDK), sacando fotos cada 7 segundos, sin tener que supervisar más que no lloviera y se mojara, probadlo, amplía un 1000% las posibilidades de vuestra compacta Canon.
Kind LedK5 XL1000 es el sistema de leds para el cultivo más innovador del mercado y lo más parecido a un pequeño sol dentro del armario. Este modelo led ha revolucionado el mercado estadounidense desde su aparición, siendo el preferido cultivadores profesionales principalmente. Las luces de la serie LED K5 están equipadas con fotodiodos de 3 y 5 vatios de alta potencia, con un espectro de luz de intensidad patentada desarrollado para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el crecimiento y la floración. Kind Led K5 XL1000 se fabrica íntegramente en USA, cuenta con 320 leds dispuestos en 16 filas de 20 leds cada una, mezclando de 3w y 5w en 12 anchos de banda, donde lo tres rangos primarios se pueden intensificar o atenuar según las necesidades. Las luces led LED K5 tienen una ...
Time-lapse anocheciendo, foto a foto (función de disparo cada 5 seg) Cámara: SJ4000 a.k.a. NoPro Grabado a 1080p, renderizado a 1080p con Sony Vegas Pro 13. Canción: Pit Voorhees - Eternity https://soundcloud.com/pitvoorhees Intro: Federico C (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtKAucU7pVVsU1gn1Mrf8aw) NoPro, be a Zero.
Moonflower and Dusk Lobber Challenge Every Plant Power Up in Plants vs Zombies 2 Moonflower y el anochecer Lobber Challenge Cada planta de energía en las plantas vs Zombies 2 Please Subscribe to my channel! ) Por favor subscribete a mi canal! ) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5kPrvveEFcdpdu52IR7A4w Link to this video Enlace a este video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKxE_1JfpEU More info about the game: Plants vs Zombies 2 Platforms: IOS, Android Publisher: EA - Electronic Arts Developer: PopCap Games Más información sobre el juego: Plantas versus Zombies 2 Plataformas: IOS, Android Editor: EA - Electronic Arts Desarrollador: PopCap Games Thanks for every Like, Share, and Comment Gracias por cada Like, Share y Comment
Suscríbete a este canal: http://youtube.com/FaridDeAlba ------------------------------------------------------------ RECIBE NOTIFICACIONES CADA VEZ QUE PUBLICO UN NUEVO VÍDEO: 1. Haz click en el botón ✿ al lado del botón de SUSCRIBIRSE 2. ✓ Dale Check a: "Recibir todas las notificaciones de este canal" 3. Dale a guardar ----------------------------------------- Descarga LA PRUEBA DE PODER 5 de Farid De Alba Y DESCUBRE TU POTENCIAL ACTUAL PARA TRIUNFAR. Aquí - http://fariddealba.com/prueba-de-poder-5-gratis-farid-de-alba Utiliza esta herramienta para tener una mejor idea de tus habilidades y actitud actual en términos de adquirir éxito. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farid de Alba en iTunes y iBooks - Superación Personal h...
Time Lapse compuesto de 863 Fotografías tomadas cada 10 segundos. Santa Elena - Antioquia. Gracias a el Ñé [Camilo - Akorde - Cultura y Libertad] Danny Avalos
Join the movement. Be a Maverick ► https://ShopLoganPaul.com/ We took a FAT L. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY VLOGS! ► http://bit.ly/Subscribe2Logan Burning Man Project and Decommodification LLC is NOT affiliated with NOR does it endorse Logan Paul, this content, Maverick by Logan Paul and/or any related products. Watch Yesterday’s Vlog ► https://youtu.be/NhsbGIOqE8k ADD ME ON: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/LoganPaul/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LoganPaul I’m a 22 year old kid living in Hollywood. I make comedy vids, travel a lot, and I have a pretty colorful parrot named Maverick. This is my life. https://www.youtube.com/LoganPaulVlogs
Que tal gente? Aca les dejo esta nueva guia en la que les muestro como hacer la quest de La arboleda plateada, y principalmente donde encontrar cada una de las plantas necesarias. Espero que les guste y les resulte util :) Donde conseguir la arboleda plateada: https://youtu.be/Pox4zQKWYWo Musica de fondo: MØ - Say You'll Be There (Absence Remix)(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRhvlmHca8Q) Diviners feat Contacreast - Tropic Love [NCS Release] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6RJv7f__Mg)
With more action, more venues, more countries, more tips, and most importantly more beautiful carp than ever before, it’s simply our best yet. Presented as a series of short films, discover new bedchairs, the slick Scope Black-Ops range, great value Dwarf and H-Gun, high performance NR Toro rods and more. Full length chapters come from Simon Crow recounting a year to remember on The Key®, Carl and Alex in the thick of the action as usual, Alan Blair fulfilling a dream as he visits the iconic Redmire Pool, and Jordan Dicks making winter fishing look easy. And last but not least we present the eagerly awaited feature-length EuroBanx 2. Join Alan Blair and Oli Davies reunited on an epic eight day road trip across Europe crossing seven countries and covering 3000 miles. Strap in and enjoy th...
This compilation includes 11 Shawn the Train Cartoons! (Learn Numbers, Shapes, Colors, Sizes, Left and Right, Seasons, Traffic Signs) 0:00 Learn about Shapes with Shawn's Roller Coaster Adventure! (Learn 15 2D and 3D shapes) 9:40 Learn to Count with Shawn the Train 13:55 Learn Colors and Decorate the Tree with Shawn the Train 17:48 Help Shawn The Train teach the car about traffic signs! 24:14 Learn Shapes and Carve Pumpkins with Shawn the Train 26:45 Help Shawn The Train teach the robot about colors! 32:50 The Firework Adventure with Shawn and Team - Learn About the Left and Right! 41:40 Learn Numbers and Carve Pumpkins with Shawn and Team! (Counting 4 times in 4 different ways!) 46:56 The Pumpkin Patch Adventure with Shawn and Team! (Pumpkin Chunkin!) - Learn 8 Pumpkin Sizes! 58:00 T...
A tribe of Nepal hunt a wild honey with natural psychoactive properties ("mad honey"), they use it as a medicine and a soft drug.Dipak, the translator of this movie is overdosing and fall unconcious. https://www.facebook.com/raphaeltrezafilm www.facebook.com/hallucinogenhoneyhunters TV license contact: raphael.treza[at]gmail.com Donate to Raphael Treza: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=NZWERUFYCAAJU more content by Raphael Treza : Cobra Gypsies (full documentary) : https://youtu.be/aNUYGRn3W9Q clip and music in India: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A9PV2f-hhI album : http://www.soundcloud.com/treza Listen the soundtrack: https://soundcloud.com/treza/hallucinogen-honey-hunters-soundtrack Facts about this magic honey: http://www.erowid.org/a...
The dynamic duo visits a shallow, low stocked carp fishing pit in northern Germany. Both Danny Fairbrass and Darrell Peck have willingly sacrificed their own UK target fish in the hunt for the stunning mirror carp and leather carp that inhabit the lake, known locally as ‘the bitch’. A huge amount of Spring Fishing tactics are covered as well as some unexpected Winter fishing tips too, when the weather suddenly changes. Join the lads from Team Korda on this Chapter from the 3-hour Carp Fishing Masterclass adventure that sees them take on more incredible venues at home and abroad. As ever, they’re armed with the very latest carp fishing tactics, kit and bait, but will they rise to the challenge? For more videos visit - http://www.korda.co.uk/masterclass/volume-4 https://www.korda24.com/...
The Revelation 12 Celestial Woman in Labor Pain is the most detailed astronomical sign recorded in the entire Bible, and may be the greatest sign in the sky since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. It's likely to be fulfilled in 2017. This video explores in depth the meaning and timing of this sign. What does the Bible say the "woman in birth pangs" alludes to in terms of end time events? The full DVD is over an hour long, packed with Biblical insights, titled "The Greatest Celestial Sign in History: Revelation 12 Woman in the Sky" available at http://www.discover.org.au/bookshop Did you watch the previous "8 Super Signs in the Sky"? They accurately signaled the rise of ISIS, ruin of Damascus, and terrorism in the West. Catch up! https://youtu.be/HXUqfNQ3J0o Research credit to: ...
With more action, more venues, more countries, more tips, and most importantly more beautiful carp than ever before, it’s simply our best yet. Presented as a series of short films, discover new bedchairs, the slick Scope Black-Ops range, great value Dwarf and H-Gun, high performance NR Toro rods and more. Full length chapters come from Simon Crow recounting a year to remember on The Key®, Carl and Alex in the thick of the action as usual, Alan Blair fulfilling a dream as he visits the iconic Redmire Pool, and Jordan Dicks making winter fishing look easy. And last but not least we present the eagerly awaited feature-length EuroBanx 2. Join Alan Blair and Oli Davies reunited on an epic eight day road trip across Europe crossing seven countries and covering 3000 miles. Strap in and enjoy th...
We moved into our new home this week! We'll tell you a bit about our neighbours and the special cookies we gave to them :D Hang out with us March 5th in Tokyo for a special edition of Eat Your Sushi! ☞ http://bit.ly/hellotokyo Subscribe for more videos: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=simonandmartina Read more about it on our blog: ☞ http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/eat-your-sushi-4 Bloopers & Extra footage: ☞ https://www.youtube.com/user/simonandmartinabonus Our crazy Instagram feed: ☞ https://www.instagram.com/eatyourkimchi/ Check us out on Facebook: ☞ https://www.facebook.com/simonandmartina Chat with us on Twitter ☞ http://www.twitter.com/eatyourkimchi We have an app for iOS! ☞ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/eatyourkimchi-app/id934967067?mt=8 Get it on Andr...
Nash tackle has once again reinvented the promo DVD, proudly bringing you Nash 2015 The Box Set. Join Team Nash in a series of films shot at locations across the UK and Europe and covering a wide spectrum of carp angling from intimate ponds to rivers to giant lakes. Each feature chapter contains hints, tips and of course some of the new gear but more importantly has been made to inspire you to get out there fishing, however you choose to go about it. There are plenty of stunning carp of all sizes and lots of exciting action to see in this mammoth 4-hour production. You can either watch it on Youtube in glorious 1080p (Which we highly recommend!) or you can pick up a DVD free from your local Nash dealer. Chapters include The River featuring young hotshot Alfie Russell, The North with day ...
From visionary director Zhang Yimou (“Hero,” “House of Flying Daggers”) comes “The Great Wall,” an epic action-adventure centered on the construction of one of mankind’s greatest wonders, the Great Wall of China. Superstar Matt Damon headlines an international cast that includes Jing Tian, Pedro Pascal, Willem Dafoe and Andy Lau. Damon plays an English mercenary who joins the fight against a horde of menacing creatures attempting to breach the colossal barrier. - ( Original Title - The Great Wall )
Watch the latest dramas and movies with subtitles: http://www.viki.com/ Watch the most recent K-dramas: http://www.viki.com/tv/browse?utf8=%E2%9C%93&genre;=23g&country;=kr&language;=&sort;=latest Watch more Dramas: http://www.viki.com/genres/drama ************************************* Join the Viki party, subtitle your favourite show and share with other viewers now: www.viki.com/community ************************************* Playful Kiss is based on the Japanese manga Mischievous Kiss. Brought to you by Group Eight (Goong and Boys over Flowers). The drama has previously been made for Japanese and Taiwanese audiences and they both were a huge success. Playful Kiss is about a popular and genius male student named Baek Seung-jo who has a stand-offish personality and Oh Hani who is a femal...
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7 Days to Die: GNAMOD ULTRA NOMAD Abre la descripción para más información. ▬▬▬▬▬▬ INFO DE LA SERIE▬▬▬▬▬▬ En esta nueva serie cooperativa, me acompañan Cracker3, Gryphon y Marcelo Javier Martinez en una nueva aventura através de un mod de dificultad extrema: GNAMOD ULTRA NOMAD. Este mod está pensado para obligarte a jugar de forma nómada, la abundancia del loot está reducida drásticamente y se hace imprescindible lootear en masa. El Airdrope se convierte en una pieza clave de la superviviencia, grandes cantidades de munición vendrán con él. La mayoría de crafteos han sido movidos a la mesa de trabajo, por lo que dificulta el comienzo del juego y lo limita bastante, hasta que no se consigue una mesa de trabajo. Todos los zombies tienen la habilidad de escalar bloques y, con cada anochecer,...
Director and Writer: Mohsen Makhmalbaf Subtitles: English - French - Spanish - فارسی Original Title: Bagheban ( باغبان ) Cast: Maysam Makhmalbaf Mohsen Makhmalbaf Ririva Eona Mabi Paula Asadi Guillaume Nyagatare Tjireya Tjitendero Juzgado Ian David Huang Bal Kumari Gurung Synopsis: An Iranian film maker and his son travel to Israel to investigate a world religion with around 7 million followers, which originated in Iran about a hundred and seventy years ago. Youth from all over the world come to Haifa, the center of this religion, to serve. Those who serve in the gardens that surround the holy places develop peace loving attitudes through their interactions with nature. As the father accompanies a gardener from Papua New Guinea, he finds similarities between the teachings of this ...
Hola amigos: www.begojuan.es Una semana más en esRadio, en el programa de Eva Mora. Hoy, un tema muy importante y que sucede con más frecuencia de la que nos gustaría observar desde las aulas; que no es otro que el de utilizar a los hijos, de una u otra forma, en contra del otro cónyuge. Por el bien íntegro de los más pequeños, se debe evitar estas situaciones. Espero que os sea interesante y útil. Hasta pronto.
Nuestro Ejemplo NUESTRO Señor Jesucristo vino a este mundo como siervo para suplir incansablemente la necesidad del hombre. "El mismo tomó nuestras enfermedades y llevó nuestras dolencias" (S. Mateo 8:17), para atender a todo menester humano. Vino para quitar la carga de enfermedad, miseria y pecado. Era su misión ofrecer a los hombres completa restauración; vino para darles salud, paz y perfección de carácter. Variadas eran las circunstancias y necesidades de los que suplicaban su ayuda, y ninguno de los que a él acudían quedaba sin socorro. De él fluía un caudal de poder curativo que sanaba de cuerpo, espíritu y alma a los hombres. La obra del Salvador no se limitaba a tiempo ni lugar determinado. Su compasión no conocía límites. En tan grande escala realizaba su obra de curación y de...
http://www.ted.com Astronomer Dimitar Sasselov and his colleagues search for Earth-like planets that may, someday, help us answer centuries-old questions about the origin and existence of biological life elsewhere (and on Earth). How many such planets have they found already? Several hundreds. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abr...
Buenas Noches Buena Suerte, empieza la supervivencia del apocalipsis Zombi !! Lista de Vídeos Dying Light: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjtIvh2HZtIvRcF151iAHl3jo3LB-RVbE Esta edición incluye: - Los DLCs Cuisine & Cargo y Ultimate Survivor Bundle: que expanden la acción del juego con nuevas misiones de elevada dificultad, así como diversos ítems para combatir a los muertos vivientes y atuendos con los que personalizar a nuestros supervivientes. - El modo de juego multijugador Be the Zombie! Con este modo especial, el juego nos permite convertirnos en un night hunter y acechar a otros jugadores en el modo multijugador. Este zombie depredador letal tiene habilidades únicas y mortíferas como super-velocidad, tentáculos para movernos más rápido, ataques de carga o golpes a distancia....