- published: 01 Jul 2016
- views: 16406
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Sasuke (stylized in Japan as SASUKE) is a Japanese sports entertainment television special in which 100 competitors attempt to complete a four-stage obstacle course. An edited version, named Ninja Warrior, is screened in at least 18 other countries. To date, Sasuke content has been aired in 157 countries.
Shot on location at Midoriyama studio in Yokohama, it airs on TBS between Japanese television drama seasons. Each 3-hour special covers an entire competition; there are normally 100 participants. There have been 31 specials produced, approximately one new special per season (twice per year). The show is produced by TBS and is one of the spin-offs of Muscle Ranking (筋肉番付, Kinniku Banzuke), another sports entertainment competition, which aired on G4 under the name Unbeatable Banzuke. Until the 10th competition, Sasuke was broadcast as a special part of Muscle Ranking, but it became an independent program when Muscle Ranking was discontinued. The first competition was held indoors, marking the only time Sasuke did not take place outside. Competitions generally start in the daytime and continue until completed regardless of weather or darkness. After Monster9's bankruptcy on November 2011, all rights to the show fell completely into the hands of its broadcaster, Tokyo Broadcasting System. Following their acquisition of all rights to Sasuke, TBS renamed the show Sasuke Rising for the 28th, 29th and 30th editions, but have since reverted to the original Sasuke title.
American Ninja is a 1985 American ninja action film produced by Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus's Cannon Films. Directed by Sam Firstenberg, who specialized in this genre in the 1980s, the film stars Michael Dudikoff in the title role, with Steve James as his side-kick.
Private Joe Armstrong (Michael Dudikoff) is conscripted into the U.S. Army by a judge, as an alternative to prison. Joe ends up fighting off the Black Star Order of ninjas while stationed in the Philippines. He saves Patricia Hickock (Judie Aronson) — daughter of Colonel William Hickock, Joe's commanding officer — from a kidnapping attempt. Although the rest of Joe's platoon is wiped out by the Black Star ninjas, Joe's popularity with his fellow GIs takes a nosedive, even as he is targeted for revenge by the Black Star Master ninja (Tadashi Yamashita).
American Ninja Warrior is a sports entertainment competition spin-off of the Japanese television series Sasuke, in which competitors try to complete a series of obstacle courses of increasing difficulty called "stages". The series began on December 12, 2009, in Los Angeles, with the top 10 competitors moving on to compete at "Mount Midoriyama" in Japan. Beginning with season 4, competitors travel to the Las Vegas strip to compete on a nearly identical "Mount Midoriyama" course.
During season 7, for the first time in American Ninja Warrior history, a competitor achieved "Total Victory". Two competitors completed stage three, and thus, a Man vs. Man face off took place during stage 4 for the title. Both Isaac Caldiero and Geoff Britten completed the final stage, however, Caldiero had a faster time, resulting in the $1,000,000 grand prize and the official title of "First American Ninja Warrior".
American Ninja Warrior has been renewed for an 8th season, which is set to premiere in summer 2016.
Jessica "Jessie" Graff (born January 12, 1984 in New York City) is a professional stunt woman and actress. She is a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, a black sash in Kung Fu, and is trained in five other styles of martial arts. She is also a championship pole vaulter and competitive gymnast. She is famous for being the second woman to make it to the finals on American Ninja Warrior. She was also a contestant on Wipeout in 2008.
She graduated from Urbana High School, Frederick, Maryland, as a Track Team Leader, honor roll student, and member of National Honor Society.
She holds the pole-vault record at Georgia Tech and University of Nebraska.
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Jessie Graff at the Los Angeles Finals - American Ninja Warrior 2016
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The goal on Spider-Man was to invent a very flexible bodysuit that created a lean, muscular body form beneath the form-fitting spandex. It also required a very specific streamlined shell to project heroic facial structure beneath the hood. In this early test, custom printed shadows and highlights help define the sculpted muscles. Although toned down in later iterations, this first test was an exciting success.
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Watch Jessie Graff's Los Angeles Finals run. » Subscribe for More: http://bit.ly/NBCNinjaWarrior » Watch Full Episodes Free: http://www.nbc.com/american-ninja-warrior/episodes NBC NINJA WARRIOR ON SOCIAL: Like NBC Ninja Warrior on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NBCNinjaWarrior Follow NBC Ninja Warrior on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NBCNinjaWarrior Follow NBC Ninja Warrior on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/NBCNinjaWarrior/ In season 8, American Ninja Warrior follows hundreds of competitors as they test their skills on new obstacles in an attempt to join Isaac Caldiero as just the second person ever to win the $1 million grand prize. NBC ON SOCIAL: NBC YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/nbc Like NBC: http://Facebook.com/NBC Follow NBC: http://Twitter.com/NBC NBC Tumblr: http://NBC...
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Thanks for checking out this new vlog for the summer madness series, which shows you what a day is like in my life! This was filmed awhile back but i never got the chance to upload it, so i thought it would be a good additon to the summer madness series! Thanks for tuning in and make sure you subscribe!