Opinion – Si të shesësh dhe të blesh kriptovaluta/SPAK bllokon 10 mln Euro kriptomonedha! -23 Janar
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #tvklan
Në emisionin “Opinion” në Tv Klan këtë të enjte paneli i të ftuarve diskuton sa i takon kriptomonedhave. Kriptomonedhat janë një term mjaft i dëgjuar, por shumë të paktë janë personat të cilët kanë njohuri të sakta rreth kësaj fushe. Çfarë janë bitcoin-in apo monedhat e tjera që po qarkullojnë? Pse Trump emetoi një kriptomonedhë të vetën e cila menjëherë hyri të tregun e kriptomendhave? Të gjitha këto pikëpyetje marrin përgjigje mbrëmjen e kësaj të enjteje në “Opinion”.
Të ftuar: Denisa Kele, Glidona Daci, Besnik Muçi, Fatjon Kadillari,Tomi Kallanxhi, Ferdinand Dervishi
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradici...
published: 23 Jan 2025
The First Signs of Tyranny, From People Who Missed Them | NYT Opinion
Exile. Imprisonment. The end of elections. We know what tyranny looks like once it’s underway.
But how does it start?
In the Opinion Video above, you’ll meet people from around the world who missed the warning signs of tyranny taking root in their home countries.
They can see the red flags, in retrospect. And they have a word of caution: The rule of law doesn’t break down overnight, and checks and balances don’t collapse in an instant.
Tyranny takes time.
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n
More from The New York Times Video: http://nytimes.com/video
Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. ...
published: 25 Jan 2025
My Opinion on Rocket Raccoon
published: 23 Jan 2025
Opinion - Firmat e para të Trump shkundin botën! - 22 Janar 2025
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #FlorianaGaro #AnuelaRistani #NikolaKedhi #GjergjBojaxhi #UjezaDoshlani
Duket se hyrja e Trump në Shtëpinë e Bardhë dhe firmosja e urdhrave të parë ekzekutiv që ai ka nënshkruar si Presidenti i 47-të i SHBA-ve ka krijuar një lloj turbullimi për gjithë politikën. Pjesa më e madhe e botës priste që veprimet e Donald Trump të ishin disi kontroverse, por natyrisht janë hapur shumë “piketa” për të cilat nuk ngelet gjë tjetër vetëm se të pritet për të parë se çfarë po ndodh. Trump përveç veprimeve të para që ka deklaruar është fokusuar në mënyrë të menjëhershme tek lufta mes Rusisë dhe Ukrainës. Ndërkohë nga ana tjetër marrëdhëniet e tij me liderët e vendeve të BE-së dhe vetë Evropën vazhdojnë të mbeten të tensionuara. Për të gjitha k...
published: 22 Jan 2025
How to Structure a Band 9 Opinion Essay
Knowing how to structure your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay is an essential skill that can make the difference between getting and not getting the band score you deserve. In this short video, we outline the most common opinion structure our students have used to get a Band 8 or 9.
For more help with IELTS Writing Task 2 check out this playlist- https://tinyurl.com/playlisttask2
#shorts #ielts #ieltswriting #ieltsessay #ieltswritingtask2
published: 24 Oct 2022
E shiti bitcoin-in para 12 vitesh, eksperti tregon në Opinion sa para do kishte sot
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #DenisaKele #GlidonaDaci #BesnikMuçi #FatjonKadillari #TomiKallanxhi #FerdinandDervishi
Në emisionin “Opinion” në Tv Klan këtë të enjte paneli i të ftuarve diskuton sa i takon kriptomonedhave. Kriptomonedhat janë një term mjaft i dëgjuar, por shumë të paktë janë personat të cilët kanë njohuri të sakta rreth kësaj fushe. Çfarë janë bitcoin-in apo monedhat e tjera që po qarkullojnë? Pse Trump emetoi një kriptomonedhë të vetën e cila menjëherë hyri të tregun e kriptomendhave? Të gjitha këto pikëpyetje marrin përgjigje mbrëmjen e kësaj të enjteje në “Opinion”.
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes...
published: 23 Jan 2025
"My opinion is clear" | Will Arsenal sign a forward this transfer window?
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Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta discusses the team's upcoming fixture against Wolves, and what the team are searching for in January transfer window.
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published: 24 Jan 2025
'JOKEMAN!' - The WILDEST football UNPOPULAR OPINION 😵💫 #shorts
Subscribe to GOAL now! 👉 https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=goal
Premier League football fan gives his unpopular opinion about soccer - saying PSG and France star Kylian Mbappe, linked with a transfer to Real Madrid, is overrated!
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/goalglobal
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Goal
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/goal
#football #soccer #fyp #short #tiktok #trendingvideo #trending #foryou #footballnews
published: 21 Feb 2024
Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How. | NYT Opinion
It’s easy to blame the other side. And for many Democrats, it’s obvious that Republicans are thwarting progress toward a more equal society.
But what happens when Republicans aren’t standing in the way?
In many states — including California, New York and Illinois — Democrats control all the levers of power. They run the government. They write the laws. And as we explore in the video above, they often aren’t living up to their values.
In key respects, many blue states are actually doing worse than red states. It is in the blue states where affordable housing is often hardest to find, there are some of the most acute disparities in education funding and economic inequality is increasing most quickly.
Instead of asking, “What’s the matter with Kansas?” Democrats need to spend more time po...
published: 09 Nov 2021
Opinion - Çfarë ndodhi me policin A.Spahiu?
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #merinmaci
Gazetari Merin Maçi dha detaje sonte në studion e “Opinion sa i takon rastit të efektivit Azbi Spahiu. Bazuar tek hetimet e deritanishme të policisë për ngjarjen dhe deklarimeve të vetë 57 vjeçarit, Maçi theksoi se ajo që ka ndodhur me të “nuk ka aspak lidhje me detyrën e tij”.
Bëhet fjalë për një incident që siç ka thënë efektivi është “shkaktuar prej gjendjes së tij jo të mirë shëndetësore”.
Blendi Fevziu: Çfarë ka ndodhur me efektivin, pse ka heshtur policia për këtë rast. Si e ka hetuar dhe çfarë ka ndodhur në të vërtetë? Në çfarë rrethanash ka ndodhur ngjarja dhe në cilën ditë tamam?
Merin Maçi: Më 15 Janar, Policia e Tiranës është njoftuar nga një qytetar se një person në momentet e para i paidentifikuar ësh...
published: 20 Jan 2025
Fact and Opinion for Kids | What Is the Difference between Facts and Opinions?
What is a fact? What is an opinion? And what is the difference between the two? In Fact and Opinion for Kids, you and your student(s) will learn how to tell the difference between a statement of fact and one that is simply a person's opinion.
This video starts out with a great example that demonstrates opinions. Andrew loves pizza, his mom loves ice cream, and his dad loves apples. None of these foods are the best food in the world to everyone, so each person's favorite food choice is their opinion. Facts are statements that can be proven. The sun is yellow. The sky is blue. These are facts that people can prove quite easily. Summer is the best time of year. Soccer is the most fun sport to play. These statements cannot be proven. They are opinions because people prefer different things. ...
published: 27 Jan 2022
Money Savings విషయంలో మీ opinion ఏంటి? #shorts #moneysavingtips #kiddybank #savingmoney
Money Savings విషయంలో మీ opinion ఏంటి? #shorts #moneysavingtips #kiddybank #savingmoney
published: 26 Jan 2025
“Deport People Who Are Here Illegally” | Reform UK Lead In Opinion Poll
Reform UK leads a national poll for the first time following the Southport killer sentencing.
Nigel Farage’s party, accusing Keir Starmer of a “cover-up” over the attacks, now tops Labour and the Tories, according to Find Out Now.
Axel Rudakubana, who murdered three girls and attempted 10 more killings, was sentenced to 52 years. He also admitted to possessing al-Qaeda materials and making ricin.
The poll showed Reform at 26%, Conservatives at 23%, and Labour at 22%, with Labour facing backlash over economic policies and scandals.
David Bull hosts a head-to-head debate with former Labour adviser Joe Ryle and deputy policy director at the Centre for Social Justice, Sophia Worringer.
#news #politics #uk
published: 25 Jan 2025
Opinion – Trump president, ç’do ndryshojë në Shqipëri dhe botë? – 20 Janar 2025
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos!
Të ftuar: Gerta Zaimi. Julian Zyla, Klevis Balliu, Preç Zogaj
Këtë të hënë Donald Trump në një ceremoni madhështore u inaugurua si Presidenti i 47-të i SHBA-ve. Në fakt ky është mandati i dytë i Trump si president, i cili vjen pas një shkëputjeje. Presidenca e Trump kësaj here duket se ka pritshmëri shumë herë më të larta se ato të 8 viteve më parë. Njëkohësisht ka më shumë vëmendje për shkak se situata botërore është shumë problematike vitet e fundit. Vëmendje ndaj Trump duket se është nga të ka...
published: 20 Jan 2025
Opinion – Si të shesësh dhe të blesh kriptovaluta/SPAK bllokon 10 mln Euro kriptomonedha! -23 Janar
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #tvklan
Në emisionin “Opinion” në Tv Klan këtë të enjte paneli i të ftuarve diskuton sa i takon kriptomon...
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #tvklan
Në emisionin “Opinion” në Tv Klan këtë të enjte paneli i të ftuarve diskuton sa i takon kriptomonedhave. Kriptomonedhat janë një term mjaft i dëgjuar, por shumë të paktë janë personat të cilët kanë njohuri të sakta rreth kësaj fushe. Çfarë janë bitcoin-in apo monedhat e tjera që po qarkullojnë? Pse Trump emetoi një kriptomonedhë të vetën e cila menjëherë hyri të tregun e kriptomendhave? Të gjitha këto pikëpyetje marrin përgjigje mbrëmjen e kësaj të enjteje në “Opinion”.
Të ftuar: Denisa Kele, Glidona Daci, Besnik Muçi, Fatjon Kadillari,Tomi Kallanxhi, Ferdinand Dervishi
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos!
Për më shumë informacione vizitoni faqen tonë web https://tvklan.al/
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Programet e Tv Klan mund t’i ndiqni edhe në faqen https://tvklan.al/programe/
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #tvklan
Në emisionin “Opinion” në Tv Klan këtë të enjte paneli i të ftuarve diskuton sa i takon kriptomonedhave. Kriptomonedhat janë një term mjaft i dëgjuar, por shumë të paktë janë personat të cilët kanë njohuri të sakta rreth kësaj fushe. Çfarë janë bitcoin-in apo monedhat e tjera që po qarkullojnë? Pse Trump emetoi një kriptomonedhë të vetën e cila menjëherë hyri të tregun e kriptomendhave? Të gjitha këto pikëpyetje marrin përgjigje mbrëmjen e kësaj të enjteje në “Opinion”.
Të ftuar: Denisa Kele, Glidona Daci, Besnik Muçi, Fatjon Kadillari,Tomi Kallanxhi, Ferdinand Dervishi
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos!
Për më shumë informacione vizitoni faqen tonë web https://tvklan.al/
Videot e fundit nga Tv Klan i gjeni në faqen https://tvklan.al/video/
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Programet e Tv Klan mund t’i ndiqni edhe në faqen https://tvklan.al/programe/
- published: 23 Jan 2025
- views: 19285
The First Signs of Tyranny, From People Who Missed Them | NYT Opinion
Exile. Imprisonment. The end of elections. We know what tyranny looks like once it’s underway.
But how does it start?
In the Opinion Video above, you’ll meet ...
Exile. Imprisonment. The end of elections. We know what tyranny looks like once it’s underway.
But how does it start?
In the Opinion Video above, you’ll meet people from around the world who missed the warning signs of tyranny taking root in their home countries.
They can see the red flags, in retrospect. And they have a word of caution: The rule of law doesn’t break down overnight, and checks and balances don’t collapse in an instant.
Tyranny takes time.
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n
More from The New York Times Video: http://nytimes.com/video
Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch.
Exile. Imprisonment. The end of elections. We know what tyranny looks like once it’s underway.
But how does it start?
In the Opinion Video above, you’ll meet people from around the world who missed the warning signs of tyranny taking root in their home countries.
They can see the red flags, in retrospect. And they have a word of caution: The rule of law doesn’t break down overnight, and checks and balances don’t collapse in an instant.
Tyranny takes time.
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n
More from The New York Times Video: http://nytimes.com/video
Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch.
- published: 25 Jan 2025
- views: 96467
Opinion - Firmat e para të Trump shkundin botën! - 22 Janar 2025
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #FlorianaGaro #AnuelaRistani #NikolaKedhi #GjergjBojaxhi #UjezaDoshlani
Duket se hyrja e Trump në ...
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #FlorianaGaro #AnuelaRistani #NikolaKedhi #GjergjBojaxhi #UjezaDoshlani
Duket se hyrja e Trump në Shtëpinë e Bardhë dhe firmosja e urdhrave të parë ekzekutiv që ai ka nënshkruar si Presidenti i 47-të i SHBA-ve ka krijuar një lloj turbullimi për gjithë politikën. Pjesa më e madhe e botës priste që veprimet e Donald Trump të ishin disi kontroverse, por natyrisht janë hapur shumë “piketa” për të cilat nuk ngelet gjë tjetër vetëm se të pritet për të parë se çfarë po ndodh. Trump përveç veprimeve të para që ka deklaruar është fokusuar në mënyrë të menjëhershme tek lufta mes Rusisë dhe Ukrainës. Ndërkohë nga ana tjetër marrëdhëniet e tij me liderët e vendeve të BE-së dhe vetë Evropën vazhdojnë të mbeten të tensionuara. Për të gjitha këto pikëpyetje të mëdha sa i përket ndikimit të Trump në politikën globale diskuton paneli i të ftuarve në studion e emisionit “Opinion” në Tv Klan.
Te ftuar: Floriana Garo, Anuela Ristani, Nikola Kedhi, Gjergj Bojaxhi, Ujeza Doshlani
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos!
Për më shumë informacione vizitoni faqen tonë web https://tvklan.al/
Videot e fundit nga Tv Klan i gjeni në faqen https://tvklan.al/video/
Follow Tvklan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvklan/
Follow Tvklan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rtvklan/
Programet e Tv Klan mund t’i ndiqni edhe në faqen https://tvklan.al/programe/
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #FlorianaGaro #AnuelaRistani #NikolaKedhi #GjergjBojaxhi #UjezaDoshlani
Duket se hyrja e Trump në Shtëpinë e Bardhë dhe firmosja e urdhrave të parë ekzekutiv që ai ka nënshkruar si Presidenti i 47-të i SHBA-ve ka krijuar një lloj turbullimi për gjithë politikën. Pjesa më e madhe e botës priste që veprimet e Donald Trump të ishin disi kontroverse, por natyrisht janë hapur shumë “piketa” për të cilat nuk ngelet gjë tjetër vetëm se të pritet për të parë se çfarë po ndodh. Trump përveç veprimeve të para që ka deklaruar është fokusuar në mënyrë të menjëhershme tek lufta mes Rusisë dhe Ukrainës. Ndërkohë nga ana tjetër marrëdhëniet e tij me liderët e vendeve të BE-së dhe vetë Evropën vazhdojnë të mbeten të tensionuara. Për të gjitha këto pikëpyetje të mëdha sa i përket ndikimit të Trump në politikën globale diskuton paneli i të ftuarve në studion e emisionit “Opinion” në Tv Klan.
Te ftuar: Floriana Garo, Anuela Ristani, Nikola Kedhi, Gjergj Bojaxhi, Ujeza Doshlani
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos!
Për më shumë informacione vizitoni faqen tonë web https://tvklan.al/
Videot e fundit nga Tv Klan i gjeni në faqen https://tvklan.al/video/
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Programet e Tv Klan mund t’i ndiqni edhe në faqen https://tvklan.al/programe/
- published: 22 Jan 2025
- views: 29454
How to Structure a Band 9 Opinion Essay
Knowing how to structure your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay is an essential skill that can make the difference between getting and not getting the band score you d...
Knowing how to structure your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay is an essential skill that can make the difference between getting and not getting the band score you deserve. In this short video, we outline the most common opinion structure our students have used to get a Band 8 or 9.
For more help with IELTS Writing Task 2 check out this playlist- https://tinyurl.com/playlisttask2
#shorts #ielts #ieltswriting #ieltsessay #ieltswritingtask2
Knowing how to structure your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay is an essential skill that can make the difference between getting and not getting the band score you deserve. In this short video, we outline the most common opinion structure our students have used to get a Band 8 or 9.
For more help with IELTS Writing Task 2 check out this playlist- https://tinyurl.com/playlisttask2
#shorts #ielts #ieltswriting #ieltsessay #ieltswritingtask2
- published: 24 Oct 2022
- views: 597833
E shiti bitcoin-in para 12 vitesh, eksperti tregon në Opinion sa para do kishte sot
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #DenisaKele #GlidonaDaci #BesnikMuçi #FatjonKadillari #TomiKallanxhi #FerdinandDervishi
Në emision...
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #DenisaKele #GlidonaDaci #BesnikMuçi #FatjonKadillari #TomiKallanxhi #FerdinandDervishi
Në emisionin “Opinion” në Tv Klan këtë të enjte paneli i të ftuarve diskuton sa i takon kriptomonedhave. Kriptomonedhat janë një term mjaft i dëgjuar, por shumë të paktë janë personat të cilët kanë njohuri të sakta rreth kësaj fushe. Çfarë janë bitcoin-in apo monedhat e tjera që po qarkullojnë? Pse Trump emetoi një kriptomonedhë të vetën e cila menjëherë hyri të tregun e kriptomendhave? Të gjitha këto pikëpyetje marrin përgjigje mbrëmjen e kësaj të enjteje në “Opinion”.
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos!
Për më shumë informacione vizitoni faqen tonë web https://tvklan.al/
Videot e fundit nga Tv Klan i gjeni në faqen https://tvklan.al/video/
Follow Tvklan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvklan/
Follow Tvklan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rtvklan/
Programet e Tv Klan mund t’i ndiqni edhe në faqen https://tvklan.al/programe/
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #DenisaKele #GlidonaDaci #BesnikMuçi #FatjonKadillari #TomiKallanxhi #FerdinandDervishi
Në emisionin “Opinion” në Tv Klan këtë të enjte paneli i të ftuarve diskuton sa i takon kriptomonedhave. Kriptomonedhat janë një term mjaft i dëgjuar, por shumë të paktë janë personat të cilët kanë njohuri të sakta rreth kësaj fushe. Çfarë janë bitcoin-in apo monedhat e tjera që po qarkullojnë? Pse Trump emetoi një kriptomonedhë të vetën e cila menjëherë hyri të tregun e kriptomendhave? Të gjitha këto pikëpyetje marrin përgjigje mbrëmjen e kësaj të enjteje në “Opinion”.
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos!
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- published: 23 Jan 2025
- views: 10952
"My opinion is clear" | Will Arsenal sign a forward this transfer window?
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Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta discusses the team'...
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Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta discusses the team's upcoming fixture against Wolves, and what the team are searching for in January transfer window.
#Skysports #SkySportsNews #PremierLeague
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Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta discusses the team's upcoming fixture against Wolves, and what the team are searching for in January transfer window.
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- published: 24 Jan 2025
- views: 56175
'JOKEMAN!' - The WILDEST football UNPOPULAR OPINION 😵💫 #shorts
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Premier League football fan gives his unpopular opinion about soccer - sayin...
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Premier League football fan gives his unpopular opinion about soccer - saying PSG and France star Kylian Mbappe, linked with a transfer to Real Madrid, is overrated!
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#football #soccer #fyp #short #tiktok #trendingvideo #trending #foryou #footballnews
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Premier League football fan gives his unpopular opinion about soccer - saying PSG and France star Kylian Mbappe, linked with a transfer to Real Madrid, is overrated!
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#football #soccer #fyp #short #tiktok #trendingvideo #trending #foryou #footballnews
- published: 21 Feb 2024
- views: 5209137
Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How. | NYT Opinion
It’s easy to blame the other side. And for many Democrats, it’s obvious that Republicans are thwarting progress toward a more equal society.
But what happens w...
It’s easy to blame the other side. And for many Democrats, it’s obvious that Republicans are thwarting progress toward a more equal society.
But what happens when Republicans aren’t standing in the way?
In many states — including California, New York and Illinois — Democrats control all the levers of power. They run the government. They write the laws. And as we explore in the video above, they often aren’t living up to their values.
In key respects, many blue states are actually doing worse than red states. It is in the blue states where affordable housing is often hardest to find, there are some of the most acute disparities in education funding and economic inequality is increasing most quickly.
Instead of asking, “What’s the matter with Kansas?” Democrats need to spend more time pondering, “What’s the matter with California?”
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More from The New York Times Video: http://nytimes.com/video
Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch.
It’s easy to blame the other side. And for many Democrats, it’s obvious that Republicans are thwarting progress toward a more equal society.
But what happens when Republicans aren’t standing in the way?
In many states — including California, New York and Illinois — Democrats control all the levers of power. They run the government. They write the laws. And as we explore in the video above, they often aren’t living up to their values.
In key respects, many blue states are actually doing worse than red states. It is in the blue states where affordable housing is often hardest to find, there are some of the most acute disparities in education funding and economic inequality is increasing most quickly.
Instead of asking, “What’s the matter with Kansas?” Democrats need to spend more time pondering, “What’s the matter with California?”
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n
More from The New York Times Video: http://nytimes.com/video
Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch.
- published: 09 Nov 2021
- views: 11161969
Opinion - Çfarë ndodhi me policin A.Spahiu?
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #merinmaci
Gazetari Merin Maçi dha detaje sonte në studion e “Opinion sa i takon rastit të efekti...
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #merinmaci
Gazetari Merin Maçi dha detaje sonte në studion e “Opinion sa i takon rastit të efektivit Azbi Spahiu. Bazuar tek hetimet e deritanishme të policisë për ngjarjen dhe deklarimeve të vetë 57 vjeçarit, Maçi theksoi se ajo që ka ndodhur me të “nuk ka aspak lidhje me detyrën e tij”.
Bëhet fjalë për një incident që siç ka thënë efektivi është “shkaktuar prej gjendjes së tij jo të mirë shëndetësore”.
Blendi Fevziu: Çfarë ka ndodhur me efektivin, pse ka heshtur policia për këtë rast. Si e ka hetuar dhe çfarë ka ndodhur në të vërtetë? Në çfarë rrethanash ka ndodhur ngjarja dhe në cilën ditë tamam?
Merin Maçi: Më 15 Janar, Policia e Tiranës është njoftuar nga një qytetar se një person në momentet e para i paidentifikuar është gjetur i shtrirë në tokë, pa ndjenja në afërsi të rrugës “Kongresi i Manastirit”. Në afërsi të QSUNT. Menjëherë është bërë këqyrja e personit, ku janë konstatuar dëmtime në pjesën e pasme të kokës dhe gjymtyrëve. Është marrë dëshmia e personit që e ka konstatuar i pari dhe policia ka sjellë një njoftim paraprak. Është dyshuar se ky person që më pas është identifikuar si 57 vjeçari Azbi Spahiu, oficer i Policisë Gjyqësore mund të ketë rënë nga lartësia.
Blendi Fevziu: Ç’do me thënë, se lartësia është nga 3 metra deri në 300 metra?
Merin Maçi: Të paktën kjo pjesë nuk është verifikuar nga ana e policisë deri më tani. Nuk ka një konkluzion përfundimtar, për sa kohë në vendin ku është gjetur personi nuk ka pasur kamera.
Blendi Fevziu: Ka dy versione që qarkullojnë, se është hedhur nga kati i 11-të ose kati i 7-të…
Merin Maçi: Ngjarja është referuar si aksidentale. Humbja e ndjenjave mund të ketë ardhur për arsye të ndryshme.
Blendi Fevziu: Po përderisa Policia thotë hedhje nga lartësia…
Merin Maçi: Kjo është thënë në njoftimin paraprak në bazë të deklarimeve që ka dhënë personi i parë që e ka konstatuar 57 vjeçarin. Është dërguar menjëherë në spitalin e Traumës. Ka një dëmtim në pjesën e pasme të kokës dhe në një prej rruazave të shtyllës kurrizore, por që nuk përbën problem për vazhdimësinë e punës së tij.
Sipas gazetarit, efektivi ndodhet në Spitalin e Traumës në gjendje të stabilizuar shëndetësore. Më tej shton se Spahiu “nuk kujton detaje se si ka humbur ndjenjat, por shprehet se kjo gjë nuk ka lidhje me detyrën e tij”.
Blendi Fevziu: A takuar zyrtar të lartë të Policisë para se të ndodhte ngjarja?
Merin Maçi: Ka takuar ditët e fudnit kolegët në komisariat. Një takim të tillë nuk e ka pohuar dhe sa i takon pretendimeve për presione, efektivi nuk e pohon një gjë të tillë. Ngjarja është trajtuar si aksidentale dhe nuk ka elemëntë që e çojnë në arsye apo shkaqe që mund të kenë shtyrë efektivin në akte të tjera.
Në mbyllje, Maçi thotë se “ai është një punonjës policie model dhe s’ka pasur asnjëherë vërejtje gjatë punës së tij”.
Kujtojmë se lidhur me rastin, pati një reagim nga ana e familjes së efektivit të Dielën. Familja Spahiu kërkoi që “asnjë veprim të mos ndërmerret në emrin e tyre”, duke theksuar “se kjo situatë është plotësisht personale”.
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
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Për më shumë informacione vizitoni faqen tonë web https://tvklan.al/
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#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan #merinmaci
Gazetari Merin Maçi dha detaje sonte në studion e “Opinion sa i takon rastit të efektivit Azbi Spahiu. Bazuar tek hetimet e deritanishme të policisë për ngjarjen dhe deklarimeve të vetë 57 vjeçarit, Maçi theksoi se ajo që ka ndodhur me të “nuk ka aspak lidhje me detyrën e tij”.
Bëhet fjalë për një incident që siç ka thënë efektivi është “shkaktuar prej gjendjes së tij jo të mirë shëndetësore”.
Blendi Fevziu: Çfarë ka ndodhur me efektivin, pse ka heshtur policia për këtë rast. Si e ka hetuar dhe çfarë ka ndodhur në të vërtetë? Në çfarë rrethanash ka ndodhur ngjarja dhe në cilën ditë tamam?
Merin Maçi: Më 15 Janar, Policia e Tiranës është njoftuar nga një qytetar se një person në momentet e para i paidentifikuar është gjetur i shtrirë në tokë, pa ndjenja në afërsi të rrugës “Kongresi i Manastirit”. Në afërsi të QSUNT. Menjëherë është bërë këqyrja e personit, ku janë konstatuar dëmtime në pjesën e pasme të kokës dhe gjymtyrëve. Është marrë dëshmia e personit që e ka konstatuar i pari dhe policia ka sjellë një njoftim paraprak. Është dyshuar se ky person që më pas është identifikuar si 57 vjeçari Azbi Spahiu, oficer i Policisë Gjyqësore mund të ketë rënë nga lartësia.
Blendi Fevziu: Ç’do me thënë, se lartësia është nga 3 metra deri në 300 metra?
Merin Maçi: Të paktën kjo pjesë nuk është verifikuar nga ana e policisë deri më tani. Nuk ka një konkluzion përfundimtar, për sa kohë në vendin ku është gjetur personi nuk ka pasur kamera.
Blendi Fevziu: Ka dy versione që qarkullojnë, se është hedhur nga kati i 11-të ose kati i 7-të…
Merin Maçi: Ngjarja është referuar si aksidentale. Humbja e ndjenjave mund të ketë ardhur për arsye të ndryshme.
Blendi Fevziu: Po përderisa Policia thotë hedhje nga lartësia…
Merin Maçi: Kjo është thënë në njoftimin paraprak në bazë të deklarimeve që ka dhënë personi i parë që e ka konstatuar 57 vjeçarin. Është dërguar menjëherë në spitalin e Traumës. Ka një dëmtim në pjesën e pasme të kokës dhe në një prej rruazave të shtyllës kurrizore, por që nuk përbën problem për vazhdimësinë e punës së tij.
Sipas gazetarit, efektivi ndodhet në Spitalin e Traumës në gjendje të stabilizuar shëndetësore. Më tej shton se Spahiu “nuk kujton detaje se si ka humbur ndjenjat, por shprehet se kjo gjë nuk ka lidhje me detyrën e tij”.
Blendi Fevziu: A takuar zyrtar të lartë të Policisë para se të ndodhte ngjarja?
Merin Maçi: Ka takuar ditët e fudnit kolegët në komisariat. Një takim të tillë nuk e ka pohuar dhe sa i takon pretendimeve për presione, efektivi nuk e pohon një gjë të tillë. Ngjarja është trajtuar si aksidentale dhe nuk ka elemëntë që e çojnë në arsye apo shkaqe që mund të kenë shtyrë efektivin në akte të tjera.
Në mbyllje, Maçi thotë se “ai është një punonjës policie model dhe s’ka pasur asnjëherë vërejtje gjatë punës së tij”.
Kujtojmë se lidhur me rastin, pati një reagim nga ana e familjes së efektivit të Dielën. Familja Spahiu kërkoi që “asnjë veprim të mos ndërmerret në emrin e tyre”, duke theksuar “se kjo situatë është plotësisht personale”.
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos!
Për më shumë informacione vizitoni faqen tonë web https://tvklan.al/
Videot e fundit nga Tv Klan i gjeni në faqen https://tvklan.al/video/
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- published: 20 Jan 2025
- views: 15670
Fact and Opinion for Kids | What Is the Difference between Facts and Opinions?
What is a fact? What is an opinion? And what is the difference between the two? In Fact and Opinion for Kids, you and your student(s) will learn how to tell the...
What is a fact? What is an opinion? And what is the difference between the two? In Fact and Opinion for Kids, you and your student(s) will learn how to tell the difference between a statement of fact and one that is simply a person's opinion.
This video starts out with a great example that demonstrates opinions. Andrew loves pizza, his mom loves ice cream, and his dad loves apples. None of these foods are the best food in the world to everyone, so each person's favorite food choice is their opinion. Facts are statements that can be proven. The sun is yellow. The sky is blue. These are facts that people can prove quite easily. Summer is the best time of year. Soccer is the most fun sport to play. These statements cannot be proven. They are opinions because people prefer different things. Some people may believe summer to be the best time of year. Others, though, might prefer autumn or winter weather even more.
Some opinions can be supported by facts. While they are still opinions, they can be considered widely accepted because of the facts that support them. There are two reasons to know the difference between facts and opinions. One reason is that listening to others' opinions help you better understand them and know them better. The other reason is that knowing the facts about something helps you make important decisions.
We hope you and your student(s) enjoyed learning how to differentiate between a fact and an opinion! If you want even more practice, head over to our website and download one of our many free lesson plans, full of activities, worksheets, and more!
What you will learn in this video:
0:00 Introduction to facts and opinions and example story
1:26 Tell the difference between facts and opinions
2:38 What is an opinion? What is a fact?
3:17 Listen and identify the facts and opinions
4:44 Opinions supported with facts
5:14 Confusing facts with opinions
6:15 Two reasons to know the difference between facts and opinions
Thank you for watching and learning with us! We’re constantly releasing new content and videos, so click that “Subscribe” button to get notified of any new content.
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Browse our entire collection of Reading lesson plans: https://learnbright.org/lessons/?filter_subject=reading
What is a fact? What is an opinion? And what is the difference between the two? In Fact and Opinion for Kids, you and your student(s) will learn how to tell the difference between a statement of fact and one that is simply a person's opinion.
This video starts out with a great example that demonstrates opinions. Andrew loves pizza, his mom loves ice cream, and his dad loves apples. None of these foods are the best food in the world to everyone, so each person's favorite food choice is their opinion. Facts are statements that can be proven. The sun is yellow. The sky is blue. These are facts that people can prove quite easily. Summer is the best time of year. Soccer is the most fun sport to play. These statements cannot be proven. They are opinions because people prefer different things. Some people may believe summer to be the best time of year. Others, though, might prefer autumn or winter weather even more.
Some opinions can be supported by facts. While they are still opinions, they can be considered widely accepted because of the facts that support them. There are two reasons to know the difference between facts and opinions. One reason is that listening to others' opinions help you better understand them and know them better. The other reason is that knowing the facts about something helps you make important decisions.
We hope you and your student(s) enjoyed learning how to differentiate between a fact and an opinion! If you want even more practice, head over to our website and download one of our many free lesson plans, full of activities, worksheets, and more!
What you will learn in this video:
0:00 Introduction to facts and opinions and example story
1:26 Tell the difference between facts and opinions
2:38 What is an opinion? What is a fact?
3:17 Listen and identify the facts and opinions
4:44 Opinions supported with facts
5:14 Confusing facts with opinions
6:15 Two reasons to know the difference between facts and opinions
Thank you for watching and learning with us! We’re constantly releasing new content and videos, so click that “Subscribe” button to get notified of any new content.
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*Teachers and Parents! Did you know? In addition to these great videos, we have also created a library of high-quality and engaging lessons for your elementary aged student(s). Visit us and sign up for a free account, and you will instantly have access to thousands of lesson plans, learning materials, teaching instructions, activities, and assignments that your kids will really enjoy! We hope to see you soon!
Browse our entire collection of Reading lesson plans: https://learnbright.org/lessons/?filter_subject=reading
- published: 27 Jan 2022
- views: 213667
“Deport People Who Are Here Illegally” | Reform UK Lead In Opinion Poll
Reform UK leads a national poll for the first time following the Southport killer sentencing.
Nigel Farage’s party, accusing Keir Starmer of a “cover-up” over t...
Reform UK leads a national poll for the first time following the Southport killer sentencing.
Nigel Farage’s party, accusing Keir Starmer of a “cover-up” over the attacks, now tops Labour and the Tories, according to Find Out Now.
Axel Rudakubana, who murdered three girls and attempted 10 more killings, was sentenced to 52 years. He also admitted to possessing al-Qaeda materials and making ricin.
The poll showed Reform at 26%, Conservatives at 23%, and Labour at 22%, with Labour facing backlash over economic policies and scandals.
David Bull hosts a head-to-head debate with former Labour adviser Joe Ryle and deputy policy director at the Centre for Social Justice, Sophia Worringer.
#news #politics #uk
Reform UK leads a national poll for the first time following the Southport killer sentencing.
Nigel Farage’s party, accusing Keir Starmer of a “cover-up” over the attacks, now tops Labour and the Tories, according to Find Out Now.
Axel Rudakubana, who murdered three girls and attempted 10 more killings, was sentenced to 52 years. He also admitted to possessing al-Qaeda materials and making ricin.
The poll showed Reform at 26%, Conservatives at 23%, and Labour at 22%, with Labour facing backlash over economic policies and scandals.
David Bull hosts a head-to-head debate with former Labour adviser Joe Ryle and deputy policy director at the Centre for Social Justice, Sophia Worringer.
#news #politics #uk
- published: 25 Jan 2025
- views: 32998
Opinion – Trump president, ç’do ndryshojë në Shqipëri dhe botë? – 20 Janar 2025
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër tak...
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos!
Të ftuar: Gerta Zaimi. Julian Zyla, Klevis Balliu, Preç Zogaj
Këtë të hënë Donald Trump në një ceremoni madhështore u inaugurua si Presidenti i 47-të i SHBA-ve. Në fakt ky është mandati i dytë i Trump si president, i cili vjen pas një shkëputjeje. Presidenca e Trump kësaj here duket se ka pritshmëri shumë herë më të larta se ato të 8 viteve më parë. Njëkohësisht ka më shumë vëmendje për shkak se situata botërore është shumë problematike vitet e fundit. Vëmendje ndaj Trump duket se është nga të katërta anët e globit. Së pari është vëmendja e vetë amerikanëve sa i përket ekonomisë dhe emigrantëve të paligjshëm. Është vëmendja e Europës ku marrëdhënia e Trump me vendet e BE-së është paksa e tensionuar. Raportet me NATO-n ku ai ka kërkuar një ngritje të shpenzimeve ushtarake me 4%. Pika më e nxehtë është lufta mes Rusisë dhe Ukrainës. Nga ana tjetër, problemi më i madh mbetet ai i përballje tregtare me Kinën, çfarë do të ndodhë mes SHBA-së dhe Kinës. Ndikimi i Trump nuk do të mungojë as në vendin tonë. Qeveria i ka hapur rrugën dhëndrit të Donald Trump për të investuar në ishullin e Sazanit, kurse nga ana tjetër opozita i ka sytë nga Presidenti ai për “non gratën” e Sali Berishës. Të gjithë këto tema të para nga këndvështrime të ndryshme diskutohen nga paneli i të ftuarve mbrëmjen e kësaj të hëne në studion e “Opinion” në Tv Klan.
Për më shumë informacione vizitoni faqen tonë web https://tvklan.al/
Videot e fundit nga Tv Klan i gjeni në faqen https://tvklan.al/video/
Follow Tvklan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvklan/
Follow Tvklan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rtvklan/
Programet e Tv Klan mund t’i ndiqni edhe në faqen https://tvklan.al/programe/
#Opinion | Emision politik live nga #BlendiFevziu në #TvKlan
Emisioni politik më i ndjekur dhe më i preferuar në ekranet shqiptare. “Opinion” vjen në katër takime çdo javë – e hënë, e martë, e mërkurë dhe takimi tradicional i të enjtes mbrëma.
SUBSCRIBE to “RTV KLAN” on YouTube for more videos!
Të ftuar: Gerta Zaimi. Julian Zyla, Klevis Balliu, Preç Zogaj
Këtë të hënë Donald Trump në një ceremoni madhështore u inaugurua si Presidenti i 47-të i SHBA-ve. Në fakt ky është mandati i dytë i Trump si president, i cili vjen pas një shkëputjeje. Presidenca e Trump kësaj here duket se ka pritshmëri shumë herë më të larta se ato të 8 viteve më parë. Njëkohësisht ka më shumë vëmendje për shkak se situata botërore është shumë problematike vitet e fundit. Vëmendje ndaj Trump duket se është nga të katërta anët e globit. Së pari është vëmendja e vetë amerikanëve sa i përket ekonomisë dhe emigrantëve të paligjshëm. Është vëmendja e Europës ku marrëdhënia e Trump me vendet e BE-së është paksa e tensionuar. Raportet me NATO-n ku ai ka kërkuar një ngritje të shpenzimeve ushtarake me 4%. Pika më e nxehtë është lufta mes Rusisë dhe Ukrainës. Nga ana tjetër, problemi më i madh mbetet ai i përballje tregtare me Kinën, çfarë do të ndodhë mes SHBA-së dhe Kinës. Ndikimi i Trump nuk do të mungojë as në vendin tonë. Qeveria i ka hapur rrugën dhëndrit të Donald Trump për të investuar në ishullin e Sazanit, kurse nga ana tjetër opozita i ka sytë nga Presidenti ai për “non gratën” e Sali Berishës. Të gjithë këto tema të para nga këndvështrime të ndryshme diskutohen nga paneli i të ftuarve mbrëmjen e kësaj të hëne në studion e “Opinion” në Tv Klan.
Për më shumë informacione vizitoni faqen tonë web https://tvklan.al/
Videot e fundit nga Tv Klan i gjeni në faqen https://tvklan.al/video/
Follow Tvklan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvklan/
Follow Tvklan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rtvklan/
Programet e Tv Klan mund t’i ndiqni edhe në faqen https://tvklan.al/programe/
- published: 20 Jan 2025
- views: 17919
How Google handles disambiguation?
Watch the full episode on our channel!
Welcome to WeAreDevelopers, the premier developer community in Europe! This is your one-stop destination for the latest tech insights, tutorials, and career advice to elevate your developer career.
Stay updated with our weekly newsletter, Dev Digest, featuring the most recent tech trends, career guidance, and original content crafted by developers, for developers.
Subscribe now at https://www.wearedevelopers.com/about/newsletter
Interested in advancing your career? Browse through our job board featuring over 190,000 jobs. Unlock exclusive job opportunities by creating your free developer profile at https://www.wearedevelopers.com
Don't miss out on the annual highlight of every developer's calendar - the WeAreDevelopers World Congres...
published: 10 Jan 2025
What is the meaning of the word DISAMBIGUATION?
Definition and spelling of the word DISAMBIGUATION.
► created for Audio-Visual Lexis https://www.avlexis.com ◄
▬▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
(00:00) Intro
(00:07) As a noun
(00:15) Spelling
As a noun (00:07):
• clarification that follows from the removal of ambiguity
▬▬ Social Media ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AVLexis
► Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/AVLexisdotcom
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/AVLexisdotcom
► Website: https://www.avlexis.com
#disambiguation #definitions #words #AVLexis
▬▬ Liability Disclaimer ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
published: 06 Feb 2021
The RAREST Move in Chess - DOUBLE DISAMBIGUATION @GMHikaru Explains... #chess #doubledisambiguation
@GMHikaru Explains the Rarest Move in Chess ... Kinda
published: 20 Jul 2024
HIKARU EXPLAINS DOUBLE DISAMBIGUATION... UMMM #gmhikaru #chess #raremove #doubledisambiguation
Anyone understand it yet?
published: 23 Jul 2024
How should we think about disambiguation?
Eric & Ankit explain disambiguation and how to interpret responses that aren't straightforward.
To learn more, please visit http://www.allyo.com
published: 19 Jul 2018
Under the hood What disambiguation means | Xapien
As a researcher reading articles and other content from different online sources, you need to clarify the main subject to make sure it's relevant to your subject. This is important for data privacy reasons, as well as accuracy.
But it's challenging and time-consuming since names are often common and when you search common names online, you’ll get millions of results — some of which are about your research subject and some aren’t.
It falls to the researcher to spend hours figuring out which bits of information are actually about their research subject. To do this, we analyse the context — surrounding information in the text, combined with the information you know about the subject — to work out whether it’s them or not. This complex process is what we call disambiguation.
published: 11 Jun 2024
Mathematical theory (disambiguation) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:19 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard spe...
published: 07 Oct 2019
Chief Scientific Adviser (disambiguation) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
published: 07 Oct 2019
#HMC Disambiguation - Bon Con I 2023K15C
How Minds Change, by David McRaney 2022. Pp 76-79. Crocs and Socks.
Previous: https://youtu.be/5zp8HYlcDG0
Next: https://youtu.be/tsVUtbNA7zw
published: 15 Nov 2023
Presentation on Word Sense Disambiguation Algorithm
published: 16 May 2014
Disambiguation – Linking Data Science and Engineering | NLP Summit 2020
Get your Free Spark NLP and Spark OCR Free Trial: https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/spark-nlp-try-free/
Register for NLP Summit 2021: https://www.nlpsummit.org/2021-events/
Watch all NLP Summit 2020 sessions: https://www.nlpsummit.org/
Disambiguation or Entity Linking is the assignment of a knowledge base identifier (Wikidata, Wikipedia) to a named entity. Our goal was to improve an MVP model by adding newly created knowledge while maintaining competitive F1 scores.
Taking an entity linking model from MVP into production in a spaCy-native pipeline architecture posed several data science and engineering challenges, such as hyperparameter estimation and knowledge enhancement, which we addressed by taking advantage of the engineering tools Docker and Kubernetes to semi-automate training as a...
published: 07 Jan 2021
Arya's Death List and Disambiguation #shorts
The order of Arya's death list in A Song of Ice and Fire actually relies a bit on disambiguation...
▬▬▬▬ Follow Me on Social Media! ▬▬▬▬
▬▬▬▬ Check Out These Videos! ▬▬▬▬
The Purple Wedding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkIczwc7Hz8
A Frey in the Snow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CaDHo9BsJI&
The Deeper Dorne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55N8Q6OINHg&t;=1s
#asongoficeandfire #gameofthrones #houseofthedragon
published: 01 Feb 2023
Wikipedia - Disambiguation Case Study
Disambiguation in Wikipedia is the process of resolving conflicts that arise when a potential article title is ambiguous, most often because it refers to more than one subject covered by Wikipedia, either as the main topic of an article, or as a subtopic covered by an article in addition to the article's main topic.
Udemy Course
published: 19 Jul 2024
the perfect disambiguation page for deviant art users
of course they pick fnf characters
published: 26 May 2022
How Google handles disambiguation?
Watch the full episode on our channel!
Welcome to WeAreDevelopers, the premier developer community in Europe! This is your one-stop destination f...
Watch the full episode on our channel!
Welcome to WeAreDevelopers, the premier developer community in Europe! This is your one-stop destination for the latest tech insights, tutorials, and career advice to elevate your developer career.
Stay updated with our weekly newsletter, Dev Digest, featuring the most recent tech trends, career guidance, and original content crafted by developers, for developers.
Subscribe now at https://www.wearedevelopers.com/about/newsletter
Interested in advancing your career? Browse through our job board featuring over 190,000 jobs. Unlock exclusive job opportunities by creating your free developer profile at https://www.wearedevelopers.com
Don't miss out on the annual highlight of every developer's calendar - the WeAreDevelopers World Congress. Network with 15,000 peers and learn from over 500 speakers.
Secure your spot at https://www.wearedevelopers.com/world-congress and save 10% with the code "wearedevs_yt"
Watch the full episode on our channel!
Welcome to WeAreDevelopers, the premier developer community in Europe! This is your one-stop destination for the latest tech insights, tutorials, and career advice to elevate your developer career.
Stay updated with our weekly newsletter, Dev Digest, featuring the most recent tech trends, career guidance, and original content crafted by developers, for developers.
Subscribe now at https://www.wearedevelopers.com/about/newsletter
Interested in advancing your career? Browse through our job board featuring over 190,000 jobs. Unlock exclusive job opportunities by creating your free developer profile at https://www.wearedevelopers.com
Don't miss out on the annual highlight of every developer's calendar - the WeAreDevelopers World Congress. Network with 15,000 peers and learn from over 500 speakers.
Secure your spot at https://www.wearedevelopers.com/world-congress and save 10% with the code "wearedevs_yt"
- published: 10 Jan 2025
- views: 431
What is the meaning of the word DISAMBIGUATION?
Definition and spelling of the word DISAMBIGUATION.
► created for Audio-Visual Lexis https://www.avlexis.com ◄
▬▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Definition and spelling of the word DISAMBIGUATION.
► created for Audio-Visual Lexis https://www.avlexis.com ◄
▬▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
(00:00) Intro
(00:07) As a noun
(00:15) Spelling
As a noun (00:07):
• clarification that follows from the removal of ambiguity
▬▬ Social Media ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AVLexis
► Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/AVLexisdotcom
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/AVLexisdotcom
► Website: https://www.avlexis.com
#disambiguation #definitions #words #AVLexis
▬▬ Liability Disclaimer ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Definition and spelling of the word DISAMBIGUATION.
► created for Audio-Visual Lexis https://www.avlexis.com ◄
▬▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
(00:00) Intro
(00:07) As a noun
(00:15) Spelling
As a noun (00:07):
• clarification that follows from the removal of ambiguity
▬▬ Social Media ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AVLexis
► Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/AVLexisdotcom
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/AVLexisdotcom
► Website: https://www.avlexis.com
#disambiguation #definitions #words #AVLexis
▬▬ Liability Disclaimer ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
- published: 06 Feb 2021
- views: 275
How should we think about disambiguation?
Eric & Ankit explain disambiguation and how to interpret responses that aren't straightforward.
To learn more, please visit http://www.allyo.com
Eric & Ankit explain disambiguation and how to interpret responses that aren't straightforward.
To learn more, please visit http://www.allyo.com
Eric & Ankit explain disambiguation and how to interpret responses that aren't straightforward.
To learn more, please visit http://www.allyo.com
- published: 19 Jul 2018
- views: 186
Under the hood What disambiguation means | Xapien
As a researcher reading articles and other content from different online sources, you need to clarify the main subject to make sure it's relevant to your subjec...
As a researcher reading articles and other content from different online sources, you need to clarify the main subject to make sure it's relevant to your subject. This is important for data privacy reasons, as well as accuracy.
But it's challenging and time-consuming since names are often common and when you search common names online, you’ll get millions of results — some of which are about your research subject and some aren’t.
It falls to the researcher to spend hours figuring out which bits of information are actually about their research subject. To do this, we analyse the context — surrounding information in the text, combined with the information you know about the subject — to work out whether it’s them or not. This complex process is what we call disambiguation.
As a researcher reading articles and other content from different online sources, you need to clarify the main subject to make sure it's relevant to your subject. This is important for data privacy reasons, as well as accuracy.
But it's challenging and time-consuming since names are often common and when you search common names online, you’ll get millions of results — some of which are about your research subject and some aren’t.
It falls to the researcher to spend hours figuring out which bits of information are actually about their research subject. To do this, we analyse the context — surrounding information in the text, combined with the information you know about the subject — to work out whether it’s them or not. This complex process is what we call disambiguation.
- published: 11 Jun 2024
- views: 27
Mathematical theory (disambiguation) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:19 See also
Listening is...
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:19 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
Listen on Google Assistant through Extra Audio:
Other Wikipedia audio articles at:
Upload your own Wikipedia articles through:
Speaking Rate: 0.9032104135697917
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
The term mathematical theory may refer to:
Theory (mathematical logic), a collection of sentences in a formal language.
Mathematical theory, a branch of mathematics
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:19 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
Listen on Google Assistant through Extra Audio:
Other Wikipedia audio articles at:
Upload your own Wikipedia articles through:
Speaking Rate: 0.9032104135697917
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
The term mathematical theory may refer to:
Theory (mathematical logic), a collection of sentences in a formal language.
Mathematical theory, a branch of mathematics
- published: 07 Oct 2019
- views: 40
Chief Scientific Adviser (disambiguation) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learnin...
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
Listen on Google Assistant through Extra Audio:
Other Wikipedia audio articles at:
Upload your own Wikipedia articles through:
Speaking Rate: 0.9050319576419175
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-B
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
Chief Scientific Adviser may refer to:
Government Chief Scientific Adviser (United Kingdom)
Chief Science Advisor (Canada)
Science Advisor to the President of the United States
Ministry of Science and Technology (Pakistan)#Science Advisors
other providers of Science advice
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
Listen on Google Assistant through Extra Audio:
Other Wikipedia audio articles at:
Upload your own Wikipedia articles through:
Speaking Rate: 0.9050319576419175
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-B
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
Chief Scientific Adviser may refer to:
Government Chief Scientific Adviser (United Kingdom)
Chief Science Advisor (Canada)
Science Advisor to the President of the United States
Ministry of Science and Technology (Pakistan)#Science Advisors
other providers of Science advice
- published: 07 Oct 2019
- views: 7
#HMC Disambiguation - Bon Con I 2023K15C
How Minds Change, by David McRaney 2022. Pp 76-79. Crocs and Socks.
Previous: https://youtu.be/5zp8HYlcDG0
Next: https://youtu.be/tsVUtbNA7zw
How Minds Change, by David McRaney 2022. Pp 76-79. Crocs and Socks.
Previous: https://youtu.be/5zp8HYlcDG0
Next: https://youtu.be/tsVUtbNA7zw
How Minds Change, by David McRaney 2022. Pp 76-79. Crocs and Socks.
Previous: https://youtu.be/5zp8HYlcDG0
Next: https://youtu.be/tsVUtbNA7zw
- published: 15 Nov 2023
- views: 10
Disambiguation – Linking Data Science and Engineering | NLP Summit 2020
Get your Free Spark NLP and Spark OCR Free Trial: https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/spark-nlp-try-free/
Register for NLP Summit 2021: https://www.nlpsummit.org/2021...
Get your Free Spark NLP and Spark OCR Free Trial: https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/spark-nlp-try-free/
Register for NLP Summit 2021: https://www.nlpsummit.org/2021-events/
Watch all NLP Summit 2020 sessions: https://www.nlpsummit.org/
Disambiguation or Entity Linking is the assignment of a knowledge base identifier (Wikidata, Wikipedia) to a named entity. Our goal was to improve an MVP model by adding newly created knowledge while maintaining competitive F1 scores.
Taking an entity linking model from MVP into production in a spaCy-native pipeline architecture posed several data science and engineering challenges, such as hyperparameter estimation and knowledge enhancement, which we addressed by taking advantage of the engineering tools Docker and Kubernetes to semi-automate training as an on-demand job.
We also discuss some of our learnings and process improvements that were needed to strike a balance between data science goals and engineering constraints and present our current work on improving performance through BERT-embedding based contextual similarity.
Get your Free Spark NLP and Spark OCR Free Trial: https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/spark-nlp-try-free/
Register for NLP Summit 2021: https://www.nlpsummit.org/2021-events/
Watch all NLP Summit 2020 sessions: https://www.nlpsummit.org/
Disambiguation or Entity Linking is the assignment of a knowledge base identifier (Wikidata, Wikipedia) to a named entity. Our goal was to improve an MVP model by adding newly created knowledge while maintaining competitive F1 scores.
Taking an entity linking model from MVP into production in a spaCy-native pipeline architecture posed several data science and engineering challenges, such as hyperparameter estimation and knowledge enhancement, which we addressed by taking advantage of the engineering tools Docker and Kubernetes to semi-automate training as an on-demand job.
We also discuss some of our learnings and process improvements that were needed to strike a balance between data science goals and engineering constraints and present our current work on improving performance through BERT-embedding based contextual similarity.
- published: 07 Jan 2021
- views: 545
Arya's Death List and Disambiguation #shorts
The order of Arya's death list in A Song of Ice and Fire actually relies a bit on disambiguation...
▬▬▬▬ Follow Me on Social Media! ▬▬▬▬
The order of Arya's death list in A Song of Ice and Fire actually relies a bit on disambiguation...
▬▬▬▬ Follow Me on Social Media! ▬▬▬▬
▬▬▬▬ Check Out These Videos! ▬▬▬▬
The Purple Wedding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkIczwc7Hz8
A Frey in the Snow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CaDHo9BsJI&
The Deeper Dorne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55N8Q6OINHg&t;=1s
#asongoficeandfire #gameofthrones #houseofthedragon
The order of Arya's death list in A Song of Ice and Fire actually relies a bit on disambiguation...
▬▬▬▬ Follow Me on Social Media! ▬▬▬▬
▬▬▬▬ Check Out These Videos! ▬▬▬▬
The Purple Wedding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkIczwc7Hz8
A Frey in the Snow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CaDHo9BsJI&
The Deeper Dorne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55N8Q6OINHg&t;=1s
#asongoficeandfire #gameofthrones #houseofthedragon
- published: 01 Feb 2023
- views: 20267
Wikipedia - Disambiguation Case Study
Disambiguation in Wikipedia is the process of resolving conflicts that arise when a potential article title is ambiguous, most often because it refers to more t...
Disambiguation in Wikipedia is the process of resolving conflicts that arise when a potential article title is ambiguous, most often because it refers to more than one subject covered by Wikipedia, either as the main topic of an article, or as a subtopic covered by an article in addition to the article's main topic.
Udemy Course
Disambiguation in Wikipedia is the process of resolving conflicts that arise when a potential article title is ambiguous, most often because it refers to more than one subject covered by Wikipedia, either as the main topic of an article, or as a subtopic covered by an article in addition to the article's main topic.
Udemy Course
- published: 19 Jul 2024
- views: 24
What is a Legal Opinion Letter? A Tsang and Associates Success Story
A legal opinion letter is generally requested by a person or an entity that requires an analysis of a particular area of law. Common uses include valuations of business for IPO, asset valuations for mortgage or loan applications, criminal background analysis, and many others.
In our newest series, Joseph examines some of our firm’s success stories to show the various ways legal opinions letters can come into play, why they are hard to find, and what makes a good one.
Topics discussed:
1.A legal opinion letter explained
2. How to write a legal opinion letter
3. Due diligence opinion letters
4. Legal opinions in real estate
5. Legal opinions in IPO
6. Legal opinions in criminal law
This video is brought to you by Tsang and Associates, a boutique international law firm that solves legal pr...
published: 18 Apr 2022
Legal opinion | meaning of Legal opinion
What is LEGAL OPINION meaning?
Susan Miller (2022, August 18.) Legal opinion meaning
© 2022 Proficiency in English Language Foundation, All rights reserved
published: 12 Sep 2022
Understanding Legal Opinions and Argument
An introduction to the IRAC concept and using precedent to guide legal analysis. Also breaks down the parts of a Maryland appellate opinion.
published: 06 Sep 2016
how to draft legal opinions?
Learn what to do and what not to do while drafting a legal opinion.
published: 15 Apr 2020
Prof Alvi Syahrin Berikan Materi Legal Opinion
Hi...! Sobat Perjuangan
Pada Video kali ini Prof. Alvi Syahrin Memberikan Materi Legal Opinion pada materi PKPA Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat yang dilaksanakan di Grand Kanaya Hotel.
Semoga video-video yang kami berikan memberikan manfaat...
#pkpa #legal #opinion
published: 17 Feb 2023
13 Langkah Mudah Membuat Legal Opinion (Pendapat Hukum)
Hello semuanya!!
Ini merupakan tutorial Membuat Legal Opinion, saya harap dapat memudahkan kalian semua dalam membuat Pendapat hukum .
Kalian dapat menghargai karya ini dengan cara memberikan Comment, Like, dan Subscribe akun ini karena akan ada banyak informasi dan tutorial lain dalam akun ini nantinya..
Check My Instagram account :
Backsound yang saya gunakan:
Never Be Friends by Dylan Emmet https://soundcloud.com/dylanemmet
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/never-be-friends
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/89AQsDYk04Q
Coming Home (ft Ollie Wade) by Niwel & Altero
published: 24 Jun 2020
Legal Opinion
Legal Opinion
🔍 Unlock the secrets of crafting impeccable legal opinions with our latest video! 📚✨ Whether you're a law student or a practicing attorney looking to enhance your skills, this tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to writing a compelling and well-structured legal opinion.
In this video, we delve into:
📝 Understanding the Purpose: Learn why legal opinions are crucial in the legal profession and how they serve as valuable tools in advising clients and making informed decisions.
🧠 Structuring Your Opinion: Explore the key components of a legal opinion, from the introduction to the conclusion. Master the art of presenting your analysis in a clear, concise, and logical manner.
📌 Citation and Legal Research: Discover effective strategies for conducting thorough legal research...
published: 02 Apr 2020
Draft of Legal Opinion # Legal opinion relating to case
published: 12 May 2022
Legal Opinion & Debate over Amritpal Singh Bail matter at Living India News Channel by Varun Bansal
Varun Bansal Advocate Legal Opinion over Amritpal Singh Bail matter at Living India News Channel
published: 24 Jan 2025
Legal Opinion on Property | మీ ప్రాపర్టీ పై లోన్లు తీసుకోవాలంటే | Nyaya Salaha | Eagle Media Works
Watch Legal Opinion on Property | మీ ప్రాపర్టీ పై లోన్లు తీసుకోవాలంటే | Nyaya Salaha | Eagle Media Works
For More Interesting videos Subscribe us on ►https://www.youtube.com/c/EagleMediaWorks
Follow my social media!
☛ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EagleMediaWorks
☛ Eagle Media Blogger : http://eaglemediaworks.blogspot.in/
☛ Follow Us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/eaglemediaworks
☛ Visit our Official Website : http://www.eagleandhra.com/
► Sports Page : https://www.facebook.com/sportstelugu/
Like & Subcribe & Comment
Thank You all member for watching !
published: 22 Jun 2019
How to draft a legal opinion? | Komal Anwar
This video explains the fundamentals of writing a legal opinion along with a practical example of how a query should be answered.
It is unfortunate that many law institutions do not teach practical work in law firms such as writing legal opinions which is essential for lawyers at both corporate and litigation law firms.
Hope you all like this video. Let me know your comments and your suggestions for other videos in the comments section down below!
Email address: komal_anwar@hotmail.com
published: 12 May 2022
Video Tutorial Cara membuat Legal Opinion by Ruli Agustin.
Kenapa gue buat video tutorial ini?
Karena gue punya pengalaman setelah lulus kuliah atau fresh graduate, skill gue minim, jangankan dapet kerja, buat interview aja susah.
Mau ikut pelatihan pun gue gak bisa, karena tidak punya uang. Akhirnya gue kerja dengan skill yang minim dan digaji dengan murah. Gue gamau ada orang yang bernasib sama.
Well, tonton aja video gue sampe abis, 10 menit ilmu buat seumur hidup.
File-file bahannya bisa didownload disini:
Tonton juga Episode lain dari Legal Series Officer tentang tutorial lainnya:
Eps 1 (Membaca Akta Perusahaan): https://youtu.be/X8M_FnRyrDg
Eps 2 (Review Kontrak/Perjanjian): https://youtu.be/7...
published: 26 Mar 2023
LEGAL OPINION | சட்ட ஆலோசனை | Sattam Arivom Advocate Lawyer M. Sundara pandya raja l Tamil Law
Mr. M.Sundara Pandya Raja
An advocate of the Supreme court of India & High Court of Madras and Secretary of Human Rights Committee & Associate Editor of The Public Reporter, famous and well-known advocate and legal consultant in Chennai.
Mobile No: 7373088222
E mail : msprajaadvocate@gmail.com
You can also keep in Touch & Follow & contact with me on,
Face book : https://www.facebook.com/lawsundar5
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AdvSundara
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/advocatesun...
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/advocate-...
Contact Information:
Office Address:
NO:128, 2nd Floor, Sakthi Flat, N.T.R Street Kodambakkam,
Chennai - 600 024
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/yt4Cge5NHiS2
For appointment: http://www.thechennailawyer.in/bookAp...
For Inquiry and ...
published: 14 Sep 2022
Legal Opinion Part #1 ll Dr. Edi Krisharyanto, S.H., M.H.
Menurut Edi Krisharyanto legal opinion merupakan senjata pertama dan utama bagi seorang advokat, mahasiswa hukum, bahkan bagi hakim. Pertanyannyan, Apa itu legal opinion? Seberapa penting sih legal opinion itu? simak jawabannya.
Dr. Edi Krisharyanto, S.H., M.H. berprofesi sebagai Dosen di Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, saat ini ia menjabat sebagai Wakil Rektor III di UWK Surabaya.
Semoga bermanfaat sobat, supaya kami semakin giat membagikan informasi dan edukasi hukum, jangan lupa Subscribe, Like, Comment dan Share Channal Youtube pinterhukum yaa.
Find Us!
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pinterhukum-154948753363873/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pinterhukum?lang=id-ID
published: 31 Dec 2021
What is a Legal Opinion Letter? A Tsang and Associates Success Story
A legal opinion letter is generally requested by a person or an entity that requires an analysis of a particular area of law. Common uses include valuations of ...
A legal opinion letter is generally requested by a person or an entity that requires an analysis of a particular area of law. Common uses include valuations of business for IPO, asset valuations for mortgage or loan applications, criminal background analysis, and many others.
In our newest series, Joseph examines some of our firm’s success stories to show the various ways legal opinions letters can come into play, why they are hard to find, and what makes a good one.
Topics discussed:
1.A legal opinion letter explained
2. How to write a legal opinion letter
3. Due diligence opinion letters
4. Legal opinions in real estate
5. Legal opinions in IPO
6. Legal opinions in criminal law
This video is brought to you by Tsang and Associates, a boutique international law firm that solves legal problems with creative solutions.
Contact us at info@tsangslaw.com or call us at (562) 924 1981 today to learn more!
We are open Mondays-Fridays 9:00am-6:00pm PT
💻Connect with us!
Website: https://www.tsangslaw.com
Instagram Handle: @tsangslaw
Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/tsangslaw/?...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsangslaw/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tsan...
Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/tsang-and-as...
Glassdoor: https://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Wo...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsangslaw
🎙Listen to our true-crime podcast "AfterHour", where Investigative journalist Jane Steele hires Joseph to solve societal issues:
Link to the Podcast: https://www.podpage.com/afterhour/
Listen to AfterHour on these directories:
Link to the Podcast: https://www.podpage.com/afterhour/
Listen to AfterHour on these directories:
1. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/04RYAPOeoS4i32W5Ipuiz2
2. Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/afterhour/id1574044131
3. Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/89330de7-bc8a-48d9-bf2a-33d1dd94571a/afterhour
4. Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/afterhour
5. Podcast Addict: https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/3514098
6. Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/afterhour-1960669
7. Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/syy6i82p
8. Listen Notes: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/afterhour-tsang-associates-plc-XcsYtIe1xa7/
9. Player FM: https://player.fm/series/afterhour
10. Player Index: https://podcastindex.org/podcast/4036263
A legal opinion letter is generally requested by a person or an entity that requires an analysis of a particular area of law. Common uses include valuations of business for IPO, asset valuations for mortgage or loan applications, criminal background analysis, and many others.
In our newest series, Joseph examines some of our firm’s success stories to show the various ways legal opinions letters can come into play, why they are hard to find, and what makes a good one.
Topics discussed:
1.A legal opinion letter explained
2. How to write a legal opinion letter
3. Due diligence opinion letters
4. Legal opinions in real estate
5. Legal opinions in IPO
6. Legal opinions in criminal law
This video is brought to you by Tsang and Associates, a boutique international law firm that solves legal problems with creative solutions.
Contact us at info@tsangslaw.com or call us at (562) 924 1981 today to learn more!
We are open Mondays-Fridays 9:00am-6:00pm PT
💻Connect with us!
Website: https://www.tsangslaw.com
Instagram Handle: @tsangslaw
Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/tsangslaw/?...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsangslaw/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tsan...
Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/tsang-and-as...
Glassdoor: https://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Wo...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsangslaw
🎙Listen to our true-crime podcast "AfterHour", where Investigative journalist Jane Steele hires Joseph to solve societal issues:
Link to the Podcast: https://www.podpage.com/afterhour/
Listen to AfterHour on these directories:
Link to the Podcast: https://www.podpage.com/afterhour/
Listen to AfterHour on these directories:
1. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/04RYAPOeoS4i32W5Ipuiz2
2. Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/afterhour/id1574044131
3. Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/89330de7-bc8a-48d9-bf2a-33d1dd94571a/afterhour
4. Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/afterhour
5. Podcast Addict: https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/3514098
6. Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/afterhour-1960669
7. Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/syy6i82p
8. Listen Notes: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/afterhour-tsang-associates-plc-XcsYtIe1xa7/
9. Player FM: https://player.fm/series/afterhour
10. Player Index: https://podcastindex.org/podcast/4036263
- published: 18 Apr 2022
- views: 8390
Legal opinion | meaning of Legal opinion
What is LEGAL OPINION meaning?
Susan Miller (2022, August 18.) Legal opinion meaning
© 2022 Proficiency in English La...
What is LEGAL OPINION meaning?
Susan Miller (2022, August 18.) Legal opinion meaning
© 2022 Proficiency in English Language Foundation, All rights reserved
What is LEGAL OPINION meaning?
Susan Miller (2022, August 18.) Legal opinion meaning
© 2022 Proficiency in English Language Foundation, All rights reserved
- published: 12 Sep 2022
- views: 915
Understanding Legal Opinions and Argument
An introduction to the IRAC concept and using precedent to guide legal analysis. Also breaks down the parts of a Maryland appellate opinion.
An introduction to the IRAC concept and using precedent to guide legal analysis. Also breaks down the parts of a Maryland appellate opinion.
An introduction to the IRAC concept and using precedent to guide legal analysis. Also breaks down the parts of a Maryland appellate opinion.
- published: 06 Sep 2016
- views: 7594
how to draft legal opinions?
Learn what to do and what not to do while drafting a legal opinion.
Learn what to do and what not to do while drafting a legal opinion.
Learn what to do and what not to do while drafting a legal opinion.
- published: 15 Apr 2020
- views: 21428
Prof Alvi Syahrin Berikan Materi Legal Opinion
Hi...! Sobat Perjuangan
Pada Video kali ini Prof. Alvi Syahrin Memberikan Materi Legal Opinion pada materi PKPA Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat yang dilaksan...
Hi...! Sobat Perjuangan
Pada Video kali ini Prof. Alvi Syahrin Memberikan Materi Legal Opinion pada materi PKPA Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat yang dilaksanakan di Grand Kanaya Hotel.
Semoga video-video yang kami berikan memberikan manfaat...
#pkpa #legal #opinion
Hi...! Sobat Perjuangan
Pada Video kali ini Prof. Alvi Syahrin Memberikan Materi Legal Opinion pada materi PKPA Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat yang dilaksanakan di Grand Kanaya Hotel.
Semoga video-video yang kami berikan memberikan manfaat...
#pkpa #legal #opinion
- published: 17 Feb 2023
- views: 6114
13 Langkah Mudah Membuat Legal Opinion (Pendapat Hukum)
Hello semuanya!!
Ini merupakan tutorial Membuat Legal Opinion, saya harap dapat memudahkan kalian semua dalam membuat Pendapat hukum .
Kalian dapat menghargai k...
Hello semuanya!!
Ini merupakan tutorial Membuat Legal Opinion, saya harap dapat memudahkan kalian semua dalam membuat Pendapat hukum .
Kalian dapat menghargai karya ini dengan cara memberikan Comment, Like, dan Subscribe akun ini karena akan ada banyak informasi dan tutorial lain dalam akun ini nantinya..
Check My Instagram account :
Backsound yang saya gunakan:
Never Be Friends by Dylan Emmet https://soundcloud.com/dylanemmet
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/never-be-friends
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/89AQsDYk04Q
Coming Home (ft Ollie Wade) by Niwel & Altero
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/-coming-home
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/VEB9j346fPE
Forgotten Heroes by 3rd Silhouette https://soundcloud.com/3rdsilhouette
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/_forgotten-heroes
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/7n8TGIYP788
Hello semuanya!!
Ini merupakan tutorial Membuat Legal Opinion, saya harap dapat memudahkan kalian semua dalam membuat Pendapat hukum .
Kalian dapat menghargai karya ini dengan cara memberikan Comment, Like, dan Subscribe akun ini karena akan ada banyak informasi dan tutorial lain dalam akun ini nantinya..
Check My Instagram account :
Backsound yang saya gunakan:
Never Be Friends by Dylan Emmet https://soundcloud.com/dylanemmet
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/never-be-friends
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/89AQsDYk04Q
Coming Home (ft Ollie Wade) by Niwel & Altero
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/-coming-home
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/VEB9j346fPE
Forgotten Heroes by 3rd Silhouette https://soundcloud.com/3rdsilhouette
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/_forgotten-heroes
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/7n8TGIYP788
- published: 24 Jun 2020
- views: 24212
Legal Opinion
Legal Opinion
🔍 Unlock the secrets of crafting impeccable legal opinions with our latest video! 📚✨ Whether you're a law student or a practicing attorney lookin...
Legal Opinion
🔍 Unlock the secrets of crafting impeccable legal opinions with our latest video! 📚✨ Whether you're a law student or a practicing attorney looking to enhance your skills, this tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to writing a compelling and well-structured legal opinion.
In this video, we delve into:
📝 Understanding the Purpose: Learn why legal opinions are crucial in the legal profession and how they serve as valuable tools in advising clients and making informed decisions.
🧠 Structuring Your Opinion: Explore the key components of a legal opinion, from the introduction to the conclusion. Master the art of presenting your analysis in a clear, concise, and logical manner.
📌 Citation and Legal Research: Discover effective strategies for conducting thorough legal research and properly citing authorities to bolster the credibility of your opinion.
💼 Practical Tips: Benefit from valuable insights and practical tips shared by seasoned legal professionals, offering real-world advice on honing your opinion-writing skills.
🔗 Resource Links: Find useful templates, examples, and additional resources to further enhance your understanding and application of legal opinion writing.
🚀 Elevate your legal writing skills and stand out in the competitive legal landscape! Don't miss out on this comprehensive guide—watch the video now and embark on your journey to mastering the art of legal opinions. 🎓🏛️
#LegalOpinions #Lawyers #LegalWriting #LawStudents #LegalAdvice #LawTutorial #LegalProfession #LawSchoolTips
Disclaimer - Nothing on this channel (inclusive of videos, articles or comments) and other form of publication hereon should be construed as legal advice from any member, employee of or this company or channel. The videos, articles and comments published are for general information purposes only and may not apply directly to any specific circumstances. Your are advised to obtain professional advice for your particular situation or circumstances and not base any action on any article published on this channel or the videos hereon.
Legal Opinion
🔍 Unlock the secrets of crafting impeccable legal opinions with our latest video! 📚✨ Whether you're a law student or a practicing attorney looking to enhance your skills, this tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to writing a compelling and well-structured legal opinion.
In this video, we delve into:
📝 Understanding the Purpose: Learn why legal opinions are crucial in the legal profession and how they serve as valuable tools in advising clients and making informed decisions.
🧠 Structuring Your Opinion: Explore the key components of a legal opinion, from the introduction to the conclusion. Master the art of presenting your analysis in a clear, concise, and logical manner.
📌 Citation and Legal Research: Discover effective strategies for conducting thorough legal research and properly citing authorities to bolster the credibility of your opinion.
💼 Practical Tips: Benefit from valuable insights and practical tips shared by seasoned legal professionals, offering real-world advice on honing your opinion-writing skills.
🔗 Resource Links: Find useful templates, examples, and additional resources to further enhance your understanding and application of legal opinion writing.
🚀 Elevate your legal writing skills and stand out in the competitive legal landscape! Don't miss out on this comprehensive guide—watch the video now and embark on your journey to mastering the art of legal opinions. 🎓🏛️
#LegalOpinions #Lawyers #LegalWriting #LawStudents #LegalAdvice #LawTutorial #LegalProfession #LawSchoolTips
Disclaimer - Nothing on this channel (inclusive of videos, articles or comments) and other form of publication hereon should be construed as legal advice from any member, employee of or this company or channel. The videos, articles and comments published are for general information purposes only and may not apply directly to any specific circumstances. Your are advised to obtain professional advice for your particular situation or circumstances and not base any action on any article published on this channel or the videos hereon.
- published: 02 Apr 2020
- views: 7741
Legal Opinion on Property | మీ ప్రాపర్టీ పై లోన్లు తీసుకోవాలంటే | Nyaya Salaha | Eagle Media Works
Watch Legal Opinion on Property | మీ ప్రాపర్టీ పై లోన్లు తీసుకోవాలంటే | Nyaya Salaha | Eagle Media Works
For More Interesting videos Subscribe us on ►https://w...
Watch Legal Opinion on Property | మీ ప్రాపర్టీ పై లోన్లు తీసుకోవాలంటే | Nyaya Salaha | Eagle Media Works
For More Interesting videos Subscribe us on ►https://www.youtube.com/c/EagleMediaWorks
Follow my social media!
☛ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EagleMediaWorks
☛ Eagle Media Blogger : http://eaglemediaworks.blogspot.in/
☛ Follow Us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/eaglemediaworks
☛ Visit our Official Website : http://www.eagleandhra.com/
► Sports Page : https://www.facebook.com/sportstelugu/
Like & Subcribe & Comment
Thank You all member for watching !
Watch Legal Opinion on Property | మీ ప్రాపర్టీ పై లోన్లు తీసుకోవాలంటే | Nyaya Salaha | Eagle Media Works
For More Interesting videos Subscribe us on ►https://www.youtube.com/c/EagleMediaWorks
Follow my social media!
☛ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EagleMediaWorks
☛ Eagle Media Blogger : http://eaglemediaworks.blogspot.in/
☛ Follow Us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/eaglemediaworks
☛ Visit our Official Website : http://www.eagleandhra.com/
► Sports Page : https://www.facebook.com/sportstelugu/
Like & Subcribe & Comment
Thank You all member for watching !
- published: 22 Jun 2019
- views: 11978
How to draft a legal opinion? | Komal Anwar
This video explains the fundamentals of writing a legal opinion along with a practical example of how a query should be answered.
It is unfortunate that many l...
This video explains the fundamentals of writing a legal opinion along with a practical example of how a query should be answered.
It is unfortunate that many law institutions do not teach practical work in law firms such as writing legal opinions which is essential for lawyers at both corporate and litigation law firms.
Hope you all like this video. Let me know your comments and your suggestions for other videos in the comments section down below!
Email address: komal_anwar@hotmail.com
This video explains the fundamentals of writing a legal opinion along with a practical example of how a query should be answered.
It is unfortunate that many law institutions do not teach practical work in law firms such as writing legal opinions which is essential for lawyers at both corporate and litigation law firms.
Hope you all like this video. Let me know your comments and your suggestions for other videos in the comments section down below!
Email address: komal_anwar@hotmail.com
- published: 12 May 2022
- views: 2013
Video Tutorial Cara membuat Legal Opinion by Ruli Agustin.
Kenapa gue buat video tutorial ini?
Karena gue punya pengalaman setelah lulus kuliah atau fresh grad...
Video Tutorial Cara membuat Legal Opinion by Ruli Agustin.
Kenapa gue buat video tutorial ini?
Karena gue punya pengalaman setelah lulus kuliah atau fresh graduate, skill gue minim, jangankan dapet kerja, buat interview aja susah.
Mau ikut pelatihan pun gue gak bisa, karena tidak punya uang. Akhirnya gue kerja dengan skill yang minim dan digaji dengan murah. Gue gamau ada orang yang bernasib sama.
Well, tonton aja video gue sampe abis, 10 menit ilmu buat seumur hidup.
File-file bahannya bisa didownload disini:
Tonton juga Episode lain dari Legal Series Officer tentang tutorial lainnya:
Eps 1 (Membaca Akta Perusahaan): https://youtu.be/X8M_FnRyrDg
Eps 2 (Review Kontrak/Perjanjian): https://youtu.be/7tsQWY6bAS4
Eps 3 (Work Flow/Penomoran Dokumen): https://youtu.be/1b7IdU2E4YM
Eps 4 (Drafting Kontrak/Perjanjian): https://youtu.be/zZj170BJDPc
Kalau ada yang mau nanya atau ngobrol lebih lanjut, feel free bisa DM gue di Instagram.
Sebisa mungkin gue coba tanggapi ya, tapi sorry kalau emang lagi ada kerjaan padat mungkin agak slow respon.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruliagstn/
Jangan lupa like, share, dan subscribe yaa!
Semoga Berkah dan Cepat dapat kerja ya kalian!
Ruli Agustin,
Video Tutorial Cara membuat Legal Opinion by Ruli Agustin.
Kenapa gue buat video tutorial ini?
Karena gue punya pengalaman setelah lulus kuliah atau fresh graduate, skill gue minim, jangankan dapet kerja, buat interview aja susah.
Mau ikut pelatihan pun gue gak bisa, karena tidak punya uang. Akhirnya gue kerja dengan skill yang minim dan digaji dengan murah. Gue gamau ada orang yang bernasib sama.
Well, tonton aja video gue sampe abis, 10 menit ilmu buat seumur hidup.
File-file bahannya bisa didownload disini:
Tonton juga Episode lain dari Legal Series Officer tentang tutorial lainnya:
Eps 1 (Membaca Akta Perusahaan): https://youtu.be/X8M_FnRyrDg
Eps 2 (Review Kontrak/Perjanjian): https://youtu.be/7tsQWY6bAS4
Eps 3 (Work Flow/Penomoran Dokumen): https://youtu.be/1b7IdU2E4YM
Eps 4 (Drafting Kontrak/Perjanjian): https://youtu.be/zZj170BJDPc
Kalau ada yang mau nanya atau ngobrol lebih lanjut, feel free bisa DM gue di Instagram.
Sebisa mungkin gue coba tanggapi ya, tapi sorry kalau emang lagi ada kerjaan padat mungkin agak slow respon.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruliagstn/
Jangan lupa like, share, dan subscribe yaa!
Semoga Berkah dan Cepat dapat kerja ya kalian!
Ruli Agustin,
- published: 26 Mar 2023
- views: 4831
LEGAL OPINION | சட்ட ஆலோசனை | Sattam Arivom Advocate Lawyer M. Sundara pandya raja l Tamil Law
Mr. M.Sundara Pandya Raja
An advocate of the Supreme court of India & High Court of Madras and Secretary of Human Rights Committee & Associate Editor of The Pu...
Mr. M.Sundara Pandya Raja
An advocate of the Supreme court of India & High Court of Madras and Secretary of Human Rights Committee & Associate Editor of The Public Reporter, famous and well-known advocate and legal consultant in Chennai.
Mobile No: 7373088222
E mail : msprajaadvocate@gmail.com
You can also keep in Touch & Follow & contact with me on,
Face book : https://www.facebook.com/lawsundar5
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AdvSundara
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/advocatesun...
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/advocate-...
Contact Information:
Office Address:
NO:128, 2nd Floor, Sakthi Flat, N.T.R Street Kodambakkam,
Chennai - 600 024
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/yt4Cge5NHiS2
For appointment: http://www.thechennailawyer.in/bookAp...
For Inquiry and Appointment: 7373088222
#advocate #lawyer #sundarapandyaraja #highcourt #chennailawyer
Mr. M.Sundara Pandya Raja
An advocate of the Supreme court of India & High Court of Madras and Secretary of Human Rights Committee & Associate Editor of The Public Reporter, famous and well-known advocate and legal consultant in Chennai.
Mobile No: 7373088222
E mail : msprajaadvocate@gmail.com
You can also keep in Touch & Follow & contact with me on,
Face book : https://www.facebook.com/lawsundar5
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AdvSundara
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/advocatesun...
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/advocate-...
Contact Information:
Office Address:
NO:128, 2nd Floor, Sakthi Flat, N.T.R Street Kodambakkam,
Chennai - 600 024
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/yt4Cge5NHiS2
For appointment: http://www.thechennailawyer.in/bookAp...
For Inquiry and Appointment: 7373088222
#advocate #lawyer #sundarapandyaraja #highcourt #chennailawyer
- published: 14 Sep 2022
- views: 1464
Legal Opinion Part #1 ll Dr. Edi Krisharyanto, S.H., M.H.
Menurut Edi Krisharyanto legal opinion merupakan senjata pertama dan utama bagi seorang advokat, mahasiswa hukum, bahkan bagi hakim. Pertanyannyan, Apa itu lega...
Menurut Edi Krisharyanto legal opinion merupakan senjata pertama dan utama bagi seorang advokat, mahasiswa hukum, bahkan bagi hakim. Pertanyannyan, Apa itu legal opinion? Seberapa penting sih legal opinion itu? simak jawabannya.
Dr. Edi Krisharyanto, S.H., M.H. berprofesi sebagai Dosen di Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, saat ini ia menjabat sebagai Wakil Rektor III di UWK Surabaya.
Semoga bermanfaat sobat, supaya kami semakin giat membagikan informasi dan edukasi hukum, jangan lupa Subscribe, Like, Comment dan Share Channal Youtube pinterhukum yaa.
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Menurut Edi Krisharyanto legal opinion merupakan senjata pertama dan utama bagi seorang advokat, mahasiswa hukum, bahkan bagi hakim. Pertanyannyan, Apa itu legal opinion? Seberapa penting sih legal opinion itu? simak jawabannya.
Dr. Edi Krisharyanto, S.H., M.H. berprofesi sebagai Dosen di Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, saat ini ia menjabat sebagai Wakil Rektor III di UWK Surabaya.
Semoga bermanfaat sobat, supaya kami semakin giat membagikan informasi dan edukasi hukum, jangan lupa Subscribe, Like, Comment dan Share Channal Youtube pinterhukum yaa.
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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pinterhukum?lang=id-ID
- published: 31 Dec 2021
- views: 405