- published: 03 Apr 2015
- views: 4620
In physics, the world line of an object is the path of that object in 4-dimensional spacetime, tracing the history of its location in space at each instant in time. The concept of "world line" is distinguished from the concept of "orbit" or "trajectory" (such as an orbit in space or a trajectory of a truck on a road map) by the time dimension, and typically encompasses a large area of spacetime wherein perceptually straight paths are recalculated to show their (relatively) more absolute position states — to reveal the nature of special relativity or gravitational interactions. The idea of world lines originates in physics and was pioneered by Hermann Minkowski. The term is now most often used in relativity theories (i.e., special relativity and general relativity).
However, world lines are a general way of representing the course of events. The use of it is not bound to any specific theory. Thus in general usage, a world line is the sequential path of personal human events (with time and place as dimensions) that marks the history of a person — perhaps starting at the time and place of one's birth until one's death. The log book of a ship is a description of the ship's world line, as long as it contains a time tag attached to every position. The world line allows one to calculate the speed of the ship, given a measure of distance (a so-called metric) appropriate for the curved surface of the Earth.
Smartpay by Worldline
Atos Worldline: The power to process
Taishi - World Line
SKT vs C9, IM, FW | 2016 World Championship LINE 2 | LoL eSports 24/7 Rebroadcast
Играю на сервере: world-line.ru (3 серия)
fhána 「What a Wonderful World Line」 MUSIC VIDEO
Tell The World - Line Dance (Dance & Teach in English & 中文)
SNSD - Into the new world: Line Distribution
TELL THE WORLD Line Dance (Dance)
2016 World Championship - Group Stage Day 8 | LoL eSports 24/7
LoL eSports 24/7 Screen Stream - 2016 League of Legends World Championship Groups Stage Day 8. SKT Telecom vs Cloud9, I May, Flash Wolves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd3P0P8wfN8 ▶ Game: League of Legends Recent Game: IM vs FW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J23WSGzd1OY C9 vs SKT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9pPiRbOIBY C9 vs FW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k0-kPwKFfM SKT vs IM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhMzaJFX2Cc IM vs C9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpQA4cDevs4 FW vs SKT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd3P0P8wfN8 THANK FOR WATCHING AND SUBSCRIBE!
fhána 2nd ALBUM 「What a Wonderful World Line」 2016.4.27 on sale! ●CD 01.The Color to Gray World 02.What a Wonderful World Line 03.ワンダーステラ TVアニメ『Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ ツヴァイ ヘルツ!』OP主題歌 04. Relief 05.little secret magic 06. Antivirus 07.虹を編めたら TVアニメ『ハルチカ〜ハルタとチカは青春する〜』OP主題歌 08.critique & curation 09.c.a.t. 10.Appl(E)ication 11.追憶のかなた TVアニメ『コメット・ルシファー』イメージソング 12.ホシノカケラ TVアニメ『天体のメソッド』第7話特別エンディング 13.コメットルシファー ~The Seed and the Sower~ TVアニメ『コメット・ルシファー』OP主題歌 14.gift song ●Blu-ray(初回限定盤のみ) MUSIC VIDEO 1.「What a Wonderful World Line!」Music Video 2.「虹を編めたら」Music Video 3.「コメットルシファー ~The Seed and the Sower~」Music Video 4.「ワンダーステラ」Music Video リスアニ!LIVE 2016 1.虹を編めたら 2.コメットルシファー ~The Seed and the Sower~ 3.divine intervention 4.星屑のインターリュード 5.Outside of Melancholy ~憂鬱の向こう側~
Choreographed by: Robbie McGowan Hickie (UK) Mar 2015 32 count - 4 wall - Improver level line dance Music: "Tell The World" by Eric Hutchinson
TELL THE WORLD Type 4 murs, 32 temps Chorégraphe Robbie McGowan Hickie Musique Tell The World – Eric Hutchinson Niveau Débutant/Intermédiaire Intro 6 X 8
LoL eSports 24/7 Screen Stream - 2016 League of Legends World Championship Groups Stage Day 8. 1. I May vs Flash Wolves 2. Cloud9 vs SK Telecom T1 3. Cloud9 vs Flash Wolves 4. SK Telecom T1 vs I May 5. I May vs Cloud9 6. Flash Wolves vs SK Telecom T1. ▶ Game: League of Legends Recent Game: TSM vs RNG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WayMtVbn0eE SSG vs SPY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iujtBOIcqaU SSG vs RNG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oniICArdDY TSM vs SPY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8fjdrFtPFo RNG vs SPY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LipLrXwRraw THANK FOR WATCHING AND SUBSCRIBE!
Aghast! Largest wood line of the world's lumber. In this compilation: - wood log splitters compilation - log splitter homemade - firewood cutting machines - new technology machines - дровокол гидравлический . In this compilation: - wood log splitters compilation - log splitter homemade - firewood cutting machines - new technology machines - дровокол гидравлический . The Biggest Wood Sawing in the world | Biggest tree in the world.
This shit is laggy as shit. Go to the sw site to download the theme. sonicworldfangame.com
Since there's 7 total paths I took the one i believe is the fastest.
Hey guys! At first this was a recolour for fun. Then I thought, I really like this level (FR) even tho it has issues, so lemme recreate the layout! Even tho it's much better and i spent a month on this last year, that was a bad idea and I'll never do it again after some trouble. Sorry bout that guys, just a misunderstanding. So yea the credits are below in case you guys don't look for them, again. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/h2i657w6a3u0q94/Dead_Line.zip Next to release: Hilltop Heights Aquatic Base Marble Garden Subscribe today! ► https://goo.gl/m32UPT ✔ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Catch me on the Lost Generations Forums! Where you can find almost anything Sonic and more! http://lostgenerations.freeforums.net/user/41 ...
ประสบการณ์ EDM ที่ไม่เคยปรากฏมาก่อน ในประเทศไทย สงครามระหว่างดนตรีสุดมันส์ กับแฟชั่นหลุดโลก ... Leave bond behind and UNLEASH another you together in "ANOTHER WORLD" Full Line Up - Coone - Noisecontrollers - Zatox - Code Black - LNY TNZ - Mightyfools - MC DL [host] Saturday 5th November at Motorsports Land, Bangkok Ticket available at : http://bit.ly/2bVNZYG More information at : www.anotherworldfestival.com www.facebook.com/anotherworldfest www.instagram.com/anotherworldfest Director : Nawasanai Moungkaew Director assistant : Poomate Visuttaya Mook Arena Mai Thanita Pompey Hungsanetra Prop : Worakasem Ngamsutti Edit : Poomate Visuttaya Dop : Nawasanai Moungkaew Tanuchkris Navacheevin Camera assistant : อภิณัฐ สินรา Pu S Super Camera Fs7 Zeiss PL Maxina Studio Professional film and...
The Trackstarz are determined to bring high-quality Godly content to the mainstream. find out more here: trackstarz.com/universe LEARN MORE ABOUT THE TRACKSTARZ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Check out our Channel: http://www.youtube.com/thefieldtrackstarz Subscribe to our Channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=thefieldtrackstarz Submit a Line 4 Line Suggestion: http://www.trackstarz.com/sumbit-a-line-4-line Submit Music: http://www.trackstarz.com/music-submission Become an official Trackstar! http://www.trackstarz.com/trackstar Win Prizes! http://www.trackstarz.com/universe Check out our Website: http://www.trackstarz.com SOCIAL MEDIA ------------------------ Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/trackstarz L...
Буквально 4 дня назад, была найдена критическая уязвимость, позволяющая попасть почти на любой сервер, минуя проверку сессии. Это все к чему. Многие наверное догадались, что это позволит зайти под ником любого игрока, в частности под ником админа, что позволит положить почти любой сервер, и создать огромную пукановую реактивную тягу всех загриференых игроков, которая будет по круче Термоядерного реактора из GregTech. Раз два три четыре пять, я иду серва ломать... ПОСТАВЬ фикс и ПОДПИШИСЬ НА новости рубакита, и тогда твой сервер будет в безопасности, но не от меня =) JOIN VSP GROUP PARTNER PROGRAM: https://youpartnerwsp.com/ru/join?82854
GET In the ACTION! Download World Of Warships NOW! - http://tinyurl.com/PLAYWOWS BATTLE CRUISER Line In World Of Warships? Can't get enough of World Of Warships?! WOWS Playlist! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyHMHoYvNF1sOPPQ4X9uLCrsTieSkXoUG The Epic Intro Music Check out my favorite producer on Youtube!-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BJ9AJ7iwIg Connect With me!! In a more sensual way :) Follow me on Facebook!-- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Phlydaily/659125207468030 Follow me on Twitter!--https://twitter.com/PhlyDaily Follow me on Myspace!--http://tinyurl.com/2fcpre6
Swedish tanks are revealed at Gamescom 2016. In this video, I'll cover all the infantry support combat vehicles and MBT's all redesignated as tank destroyers that's coming with the Swedes... For a good read or the aficionado of Swedish tank design history, please visit SP15: http://forum.worldof...p15-1001965716/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- World of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Belarusian company Wargaming.net featuring early to mid-20th century era fighting vehicles. It is built upon a freemium business model where the game is free-to-play, but participants also have the option of paying a fee for use of "premium" features. The focus is on player vs. player gameplay with each player c...
Swedish tanks are revealed at Gamescom 2016. In this video, I'll cover all the lights, mediums, and heavies coming with the Swedes... For a good read or the aficionado of Swedish tank design history, please visit SP15: http://forum.worldof...p15-1001965716/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- World of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Belarusian company Wargaming.net featuring early to mid-20th century era fighting vehicles. It is built upon a freemium business model where the game is free-to-play, but participants also have the option of paying a fee for use of "premium" features. The focus is on player vs. player gameplay with each player controlling an armored vehicle, which may be a tank, tan...
Whitney just had her 11th Birthday. To celebrate, Whitney wanted to go zip lining with her best buddies. So it was off to Lake Lanier Canopy Tours with Whitney’s friends and family. The zip line party was a blast and the girls were all able to bust out some pretty impressive zip line poses. The boys weren’t too bad either, just not as proficient at the mid zip straddle pose. Blakely was very brave and definitely screamed less than her mother. Check out the kids new series – The Adventures of Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1v-X8TXQo4 Subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=thebjerkens My Official Links: Whitney’s Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Whitneybflippin Gravity Gal and Quantum Qid...
Map tactics for Siegfried Line! SUBSCRIBE!: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=QuickyBabyTV Find out more about me and our community on the official forums: ►http://www.quickybaby.com Checkout my LIVESTREAMS ►http://www.twitch.tv/quickybaby Tuesdays Thursdays and Sundays From 18:00-CET / 17:00-GMT / 12:00-EST Facebook ►http://www.facebook.com/quickybaby Twitter ►http://www.twitter.com/quickybaby I'm an official G2A partner, get the latest games at the best prices! ►3% Discount using MY code: BABY◀ https://www.g2a.com/r/quickybaby _______________________________________________________ World of Tanks is a Free 2 Play online game which is available as a free download. It is one of the best video games I have ever played and I fully recommend it. Click here to play W...
I remember so long ago wondering
Could we stay this way forever
On this carousel turning and laughing
We just wanted to be together
And so we did it
We left on our own merry way
Into this world alone
In the sand at the sea we lay gazing
At the stars up above in the heavens
There was nothing to keep us from playing
We just wanted to be together
Why did we do it
We left on our own merry way
Into this world alone
Little did we know
Where we were going then
And when things got cold
Trying not to pretend
And still we did it
We left on our own merry way
Into this world alone
How were we to know
Things were so simple then
Somehow we lost hope
Falling to earth again
Then came that cold winter's day
When we ended it forever
After everything we used to say
There was nothing to keep us together
And so we did it
Each left on our own merry way