- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 132715

Weak Interaction: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics #2
Hank continues our series on the four fundamental forces of physics by describing the weak...
published: 07 Jun 2012
Weak Interaction: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics #2
Hank continues our series on the four fundamental forces of physics by describing the weak interaction, which operates at an infinitesimally small scale to cause particle decay.
Watch the video on Strong Interaction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv3EMq2Dgq8
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four fundamental forces, physics, particle physics, quantum physics, 4ff, fundamental, force, interactions, weak force, weak interaction, universe, radium, particle decay, quark, color, flavor, up, down, strange, charm, top, bottom, mass, proton, neutron, force carrier, boson, w, z, carbon 14
- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 132715

The Weak and Strong Nuclear Forces (9 of 15)
Episode 9 of In Search of Giants: Dr Brian Cox takes us on a journey through the history o...
published: 01 Mar 2008
The Weak and Strong Nuclear Forces (9 of 15)
Episode 9 of In Search of Giants: Dr Brian Cox takes us on a journey through the history of particle physics. In this episode we learn how the string and weak nuclear forces were discovered.
This film is part of a series originally broadcast on Teachers' TV (http://www.teachers.tv/video/23645).
The series was made with the support of The Science and Technology Facilities Council (www.scitech.ac.uk).
www.lhc.ac.uk - Official UK LHC website for public and schools.
www.particledetectives.net - School resources on the LHC, how science works and particle physics.
Films produced and directed by Alom Shaha (www.labreporter.com).
- published: 01 Mar 2008
- views: 108357

Physics : The 4 forces
In this video I introduce the four fundamental forces in nature. These forces are electrom...
published: 07 Sep 2011
Physics : The 4 forces
In this video I introduce the four fundamental forces in nature. These forces are electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force and gravity.
- published: 07 Sep 2011
- views: 2832

Weak Nuclear Force Beta Decay of down quark
This is the worst video shot at the end of the day and the double decay sequence isn't cor...
published: 27 Aug 2009
Weak Nuclear Force Beta Decay of down quark
This is the worst video shot at the end of the day and the double decay sequence isn't correct (or in depth enough....just to have it there though in case I missed or learn more about it "A Double Beta Decay" is new to me...NO NEUTRINOS emitted!?) BETA Decay beta 'D K' the K is for Kalium the symbol for potassium and the B- decay of K-40 is popular (they can detect pot at airports from radiation of plant material's potassium 40 to argon 40...
- published: 27 Aug 2009
- views: 2420

Photons, Gravitons & Weak Bosons | Standard Model Of Particle Physics
http://www.facebook.com/ScienceReason ... The Standard Model of Particle Physics (Chapter ...
published: 08 Dec 2009
Photons, Gravitons & Weak Bosons | Standard Model Of Particle Physics
http://www.facebook.com/ScienceReason ... The Standard Model of Particle Physics (Chapter 6): Photons, Gravitons & Weak Bosons.
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1) First Second Of The Universe:
2) Force And Matter:
3) Quarks:
4) Gluons:
5) Electrons, Protons And Neutrons:
6) Photons, Gravitons & Weak Bosons:
7) Neutrinos:
8) The Higgs Boson / The Higgs Mechanism:
The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory of three of the four known fundamental interactions and the elementary particles that take part in these interactions. These particles make up all visible matter in the universe.
Every high energy physics experiment carried out since the mid-20th century has eventually yielded findings consistent with the Standard Model.
Still, the Standard Model falls short of being a complete theory of fundamental interactions because it does not include gravitation, dark matter, or dark energy. It is not quite a complete description of leptons either, because it does not describe nonzero neutrino masses, although simple natural extensions do.
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Model
Photons are the gauge bosons the force carriers for Electromagnetism. Whenever charged particles interact, photons are exchanged.
They have no mass, no electric charge, no weak charge, and no color charge the epitome of almost nothing at all. And yet here is where its at!
Since they are responsible for all electron and proton interaction, everything we do in our everyday life from moving a mouse to running in the park relies on the exchange of photons.
They are energy, contained in shifting and changing Electric and Magnetic Fields Like all particles with no rest mass, photons travel at the speed of light. They cannot come to rest.
Photons in the range of visible light carry just enough energy to excite a single molecule in a photoreceptor cell of your eye.
Gravitons are the as-yet undiscovered force carriers for Gravity. Because of the great success of the Standard model in describing the other three forces with exchange bosons, it is assumed that gravity has a gauge boson as well. Its properties have been extrapolated. It is a massless, stable, spin = 2 particle that travels at the speed of light. Gravitons may not be constrained to the dimensions of space and time that we experience
Weak bosons, also called Intermediate Vector Bosons, are the exchange particles for the Weak Nuclear Force.
There are three of them called W+, W-, and Z0. They are very massive, each being 80-90 times as heavy as a proton.
Because they are so heavy, the uncertainty principle allows them only an extremely short range when they act as force carriers. So the Weak Nuclear Force has a range only about 1/100 the diameter of a proton. The W bosons cause quarks to change flavor while the Z has an effect in an esoteric type of interaction called neutral currents.
The Cassiopeia Project - making science simple!
The Cassiopeia Project is an effort to make high quality science videos available to everyone. If you can visualize it, then understanding is not far behind.
• http://www.cassiopeiaproject.com
- published: 08 Dec 2009
- views: 56055

Physical Science 7.4c - The Atomic Nucleus
From the Physical Science course by Derek Owens. Eighth grade level. Distance Learning c...
published: 27 Jul 2009
Physical Science 7.4c - The Atomic Nucleus
From the Physical Science course by Derek Owens. Eighth grade level. Distance Learning courses are available at http://www.derekowens.com
- published: 27 Jul 2009
- views: 32733

Strong Interaction: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics #1b
Hank continues his primer on the strongest of the four fundamental interactions of physics...
published: 24 May 2012
Strong Interaction: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics #1b
Hank continues his primer on the strongest of the four fundamental interactions of physics, the strong interaction. Today he talks about the nuclear force and a force carrier called a pion.
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4ff, fundamental forces, fundamental interactions, strong force, strong interaction, physics, physicist, whale balloon, orca, killer whale, helium, protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, nuclear force, color force, repulsive, attractive, hadrons, gluons, energy, pion, force carrier, quantum physics, quantum state, universe, scishow, science, hank green
- published: 24 May 2012
- views: 148689

Dear Creationists: Gravity is Only a Theory
This video is an...
published: 26 Feb 2009
Dear Creationists: Gravity is Only a Theory
This video is an Old Shame, but I'm keeping it around cause you guys leaver such lulzy comments. Your stupidity is simply DELICIOUS! Obviously this video went over everyone's head. I did NOT say that gravity does not exist, I said that it is WEAKER than all the other fundamental forces. If that was too hard to comprehend (obviously it was), I have the script below. Secondly, gravity is modeled using something called the THEORY OF RELATIVITY. Newton's laws of gravity are WRONG and have been WRONG for quite some time, the reason they are still around is because they are accurate enough to be used for most everyday things (that don't involve satellites and the like). If you have any other questions, ask them, but be warned, if you say anything that is answered above, I will laugh at you cause you are obviously to dumb to read the video description. Wait, why am I typing this then?
Hello. I was mute at the time I made the video, due to injury. The script is below.
Here are the lists of observed instances of speciation:
Here's the script:
Whenever I hear a creationist say that evolution is only a theory, I always remind them that gravity is also a theory, and it is less understood than evolution. For instance, we know that the mechanism of evolution is DNA, which is affected by random mutation, and selected against by non-random natural selection.
On the other hand, we really do not understand gravity. We do know that masses attract. But why do they attract? Are the Higgs boson and the graviton, both hypothetical particles, the cause of gravity?
Let us compare gravity and evolution, shall we? Both evolution and gravity are observed facts (I will put a link in the sidebar for those silly fundamentalists who think evolution is not observed). Evolution is supported by genetics, the fossil record, taxonomy, among many other things. It is the unifying theory of biology. Gravity is similarly supported by falling apples, planetary orbits, and your mother trying to abort you by falling down the steps. However, unlike the other 3 fundamental forces (electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces), gravity does not work well at atomic scales.
In case you didn't know, the other three fundamental forces are many, many times stronger than gravity. The strong nuclear force, which holds atomic nuclei together, is 100 trillion trillion trillion times stronger than gravity. Electromagnetism, for the stupid out there, is electricity, magnetism, and light, and it is 1 trillion trillion trillion times stronger than gravity. The weak force, which is related to beta radiation, is 100 billion times weaker than electromagnetism, and is still much, much stronger than puny gravity.
However, what gravity lacks in strength, it makes up for in range. On the subatomic scale, it is so weak, it is not even calculated, but on the macroscopic level, it is the ruling force. Gravity is infinite, and it interacts with everything. It can even bend space-time. Because of these traits, the Newtonian laws of physics failed to work at high speeds. They have since been replaced by Einstein's THEORY of Relativity. Yes, the rules we have for gravity are not laws at all, but theories. Does this make gravity false, since it is only a theory?
Finally, unlike evolution, which so far has been able to explain pretty much every piece of evidence presented to it, our current model of gravity cannot explain certain things. For instance, the Pioneer spacecraft, on their way out of the solar system, are slowing down in a way that has yet to be explained. Spacecraft performing gravitational slingshot maneuvers have experienced much more acceleration than expected. The expansion of the universe is accelerating. If gravity fails to explain these things, is gravity wrong?
So to you fundamentalists in the audience, since you hate theories so much, why do you never focus on gravity? I know why: because you know you can't do anything against it. Like evolution, gravity currently has no alternative, because like evolution, it is a FACT and you know it.
Honors and Milestones:
2/28/09: 100 views!
6/22/09: 1000 views!
Whenever: 9001 views!
I don't remember: 10,000 views!
I lost track: 25,000 views!
Yawn.: milestone views!
The song is "These Mistakes are Mine Alone" by nubbinownz. You can find it on Newgrounds' Audio Portal.
- published: 26 Feb 2009
- views: 98960

In Search Of Giants - The Forces of Nature part 1/2
A video from teachers.tv
Can everything that happens in the universe be explained in te...
published: 11 Jun 2008
In Search Of Giants - The Forces of Nature part 1/2
A video from teachers.tv
Can everything that happens in the universe be explained in terms of just three forces? Particle physicist Dr Brian Cox talks us through the history of our scientific understanding, revealing why scientists have come to believe this.
Cox also explores the unification of electricity and magnetism, and the discovery of the strong and weak nuclear forces. Along the way, he explains more about the Large Hadron Collider experiment at CERN, which may help scientists come up with a single "theory of everything".
Published: 23 November 2007
- published: 11 Jun 2008
- views: 11782

The Origin and Nature of the Universe (an ex nihilo derivation)
Ex nihilo means "out of nothing". This is a nuts & bolts theory [sans mysticism] utilizing...
published: 27 Dec 2012
The Origin and Nature of the Universe (an ex nihilo derivation)
Ex nihilo means "out of nothing". This is a nuts & bolts theory [sans mysticism] utilizing familiar and unfamiliar logical principles and some geometry.
00:20 ... Ex Nihilo Definition
01:30 ... Nothing Generates the Integer Count
02:50 ... Two Primary Postulates
03:50 ... Form and Interaction (congruent states)
05:20 ... Space
06:10 ... Time
06:50 ... Cantor (ordinal numbers)
08:00 ... Dimensionality, Baryon Number
09:00 ... Foundation of Quantum Mechanics
10:45 ... Unit Determinacy / Indeterminacy
11:10 ... Third Postulate
11:50 ... Alpha and Beta Fields
12:50 ... Unit velocity = "c"
14:30 ... Compton Wavelength
16:10 ... Expanding Universe
17:00 ... Dirac Large Numbers Hypothesis
18:00 ... Curved Space
19:00 ... Gravity, Inertia
23:10 ... Dark Matter, Dark Energy
27:50 ... Nuclear Force at Fermi Scale
30:20 ... Electromagnetic interaction
32:45 ... Planck's Constant
34:00 ... Logic and Chaos
36:00 ... e/P Mass Ratio and FSC
41:00 ... Rotation, Magnetic Field
44:35 ... Relativistic Coefficient
46:40 ... Neutron as Fundamental Particle
48:00 ... Weak Interaction
49:00 ... CPT, Handedness
51:00 ... Camera Obscura Forms (EXLN,T)
54:50 ... Time Reversal Symmetry
56:00 ... Charge Conjugation, Parity
58:00 ... Being and Perception as Congruent
1:00:00 ... Objective and Subjective Physics
1:01:00 ... 1, 2 and 3-Logic
1:05:40 ... Photon Model
1:09:45 ... Uniform Acceleration
1:14:45 ... Bremsstrahlung Radiation
1:15:50 ... Radial & Tangential Acceleration
1:16:40 ... Particle Decays
1:19:25 ... Virtual Particles
1:19:57 ... Fermions and Bosons
1:23:50 ... Laws of Physics - Non-Conservation
1:27:50 ... Transfer of Energy: Gravity to EM
1:29:00 ... Table of Values and Rates of Change
1:30:15 ... The Anthropic Principle
- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 1415

Higgs Boson Explained: How The Higgs Field Works
The Higgs Boson Explained in layman's terms.
see here for How the Higgs Boson was found: ...
published: 04 Jul 2012
Higgs Boson Explained: How The Higgs Field Works
The Higgs Boson Explained in layman's terms.
see here for How the Higgs Boson was found:
Higgs bosons exist in the fabric of the space-time continuum, trapped in the quantum vacuum state energy, waiting to be extracted via elementary interactions with particles such as a proton, electron, or vector boson such as the W and Z Bosons. Photons (light particles) do not interact with this field, and hence they do not have mass.
If the Higgs Boson did not exist, matter particles would have no structure, all matter in the universe would form a cosmic soup that would expand with the rest of the universe at the speed of light.
Such a simple idea that has such powerful consequences on reality arose from the brilliant mind of Professor Peter Higgs and was discovered by the particle's decay signal detected The Atlas and CMS detectors at CERN.
The Mechanism of the interaction is simple to understand. Where the Electroweak Interaction couples to electric and weak (flavour) charges and the Strong Interaction couples to colour charge, the Higgs interaction couples to mass.
The process by which the Higgs gives fermions mass is via the Yukawa potential, a kind of "Cosmic Voltage" that permeates spacetime.
This potential gives the coupling strength of the Higgs to all types of fermions, the stronger the coupling, the more mass the particle will have. Hence the Higgs Boson couples more strongly to more massive particles; the massive energies (8 TeV) of the LHC were necessary to create the most massive particles for the Higgs to interact with.
Why we needed this boson is a bit more complicated and corresponds to Peter Higgs, Yoichiro Nambu and Jeffrey Goldstone's theoretical research.
In interactions you can examine the particle dynamics, which we call a "Lagrangian", a mathematical function which is the kinetic energy of the particle minus the potential field the particle experiences. This is done in a similar way to dynamics for other forces of nature such as Electricity in a theory called Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) and also for Nuclear Physics in a theory called Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).
To make the dynamics consistent with Einstein's theory of special relativity we apply a mathematical gauge to the theory. There are many Gauges to chose from in physics, just as there are many Gauges for machines in the real world, such as pressure gauges and temperature gauges.
For the Weak Nuclear Force The local gauge transformation is dependent on the symmetry, which is selected for the dynamics. we use a symmetry called SU(2) symmetry as we want physics invariant under swapping up-like and down-like fermions.
When a Local Gauge Symmetry is applied to the Electroweak Lagrangian it does not remain invariant under the gauge transformation. This can be solved by the introduction of appropriate fields, which have associated mass-less bosons W1, W2, W3 and B. The SU(2)xU(1) symmetry of the electroweak theory is non-abelian which means that the bosons interact with each other as well as with fermions.
The Electroweak theory needs to end up with three massive bosons (2 charged and 1 neutral) and also a mass-less boson. The Goldstone Theorem provides a mechanism by which the 4 mass-less bosons from the original symmetry can become the four Electroweak bosons described above. The Goldstone theorem states "that for any continuous symmetry broken, there exists a mass-less particle, the Goldstone boson." The result is that for each broken generator, there is a resulting massless scalar boson.
The Higgs mechanism is the process applied to Electroweak theory. A complex doublet Higgs field can be included in the theory and this Higgs field breaks the symmetry of the problem while retaining local gauge invariance. This Higgs field (two complex scalar fields which transform under the SU(2) symmetry) will, via the Goldstone Theorem, result in a scalar Higgs boson and 3 Goldstone bosons which will provide mass. The three Goldstone bosons interact with the original fields to provide mass for the W+, W- and Z bosons while leaving the fourth boson mass-less. This can be seen mathematically by looking at the changed form of the Electroweak Lagrangian due to the introduction of the Higgs fields.
There is a reason to believe that the Higgs Boson discovered is not the garden-variety Higgs that physicists were expecting. It's relatively low mass may place it in the Supersymmetric regime, therefore it may be humanity's first probe into Supersymmetry. If the Higgs Boson is a singlet it would also be the first fundamental singlet ever discovered, sparking new interest in finding the last piece of the singlet, vector, tensor boson puzzle: The Graviton, the force carrier for the gravitational force and the key ingredient in the Theory of Everything, a theory that will explain how General Relativity works with Quantum Theory which will explain how The Universe works.
- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 4360

100 Greatest Discoveries Physics HQ* (Part 6)
Part 6 discusses
*Nuclear Forces
*Weak Nuclear Force
*Strong Nuclear Force
published: 12 Sep 2010
100 Greatest Discoveries Physics HQ* (Part 6)
Part 6 discusses
*Nuclear Forces
*Weak Nuclear Force
*Strong Nuclear Force
*theory of Super force
- published: 12 Sep 2010
- views: 4671
Youtube results:

Higgs Boson Borexino Geo-Neutrino Particles Weak Nuclear Force Yukawa Gluons Neutron Decays
published: 14 Sep 2012
Higgs Boson Borexino Geo-Neutrino Particles Weak Nuclear Force Yukawa Gluons Neutron Decays
Filmed Sept 8 2012
I am video blogging my research into creating a Higgs Particle with Mass for us to study. Cross Referencing with WOW DATA an alien radio signal from NASA SETI 1977.
My research on creating a Higgs boson particle with mass, data and pdf files covered in this video.
Key words:
sphere of scintillator fluid
Electric charge
Weak nuclear force
Key word to Google:
Weak nuclear force
- published: 14 Sep 2012
- views: 49

Binding Energy, Fission and the Strong Nuclear Force
Cassiopeia Project
St. Mary's Physics Online
published: 27 Apr 2010
Binding Energy, Fission and the Strong Nuclear Force
Cassiopeia Project
St. Mary's Physics Online
- published: 27 Apr 2010
- views: 14902

So what IS the Higgs boson?
Hank responds to viewer questions, and explains what the Higgs boson particle actually IS....
published: 13 Jan 2012
So what IS the Higgs boson?
Hank responds to viewer questions, and explains what the Higgs boson particle actually IS.
Follow SciShow on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/scishow
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Produced by Hank Green
Chief Editor: Blake de Pastino
Cinematography: Nick Jenkins
Video Editor: Matt Ferguson
Graphics: Amber Bushnell
Written by: Hank Green
TAGS: higgs boson, god particle, mass, energy, quantum mechanics, quantum physics, standard model, force, gravity, electromagnetism, virtual particle, strong, weak, nuclear, density, magnet, particle accelerator, CERN, higgs field, physics, force carrier, quark, large hadron collider, scishow, dose, hank green
- published: 13 Jan 2012
- views: 277805