Victor (Viki) Frederick Weisskopf on Landau and Feynman, 1992; The History of Physics Series
Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, Stefan University; The HISTORY of PHYSICS Series. V. Alexander Stefan talks with Viki Weisskopf: June 17, 1992, La Jo...
Лев Ландау / Lev Landau
7 января 1962 года на Дмитровском шоссе в Москве машина, в которой ехал Лев Ландау, потеряла управление и врезалась в грузовик. Полученные Ландау травмы, по ...
Лев Ландау Речь Наука Lev Landau Leo Is Speaking Science Documentary Russia 1960s
Лев Ландау. Говорит выдающийся физик 20 века Лев Ландау. Речь. редкое видео rare video Документальная хроника с синхронным звуком. Наука. Физика. Москва, Рос...
My Scientist Idol Lev Landau
วิดิโอนี้ ทำงานเพื่อส่งอาจารย์เท่านั้น ห้ามคัดลอกหรือทำซ้ำจากส่วนใดๆจากวิดิโอนี้โดยมิได้ขออนุญาติ.
Lev Landau. Günay Azəri, Kəpəz TV, 01.04.2013
Lev Landau 1908-ci ilin 22 yanvar tarixində Bakıda yəhudi ailəsində anadan olub. Onun atası mühəndis, anası həkim idi. Landau 13 yaşında gimnaziyanı bitirib. Yaşı az olduğundan Landau Universitetə qəbul olmaq üçün işini verə bilmir və ailəsinin məsləhəti ilə bir il Bakıda İqtisad Texnikumunda oxuyur.
Pavel Relbinin- Kapitso muzeyinin müdiri: “İndi sizə oxuyacağım məktub nadir sənəddir. Burada söh
Richard Feynman - Magnets (And 'Why' Questions)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
"Lev Landau`nun xoşbəxtlik formulu" filmi - 2008 (rus dilində)
Richard Feynman - Ways of Thinking (Part One of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
Lev Landau Leo Is Speaking Science Russia Говорит Лев Ландау Россия Наука
Genius Russian and Soviet scientist Lev Landau Leo is speaking. video documentary footage with sound. Science. Phisics. Moscow, Russia, USSR, 1960s. Лев Ланд...
Ландау на защите
Landau Lectures| Prof. Connes | Part 1 | 1998/9
Prof. Alain Connes (IHES) Details : Trace formulas and the zeros of the Riemann zeta function (Jan. 3rd, 1999) Landau Lectures Series Website - http://www.ma...
Десять заповедей Ландау, док фильм, биография in Russian
Страна: Россия
Режиссер: Андрей Столяров
Жанр: биографии, личности
Продолжительность: 00:43:15
Год выпуска: 2010
Описание: 7 января 1962 года на Дмитровском шоссе в Москве машина, в которой ехал Лев Ландау, потеряла управление и врезалась в грузовик. Полученные Ландау травмы, по мнению врачей, были несовместимы с жизнью. Но великий физик прожил еще 6 лет. Российский телеканал "Вести" предста
The Quantum Jungle (Film Noir) (HOLCOL 2011)
It was a dark and stormy night in Chamberlin Hall. Can Lev Landau solve the mystery of Evgeny Lifshitz before the forces of THE ADVISOR collapse his wavefunc...
SNKB2 Electron Landau Levels Photographed
We all probably remember learning about energy levels of electrons in high school chemistry. For the first time, physicists at the University of Warwick and ...
Ландау Лев
Они уходили по-разному. Кто-то молодым, в самом расцвете сил. Кто-то прожил долго и плодотворно. Одни были счастливы, другие не успели сделать и половины. В телевизионном документальном сериале "Как уходили кумиры" - рассказ о наших выдающихся артистах, режиссерах, поэтах, телеведущих, спортсменах и мастеров спорта. Об их судьбах, о линиях жизни, которые, увы, закончились...
Landau damping - Video Learning - WizScience.com
In physics, "Landau damping", named after its discoverer, the eminent Soviet physicist Lev Davidovich Landau , is the effect of damping of longitudinal space charge waves in plasma or a similar environment. This phenomenon prevents an instability from developing, and creates a region of stability in the parameter space. It was later argued by Donald Lynden-Bell that a similar phenomenon was occ
Polaron - Video Learning - WizScience.com
A "polaron" is a quasiparticle used in condensed matter physics to understand the interactions between electrons and atoms in a solid material. The polaron concept was first proposed by Lev Landau in 1933 to describe an electron moving in a dielectric crystal where the atoms move from their equilibrium positions to effectively screen the charge of an electron, known as a phonon cloud. This lowers
Talking Tom
Line 22 7b269 Landau--Hopf Turbulence Symmetry Higgs Fourier Formula WOW SETI
7b97z 269 of 100 videos there are more videos after this one #170 wont upload., #206 wont upload
i'll post all then update the #.
Math Equation Wow Seti 1977 radio signal alien
Wow SETI 1977 radio signal alien
Google 0.0071
Landau hopf turbulence, signals, frequency, higgs, symmetry particles, neutrinos, electric field, fourier tran
MINECRAFT часть первая (секретная комната!)
я уже абустроисля! но я надеюсь что то што я не-снимал вам неинтересно! я пока покажу
вам мою СЕКРЕТНУЮ КОМНАТУ! надеюсь вам понравится
minecraft часть 2 (в пищеру ANDEL)
Эта втарая часть выжывание я пойду в пищеру и попаду в проблему!!! ANDEL это сумашетшые зомби!!!!!! даааам вотето проблемы!!
Euler rotation example
Victor (Viki) Frederick Weisskopf on Landau and Feynman, 1992; The History of Physics Series
Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, Stefan University; The HISTORY of PHYSICS Series. V. Alexander Stefan talks with Viki Weisskopf: June 17, 1992, La Jo......
Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, Stefan University; The HISTORY of PHYSICS Series. V. Alexander Stefan talks with Viki Weisskopf: June 17, 1992, La Jo...
wn.com/Victor (Viki) Frederick Weisskopf On Landau And Feynman, 1992 The History Of Physics Series
Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, Stefan University; The HISTORY of PHYSICS Series. V. Alexander Stefan talks with Viki Weisskopf: June 17, 1992, La Jo...
Лев Ландау / Lev Landau
7 января 1962 года на Дмитровском шоссе в Москве машина, в которой ехал Лев Ландау, потеряла управление и врезалась в грузовик. Полученные Ландау травмы, по ......
7 января 1962 года на Дмитровском шоссе в Москве машина, в которой ехал Лев Ландау, потеряла управление и врезалась в грузовик. Полученные Ландау травмы, по ...
wn.com/Лев Ландау Lev Landau
7 января 1962 года на Дмитровском шоссе в Москве машина, в которой ехал Лев Ландау, потеряла управление и врезалась в грузовик. Полученные Ландау травмы, по ...
- published: 04 Nov 2011
- views: 11793
author: aka4el
Лев Ландау Речь Наука Lev Landau Leo Is Speaking Science Documentary Russia 1960s
Лев Ландау. Говорит выдающийся физик 20 века Лев Ландау. Речь. редкое видео rare video Документальная хроника с синхронным звуком. Наука. Физика. Москва, Рос......
Лев Ландау. Говорит выдающийся физик 20 века Лев Ландау. Речь. редкое видео rare video Документальная хроника с синхронным звуком. Наука. Физика. Москва, Рос...
wn.com/Лев Ландау Речь Наука Lev Landau Leo Is Speaking Science Documentary Russia 1960S
Лев Ландау. Говорит выдающийся физик 20 века Лев Ландау. Речь. редкое видео rare video Документальная хроника с синхронным звуком. Наука. Физика. Москва, Рос...
My Scientist Idol Lev Landau
วิดิโอนี้ ทำงานเพื่อส่งอาจารย์เท่านั้น ห้ามคัดลอกหรือทำซ้ำจากส่วนใดๆจากวิดิโอนี้โดยมิได้ขออนุญาติ....
วิดิโอนี้ ทำงานเพื่อส่งอาจารย์เท่านั้น ห้ามคัดลอกหรือทำซ้ำจากส่วนใดๆจากวิดิโอนี้โดยมิได้ขออนุญาติ.
wn.com/My Scientist Idol Lev Landau
วิดิโอนี้ ทำงานเพื่อส่งอาจารย์เท่านั้น ห้ามคัดลอกหรือทำซ้ำจากส่วนใดๆจากวิดิโอนี้โดยมิได้ขออนุญาติ.
- published: 23 Jul 2012
- views: 1230
author: kingzloon
Lev Landau. Günay Azəri, Kəpəz TV, 01.04.2013
Lev Landau 1908-ci ilin 22 yanvar tarixində Bakıda yəhudi ailəsində anadan olub. Onun atası mühəndis, anası həkim idi. Landau 13 yaşında gimnaziyanı bitirib. Ya...
Lev Landau 1908-ci ilin 22 yanvar tarixində Bakıda yəhudi ailəsində anadan olub. Onun atası mühəndis, anası həkim idi. Landau 13 yaşında gimnaziyanı bitirib. Yaşı az olduğundan Landau Universitetə qəbul olmaq üçün işini verə bilmir və ailəsinin məsləhəti ilə bir il Bakıda İqtisad Texnikumunda oxuyur.
Pavel Relbinin- Kapitso muzeyinin müdiri: “İndi sizə oxuyacağım məktub nadir sənəddir. Burada söhbət Kapitso institutuna keçiddən gedir. Eyni zamanda yada salaq ki, bu məktub gizli məktubdur. O, 1924-ci ildə yazılıb. Hörmətli Valeriy İvanoviç bizim institutda bir gənc işləyir. Yadımıza salsaq Landau 1908-ci ildə anadan olub. Demək ki, onun o zaman 16 yaşı olub. Bu məktub belə bitir. Bakı institutunun dekanları Leninqrad institutunun dekanlarını əmin edirlər ki, bu gənclə son dərəcə qürur duyacaqlar”.
14 yaşı olanda bu istedadlı gənc Azərbaycan Dövlət Universitetinə daxil olaraq eyni zamanda iki fakültədə təhsil alır: fizika-riyaziyyat və kimya. Hələ çox erkən yaşlarında riyaziyyatda nümayiş etdirdiyi qeyri-adi istedad sonralar onun yüksəlişi üçün əsas amil olub. 1924-cü ildə Leninqrad Universitetinin fizika fakültəsinə göndərilərək 1927-ci ildə oranı uğurla başa vurub. Həmin dövrdə o artıq dünyada məşhur nəzəriyyəçi fizik kimi tanınırdı. 1937-ci ilin fevralında alim Moskva Fiziki Problemlər İnstitutuna dəvət olunur və həmin institutda nəzəriyyə şöbəsinə rəhbərlik etməyə başlayır.
Elmi nailiyyətlərindən savayı Landau eyni zamanda mərkəzi Xarkov şəhəri olmaqla keçmiş Sovetlər Birliyində nəzəri fizika elminin aparıcı Landau məktəbinin əsasını qoyub. Onun yaratdığı bu məkəb Sovet elminə Lev Pitayevski, Aleksey Abrikosov, Arkadi Levanyuk, Yevgeni Lifşitz, Lev Gorkov kimi fiziklər bəxş edib. Landau Fizika Problemləri İnstitutunun nəzəriyyə bölməsinə rəhbərlik etdiyi müddətdə avtomobil qəzası nəticəsində ciddi xəsarət alaraq, sağlamlığını bir daha tam bərpa edə bilməyib. O, Nəzəri minimum adlı geniş əhatəli imtahan işləyib və tələbələri yalnız bu imtahandan keçdikdən sonra banisi olduğu Landau məktəbinə qəbul oluna bilərdilər. İmtahan nəzəri fizikanın bütün aspektlərini əhatə edir və yalnız 43 nəfər bu imtahanı keçə bilib. Məhz bu yolla onun tələbələri dünya fizika arenasında kifayət qədər tananıblar.
O, elmin bir çox müxtəlif sahələrində bərk cisimlər fizikası, faza keçidləri nəzəriyyəsi, kosmik şüalar fizikası, nüvə nəzəriyyəsi, heliumun ifrat axıcılıq nəzəriyyəsi, hidrodinamika, sahənin kvant nəzəriyyəsi və elementar zərrəciklər, Fermi mayesi nəzəriyyəsi və s. dəyərli kəşflər edib. Landaunun əməyi yüksək qiymətləndirilərək o, 1946-cı ildə SSRİ EA-nın həqiqi üzvü seçilib. 3 dəfə Dövlət mükafatına, Sosialist Əməyi Qəhrəmanı adına layiq görülüb, Lenin ordeni ilə təltif olunub, 1962-ci ildə isə Lenin mükafatı laureatçısına çevrilib.
Beynəlxalq miqyasda Landaunun elmi xidmətləri yüksək qiymətləndirilib. O, İngiltərədə Kral Cəmiyyətinin, Danimarka və Niderland EA-nın, ABŞ Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının, Amerika Elm və İncəsənət Akademiyasının üzvü olub.
1962-ci ilin 7 yanvarında Landau ciddi avtomobil qəzasına uğrayır. O, Moskva şəhərinin Timiryazev rayonunun 50 nömrəli xəstəxanasına aparılır. Bu qəzadan ciddi xəsarət alan alim üç ay komada yatır. 1962-ci ilin sentyabr ayında SSRİ Elmlər Akademiyasının xəstəxanasına köçürülür. Həmin ilin noyabrında Landau ona Nobel mükafatı verilməsi barədə teleqram alır. Nobel Komitəsinin tarixində ilk dəfə olaraq xüsusi hal kimi məşhur fizik Lev Landaunun Stokholma gedə bilməməsi nəzərə alınır və İsveçin Moskvada olan səfiri Nobel mükafatını xəstəxanada ona təqdim edir. O, bir daha tamamilə sağala və əvvəlki fəaliyyətinə qayıda bilmir. Dahi fizik 1968-ci ilin 1 aprel tarixində Moskva şəhərində vəfat edir.
Mənbə: http://kepeztv.az/?q=lev-landau-0
wn.com/Lev Landau. Günay Azəri, Kəpəz Tv, 01.04.2013
Lev Landau 1908-ci ilin 22 yanvar tarixində Bakıda yəhudi ailəsində anadan olub. Onun atası mühəndis, anası həkim idi. Landau 13 yaşında gimnaziyanı bitirib. Yaşı az olduğundan Landau Universitetə qəbul olmaq üçün işini verə bilmir və ailəsinin məsləhəti ilə bir il Bakıda İqtisad Texnikumunda oxuyur.
Pavel Relbinin- Kapitso muzeyinin müdiri: “İndi sizə oxuyacağım məktub nadir sənəddir. Burada söhbət Kapitso institutuna keçiddən gedir. Eyni zamanda yada salaq ki, bu məktub gizli məktubdur. O, 1924-ci ildə yazılıb. Hörmətli Valeriy İvanoviç bizim institutda bir gənc işləyir. Yadımıza salsaq Landau 1908-ci ildə anadan olub. Demək ki, onun o zaman 16 yaşı olub. Bu məktub belə bitir. Bakı institutunun dekanları Leninqrad institutunun dekanlarını əmin edirlər ki, bu gənclə son dərəcə qürur duyacaqlar”.
14 yaşı olanda bu istedadlı gənc Azərbaycan Dövlət Universitetinə daxil olaraq eyni zamanda iki fakültədə təhsil alır: fizika-riyaziyyat və kimya. Hələ çox erkən yaşlarında riyaziyyatda nümayiş etdirdiyi qeyri-adi istedad sonralar onun yüksəlişi üçün əsas amil olub. 1924-cü ildə Leninqrad Universitetinin fizika fakültəsinə göndərilərək 1927-ci ildə oranı uğurla başa vurub. Həmin dövrdə o artıq dünyada məşhur nəzəriyyəçi fizik kimi tanınırdı. 1937-ci ilin fevralında alim Moskva Fiziki Problemlər İnstitutuna dəvət olunur və həmin institutda nəzəriyyə şöbəsinə rəhbərlik etməyə başlayır.
Elmi nailiyyətlərindən savayı Landau eyni zamanda mərkəzi Xarkov şəhəri olmaqla keçmiş Sovetlər Birliyində nəzəri fizika elminin aparıcı Landau məktəbinin əsasını qoyub. Onun yaratdığı bu məkəb Sovet elminə Lev Pitayevski, Aleksey Abrikosov, Arkadi Levanyuk, Yevgeni Lifşitz, Lev Gorkov kimi fiziklər bəxş edib. Landau Fizika Problemləri İnstitutunun nəzəriyyə bölməsinə rəhbərlik etdiyi müddətdə avtomobil qəzası nəticəsində ciddi xəsarət alaraq, sağlamlığını bir daha tam bərpa edə bilməyib. O, Nəzəri minimum adlı geniş əhatəli imtahan işləyib və tələbələri yalnız bu imtahandan keçdikdən sonra banisi olduğu Landau məktəbinə qəbul oluna bilərdilər. İmtahan nəzəri fizikanın bütün aspektlərini əhatə edir və yalnız 43 nəfər bu imtahanı keçə bilib. Məhz bu yolla onun tələbələri dünya fizika arenasında kifayət qədər tananıblar.
O, elmin bir çox müxtəlif sahələrində bərk cisimlər fizikası, faza keçidləri nəzəriyyəsi, kosmik şüalar fizikası, nüvə nəzəriyyəsi, heliumun ifrat axıcılıq nəzəriyyəsi, hidrodinamika, sahənin kvant nəzəriyyəsi və elementar zərrəciklər, Fermi mayesi nəzəriyyəsi və s. dəyərli kəşflər edib. Landaunun əməyi yüksək qiymətləndirilərək o, 1946-cı ildə SSRİ EA-nın həqiqi üzvü seçilib. 3 dəfə Dövlət mükafatına, Sosialist Əməyi Qəhrəmanı adına layiq görülüb, Lenin ordeni ilə təltif olunub, 1962-ci ildə isə Lenin mükafatı laureatçısına çevrilib.
Beynəlxalq miqyasda Landaunun elmi xidmətləri yüksək qiymətləndirilib. O, İngiltərədə Kral Cəmiyyətinin, Danimarka və Niderland EA-nın, ABŞ Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının, Amerika Elm və İncəsənət Akademiyasının üzvü olub.
1962-ci ilin 7 yanvarında Landau ciddi avtomobil qəzasına uğrayır. O, Moskva şəhərinin Timiryazev rayonunun 50 nömrəli xəstəxanasına aparılır. Bu qəzadan ciddi xəsarət alan alim üç ay komada yatır. 1962-ci ilin sentyabr ayında SSRİ Elmlər Akademiyasının xəstəxanasına köçürülür. Həmin ilin noyabrında Landau ona Nobel mükafatı verilməsi barədə teleqram alır. Nobel Komitəsinin tarixində ilk dəfə olaraq xüsusi hal kimi məşhur fizik Lev Landaunun Stokholma gedə bilməməsi nəzərə alınır və İsveçin Moskvada olan səfiri Nobel mükafatını xəstəxanada ona təqdim edir. O, bir daha tamamilə sağala və əvvəlki fəaliyyətinə qayıda bilmir. Dahi fizik 1968-ci ilin 1 aprel tarixində Moskva şəhərində vəfat edir.
Mənbə: http://kepeztv.az/?q=lev-landau-0
- published: 22 Aug 2014
- views: 4
Richard Feynman - Magnets (And 'Why' Questions)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman Magnets (And 'Why' Questions)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 2730
author: pololopo23
Richard Feynman - Ways of Thinking (Part One of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman Ways Of Thinking (Part One Of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 11582
author: pololopo23
Lev Landau Leo Is Speaking Science Russia Говорит Лев Ландау Россия Наука
Genius Russian and Soviet scientist Lev Landau Leo is speaking. video documentary footage with sound. Science. Phisics. Moscow, Russia, USSR, 1960s. Лев Ланд......
Genius Russian and Soviet scientist Lev Landau Leo is speaking. video documentary footage with sound. Science. Phisics. Moscow, Russia, USSR, 1960s. Лев Ланд...
wn.com/Lev Landau Leo Is Speaking Science Russia Говорит Лев Ландау Россия Наука
Genius Russian and Soviet scientist Lev Landau Leo is speaking. video documentary footage with sound. Science. Phisics. Moscow, Russia, USSR, 1960s. Лев Ланд...
Landau Lectures| Prof. Connes | Part 1 | 1998/9
Prof. Alain Connes (IHES) Details : Trace formulas and the zeros of the Riemann zeta function (Jan. 3rd, 1999) Landau Lectures Series Website - http://www.ma......
Prof. Alain Connes (IHES) Details : Trace formulas and the zeros of the Riemann zeta function (Jan. 3rd, 1999) Landau Lectures Series Website - http://www.ma...
wn.com/Landau Lectures| Prof. Connes | Part 1 | 1998 9
Prof. Alain Connes (IHES) Details : Trace formulas and the zeros of the Riemann zeta function (Jan. 3rd, 1999) Landau Lectures Series Website - http://www.ma...
Десять заповедей Ландау, док фильм, биография in Russian
Страна: Россия
Режиссер: Андрей Столяров
Жанр: биографии, личности
Продолжительность: 00:43:15
Год выпуска: 2010
Описание: 7 января 1962 года на Дмитровск...
Страна: Россия
Режиссер: Андрей Столяров
Жанр: биографии, личности
Продолжительность: 00:43:15
Год выпуска: 2010
Описание: 7 января 1962 года на Дмитровском шоссе в Москве машина, в которой ехал Лев Ландау, потеряла управление и врезалась в грузовик. Полученные Ландау травмы, по мнению врачей, были несовместимы с жизнью. Но великий физик прожил еще 6 лет. Российский телеканал "Вести" представляет уникальный фильм о жизни и работе одного из пророков советской науки.
Легендарный физик-теоретик, любимчик Нильса Бора, ученый-академик, который впервые представил теорию сверхтекучести гелия и математически рассчитал действие атомной бомбы. Это Лев Давидович Ландау -- одна из самых загадочных личностей в советской науке.
Он был гениальным ученым и многое привнес в мировую науку, его работы заслуживали не менее 10 нобелевских премий, но получил он лишь одну, будучи смертельно больным. 10-томный курс "Теоретической физики", который называют "Заповеди Ландау" знает все физики мира.
wn.com/Десять Заповедей Ландау, Док Фильм, Биография In Russian
Страна: Россия
Режиссер: Андрей Столяров
Жанр: биографии, личности
Продолжительность: 00:43:15
Год выпуска: 2010
Описание: 7 января 1962 года на Дмитровском шоссе в Москве машина, в которой ехал Лев Ландау, потеряла управление и врезалась в грузовик. Полученные Ландау травмы, по мнению врачей, были несовместимы с жизнью. Но великий физик прожил еще 6 лет. Российский телеканал "Вести" представляет уникальный фильм о жизни и работе одного из пророков советской науки.
Легендарный физик-теоретик, любимчик Нильса Бора, ученый-академик, который впервые представил теорию сверхтекучести гелия и математически рассчитал действие атомной бомбы. Это Лев Давидович Ландау -- одна из самых загадочных личностей в советской науке.
Он был гениальным ученым и многое привнес в мировую науку, его работы заслуживали не менее 10 нобелевских премий, но получил он лишь одну, будучи смертельно больным. 10-томный курс "Теоретической физики", который называют "Заповеди Ландау" знает все физики мира.
- published: 07 Jun 2014
- views: 3
The Quantum Jungle (Film Noir) (HOLCOL 2011)
It was a dark and stormy night in Chamberlin Hall. Can Lev Landau solve the mystery of Evgeny Lifshitz before the forces of THE ADVISOR collapse his wavefunc......
It was a dark and stormy night in Chamberlin Hall. Can Lev Landau solve the mystery of Evgeny Lifshitz before the forces of THE ADVISOR collapse his wavefunc...
wn.com/The Quantum Jungle (Film Noir) (Holcol 2011)
It was a dark and stormy night in Chamberlin Hall. Can Lev Landau solve the mystery of Evgeny Lifshitz before the forces of THE ADVISOR collapse his wavefunc...
SNKB2 Electron Landau Levels Photographed
We all probably remember learning about energy levels of electrons in high school chemistry. For the first time, physicists at the University of Warwick and ......
We all probably remember learning about energy levels of electrons in high school chemistry. For the first time, physicists at the University of Warwick and ...
wn.com/Snkb2 Electron Landau Levels Photographed
We all probably remember learning about energy levels of electrons in high school chemistry. For the first time, physicists at the University of Warwick and ...
Ландау Лев
Они уходили по-разному. Кто-то молодым, в самом расцвете сил. Кто-то прожил долго и плодотворно. Одни были счастливы, другие не успели сделать и половины. В тел...
Они уходили по-разному. Кто-то молодым, в самом расцвете сил. Кто-то прожил долго и плодотворно. Одни были счастливы, другие не успели сделать и половины. В телевизионном документальном сериале "Как уходили кумиры" - рассказ о наших выдающихся артистах, режиссерах, поэтах, телеведущих, спортсменах и мастеров спорта. Об их судьбах, о линиях жизни, которые, увы, закончились...
wn.com/Ландау Лев
Они уходили по-разному. Кто-то молодым, в самом расцвете сил. Кто-то прожил долго и плодотворно. Одни были счастливы, другие не успели сделать и половины. В телевизионном документальном сериале "Как уходили кумиры" - рассказ о наших выдающихся артистах, режиссерах, поэтах, телеведущих, спортсменах и мастеров спорта. Об их судьбах, о линиях жизни, которые, увы, закончились...
- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 28
Landau damping - Video Learning - WizScience.com
In physics, "Landau damping", named after its discoverer, the eminent Soviet physicist Lev Davidovich Landau , is the effect of damping of longitudinal space...
In physics, "Landau damping", named after its discoverer, the eminent Soviet physicist Lev Davidovich Landau , is the effect of damping of longitudinal space charge waves in plasma or a similar environment. This phenomenon prevents an instability from developing, and creates a region of stability in the parameter space. It was later argued by Donald Lynden-Bell that a similar phenomenon was occurring in galactic dynamics, where the gas of electrons interacting by electro-static forces is replaced by a "gas of stars" interacting by gravitation forces. Landau damping can be manipulated exactly in numerical simulations such as particle-in-cell simulation.
Landau damping occurs because of the energy exchange between an electromagnetic wave with phase velocity v_ and particles in the plasma with velocity approximately equal to v_ , which can interact strongly with the wave. Those particles having velocities slightly less than v_ will be accelerated by the wave electric field to move with the wave phase velocity, while those particles with velocities slightly greater than v_ will be decelerated by the wave electric field, losing energy to the wave.
In a collisionless plasma the particle velocities are often taken to be approximately a Maxwellian distribution function.
If the slope of the function is negative, the number of particles with velocities slightly less than the wave phase velocity is greater than the number of particles with velocities slightly greater. Hence, there are more particles gaining energy from the wave than losing to the wave, which leads to wave damping.
If, however, the slope of the function is positive, the number of particles with velocities slightly less than the wave phase velocity is smaller than the number of particles with velocities slightly greater. Hence, there are more particles losing energy to the wave than gaining from the wave, which leads to a resultant increase in the wave energy.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landau+damping, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landau+damping, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
wn.com/Landau Damping Video Learning Wizscience.Com
In physics, "Landau damping", named after its discoverer, the eminent Soviet physicist Lev Davidovich Landau , is the effect of damping of longitudinal space charge waves in plasma or a similar environment. This phenomenon prevents an instability from developing, and creates a region of stability in the parameter space. It was later argued by Donald Lynden-Bell that a similar phenomenon was occurring in galactic dynamics, where the gas of electrons interacting by electro-static forces is replaced by a "gas of stars" interacting by gravitation forces. Landau damping can be manipulated exactly in numerical simulations such as particle-in-cell simulation.
Landau damping occurs because of the energy exchange between an electromagnetic wave with phase velocity v_ and particles in the plasma with velocity approximately equal to v_ , which can interact strongly with the wave. Those particles having velocities slightly less than v_ will be accelerated by the wave electric field to move with the wave phase velocity, while those particles with velocities slightly greater than v_ will be decelerated by the wave electric field, losing energy to the wave.
In a collisionless plasma the particle velocities are often taken to be approximately a Maxwellian distribution function.
If the slope of the function is negative, the number of particles with velocities slightly less than the wave phase velocity is greater than the number of particles with velocities slightly greater. Hence, there are more particles gaining energy from the wave than losing to the wave, which leads to wave damping.
If, however, the slope of the function is positive, the number of particles with velocities slightly less than the wave phase velocity is smaller than the number of particles with velocities slightly greater. Hence, there are more particles losing energy to the wave than gaining from the wave, which leads to a resultant increase in the wave energy.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landau+damping, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landau+damping, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
- published: 10 Sep 2015
- views: 0
Polaron - Video Learning - WizScience.com
A "polaron" is a quasiparticle used in condensed matter physics to understand the interactions between electrons and atoms in a solid material. The polaron conc...
A "polaron" is a quasiparticle used in condensed matter physics to understand the interactions between electrons and atoms in a solid material. The polaron concept was first proposed by Lev Landau in 1933 to describe an electron moving in a dielectric crystal where the atoms move from their equilibrium positions to effectively screen the charge of an electron, known as a phonon cloud. This lowers the electron mobility and increases the electron's effective mass.
The general concept of a polaron has been extended to describe other interactions between the electrons and ions in metals that result in a bound state, or a lowering of energy compared to the non-interacting system. Major theoretical work has focused on solving Fröhlich and Holstein Hamiltonians. This is still an active field of research to find exact numerical solutions to the case of one or two electrons in a large crystal lattice, and to study the case of many interacting electrons.
Experimentally, polarons are important to the understanding of a wide variety of materials. The electron mobility in semiconductors can be greatly decreased by the formation of polarons. Organic semiconductors are also sensitive to polaronic effects, and is particularly relevant in the design of organic solar cells that effectively transport charge. The electron phonon interactions that form cooper pairs in type-I superconductors can also be modelled as a polaron, and two opposite spin electrons may form a bipolaron sharing a phonon cloud. This has been suggested as a mechanism for cooper pair formation in type-II superconductors. Polarons are also important for interpreting the optical conductivity of these types of materials.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polaron, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polaron, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
wn.com/Polaron Video Learning Wizscience.Com
A "polaron" is a quasiparticle used in condensed matter physics to understand the interactions between electrons and atoms in a solid material. The polaron concept was first proposed by Lev Landau in 1933 to describe an electron moving in a dielectric crystal where the atoms move from their equilibrium positions to effectively screen the charge of an electron, known as a phonon cloud. This lowers the electron mobility and increases the electron's effective mass.
The general concept of a polaron has been extended to describe other interactions between the electrons and ions in metals that result in a bound state, or a lowering of energy compared to the non-interacting system. Major theoretical work has focused on solving Fröhlich and Holstein Hamiltonians. This is still an active field of research to find exact numerical solutions to the case of one or two electrons in a large crystal lattice, and to study the case of many interacting electrons.
Experimentally, polarons are important to the understanding of a wide variety of materials. The electron mobility in semiconductors can be greatly decreased by the formation of polarons. Organic semiconductors are also sensitive to polaronic effects, and is particularly relevant in the design of organic solar cells that effectively transport charge. The electron phonon interactions that form cooper pairs in type-I superconductors can also be modelled as a polaron, and two opposite spin electrons may form a bipolaron sharing a phonon cloud. This has been suggested as a mechanism for cooper pair formation in type-II superconductors. Polarons are also important for interpreting the optical conductivity of these types of materials.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polaron, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polaron, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
- published: 10 Sep 2015
- views: 0
Line 22 7b269 Landau--Hopf Turbulence Symmetry Higgs Fourier Formula WOW SETI
7b97z 269 of 100 videos there are more videos after this one #170 wont upload., #206 wont upload
i'll post all then...
7b97z 269 of 100 videos there are more videos after this one #170 wont upload., #206 wont upload
i'll post all then update the #.
Math Equation Wow Seti 1977 radio signal alien
Wow SETI 1977 radio signal alien
Google 0.0071
Landau hopf turbulence, signals, frequency, higgs, symmetry particles, neutrinos, electric field, fourier transform formula, line 22 wow seti data
To be filmed 20 mar 2014
Line 22 7b268 Critical Orbit Traversable Wormhole Points Rutherford Scattering WOW SETI
Landau--Hopf theory of turbulence
7 mar 2014
Quote wiki
(Redirected from Landau-Hopf theory of turbulence)
In physics, the Landau--Hopf theory of turbulence, named for Lev Landau and Eberhard Hopf,
was until the mid-1970s the accepted theory of how a fluid flow becomes turbulent.
The theory says that as a fluid flows faster, it develops more and more Fourier modes.
Fourier modes - Fourier Transform
Quote wiki:
is a mathematical transformation employed to transform signals between time (or spatial) domain and frequency domain,
which has many applications in physics and engineering. It is reversible, being able to transform from either domain to the other.
20 Mar 2014
My thoughts:
For quantum levitation you need fluid flow and turbulence with air lift wind speeds.
Fourier Transform + mathematical + transformation + transform signals + between + time + spatial domain + frequency + domain + applications + in + physics
+ engineering + structure UFO + reversible + transform + from + either + domain + to + the + other + like + neutrino's do
+ adding mass + to + a + particle + in + a + higgs event+ higgs electric field + creating + higgs boson particles. + symmetry
Data continues next video
wn.com/Line 22 7B269 Landau Hopf Turbulence Symmetry Higgs Fourier Formula Wow Seti
7b97z 269 of 100 videos there are more videos after this one #170 wont upload., #206 wont upload
i'll post all then update the #.
Math Equation Wow Seti 1977 radio signal alien
Wow SETI 1977 radio signal alien
Google 0.0071
Landau hopf turbulence, signals, frequency, higgs, symmetry particles, neutrinos, electric field, fourier transform formula, line 22 wow seti data
To be filmed 20 mar 2014
Line 22 7b268 Critical Orbit Traversable Wormhole Points Rutherford Scattering WOW SETI
Landau--Hopf theory of turbulence
7 mar 2014
Quote wiki
(Redirected from Landau-Hopf theory of turbulence)
In physics, the Landau--Hopf theory of turbulence, named for Lev Landau and Eberhard Hopf,
was until the mid-1970s the accepted theory of how a fluid flow becomes turbulent.
The theory says that as a fluid flows faster, it develops more and more Fourier modes.
Fourier modes - Fourier Transform
Quote wiki:
is a mathematical transformation employed to transform signals between time (or spatial) domain and frequency domain,
which has many applications in physics and engineering. It is reversible, being able to transform from either domain to the other.
20 Mar 2014
My thoughts:
For quantum levitation you need fluid flow and turbulence with air lift wind speeds.
Fourier Transform + mathematical + transformation + transform signals + between + time + spatial domain + frequency + domain + applications + in + physics
+ engineering + structure UFO + reversible + transform + from + either + domain + to + the + other + like + neutrino's do
+ adding mass + to + a + particle + in + a + higgs event+ higgs electric field + creating + higgs boson particles. + symmetry
Data continues next video
- published: 04 Apr 2014
- views: 1
MINECRAFT часть первая (секретная комната!)
я уже абустроисля! но я надеюсь что то што я не-снимал вам неинтересно! я пока покажу
вам мою СЕКРЕТНУЮ КОМНАТУ! надеюсь вам понравится...
я уже абустроисля! но я надеюсь что то што я не-снимал вам неинтересно! я пока покажу
вам мою СЕКРЕТНУЮ КОМНАТУ! надеюсь вам понравится
wn.com/Minecraft Часть Первая (Секретная Комната )
я уже абустроисля! но я надеюсь что то што я не-снимал вам неинтересно! я пока покажу
вам мою СЕКРЕТНУЮ КОМНАТУ! надеюсь вам понравится
- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 99
minecraft часть 2 (в пищеру ANDEL)
Эта втарая часть выжывание я пойду в пищеру и попаду в проблему!!! ANDEL это сумашетшые зомби!!!!!! даааам вотето проблемы!!...
Эта втарая часть выжывание я пойду в пищеру и попаду в проблему!!! ANDEL это сумашетшые зомби!!!!!! даааам вотето проблемы!!
wn.com/Minecraft Часть 2 (В Пищеру Andel)
Эта втарая часть выжывание я пойду в пищеру и попаду в проблему!!! ANDEL это сумашетшые зомби!!!!!! даааам вотето проблемы!!
- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 86
wn.com/Бубка Боб Это Ты
- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 242
Interview No. (8)20 - Landau, Zeev (Bobo) (לנדאו, זאב)
Interviewer: Jelinek, Yeshayahu (ילינק, ישעיהו) Interviewee: Landau, Zeev (Bobo) (לנדאו, זאב) PDF Link - http://ohd.huji.ac.il/holocaust/project8/project8pdf...
Richard Feynman - Bigger Is Electricity!
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
Rose Bethe
Theodor W. Hänsch, Physik-Nobelpreisträger | Journal Interview
Nobelpreisträger treffen Nachwuchsforscher: Was macht die Naturwissenschaft so spannend? Seit 60 Jahren treffen sich auf der Insel Lindau im Bodensee Nobelpr...
iCadenza interview with Francois Chouchan part 2
iCadenza interview with pianist/composer Francois Chouchan, part 2--with clips of him playing Faure's Nocturne No. 6 in D flat Op. 63.
Abel in Paris - Mikhail Gromov (IHÉS): "Meaning of Mathematics and Mathematics of Meaning"
Mikhail Gromov est professeur permanent à l’IHÉS (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques). Ses recherches portent sur différents domaines de la géométrie, et spécifiquement sur la géométrie métrique, la géométrie symplectique et la théorie géométrique des groupes. Il est connu pour son h- principe sur les équations aux dérivées partielles, pour son travail sur les groupes hyper
Richard Feynman - Big Numbers And Stuff (Part One of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
Dr. Lev Ginzburg
In an interview at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), Dr. Lev Ginzburg, a professor of ecology and evolution at Ston...
Richard Feynman - Jiggling Atoms
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
Landau Lectures| Prof. Hildebrandt | Part 1 | 1996/7
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Contact transformations, Huygens principle and the calculus of variations (Nov. 28th, 1996) Landau Lectures Se...
Landau Lectures| Prof. Hildebrandt | Part 2 | 1996/7
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Nonlinear elliptic systems of partial differential equations and geometric variational problems (Dec. 1st, 199...
Landau Lectures| Prof. Hildebrandt | Part 3 | 1996/7
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Nonlinear elliptic systems of partial differential equations and geometric variational problems (Dec. 3rd, 199...
Richard Feynman - The Train
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
Richard Feynman - Seeing Things
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
Richard Feynman - The Mirror
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
Landau School: the Epoch and the People
Lecturer: Boris Ioffe "Yuval Fest"- The 80th Birthday of Yuval Neeman Event, Held at the Tel Aviv University, 18-19.5.2005.
Richard Feynman - Big Numbers And Stuff (Part Two of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
Richard Feynman - Fire
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
Richard Feynman - Ways of Thinking (Part Two of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
Interview No. (8)20 - Landau, Zeev (Bobo) (לנדאו, זאב)
Interviewer: Jelinek, Yeshayahu (ילינק, ישעיהו) Interviewee: Landau, Zeev (Bobo) (לנדאו, זאב) PDF Link - http://ohd.huji.ac.il/holocaust/project8/project8pdf......
Interviewer: Jelinek, Yeshayahu (ילינק, ישעיהו) Interviewee: Landau, Zeev (Bobo) (לנדאו, זאב) PDF Link - http://ohd.huji.ac.il/holocaust/project8/project8pdf...
wn.com/Interview No. (8)20 Landau, Zeev (Bobo) (לנדאו, זאב)
Interviewer: Jelinek, Yeshayahu (ילינק, ישעיהו) Interviewee: Landau, Zeev (Bobo) (לנדאו, זאב) PDF Link - http://ohd.huji.ac.il/holocaust/project8/project8pdf...
Richard Feynman - Bigger Is Electricity!
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman Bigger Is Electricity
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 1269
author: pololopo23
Theodor W. Hänsch, Physik-Nobelpreisträger | Journal Interview
Nobelpreisträger treffen Nachwuchsforscher: Was macht die Naturwissenschaft so spannend? Seit 60 Jahren treffen sich auf der Insel Lindau im Bodensee Nobelpr......
Nobelpreisträger treffen Nachwuchsforscher: Was macht die Naturwissenschaft so spannend? Seit 60 Jahren treffen sich auf der Insel Lindau im Bodensee Nobelpr...
wn.com/Theodor W. Hänsch, Physik Nobelpreisträger | Journal Interview
Nobelpreisträger treffen Nachwuchsforscher: Was macht die Naturwissenschaft so spannend? Seit 60 Jahren treffen sich auf der Insel Lindau im Bodensee Nobelpr...
iCadenza interview with Francois Chouchan part 2
iCadenza interview with pianist/composer Francois Chouchan, part 2--with clips of him playing Faure's Nocturne No. 6 in D flat Op. 63....
iCadenza interview with pianist/composer Francois Chouchan, part 2--with clips of him playing Faure's Nocturne No. 6 in D flat Op. 63.
wn.com/Icadenza Interview With Francois Chouchan Part 2
iCadenza interview with pianist/composer Francois Chouchan, part 2--with clips of him playing Faure's Nocturne No. 6 in D flat Op. 63.
- published: 09 Aug 2009
- views: 556
author: iCadenza
Abel in Paris - Mikhail Gromov (IHÉS): "Meaning of Mathematics and Mathematics of Meaning"
Mikhail Gromov est professeur permanent à l’IHÉS (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques). Ses recherches portent sur différents domaines de la géométri...
Mikhail Gromov est professeur permanent à l’IHÉS (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques). Ses recherches portent sur différents domaines de la géométrie, et spécifiquement sur la géométrie métrique, la géométrie symplectique et la théorie géométrique des groupes. Il est connu pour son h- principe sur les équations aux dérivées partielles, pour son travail sur les groupes hyperboliques, et pour avoir fondé la topologie symplectique en introduisant la théorie des courbes pseudoholomorphes. Mikhail Gromov a été lauréat du prix Wolf en 1993, du prix Leroy P. Steele en 1997, du prix Balzan en 1999, du prix de Kyōto en 2002, du prix Nemmers en 2004 et du prix Abel en 2009.
wn.com/Abel In Paris Mikhail Gromov (Ihés) Meaning Of Mathematics And Mathematics Of Meaning
Mikhail Gromov est professeur permanent à l’IHÉS (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques). Ses recherches portent sur différents domaines de la géométrie, et spécifiquement sur la géométrie métrique, la géométrie symplectique et la théorie géométrique des groupes. Il est connu pour son h- principe sur les équations aux dérivées partielles, pour son travail sur les groupes hyperboliques, et pour avoir fondé la topologie symplectique en introduisant la théorie des courbes pseudoholomorphes. Mikhail Gromov a été lauréat du prix Wolf en 1993, du prix Leroy P. Steele en 1997, du prix Balzan en 1999, du prix de Kyōto en 2002, du prix Nemmers en 2004 et du prix Abel en 2009.
- published: 18 Feb 2015
- views: 27
Richard Feynman - Big Numbers And Stuff (Part One of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman Big Numbers And Stuff (Part One Of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 2545
author: pololopo23
Dr. Lev Ginzburg
In an interview at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), Dr. Lev Ginzburg, a professor of ecology and evolution at Ston......
In an interview at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), Dr. Lev Ginzburg, a professor of ecology and evolution at Ston...
wn.com/Dr. Lev Ginzburg
In an interview at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), Dr. Lev Ginzburg, a professor of ecology and evolution at Ston...
- published: 08 Mar 2012
- views: 135
author: NIMBioS
Richard Feynman - Jiggling Atoms
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman Jiggling Atoms
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 1077
author: pololopo23
Landau Lectures| Prof. Hildebrandt | Part 1 | 1996/7
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Contact transformations, Huygens principle and the calculus of variations (Nov. 28th, 1996) Landau Lectures Se......
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Contact transformations, Huygens principle and the calculus of variations (Nov. 28th, 1996) Landau Lectures Se...
wn.com/Landau Lectures| Prof. Hildebrandt | Part 1 | 1996 7
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Contact transformations, Huygens principle and the calculus of variations (Nov. 28th, 1996) Landau Lectures Se...
Landau Lectures| Prof. Hildebrandt | Part 2 | 1996/7
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Nonlinear elliptic systems of partial differential equations and geometric variational problems (Dec. 1st, 199......
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Nonlinear elliptic systems of partial differential equations and geometric variational problems (Dec. 1st, 199...
wn.com/Landau Lectures| Prof. Hildebrandt | Part 2 | 1996 7
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Nonlinear elliptic systems of partial differential equations and geometric variational problems (Dec. 1st, 199...
Landau Lectures| Prof. Hildebrandt | Part 3 | 1996/7
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Nonlinear elliptic systems of partial differential equations and geometric variational problems (Dec. 3rd, 199......
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Nonlinear elliptic systems of partial differential equations and geometric variational problems (Dec. 3rd, 199...
wn.com/Landau Lectures| Prof. Hildebrandt | Part 3 | 1996 7
Prof. Stefan Hildebrandt (Univ. Bonn) Details: Nonlinear elliptic systems of partial differential equations and geometric variational problems (Dec. 3rd, 199...
Richard Feynman - The Train
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman The Train
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 5381
author: pololopo23
Richard Feynman - Seeing Things
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman Seeing Things
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 2069
author: pololopo23
Richard Feynman - The Mirror
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman The Mirror
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 1417
author: pololopo23
Landau School: the Epoch and the People
Lecturer: Boris Ioffe "Yuval Fest"- The 80th Birthday of Yuval Neeman Event, Held at the Tel Aviv University, 18-19.5.2005....
Lecturer: Boris Ioffe "Yuval Fest"- The 80th Birthday of Yuval Neeman Event, Held at the Tel Aviv University, 18-19.5.2005.
wn.com/Landau School The Epoch And The People
Lecturer: Boris Ioffe "Yuval Fest"- The 80th Birthday of Yuval Neeman Event, Held at the Tel Aviv University, 18-19.5.2005.
- published: 14 Aug 2011
- views: 1344
author: TAUVOD
Richard Feynman - Big Numbers And Stuff (Part Two of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman Big Numbers And Stuff (Part Two Of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 1102
author: pololopo23
Richard Feynman - Fire
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman Fire
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 1449
author: pololopo23
Richard Feynman - Ways of Thinking (Part Two of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ......
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
wn.com/Richard Feynman Ways Of Thinking (Part Two Of Two)
One of the best known and most renowned scientists in history, Richard Feynman pioneered quantum mechanics. His knack for accessible explanations made him a ...
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 4343
author: pololopo23