- published: 25 Dec 2011
- views: 12412
Kenichi Ogata may refer to:
isshinsai ogata vs oso negro asiatico
Kenichi Ogata (HL)
緒方賢一 OGATA Kenichi ボイスサンプル
tanaka san vs kensei sama
Hanayama Kaoru vs Isshinsai Ogata
Andy Souwer vs Kenichi Ogata 03 11 06
li tenmon vs ma kensei
Top 60 Strongest Kenichi Characters
Apachai vs Hayato Furinji [AMV]
Kenichi Meets The Masters
aki soysu viejoamigo silver9503 aki les dejo lapelea deisshinsai ogata vs un osonegro
la muerte de tanaka me recuerda a la muerte de jiraya
LI TENMON es de un orgulloso clan y quiere matar a kenichi y sus amigos porque quiere pertenecer a organización de peleadores de élite (YAMI) pero un inesperado encuentro con el maestro de kempo y artes marciales MA KENSEI hace mas difícil su objetivo
1000 views, Thanks so much. I want second season so much. Damn it, I forgot about Danki xD Entire list: 1. Furinji Hayato “The Invincible Superman” 2. Ganosuke Yogi “Second Hades” 3. Furinji Saiga “Lost Hero of Ryōzanpaku” 4. Senzui “One Shadow” (Ichiei) 5. Silcardo Jenazad “Demon God Fist” 6. Mikumo Kushinada “The Bewitching Fist” 7. Isshinsai Ogata “The Saint Fist” (While using Seidou Gōitsu) 8. Akisame Kōetsuji “The Philosophical Jujitsu Master” 9. Akira Hongō “God Hand” tied with Shio Sakaki “The Hundredth Degree Street Brawler” 10. Kensei Ma “The Master of All Chinese Kenpō” 11. Ryō "Hakubi" Ma 12. James Shiba “The God of Destruction of the Underground Boxing World” 13. Apachai Hopachai “Death God of the Muay Thai Underworld” tied with Agaard Jum Sai “The Sovereign of Fists and E...
╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝....... hola amigos!! :D espero si os gusta dale like y suscribete XD .... ANIME :shijoy saikyou no deshi kenichi (KENICHI) . MUSICA: Sorry ARTISTA: Falling With Glory oO IMPORTANTE Oo Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Thanks. I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made, and will not be...
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple For more of Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple, Please Subscribe!
aki soysu viejoamigo silver9503 aki les dejo lapelea deisshinsai ogata vs un osonegro
la muerte de tanaka me recuerda a la muerte de jiraya
LI TENMON es de un orgulloso clan y quiere matar a kenichi y sus amigos porque quiere pertenecer a organización de peleadores de élite (YAMI) pero un inesperado encuentro con el maestro de kempo y artes marciales MA KENSEI hace mas difícil su objetivo
1000 views, Thanks so much. I want second season so much. Damn it, I forgot about Danki xD Entire list: 1. Furinji Hayato “The Invincible Superman” 2. Ganosuke Yogi “Second Hades” 3. Furinji Saiga “Lost Hero of Ryōzanpaku” 4. Senzui “One Shadow” (Ichiei) 5. Silcardo Jenazad “Demon God Fist” 6. Mikumo Kushinada “The Bewitching Fist” 7. Isshinsai Ogata “The Saint Fist” (While using Seidou Gōitsu) 8. Akisame Kōetsuji “The Philosophical Jujitsu Master” 9. Akira Hongō “God Hand” tied with Shio Sakaki “The Hundredth Degree Street Brawler” 10. Kensei Ma “The Master of All Chinese Kenpō” 11. Ryō "Hakubi" Ma 12. James Shiba “The God of Destruction of the Underground Boxing World” 13. Apachai Hopachai “Death God of the Muay Thai Underworld” tied with Agaard Jum Sai “The Sovereign of Fists and E...
╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝....... hola amigos!! :D espero si os gusta dale like y suscribete XD .... ANIME :shijoy saikyou no deshi kenichi (KENICHI) . MUSICA: Sorry ARTISTA: Falling With Glory oO IMPORTANTE Oo Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Thanks. I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made, and will not be...
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple For more of Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple, Please Subscribe!
La pelea más importante hasta ahora (animada en las OVAs), he tardado un poco (bastante), ya que los japos no subían los DVD de la serie, hasta que el miércoles ya estaban con traducción al inglés, de ahí la traduje con 007 no Fansub y ya están, aquí la FullFight.
Game: Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals (DS) Music: Battle #2 (Arrange) ALBUM: Estpolis Original Soundtrack Published by: Square Enix (distributed by Sony Music Distribution) Composed by: Yasunori Shiono Arranged by: Tomoko Morita, Yukio Nakajima, Hidenori Iwasaki, Ryo Yamazaki Performed by: Yuichi Nakamura, Marina Inoue, Aki Toyosaki, Kenta Miyake, Daisuke Namikawa, Kenichi Ogata, Kana Hanazawa, Tomokazu Sugita
各放送局様および関係者様へ 当社ではシュートボクシングの各大会を4K映像で収録・編集しております。今後のActシリーズや年に一度のGirls S-cupなど放送して頂ける媒体がございましたら是非ご一報くださいませ。宜しくお願い申し上げます。 http://earthon.jp/ 才賀紀左衛門選手が結婚されました! 紀左衛門さんご結婚おめでとうございます。 早くSBのリングにも復帰してください。未だ実現していない小宮山工介選手との決着お願いします!! 映像は 2013.4.20 SHOOT BOXING Act2 東京・後楽園ホールで行われたナグランチューン・マーサM16選手(及川道場)vs才賀紀左衛門選手(紀左衛門道場)の試合です。 普段はビッグマウスの格闘家として知られる才賀紀左衛門選手が シュートボクシングの「イロハ」教えてもらい 唯一リスペクトしているナグランチューン・マーサM16選手との王座挑戦者決定戦の模様をフルラウンドノーカットでお送りします。 あのヤンチャな紀左衛門選手が土下座・・・? ある意味では師弟対決と言ってもよい試合です。 マーサM16選手特集第2弾でもあり 当社スタッフが独断で選んだ2013 SHOOT BOXINGベストバウトNo'3です。 実況は、格闘技界の「杉本清」こと市川勝也さん(Ichikawa Katsuya) 解説は、S-cup2006の覇者 緒形健一さん(Ogata Kenichi) ゲスト解説は、品川 祐さん(Shinagawa Hiroshi) リングアナは、田中ケロさん(Tanaka Hidekazu) 市川勝也所属事務所:http://www.voiceon.co.jp シュートボクシング協会:http://shootboxing.org/new/ ナグランチューン・マーサM16選手ブログ:http://ameblo...
Страна: Япония Жанр: Самурайская драма Год выпуска: 1974 Продолжительность: 02:32:04 Перевод: Одноголосый закадровый Режиссер: Кэндзи Мисуми / Kenji Misumi В ролях: Хидэки Такахаси (Hideki Takahashi), Кэн Огата (Ken Ogata), Кэйко Мацудзака (Keiko Matsuzaka), Кивако Таити (Kiwako Taichi), Асао Сано (Asao Sano), Тикако Хонами (Chikako Honami), Такахиро Тамура (Takahiro Tamura), Суня Вадзаки (Shunya Wazaki), Рютаро Тацуми (Ryutaro Tatsumi). Описание: Фильм рассказывает историю молодого самурая Тораноскэ Судзи на фоне окончания правления сёгуната Токугавы (период бакумацу) и начала новой эры в Японии, ознаменовавшейся реставрацией власти императора, эры Мейдзи. Действие фильма охватывает с 1864 по 1877 г.г. и начинается со знаменитого предотвращения лидерами народного ополчения "Синсэнгуми...
photo credit: FB / Norman.pelletier75 Fabio Pinca (France: Fabio Pinca) was born on June 14, 1984, a Thai boxer Frenchman of Italian descent. He is the world champion of World Boxing Council Muaythai. His fame comes from the technique and precision in combat. And the first champion of the tournament, Thailand linebacker in 2011. He was able to enter the semifinals of the Thailand linebacker again. By scored the winning boxer from Holland Moza's Amy here. On 9 June 2555, he met a pair of Big Ben. Rama 6 in a special match. "World Championship Boxing Council world", held at Impact Arena, Muang Thong Thani, Fabio scored the winning. Big Ben Ch. 6 Rama is a native of Thailand, Muay Thai championship. His nickname was derived from the clock tower Big Ben. The Thai boxer who could beat Kenich...
A deadly virus called MM88 is created accidentally by an American geneticist, that amplifies the potency of any other virus or bacterium it comes into contact with. Starring: Masao Kusakari, George Kennedy, Robert Vaughn, Chuck Connors, Olivia Hussey, Edward James Olmos, Ken Ogata, Glenn Ford and Sonny Chiba. Directed By: Kinji Fukasaku Date: 1980