- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 30916
What Does the Bible Say About the Tribe of Ephraim?
The Tribe of Ephraim's Slavery in Puerto Rico.!!!!!!!
Puerto Ricans find out they are from the tribe of Ephraim
That 12 Tribes Chart Is Genetically Flawed and Inaccurate-Here's The TRUTH!
The Return of Ephraim and the Lost Tribes of Israel Pt 1 Audio
The Children of Ephraim In the Land of Ham
What Should We Learn from the Tribe of Ephraim? What Does the Bible Say About the Tribe of Ephraim? Israel’s twelve tribes were named for Jacob’s children or, in the case of Ephraim (and Manasseh), his grandchildren. Ephraim was born in Egypt to Joseph's wife, Asenath. Joseph named his second-born son “Ephraim” because “God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering” (Genesis 41:52). When Jacob gave his blessing to his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh, he chose to bless the younger Ephraim first, despite Joseph’s protests. In doing so, Jacob noted that Ephraim would be greater than Manasseh (Genesis 48:5–21). Throughout the Old Testament, the name Ephraim often refers to the ten tribes comprising Israel’s Northern Kingdom, not just the single tribe named after Joseph’s son (Ezekiel 3...
For more videos visit us at http://www.israelunite.org/videos and for Israelite merchandise go to http://originalroyalty.com and buy bibles,posters, fringes etc... To get in contact http://israelunite.org/contact-us/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i.u.i.c.-podcast/id987276045?mt=2&ign-mpt;=uo%3D2
This is about the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. For other uses, see Puerto Rico (disambiguation). "Porto Rico" redirects here. For other uses, see Porto Rico (disambiguation). Page semi-protected Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico (Spanish) Flag Coat of arms Motto: "Joannes Est Nomen Eius" (Latin) "Juan es su nombre" (Spanish) "John is his name" Anthem: La Borinqueña Menu 0:00 . Capital and largest city San Juan 18°27′N 66°6′W Official languages Spanish, English National language Spanish Ethnic groups (2010[1]) 75.8% Whiteb 12.4% Black 3.3% Mixed 0.5% Amerindian 0.2% Asian 7.8% other Government Commonwealth / Organized Unincorporated Territory - President Barack Obama (D) - Governor Alejandro García ...
Join The E1B1A Hebrew Israelite Movement on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/e1b1ahaplogroupnation This video addresses the very controversial and highly contentious question on rather or not The 12 Tribes of Israelite Chart that all if not many Israelite Groups in North America endorse and promote. Dr. Yoshua Ben Ephraim addresses this finally from a scientific and genetic perspective, and the content contained throughout this video will surely leave even the hardest of detractors flabbergasted at the sheer thoroughness of Dr. Ephraim in proving his thesis genetically beyond a shadow of a doubt. This video is without question, one of the most important of it's kind not only to the Hebrew Israelite movement in North America, but to the future Nationhood and the gathering up the lost she...
In this audio session, we cover the Premature Ephraimite Exodus, the origin of the Two Houses of Israel, historical Hebrew patterns and repetitions, the downfall of the Northern Kingdom, and the Cosmic Stellar Covenant linked with Israel.
A Brief History of the Northern Kingdom (Ephraim's/Yoruba's Legendary History of Migrating From the East) After many years in Persian captivity many of the Israelites of the Northern Kingdom fled to Southern China, and India even all the way to Japan (which became Manasseh's land) and the South Pacifics (which became the Lands of the Tribes of Naphtali and Reuben). On meeting persecution amongst the pagans they would flee into the Islands of the Pacific and Eastern Africa. Some have returned to Israel in recent years. Tribe of Mannaseh Returns to Israel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmp8s-Ir5hM The other half stayed in Persia (Iran, Iraq etc) and remained in contact with their brothers by ships and trade routes that went from Iran to Northern India to Japan. Tribe of Ephraim in Sou...
Isaiah 11:13 - ''Then the jealousy of Ephraim will depart, And those who harass Judah will be cut off; Ephraim will not be jealous of Judah, And Judah will not harass Ephraim''. Subscribe now: Please Share: Go to www.israelunite.org for more information
Judgement on you high yellow arrogant hardheaded proud ass little spick niggers out in POOPA FRITO...oops I mean Puerto Rico. F*ck you spick niggers feelings too if you wanna catch em like the hoe ass niggas you wicked little mutha fuckas are. Shouldve accepted the fact that you are of the tribe of Ephraim of the nation of Israel not no mestizo mullato zambo slave named after what some Spanish speaking Caucasian peckerwood devil has labeled with. Now you Spanish speaking niggers got to deal with Hosiah 5:9 JUDGEMENT FROM THE ALMIGHTY!!!!!
IUIC Miami teaching the tribe of Ephraim (so called Puerto Ricans) their true nationality and Biblical history. All praises to the Most High!! **To learn more please read these two articles: http://israelunite.org/who-are-the-israelites-today/ http://israelunite.org/the-two-kingdoms-of-israel/ http://israelunite.org/?cat=495 http://israelunite.org/the-nations/ http://israelunite.org/how-do-i-repent/ To get in contact with an IUIC school in your area or with IUIC headquarters please visit: http://www.israelunite.org/contact-us/ For more IUIC Miami camp videos please visit: https://www.youtube.com/user/iuicmiamicamp For more information on this congregation and the Bible please visit: israelunite.org or https://www.facebook.com/israelunited.inchrist or https://twitter.com/israelunite ...
The Ten Tribes were taken captive by the Assyrians. Where primarily are the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh today ? Are they associated with Western peoples ? Are they characteristically associated with Great Britain and the United States ? Eddie Chumney interviews Orthodox Jew, Yair Davidi, from Jerusalem.
Elder Rosen teaches the true gospel. We teach healing, deliverance and are a Hebrew Israelite Ministry from the tribe of Judah, Our email is anewrevelation2010@gmail.com. All praises to The Most High Ahayah Asher Ahayah and our savior Yashaya the Christ