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Indigenous Issues

Land rights, indigenous history...

April 25 - April 26 24-Apr-2014 21:17

Earth Day Workshops

From the open publishing newswire: Join us for a weekend of celebration, dialogue, and action!

This year's Earth Week focuses on sustainability in its many forms. HIghlights of the week include:

Friday, April 25: PSU's Social Sustainability Colloquium
Saturday, April 26: A day of workshops focused on cultural approaches to sustainability, indigenous ways of knowing, and paradigm shifts within education. Workshop attendees can receive 5 Professional Development Units (PDUs) for the full day.
Saturday, April 26: Closing presentation by Ilarion (Larry) Merculieff

Saturday, April 26 - Day
Earth and Spirit Council + Cornel Pewewardy's Indigenous Nations Studies Department Present Workshops

Location: Native American Center, 710 SW Jackson Street | Time: 8:30 AM - 4 PM

Tickets available at the PSU Box Office and online, listed under Earth and Spirit Council

$55 General Admission PSU Students FREE (show ID at door) Scholarships Available: No one will be turned away for lack of funds
Inquire:  http://earthandspirit.org/?view=about.contact

Workshop Series 1 Stop Talking Workshop Series 2 Indigenous Ways of Knowing Workshop Series 3 Curricula Development

homepage:  http://earthandspirit.org


environment | indigenous issues 23-Sep-2013 20:09

Video: Lummi Elder Speaking at Totem Pole Journey Ceremony

From the open publishing newswire: KWEL HOY': A Totem Pole Journey.... In September, the Lummi community is undertaking a Totem Pole Journey to raise awareness and opposition to a proposed coal terminal on their sacred lands.

They journey from Montana, where the coal is mined, through the Columbia Gorge where the coal is be transported, and then on up to British Columbia.

The ceremony in Portland was held at Cathedral Park and featured speakers from communities of faith, the director of Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, as well as a Lummi elder. This video is of Lummi elder Jewel James.
Jewel James, Lummi Elder


environment | indigenous issues 09-Aug-2013 16:46

Third Night of Protests and Blockades in Nez Perce Country

From the open publishing newswire: Protestors with the Nez Perce as well as Wild Idaho Rising Tide and Idle No More turned out for a third night of demonstrations against the illegal megaload's passage through Nez Perce country.

Yesterday's police was the largest yet, taking the side of Omega Morgan rather than the law. According to Wild Idaho Rising Tide, the police were "more forceful this time. Using their cars and phalanx tactics they forced a way through the crowd and broke the blockade faster than on other nights. The megaload took off and fled, tail between its legs, and proceeded to break laws (AIDED by the cops!) and endanger people all the way to get itself off the Res. before stopping for the night, terrified of facing the Nimipu on yet another night."

Related article: Chaos on the Clearwater River: Second Night of Megaload Blockades

Previous Feature: Nez Perce, Idle No More, Rising Tide Blockade Highway 12 to Stop Megaloads


Aerial Blockade Halts Enbridge's Pipeline 6B

This morning, Michigan Coalition Against Tar Sands (MI-CATS) is taking direct action in the Crane Pond State Game Area to halt expansion of Canadian corporation Enbridge Energy's tar sands pipeline 6B. Enbridge's claim that they have restored the Kalamazoo River after the 2010 spill holds no merit, nor does it justify expanding the pipeline. Tar sands cannot be cleaned up; this material is thick and heavy, it sinks in water, and clings to surfaces. Expanding the pipeline increases the risk of another disaster for all of life and future generations.


environment | indigenous issues 07-Aug-2013 16:41

Nez Perce, Idle No More, Rising Tide Blockade Highway 12 to Stop Megaloads

From the open publishing newswire:
Nearly 150 members of the Nez Perce Nation were joined by Idle No More, Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT), and others in a blockade of Highway 12 in Idaho for three hours late last night to stop a megaload carrying tar sands equipment.

While most people stood on the edges of the road to support the blockaders, the manifestation included about 50 people on the Highway stopping traffic, and was the longest blockade since the beginning of the megaloads shipments.

Related Articles: Nez Perce Blockade Has Local Connection | Indigenous Women: Never Idle | The Rise Of The Native Rights-Based Strategic Framework


J29 - Nonviolent Direct Action Shuts Down First US Tar Sands Mine in Utah

July 29th - Utah: This week activists converged at PR Springs, site of the first proposed tar sands mine in the United States. Three people had locked themselves to heavy machinery in order to prevent the progress of road construction, and it was determined that work was stopped for the rest of the day when workers had been sent home. This is the first mass action against what is slated to be the first tar sands mine in the United States. One banner hung from a halted backhoe read "If you build its, we will come. " Uintah County Sheriffs responded, however no arrests were made.

"The proposed tar sands and oil shale mines in Utah threaten nearly 40 million people who rely on the precious Colorado River System for their life and livelihood, " said Emily Stock, a seventh generation Utahn from Grand County, and organizer with Canyon Country Rising Tide. "The devastating consequence of dirty energy extraction knows no borders, and we stand together to protect and defend the rights of all communities, human and non-human, " Stock said.


indigenous issues 28-Dec-2012 07:31

Video: Idle No More Flash Mob Round Dance

From the open publishing newswire: On December 23, 2012, a large gathering of Indigenous people and their supporters surprised Christmas shoppers at Pioneer Place Mall in Portland Oregon with a flash mob and Round Dance.

The event was held in solidarity with the Idle No More Movement and to support First Nations Elder Chief Teresa Spencer who at this writing is on the 12th day of a hunger strike to bring awareness and recognition to indigenous treaty rights to all First Nations.

This movement which began in Canada has spread world wide, Europe, the Mid East, Australia, and Mexico, as well as scores of locations in the U.S. and Canada. Although far from a complete list, this map highlights some of the teach-ins, rallies, blockades, flash mob round dances and hunger strikes that have taken place or are being planned, as well as international solidarity actions taking place on four continents.

This video is a little under 12 minutes in length and features brief interviews with two of the indigenous people attending the event. It shows about 150 Native drummers and singers as well as many people engaged in the round dance around the perimeter.

Idle No More Flash Mob Round Dance

This "Idle No More Manifesto is excerpted from the Idle No More Facebook page

Related PIMC Video Post:
As Idle no more continues to spread indigenous people reassert there rights to there land.


indigenous issues 27-Jul-2012 08:40

NO PIPELINES! Materials drive in solidarity with Indigenous Resistance

From the open publishing newswire: Deep Green Resistance is organizing a tour of the west coast to promote the upcoming Unis'tot'en Action Camp in British Columbia. The Unis'tot'en and Wetsu'wet'in First Nations have blockaded the pathway of a proposed pipeline from the Tar Sands out to the BC coast, and have asked for activists to attend an action camp in early August to support the blockade.

We will be in Portland on the following dates:

Friday, July 27th between 7pm and 8pm at Couch Park.
Sunday, July 29th between 9am and 10:30am at Mt. Tabor Park.

Please bring DONATIONS: tents, rope, white gas fuel, climbing gear, tarps, dried/canned food, coffee, money, and anything else useful in a backcountry camp. Also, bring any statements of solidarity for delivery to the action camp. We will be hanging around to chat with anyone who is interested in DGR or the action camp, and to accept donations.



indigenous issues | prisons & prisoners 30-Jan-2012 09:31

International Day of Solidarity with Leonard Peltier

peltier From the open publishing newswire: "Background: Native American activist Leonard Peltier was wrongfully convicted in connection with the deaths of two agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The evidence shows that the FBI was the aggressor in the firefight that occurred on June 26, 1975. From 1973 to 1976, Indigenous People on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota were victims of beatings, drive-by shootings, and stabbings carried out by local vigilantes who collaborated with the FBI... Indeed, Mr. Peltier's co-defendants, tried separately, were acquitted on grounds of self-defense."

As a result of my experience as an fbi agent and my battle with the fbi assassins over the past few decades, I can confirm that the following report is based upon valid premises and that in all likelihood Leonard Peltier was wrongfully convicted as set forh below; further, he is in my opinion a hero who stood as man against the fbi psychopaths and serial killers who were sent to kill him. Also, I seved in the fbi during the time of the violence at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota; Today, the fbi continues gross violations of constitutional rights against political dissidents. I believe that Leonard Peltier was such a dissident and he is a defender of liberty against the murderous fbi agents who ran amuk at the reservation .

Full Report

Saturday Feb 4 Leonard Peltier Clemency March in Tacoma - carpool info from Portland



animal rights | indigenous issues 14-Dec-2011 05:51

Bellingham Successfully Blockade Railway in Solidarity with West Coast Port Actions

From the open publishing newswire: On December 12, 2011, an autonamous group, in solidarity with the West Coast Port Blockade, successfully shut down a BNSF railway. The flow of commerce headed for two of the blockaded ports, Seattle and Vancouver, was effectively stopped. This action was in solidarity with the Bellingham community's fight against earth-destroying industries including the struggle against the Gateway Pacific Coal Terminal. We are in solidarity with #Occupy and union actions from San Diego to Anchorage. Our allegaince to oppressed humans and non-humans is foundational to our struggle.

We draw inspiration from the five-hundred + years of ongoing Indigenous resistance to the corrupting agents of colonization. We recognize that we are living on stolen land, and that the railway industries have always facilitated genocide against the native peoples of this land through land theft, displacement, and habitat destruction. In the coming months and years, we call upon communities from the Powder River Basin to the Pacific Coast to take direct action against SSA Marine's proposed Gateway Pacific Coal Terminal. Only through sustained and coordinated community opposition and direct action, can we permanently disable this arm of the capitalist machine.


indigenous issues 05-Jun-2011 12:56

Communique from the Communal Autonomous Council of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico

From the open publishing newswire: June 2nd: To the indigenous peoples and peoples of the world. To the struggles built from below and whose origin is to the left, committed to the emblematic changes to which we are all dedicated and are a fundamental part of changing the world. To the women and men of this country who carry the world on their backs, the weight of a history plagued by injustice imposed by power. To those who dream of a great homeland, free and without any more blood, with which the poorest always pay, we who have decided to march to liberate our peoples at the cost of our lives, so that tomorrow our history has a future.

Our land, as in all of our continent called America, has been filled with innocent blood... Today, as they force us to mobilize in a caravan and they want to impose on us a destiny that is not ours, we have decided to renounce this path of death, we built the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala and we reassert it in order to give our families and people an alternative way of life...Therefore, today our intention to recover our community, the MARCH OF THE COLOR OF BLOOD is the cry of our peoples... JUSTICE FOR ALL OUR DEAD! JUSTICE FOR OUR PEOPLES! Jail Antonio Cruz Garcia and his paramilitaries!

For the autonomy of the Triqui people!


email: cdefensayjusticiamasjc-at-gmail.com


human & civil rights | indigenous issues 15-May-2011 11:23

9 killed as Israeli forces attack Nakba marches on northern, southern and central borders

From the open publishing newswire: An estimated four people were killed Sunday on the Syria-Israel border, five killed on the Lebanon-Israel border, 52 injured in Gaza, and at least 24 injured in the West Bank as Israeli forces attacked Palestinian refugees trying to re-enter their former homes in what is now Israel. The day of protests was a commemoration of the 'Nakba' or 'Catastrophe', the day when Israel was created on Palestinian land 63 years ago.

The Israeli military confirmed firing at protesters on the Israel-Syrian border, as thousands of refugees tried to cross into the Golan Heights - a territory that was traditionally Palestinian, but is now a disputed territory claimed by both Israel and Syria. Many Palestinians who lived in the area found their towns and families split in half by the border. Initial reports indicate that four people were killed by Israeli gunfire on the Syrian border, and dozens were wounded, as Palestinians crossed dangerous unmapped minefields to cross into the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. At least 63 Palestinians have been detained by Israeli forces at protests in the West Bank and Jerusalem since Friday.


International Middle East Media Center


actions & protests | indigenous issues 15-Feb-2011 11:43

Longest Walk 3 Northern Route 2011

From the open publishing newswire: 'Reversing Diabetes in Native America'

Portland, OR to Washington DC
February 14 - July 8, 2011
This is a 5,000+ mile Walk Across America to bring awareness of the devastating effects of diabetes and how it can be reversed by changing our entire diet and lifestyle! This disease is at epidemic levels across America, and throughout Indian Country.

We will hold community talks along the way about reversing diabetes, and heart disease. We will be advocating for major changes in our eating habits, while promoting beneficial exercise programs. Our goal will be to REVERSE DIABETES AND RAISE THE CONSCIOUS OF AMERICA THAT WE MUST HALT THE WORST DIET IN THE WORLD!

We will be leaving Portland, OR on February 14, 2011 following a ceremony, and other events, and entering Washington DC on July 8th, 2011.

You, too, can be a part of this! Please consider donating to our cause. We are accepting gas cards and unencumbered funds to be used for support and emergencies.

We need contacts for food and and lodging in communities along the route, and runners to help with the walk.

To see a video of Day 1 on the Walk, go to:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJiobo_RT-Y

homepage:  http://earthbornproductions.com/LWNR3.html


indigenous issues 16-Nov-2010 15:31

CIPO-CARAVAN in Portland!

From the open publishing newswire: On November 8, 2010 CIPO-VAN launched the cipo-caravan, an epic bike ride from Vancouver, Canada to Oaxaca, Mexico.

The purpose of the cipo-caravan is to raise awareness and build community around the projects and struggles of the Consejo Indigena Popular de Oaxaca - Ricardo Flores Magon and of migrant agriculture workers in Canada. Come learn and discuss about these issues, and be part of this crazy project!

Bikes and revolution!

when: Tuesday, November 16, 2010, starts at 5 pm
where: Cramer Hall 268 at Portland State University

Organized by cipo-van & friends | info: cipovan.org,  cipo.van@gmail.com


imperialism & war | indigenous issues 27-May-2010 15:18

Four Recent Community Televison Programs On Various Themes

From the open publishing newswire: Four programs which aired recently on local Public Access: one on our banking system; two programs interviewing Vietnam Veterans; the third a program featuring Indigenous issues and culture.

["A Growing Concern" and VFP Forum"]


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