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anti-racism | health 06-Sep-2015 17:34

Video: 8 .11 .15 Race Talks - Racism and Health

From the open publishing newswire: August Race Talks program consisted of a film screening of one portion of a seven-part documentary series exploring racial and socioeconomic inequalities in health and a presentation by guest speaker Leslie Gregory. This is a free monthly event at Kennedy School on the 2nd Tuesday evening of every month.
A screening and discussion of Unnatural Causes ... "is inequality making us sick\?"

 https://youtu.be/Ga40RZdjjAs [1.hour 14.minute video]

This August Race Talks presentation was by guest speaker Leslie Gregory. Leslie is a Physician Assistant and Executive Director of Right to Health. This race talks program consisted of a film screening of one portion of a seven-part documentary series exploring racial and socioeconomic inequalities in health.

Previous Race Talks events are recorded and archived on this youtube channel:  https://www.youtube.com/user/racetalks01


actions & protests | gender & sexuality | immigration 06-Aug-2015 11:29

Trans and/or Women's Action Camp Blocks Seattle Street to Call for Justice for Immigrants

From the open publishing newswire: Today the Trans and/or Women's Action Camp (TWAC) blocked a road in downtown Seattle in solidarity with the Northwest Detention Center Resistance and Not1More movement! The action was in opposition to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the GEO group corporation that operates private prisons and detention centers for profit.

Seattle, WA- "Trans and/or Women's Action Camp (TWAC)" in solidarity with NWDC Resistance and the Not1More movement to end detentions and deportations, today did a civil disobedience action to bring attention to the ICE presence in downtown Seattle. TWAC called attention to ICE, located on 1000 Second Ave where they have a large presence and headquarters, and their local quota that guarantees a minimum of 800 beds to be filled at the immigration jail in Tacoma (aka Northwest Detention Center) operated by Geo group corporation. [...]

TWAC brought attention to the inhumane treatment of transgender detainees at all detention facilities, including the one located in Tacoma as well as the inhumane treatment of all other detainees.



alternative media | animal rights 19-Apr-2015 13:13

A Growing Concern: No New Animal Labs

From the open publishing newswire: Recent Public Access program, "A Growing Concern," interviewing a member of the No New Animal Lab Campaign.

No New Animal Lab is a new pressure campaign to stop the University of Washington from building a proposed underground Animal Research and Care Facility, which would expand the number of animals that the UW can torture and kill by thousands. The No New Animal Lab campaign's primary target is Skanska, a multi-billion dollar international construction firm and the general contractor of the project.

A Growing Concern: No New Animal Labs

[...] Skanska is one of the biggest construction firms in the world; it operates internationally with billions in revenue from its projects. The construction budget for the lab is $90 million, which makes it a comparatively minor project. This is small change to them.

Skanska is also not new to controversy. They have a track record of terminating contracts and canceling projects when their image is on the line. Their long-term branding matters more to them than short-term small cash flows. They know that this lab does not fit their desired image. They even neglected to issue press releases about it, despite a tradition of boasting about their projects to the media.

The No New Animal Lab campaign revealed their dirty secret. Consistency will make them fold. It all hinges on our commitment to animal liberation. The lab will not be built if we sustain enough pressure. So what are you going to do\\\\\\\?



media criticism | political theory 25-Jan-2015 14:23

Simon Says

From the open publishing newswire: Organized Snitch programs like Tip Submit and Community Alerts are manipulating communities to target progressive writers and Activists.

In the new millennium, we have seen trends in group behavior: Flash mobs, Smart mobs, Zombie races, Zombie this, that and whatever. (One has to wonder about the popularity of the Zombie, a creature who cannot think, but only destroy.) These trends appeal to people's desire to be accepted and have fun as a group, but also show their desire to conform. We have seen many follow group behavior in a fun and entertaining way, however, a very negative form of group behavior has evolved over the last ten years. [...]

Even real Law Enforcement can be manipulated by an angry mob who constantly call in to report on someone they have been manipulated into hating. The Tip Submit Program to anonymously report on someone can be used against innocent people by the unscrupulous or even by an overzealous Neighborhood Watch. In 2005 a female colleague (a very bad bully) bragged to me that she had reported on me to some high-ranking security official, but refused to tell me what she had said. I never saw her again after that and have no idea about the accusation.

This organized snitch system is horribly wrong. Also, the snitches appear to be hounding innocent people. They don't question anything. They do not ask the person if whatever has been said, is true. Instead, they merely follow. Simon says, "Don't ask questions." [...]


environment | forest defense 10-Jan-2015 15:12

Federal Government Releases Environmental Activist Eric McDavid From Prison

From the open publishing newswire: Federal Government Releases Environmental Activist Eric McDavid From Prison


On Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015, United States District Judge Morrison C. England granted a joint request by defense attorneys and the Dept. of Justice and ordered Eric McDavid released from prison with time served, because the government withheld documents from the defense at trial. [...] - Earth First! Newswire 1/8/15


actions & protests | imperialism & war 02-Nov-2014 10:40

My Daughter and I Were Arrested Today By Military Police Guarding Worlds Most Hated Weapon

Father and daughter being handcuffed From the open publishing newswire: A California family puts their bodies on the line, forcing the arrest of a father and daughter who can no longer tolerate US murdering of innocent people with Drone terrorism. [...] I was there with My daughter Mahai'a, not quite 18, and we were the new faces on the line. We are no strangers to protest- my daughter' s conciencious objector file goes back to her crib and stroller.

Soon, after light chat, we all said our good nights and a handful of us retreated to a makeshift campsite just yards away in the shadows of the desert vegetation.

Barry Binks, a Veterans For Peace foot soldier, has been religiously showing up here at Beale Air Force base, east of Sacramento, month after month. With him is an incredible affinity group of mostly Elder citizens, who have been setting up information outlets, banners, signage and even blockading the entrance to the base, triggering their arrest by the MPs. The dedicated dozen seasoned peace activists there with us this morning, I learned later, collectively had many arrests from Washington DC to California.

The primary issue that brings them and us together is drone assassinations but all the activists make no bones about the war machine in general. Beale is the site where Global Hawk reconnaissance drones are piloted from. The drone itself is near it's target, most notably the Mid East through Pakistan where hundreds of well publicized strikes have blown to pieces children and entire families. We recognized these drone pilots by their black eagle patches displayed on their shoulders as they pass through the gate of the base. [...]


actions & protests | environment 18-Sep-2014 18:10

Wolf Patrol enters Yellowstone backcountry to document and protest Montana wolf hunt

From the open publishing newswire: Americans outraged with the killing of wolves from Yellowstone
National Park (YNP) have organized the YELLOWSTONE WOLF PATROL, whose members have entered the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness to monitor and document Montana's wolf hunt which begins September 15th.

Nine members of the Wolf Patrol are currently trailing hunters, who in the last two years, have killed wolves belonging to packs originating from YNP where hunting is prohibited. Wolf Patrol members are opposed to the sport hunting of wolves in Wolf Management Units (WMU) 313 & 316, and are asking Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) to immediately stop the hunt before more wolves are killed.

homepage:  http://www.facebook.com/teamwolfpatrol


actions & protests | police / legal 02-Sep-2014 17:58

Video: Hands Up Don't Shoot - Portland Solidarity w/ Ferguson - Traffic Stopped 8.1.14

From the open publishing newswire: Hands Up Don't Shoot - Portland Solidarity w/ Ferguson Protest.
Labor Day Solidarity Traffic Shutdown Protest at 2:30 pm.

Around 100 people gathered in Holladay Park for the protest march: Hands Up Don't Shoot"

The PDX march went across the street (in the street), then through the biggest indoor mall on the West coast (Lloyd Center) and then back into the streets, (NE Broadway) blocking the entire street with no police in sight (thus no violence!!) the 100 people walked toward the Broadway bridge, at 2:30 pm in solidarity w/ the request fro those in Ferguson the group stopped and blocked traffic. Although talk was to 'head to the bridge' a quick change in plan resulted in the "freeway on-ramp going north to I-5 was shut down by a "Sit-In" for about 10 minutes".

 http://youtu.be/McuPnI18TiM (58 minute video)


actions & protests | police / legal 31-Aug-2014 17:34

Labor Day of Rage

From the open publishing newswire: Monday (9/1) at Holladay Park, 1pm.

Large scale civil disobedience in solidarity with Ferguson & all who are harassed, harmed, and brutalized by the police.

As part of a series of continuing actions in solidarity with Ferguson, MO, [...]


actions & protests | police / legal 20-Aug-2014 20:01

Video: Stop Dont Shoot. Portland Dawson Park Ferguson Solidarity 8.16.14

From the open publishing newswire: A rally in Dawson Park 1- 4pm on Saturday 8.16.14 Citizens of Portland Oregon gather in the park, out of concern for police accountability and community safety. The stood in unity and in Solidarity with the community of Ferguson Missouri in public... to demand and end to police violence and the abuse of their authority leveraged on the people they were sworn to protect and serve.

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5gsvp_A-t8 [video 2hr 35min]

A rally in Dawson Park 1- 4pm on Saturday 8.16.14

Citizens of Portland Oregon gather in the park, out of concern for police accountability and community safety. The stood in unity and in Solidarity with the community of Ferguson Missouri in public... to demand and end to police violence and the abuse of their authority leveraged on the people they were sworn to protect and serve. This gathering was open to anybody who wanted to speak. The rally started slowly and eventually grew in size with over 100 people. There is a Facebook page "Stop Don't Shoot Portland" and there will be an email list anybody can join to stay in contact and to unite. [more info and links forthcoming asap]

The group intends to meet next Saturday in the same park to share food, conversations, ideas, tactics, education & facts and networking for a safer community.


actions & protests | police / legal 16-Aug-2014 11:59

Video: Portland Solidarity w Ferguson Community - Pioneer Square 8.1.14

From the open publishing newswire: Ferguson Missouri shooting and the Portland solidarity gathering - interview / opinion

 http://youtu.be/CLr-9H3JZww [5. 1/2 minute video]

I was walking by Pioneer Square and recorded a quick interview with Teresa, who was just ending her interview w/ corporate media regarding the Ferguson Missouri police shooting, protests and police reactions to the community that is fed up with the injustice.


imperialism & war | youth 14-Aug-2014 08:16

Back to School? Don't be a target for the Military!

From the open publishing newswire: Under the No Child Left Behind Act, schools receiving federal funding MUST release students' personal information to military recruiters if they are to continue to receive funding. Students may opt-out of the military database at the beginning of the school year.
"They'll know where you live... They'll have your phone number... They'll come to your door ... if you let them. Military recruiters, by strict authority of the No Child Left Behind Act, must be given the names, addresses and phone numbers of all high school students each year. Want to keep your privacy? You can be removed from the list of names by 'opting-out.'" -- The Full Picture, San Francisco, California

The September, 2009 article in MOTHER JONES by David Goodman, entitled, "A Few Good Kids?," deals with the heavy military recruitment of at-risk (low-income and/or minority and/or less academic) youth and the insidious invasion of student privacy under the No Child Left Behind Act and JAMRS (consumer) database maintained by the Pentagon.


 http://www.themmob.org/lmca (information, including opt-out forms, on Opt-Out and No Child Left Behind Act)
 http://www.quakerhouse.org/documents/toparents.html (Sgt. Abe the Honest Recruiter speaks to parents -- in English and in Spanish!)


actions & protests | immigration 07-Aug-2014 09:45

Video: Portland Rally to Support Immigrant Children Refugees

From the open publishing newswire: Rally in Portland Oregon supporting immigrant children refugees. Features testimonials from "dreamers" who have grown up in the United States.

Rally was held in front of the Portland Federal Building in downtown Portland, sponsored by a number of organizations, including religious groups. Prominent among these was Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice
The event was moderated by Marco Mejia of Portland Jobs with Justice, who introduced the music as well as the three young people giving testimony regarding their status in this country.

These youth spoke about their experiences in this country and their desire to remain and continue being productive citizens of this country.
Video is about 19 minutes in length.

Video: Portland Rally to Support Immigrant Chidren Refugees


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