11th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair - April 15-16th 2016


The 11th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair will take place Saturday 16th of April around Smithfield square, there will also be a major event on the Friday night.

More details will be posted over the next couple of weeks, this preliminary announcement is so that you can 'hold the date'.  Be sure to join the DABF 2016 Facebook event and help with our promotion by inviting your friends and tweeting with #DABF

Please email all queries to bookfair@wsm.ie

LUAS workers 'spitting on the constitution says right wing nut

George Hook doesn't take kindly to workers standing up to a multi-billion euro company for a bigger slice of the astronomical profits that those workers themselves generate.
LUAS workers are currently demanding better pay and conditions in the form of increased leave, overtime pay, increased lump sum payments to family members in case of death at work, pensions and bonuses. The cost of these is estimated to be around €3.5 million over a 5 year contract, which is dwarfed by Transdev's 2014 revenues, coming in at €6.6 billion globally.
That doesn't sound unreasonable considering that these same workers, and the 83,000 other Transdev employees like them around the world are the ones who generate this revenue.

Cadbury strikers resisting race to the bottom as parent company makes 2 billion profits


Our solidarity to Cadburys workers who today begin an indefinite strike at the Coolock plant against the outsourcing of jobs.  The company is trying to destroy 17 properly paid and pensionable jobs to replace them with minimum wage ones.

Newstalk push the narrative of 'recovery'

We're paraphrasing but that's the argument put forward by a veteran member of everyone's favourite gombeen party, Fianna Fail.In a debate with TD Paul Murphy on Newstalk's 'The Right Hook' earlier Noel managed to articulate the truly astounding narrative that if Fianna Fail, and the political remora fish that is the Green Party, had not gifted tens of billions of our taxes to secured and unsecured bondholders, we wouldn't have any money in our bank accounts.

Families Resisting Being Made Homeless for Profit - DCC & Building Occupied


The families who were being housed in an emergency accommodation facility on 54-55 Mountjoy street and were to be evicted today have been fighting back. Yesterday afternoon they occupied the DCC offices, demanding that officals talk to them collectively.  And this morning they occupied the buidling they are being evicted from, hanging banners from the upper floor as a solidarity protest took place below.

Book Review: Kristin Ross Communal Luxury: The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune

Kristin Ross has written a beautiful, inspirational account of the life and afterlife of the Paris Commune and of the everyday communards who brought it to fruition.

“Communal Luxury” takes as its subject matter the Paris Commune of 1871, one of the single greatest advances toward a free society ever attempted in human history. The Commune arose in the course of a devastating war between France and Prussia (Germany), with the French army’s defeat prompting the collapse of the imperialist, authoritarian French regime. The people of Paris organised their own defence, bought their own cannons, and refused to hand said cannons over to the new French Republic. Instead, staging a worker-led insurrection, they declared Paris to be liberated from both the French and Prussian forces and set about constructing a free society, one in which all comers participated in decision-making and all wealth was shared in common. The Commune lasted some 72 days in the spring of 1871 before being brutally crushed by the reactionary forces of Nation, Church, State and Capital. Some 25,000 men, women, and children were executed.


Election 2016 - beyond the five year scratch ration


Five years ago we all scratched bits of paper, and a new government was formed. Today, in 2016, with we are five years down the road, and here we are scratching more paper, and another new government will be formed. It may be different from the last one or it might be the same, but ultimately the policies will appear to be remarkably similar. To serve the economy above all others appears to be the top priority for all governments.

Reoccupation of Grangegorman squat complex a year after eviction


Over the last week the massive abandoned Grangegorman complex has been reoccupied by squatters including many of those who were eviced last year.  As our video shows after the High Court injunction last year the owners who took posession did nothing to bring this huge area back into use for housing.  The sole interest seems to have been in selling it, recently it was sold and when the new owners didn't bother with the 24 hour security on site it was reoccupied.

Some 30 people had been living in the various buildings that make up the Grangegorman complex prior to the High Court injunction.  The injunction ment that those 30 all had to try and find alternative accommodation as a time when the housing crisis in Dublin has deepened and rents have soared above levels affordable even to someone earning two times the minimum wage.

13 families to be made homeless on election day to boost landlord profits


On the 18th of February, 13 families who were being housed in an emergency accommodation facility on 54-55 Mountjoy street were handed an eviction notice, ending their tenancy in just 8 days time.

The stated reason for the eviction was an increase in the property’s rent, which DCC claim they will be unable to supply. As the residents are in emergency accommodation, they do not receive protection under the tenants’ rights law.

Large pre election water charges protest march passes through Dublin


The footage you are watching is the 20th Feb  protest against the water charges in Dublin speeded up by a factor of four so it doesn't take a long time to play.  The match took place the Saturday before the general election is to take place in the south and it's a good time to ask with the election drawing close is this really going to bring the changes we are looking for

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