- published: 17 Jun 2011
- views: 2360
This is a list of articles about numbers (not about numerals).
Other numbers that are notable for their mathematical properties or cultural meanings include:
A prime number is a positive integer which has exactly two divisors: one and itself.
The first 100 prime numbers:
A highly composite number (HCN) is a positive integer with more divisors than any smaller positive integer. They are often used in geometry, grouping and time measurement.
The first 20 highly composite numbers (the seven values with more divisors than any lesser number twice itself are in bold):
1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 720, 840, 1 260, 1 680, 2 520, 5 040, 7 560
A perfect number is an integer that is the sum of its positive proper divisors (all divisors except itself).
The first 10 perfect numbers:
In the following tables, [and] indicates that the word and is used in some dialects (such as British English), and omitted in other dialects (such as American English).
This table demonstrates the standard English construction of small cardinal numbers up to one hundred million—names for which all variants of English agree.
List or lists may refer to:
The List may refer to:
A number is a mathematical object used to count and measure. In mathematics, the definition of number has been extended over the years to include such numbers as zero, negative numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and complex numbers.
Mathematical operations are certain procedures that take one or more numbers as input and produce a number as output. Unary operations take a single input number and produce a single output number. For example, the successor operation adds one to an integer, thus the successor of 4 is 5. Binary operations take two input numbers and produce a single output number. Examples of binary operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. The study of numerical operations is called arithmetic.
A notational symbol that represents a number is called a numeral. In addition to their use in counting and measuring, numerals are often used for labels (telephone numbers), for ordering (serial numbers), and for codes (e.g., ISBNs).