- published: 16 Apr 2017
- views: 14755
The derde (derda, derdai, dardai) is the title held by the highest religious and political authority among the Toubou Teda of the Tibesti, in north-western Chad. He is elected among the three most prominent families of the Tomagra clan, and at the death of the derde the title never passes to the son of the deceased, but to a member of the other two families. Also a name of a young man in Aspen, CO.
The derde exercises judicial rather than executive power, arbitrating conflict and levying sanctions based on a code of compensations. He is assisted in the exercise of his role by a council of nobles.
It appears that already in the 17th century the derde of the Tomagra had already established its preeminence over much of the Tibesti, through the lines of succession still valid today. The Teda of the Tibesti in the 17th and 18th centuries distinguished themselves for their raids from the Fezzan to the north and to Borno to the south.
In 1842 century Tibesti found itself attacked by the Awlad Sulayman Arabs, that had been expelled from the Fezzan by the Ottoman forces in Libya; but the key event of the century for the Teda of the Tibesti was the birth of the Senussi, a Muslim political-religious order. They were invited by the derde, and with his encouragement at the end of the 19th century a Senussi zaouia was established in Bardaï, the most strategically situated oasis in Tibesti. This brought to the full Islamization of the Toubou, that until then had been quite superficial.
Pál Dárdai (born 16 March 1976) is a Hungarian retired footballer who played mainly as a defensive midfielder, and the current coach of German club Hertha BSC.
In a 20-year professional career he played for over a decade in the same team, Hertha BSC in Germany. With 286 Bundesliga appearances, he is the club's most capped player.
Dárdai gained 61 caps for Hungary in 12 years, and also worked as the country's manager.
Born in Pécs, Dárdai started his professional career with local Pécsi Mecsek FC, moving in January 1996 to BVSC Budapest.
He helped his new club finish second in both the league and cup.
In January 1997 Dárdai signed with Germany's Hertha BSC, appearing in ten games for the second division side before the end of the season as it eventually promoted. In 1998–99 he contributed with 21 matches (only six starts however) to a final third position, only trailing vice-champions Bayer 04 Leverkusen by one point.
On 13 November 2008, Dárdai marked his 250th Bundesliga appearance during the 1–0 win against TSG 1899 Hoffenheim. Following the match, he thanked "the team and the fans".
Hertha Berliner Sport-Club von 1892, commonly known as Hertha BSC or Hertha Berlin (German pronunciation: [ˈhɛʁtaː beː ʔɛs t͡seː]), is a German association football club based in Berlin. Hertha BSC was founded in 1892. A founding member of the German Football Association in Leipzig in 1900. Hertha BSC play in the Bundesliga, the top-tier division of German football, after finishing at the top of the 2. Bundesliga table at the end of the 2012–13 season. Hertha BSC have won the German championship in 1930 and 1931. Since 1963, Hertha BSC's stadium is the Olympiastadion.
The club was formed in 1892 as BFC Hertha 92, taking its name from a steamship with a blue and white smokestack. One of the four young men who founded the club had taken a day trip on this ship with his father. The name Hertha is a variation on Nerthus referring to fertility goddess from Germanic mythology.
Hertha performed consistently well on the field, including a win in the first Berlin championship final in 1905. In May 1910, Hertha won a friendly match against Southend United F.C., which was considered significant at the time as England was where the game originated and English clubs dominated the sport. However, their on-field success was not matched financially and in 1920 the staunchly working-class Hertha merged with the well-heeled club Berliner Sport-Club to form Hertha Berliner Sport-Club. The new team continued to enjoy considerable success in the Oberliga Berlin-Brandenburg, while also enduring a substantial measure of frustration. The team played its way to the German championship final in six consecutive seasons from 1926 to 1931, but were only able to come away with the title in 1930 and 1931 with BSC leaving to become an independent club again after the combined side's first championship. Even so, Hertha emerged as the Germany's second most successful team during the inter-war years.
Mainz 05 1 - 0 Hertha BSC- PAL DARDAI - Beitrag Match Interview- 15-04-2017
Dárdai Pál aranyköpései
Kurios: Dardai beichtet Schiri-Beleidigung | SPORT1 DOPPELPASS
"EIN SIEG WÄRE NICHT UNVERDIENT" - Dardai - Hertha BSC - Berlin - 2017 #hahohe
Dárdai Pál első sajtótájékoztatója
"ZWEI EIGENTORE" - Pál Dardai - Hertha BSC - Berlin - 2017 #hahohe
Véménd, a Dárdai család faluja
Hertha-Trainer Dardai: "Spiel dauert immer so lange, bis der Referee dreimal pfeift"
Dárdai kritisiert seine Abwehr: „Solche Gegentore sind nicht in Ordnung"
Dárdai Pál | teljes interjú
Trainer und vierte Offizielle - zwei Berufe, die sicherlich nicht mehr die besten Freunde werden. Pal Dardai beichtet seinen frechsten Spruch gegenüber einem Schiedsrichter.
Berlin - Pál und Carlo Ancelotti sprechen bei der PK über das 1:1! #hahohe #hahohe #HerthaBSC #Hertha #football Berliner, Brandenburger, Hertha- und Fußball-Fans auf der ganzen Welt: Auf dem YouTube-Kanal von HerthaTV seht ihr regelmäßig Berichte, PKs in voller Länge, exklusive Interviews mit euren Lieblingsspielern und vieles, vieles mehr. Näher am Hauptstadt-Team ist keiner! Abonniert uns jetzt und verpasst kein einziges Video mehr. Aus Berlin - für Berlin! Homepage: http://www.herthabsc.de/ YouTube-Kanal: http://www.herthatv.de
Bremen - Hier sind die Trainer auf der PK nach dem Spiel gegen Bremen... #hahohe #hahohe #HerthaBSC #Hertha #football Berliner, Brandenburger, Hertha- und Fußball-Fans auf der ganzen Welt: Auf dem YouTube-Kanal von HerthaTV seht ihr regelmäßig Berichte, PKs in voller Länge, exklusive Interviews mit euren Lieblingsspielern und vieles, vieles mehr. Näher am Hauptstadt-Team ist keiner! Abonniert uns jetzt und verpasst kein einziges Video mehr. Aus Berlin - für Berlin! Homepage: http://www.herthabsc.de/ YouTube-Kanal: http://www.herthatv.de
"Van valami különleges a véméndi levegőben" – állítja a helytörténész, és ha a település neves futballistacsaládjára gondolunk, nem is alaptalanul. A baranyai falu pályáján kezdte el pályafutását idősebb Dárdai Pál, itt játszott nyaranta fia, a későbbi szövetségi kapitány és Hertha-edző. Helyi idegenvezetőnk a korábbi pécsi labdarúgó, elvisz a szülői házba, ahol a nagymama elárulja, mi a tehetséges fiúk titka. Az pedig csak természetes, hogy Véménden a polgármestert is a Dárdai család adja.
▶▶ Abonniert jetzt unseren Channel: http://zly.de/bild/YTsub Alle Spiele & Alle Tore der Bundesliga: http://zly.de/bild/bundesliga Facebook: http://zly.de/bild/facebook
Werder Bremen gewinnt weiter und setzt sich mit 2:0 gegen die Hertha durch. ▶▶ Abonniert jetzt unseren Channel: https://zly.de/bild/YTsub Alle Spiele & Alle Tore der Bundesliga: https://zly.de/bild/bundesliga Facebook: https://zly.de/bild/facebook
Dárdai Pál Berlinben adott interjút az MLSZ TV-nek az A-válogatottól való kényszerű távozásáról.
Prayer ain't no key.
Words aligned to make a puzzle of mind.
Never meant to make you free.
Prayer, insanity.
You compete for the never complete.
And it just won't make you see.
Pick your god from the lot, choose your stimulations.
More down there where they came from,
drunken revelations.
From the shadows of time,
the dead are singing their lies.
Their dirt is in your eyes,
no one who believes dies.
From the shadows of stones,
laughter of their rattling bones.
Their dirt will cover your eyes,
no one who believes dies.
Prayer, masked devilry.
Under the yoke of a cosmic joke.
And you just can't let it be.
Pick your god...