- published: 15 May 2012
- views: 31432
Venlo (Dutch: [ˈvɛnloː]) is a municipality and a city in the southeastern Netherlands, near the German border. It is situated in the province of Limburg.
Roman and Celtic coins and remains of a Roman bridge across the River Meuse have been found in Venlo; it may have been the settlement known as Sablones on the Roman road connecting Maastricht with Xanten. Blerick, on the west bank, was known as Blariacum.
Documents from the 9th century mention Venlo as a trade post; it developed into one of the more important ones in the Meuse-Rhine area, receiving city rights in 1343, and becoming a member of the Hanseatic League in 1375.
Because of its strategic importance, the city of Venlo was besieged several times. The most significant siege was that of 1702, carried on by Menno van Coehoorn. Consequently, Venlo was incorporated into the Generaliteitslanden of the United Provinces and later became part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
On 9 November 1939, two British Intelligence Service agents were kidnapped by the Sicherheitsdienst in what became known as the Venlo Incident. The incident was used by the Nazis to link Great Britain to Georg Elser's failed assassination of Hitler at the Bürgerbräukeller the day before and to justify their later invasion of the Netherlands, a neutral country, on 10 May 1940.
http://www.venlo.nl Located on the river Meuse and at the hub of major highways, Venlo has a long tradition as a trading city. At the end of the nineteenth century, the Venlo horticulturalists discovered the extensive German market. Since then, the Venlo area has developed into a centre for agribusiness. The exporting horticulturalists showed Venlo the way. Venlo developed into a transport city and later became a logistics hub. The industrial development of Northern Limburg started in Tegelen. It's main exponents being the clay and metalworking industries. Venlo kept up this tradition and is now home to a significant high-tech and manufacturing industry. The leader in the region is of course Océ Contact For more information about business opportunities in the Venlo area, bu...
Met de bende van Venlo wordt een geruchtmakende groep plegers van geweldsmisdrijven uit Venlo aangeduid. In 1997 werden in Nederlands Limburg achttien mannen veroordeeld tot gevangenisstraffen tussen de tien jaar en levenslang. Het betrof personen in de leeftijd van 14 tot 56 jaar. De verdachten hadden zich volgens de rechtbank in Roermond schuldig gemaakt aan meer dan 250 geweldsdelicten, waaronder talloze moorden met geld als enige motief. De groep van veelal jonge bendeleden, zou tussen carnaval 1993 en 1994 een spoor van dood en verderf door de Noord-Limburgse grensstreek hebben getrokken. Wat de achtergrond van de daders was en hoe omvangrijk hun misdaden waren, kwam tijdens de verhoren druppelsgewijs aan het licht. Er konden zeven moorden, gepleegd in koelen bloede, bewezen worden...
Venlo - Bij een autosloop aan de Kaldenkerkerweg in Venlo is zondagmiddag brand uitgebroken. Bij de brand kwam enorm veel rook vrij, die tot vele kilometers ver te zien was. De brandweer rukte met vele blusvoertuigen en tientallen manschappen uit, ook kregen zij ondersteuning vanuit Duitsland. De Duitse brandweer zorgde voor een constante stroom aan water via een lange leiding. Ook pendelde er diverse waterwagen's af en aan om de blusvoertuigen te voorzien van water. Diverse meetploegen werden de omgeving van Venlo en Duitsland ingestuurd om te meten of er hoge concentraties gevaarlijke stoffen in de rook verwerkt zaten. Via een NL-Alert werden bewoners in Venlo-Oost gewaarschuwd om ramen en deuren gesloten te houden als zij last hadden van de rook. Toen de brand ontdekt werd waren er tw...
Aan onze grote rij slideshows met oude foto's van steden en dorpen uit Nederland hebben we VENLO toegevoegd!
Cabinerit van Riedstadt-Goddelau naar Venlo, met BR 189 en Novara-shuttle. Een rit van ruim 4 uur welke ons via Mainz Bischofsheim, de Kaiserbrücke, Mainz-Mombach, Koblenz, Urmitz Rheinbrücke, Neuwied, Linz, Troisdorf, en Köln Gremberg, Bonntor, Süd, West en Ehrenfeld naar Venlo brengt. Bijna de gehele rit non stop.
Cabinerit van Venlo naar de Waalhaven met een Captrain Novara-shuttle getrokken door een BR189 met een korte stop op de Kijfhoek. Führerstandmitfahrt von Venlo nach die Waalhaven mit die Captrain Novara-zug unterwegs ist noch ein kurze Aufenthalt auf die Kijfhoek. Recorded 19-6-2016
This is me walking down the street in venlo. Check out all of my vids and comment if you have travel questions. I have been to over 20 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America.
http://smokersguide.com - Smoking it up Russian style at the Rusland Coffeeshop. They have a great selection of weed, hash and edibles. There's also a cat; so you know you're in Amsterdam! http://www.smokersguide.com/adressen/676/rusland.html Subscribe for more videos like this - http://tv.smokersguide.com Find related videos in our series & playlists - http://playlists.smokersguide.com The Smokers Guide to Amsterdam - http://smokersguide.com Facebook - http://facebook.smokersguide.com Twitter - http://twitter.smokersguide.com Google+ - http://google.smokersguide.com Instagram - http://instagram.smokersguide.com Pinterest - http://pinterest.smokersguide.com Our Amsterdam Map - http://map.smokersguide.com The Ultimate Coffeeshop Guide - http://ultimatecoffeeshopguide.com ---------------...
http://smokersguide.com - Amsterdam's newset coffeeshops, The Old Church opened recently on the Amstel. To find out more visit https://www.smokersguide.com/adressen/794/old_church__the_.html Subscribe for more videos like this - http://tv.smokersguide.com Find related videos in our series & playlists - http://playlists.smokersguide.com The Smokers Guide to Amsterdam - http://smokersguide.com Facebook - http://facebook.smokersguide.com Twitter - http://twitter.smokersguide.com Google+ - http://google.smokersguide.com Instagram - http://instagram.smokersguide.com Pinterest - http://pinterest.smokersguide.com Our Amsterdam Map - http://map.smokersguide.com The Ultimate Coffeeshop Guide - http://ultimatecoffeeshopguide.com ------------------------------------------------------------------...
Seat of Wisdom On tour: August 2010, Zomerparkfeest Venlo The Seat of Wisdom is an artproject by Pascalle Mansvelders; an empty throne formed by a sitting Maria that is completed by the people that take a seat in it. The Seat of Wisdom will eventually be placed in Odapark Venray, but until then will travel cross country and be shown on various locations where wisdom is needed. Song: In Your Light by Jon Allen Video: Mees Mansvelders www.twitter.com/TheSeatOfWisdom
http://smokersguide.com - The Blue Tomato is a modern coffeeshop based in Hoorn. This coffeeshop has such a high quality menu and good prices that many drive from other cities to stock up their stash jars. The Blue Tomato is a clean coffeeshop with a modern medical marijuana dispensary style decor. The staff are highly trained in all aspects of the plant and very willing to offer advice on their products. http://www.smokersguide.com/adressen/983/blue_tomato.html Subscribe for more videos like this - http://tv.smokersguide.com Find related videos in our series & playlists - http://playlists.smokersguide.com ~Get 10% discount on all products (excl. tobacco and blunt wraps), from the Grass Company. Use promo code SG420 at https://www.grasscompany.com~ The Smokers Guide to Amsterdam - htt...
Der Park der Welt-Garten-Expo in Venlo ist in fünf verschiedene Themenbereiche gegliedert, in denen die Besucher mit allen Sinnen entdecken können, welchen Einfluss der Gartenbau auf unsere Lebensqualität ausübt. In den Bereichen „Relax & Heal" sowie „Environment" erfahren die Gäste, wie sich die Natur auf das seelische und körperliche Wohlbefinden sowie die Wohn- und Arbeitsumgebung auswirkt. Das Themenfeld „Education & Innovation" bietet einen Blick in die Zukunft und auf die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Bildung und Innovation. Im Bereich „Green Engine" steht der Gartenbau als Wirtschaftsmotor im Vordergrund. Die „World Show Stage" mit dem großen Amphitheater zeigt die Natur als Inspirationsquelle für Kunst und Kultur und bietet Raum für die internationale kulturelle Begegnung.
http://smokersguide.com - The Green House won 3 cups at the 2014 Amsterdam Cannabis Cup. We headed over to the Green House Coffeeshop to take a look at their entries, the Pure Kush, Super Lemon Haze Cream and the Green House Ice. For more info & reviews visit http://www.smokersguide.com/adressen/577/greenhouse_centrum.html Subscribe for more videos like this - http://tv.smokersguide.com Find related videos in our series & playlists - http://playlists.smokersguide.com The Smokers Guide to Amsterdam - http://smokersguide.com Facebook - http://facebook.smokersguide.com Twitter - http://twitter.smokersguide.com Google+ - http://google.smokersguide.com Instagram - http://instagram.smokersguide.com Pinterest - http://pinterest.smokersguide.com Our Amsterdam Map - http://map.smokersguide.com...
In this episode Theweedguy and Rocky are in Amsterdam, Holland touring some of the recommended coffee shops (Grey Area, Green Place and Betty Boop). Finishing off the day blazing at Green House Seeds Coffee Shop. For more videos go to KUSH.CA , and don't for get to ENJOY LIFE like there is no tomorrow. High Times Cannabis Cup 2013. THEWEEDGUY - Mark Klokeid VIDEOGRAPHER: Anthony Risling
Lights on the highway
Everyone's sleeping
The air is so cold
The sky has turned to black
I got your letter
Nothing's forever Something is over
I am sure you won't come back
It's a better thing for us
That's all that you said
Thanks for all that you gave me
Until this last day
I'm still calling and screaming
Your name with no sound
Maybe one day you'll hear me
But I'll spend tonight
Driving to nowhere
Driving to nowhere
Some say some good things
Break in a heartbeat
Same goes for us I
have to live with that
And I call myself blind
It's so late to realize
That I have wasted all this time
Running after you
Nothing hurts like the truth does
That's all I can say
Thanks for all that you gave me
Untill this last day
I'm still calling and screaming
Your name with no sound
Maybe one day you'll hear me
But I'll spend tonight
Driving to nowhere Driving to nowhere