3 March 2016

Chinese government prepares to sack millions of workers

By John Ward and Peter Symonds, 3 March 2016

The emergence of huge overcapacities in China’s basic industries is intimately bound up with the continuing worldwide economic slump.

Perplexity and divisions mark G-20 meeting

A new stage in the global economic breakdown

NATO commander calls refugees a weapon of ISIS, Russia and Syria

By Patrick Martin, 3 March 2016

US General Phillip Breedlove said that Russia, Syria and ISIS were using the refugees streaming out of Syria as weapons against Europe.

France attacks refugees, launches destruction of Calais camp

German parliament adopts anti-democratic “Asylum Package II”

German Chancellor Merkel’s refugee policy and the call for a European army

Anti-refugee xenophobia and the danger of war

More on the refugee crisis »

Australian Greens cover up Defence White Paper plans for war on China

By Mike Head, 3 March 2016

The Greens, who once postured as an anti-war party, have sent another signal of their readiness to support the US-led military build-up against China.

Ex-Australian PM calls for “freedom of navigation” challenge to China

The Australian Defence White Paper and the drive to war

More on the South China Sea crisis »

Former Detroit mayor warns that city is “one incident” from a social explosion

By Jerry White, 3 March 2016

David Bing told an audience of corporate executives and politicians that “anger and frustration” in the city could lead to the eruption of civil unrest.

”Why did they bring in the judge now? Because he is bought”
Judge Rhodes appointed “transitional manager” over Detroit public schools

Questions raised about police role in violent KKK rally in California

By John Andrews, 3 March 2016

Three counter-demonstrators were stabbed Saturday at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Anaheim, California.

Caltrans workers rally in Sacramento for better pay and benefits

By David Brown, 3 March 2016

The rally was held outside the California Department of Human Resources, where a bargaining session had been scheduled but was canceled by the state in order to avoid the protest.

New York City transit upgrade aids developers

By Mark Witkowski and Philip Guelpa, 3 March 2016

Plans recently announced by Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio for transportation improvements will benefit real estate developers at the expense of working class riders.

German Left Party strives for coalition with Social Democrats and Greens in Berlin

By Johannes Stern, 3 March 2016

Having shared power in coalition with the SPD in Berlin between 2001 and 2011 and overseen a social catastrophe, the Left Party is now preparing to carry out similar policies in a new coalition with the SPD and Greens.

Spain: Podemos supports sale of warships to Saudi Arabia

By Alejandro López, 3 March 2016

The pseudo-left parties in Spain have close ties to the armed forces.

Left and anti-austerity sentiment produces political earthquake in Ireland

By Dermot Quinn, 3 March 2016

The most significant development was the increase in the popular vote for parties that have painted themselves as “left” alternatives to the two main parties of the Irish bourgeoisie.

Notes on London’s housing crisis

By Allison Smith, 3 March 2016

The high cost of housing has pushed London to the bottom of the league table for living standards in the UK

India: Stalinists to ally with Congress Party in West Bengal election

By Deepal Jayasekera, 3 March 2016

The Stalinist CPM is already holding joint rallies across West Bengal with Congress, the Indian bourgeoisie’s traditional party of government.

New in Spanish

Socialismo y la lucha contra la guerra ¡Construyamos un movimiento internacional de la clase obrera y la juventud contra el imperialismo!

Declaración del Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional, 3 marzo 2016

El Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional y sus secciones invitan a una discusión fraternal, basándose en de los principios avanzados en esta declaración, con las tendencias políticas y personas de todo el mundo que reconocen la necesidad urgente de la construcción de un movimiento de masas internacional contra la guerra.

New in Russian

Социализм и борьба против войны
Стройте интернациональное движение рабочего класса и молодежи против империализма!

Заявление Международного Комитета Четвертого Интернационала, 3 марта 2016 г.

New in Turkish

Emperyalizm Rusya ve Çin üzerindeki baskıyı arttırıyor

Andre Damon, 3 Mart 2016

Washington’ın hedefi, Çin’i ve Rusya’yı yarı-sömürge bağımlı devletler konumuna indirmek, “merkez topraklar”ı kontrol etmek ve dünyaya hükmetmektir.

Lev Tolstoy’un Savaş ve Barış’ı yeni bir dizi film olarak uyarlandı

Joanne Laurier, 3 Mart 2016

Lev Tolstoy’un devasa romanı Savaş ve Barış’ın, BBC tarafından yeni bir uyarlaması çekildi ve şu anda dünya çapında yayınlanıyor.

New in French

L’impérialisme intensifie sa pression sur la Russie et la Chine

Par Andre Damon, 3 mars 2016

Les principaux stratèges de l’impérialisme américain considèrent la fomentation de mouvements nationaux sécessionnistes comme un moyen de déstabiliser et de subjuguer l’Eurasie

La France attaque les réfugiés et commence la destruction du camp de Calais

Par Francis Dubois et Stéphane Hugues, 3 mars 2016

L’expulsion au milieu de l’hiver de milliers de réfugiés fuyant la guerre, y compris les femmes et les enfants, fait partie d’une persécution croissante des réfugiés dans toute l’Europe.

Un échange sur l'appel du Parti de l'égalité socialiste (GB) à un boycott actif du référendum sur le Brexit

Par Chris Marsden, 3 mars 2016

Nous publions ici les réponses à deux commentaires de lecteurs sur la déclaration publiée cette semaine par le Parti de l'égalité socialiste.

Les féministes australiens tempêtent contre la vague de sympathie du public à l'endroit des victimes d'un drame familial mortel

Par Patrick Kelly et Linda Tenenbaum, 3 mars 2016

Une effusion de sympathie et la douleur ressentie par le public provoquent la colère des commentateurs féministes: un aperçu révélateur du rôle de la politique identitaire.

New in German

Imperialismus verstärkt Druck auf Russland und China

Von Andre Damon, 3. März 2016

Führende Strategen des US-Imperialismus betrachten das Schüren nationaler sezessionistischer Bewegungen zunehmend als Mittel, um die eurasische Landmasse zu destabilisieren und zu unterwerfen.

Ergebnisse der Vorwahlen verdeutlichen politische Krise in den USA

Von Patrick Martin, 3. März 2016

Während in der Republikanischen Partei eine faschistische Bewegung entsteht, rücken breite Teile der amerikanischen Bevölkerung nach links.

Karlsruhe verhandelt über NPD-Verbot

Von Peter Schwarz, 3. März 2016

Ein Verbot der NPD würde die rechtsextremen Tendenzen in der Gesellschaft nicht schwächen, sondern stärken.

Merkel fordert Ende der „Politik des Durchwinkens“

Von Johannes Stern, 3. März 2016

Auf einer Pressekonferenz mit dem kroatischen Ministerpräsidenten äußerte sich Bundeskanzlerin Merkel mit einer Brutalität über Flüchtlinge, wie man es sonst vor allem von Horst Seehofer und Vertretern der AfD gewohnt ist.

Frankreich greift Flüchtlingslager in Calais an

Von Francis Dubois und Stéphane Hugues, 3. März 2016

Tausende Männer, Frauen und Kinder, die vor dem Krieg geflohen sind, werden nun aus dem Lager in Calais vertrieben.

Other Languages


What political conclusions must be drawn from Trump’s Super Tuesday?

3 March 2016

The emergence of Trump marks a new and dangerous stage in the crisis of American democracy.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016

Featured Commentary

An exchange on the SEP’s call for an active boycott of the Brexit referendum

By Chris Marsden, 2 March 2016

For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum!
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party, British section of the International Committee of the Fourth International

29 February 2016

Arts Review

Deadpool: An anti-superhero?

By Kevin Martinez, 3 March 2016

Although Deadpool tries to subvert the clichéd conventions of the superhero genre, the film is more than anything a conformist effort.

Eighty-eighth Academy Awards: Hopeful signs amidst reactionary “diversity” campaign

By Fred Mazelis, 1 March 2016


Imperialism intensifies pressure on Russia and China

By Andre Damon, 2 March 2016

FBI director, Apple lawyer testify before Congress on encryption dispute

By Barry Grey, 2 March 2016

The assault on encryption and the drive to expand police state spying

Fatal police shooting in Raleigh, North Carolina provokes protests

By Kate Randall, 2 March 2016

Police refuse to release video showing shooting of Salt Lake City teenager

More on police violence in America »

New York Times on Clinton and Libya: Portrait of a war criminal

Iranian elections strengthen Rouhani’s hand

California inmate firefighter, 22, crushed to death protecting Malibu mansions

The 2016 US Elections

Primary election results highlight US political crisis

By Patrick Martin, 2 March 2016

On eve of “Super Tuesday” primaries in US: A political system in crisis

Renowned photojournalist assaulted by US Secret Service at Trump rally

Trump backed by fascists, quotes Mussolini

The Republican debate and the degradation of US politics

Bernie Sanders and the “Scandinavian model”

By Jordan Shilton, 26 February 2016

Once again on Sanders and socialism

The political role of the Bernie Sanders campaign

Socialist Alternative defends Sanders’ support for imperialist war

The International Socialist Organization, Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party

More on the 2016 US elections »

Workers Struggles

India: Honda motorcycle workers fight police and management attacks

By Arun Kumar, 2 March 2016

Autoworkers Struggles

Autoworkers support challenge to UAW-Ford 2015 contract vote

By Shannon Jones, 1 March 2016

Michigan autoworker files challenge to UAW-Ford 2015 contract vote

India: Tata Nano auto workers strike over suspensions

More on auto workers struggles »

NHS Fightback

The way forward for UK junior doctors

By Tony Robson, 2 March 2016

More on NHS Fightback »

The Crisis in Detroit and Flint

New information emerges about Flint’s decision to switch to untreated water

By James Brewer, 1 March 2016

Top advisors to Michigan governor urged switching water supply from polluted Flint River

An interview with Professor Marc Edwards on the Flint water crisis

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Socialist Equality Party

SEP (Sri Lanka) public meeting: A socialist program to defend plantation workers

1 March 2016

SEP/IYSSE public meeting in Colombo to introduce Sinhala edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

22 February 2016


New technologies expand knowledge of early art in North America

By Matthew MacEgan, 29 February 2016

25 years ago: LA police videotaped brutally beating Rodney King

During the early morning hours of March 3, 1991, up to a dozen Los Angeles police officers were videotaped viciously torturing a helpless black motorist, Rodney King.

More »

50 years ago: India unleashes savage repression against Mizos

On March 5-6, 1966, the Indian government of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi unleashed an air assault on the Indian province of Mizo, destroying several villages and paving the way for the forced collectivization of the population in Mizoram.

More »

75 years ago: Bulgaria joins the Nazi Axis

On March 1, 1941 the premier of Bulgaria, Bogdan Philoff, declared his country would adhere to the Axis in a ceremonial meeting with Adolf Hitler.

More »


100 years ago: Persian government collapses under pressure from Britain

On the March 5, 1916, Prince Firman Firma, the prime minister of Persia (modern day Iran) and Mohtashim ed Douleh, the foreign minister, both resigned office.

More »

IYSSE Australia

Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!
A socialist program to fight war, austerity and dictatorship!

By the IYSSE (Australia), 22 February 2016

Mehring Books

Mehring Books features classic biography of Rosa Luxemburg

By Shannon Jones, 22 February 2016

This work by Paul Fröhlich, a contemporary of Luxemburg, outlines both her personal and political struggles.

75 Years Since the Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International, the Gelfand Case and the deposition of Mark Zborowski
An open letter from David North to Susan Weissman

10 November 2015

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Meetings in Germany mark the 75th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky