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Dating advice articles

List of articles with summary


Blog etiquette reminder

We really value the discussion that takes place on the blog every week and because there are always new members coming online, joining RSVP and the blog audience, we thought it might be time for a blog etiquette reminder to refresh the memory of our regular posters and inform new readers of the framework... Read more »

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Chatting online - 6 questions to kindle interest

It can be quite daunting for singles to make conversation both online and in person with a new love interest. It would be great if you could just sit back and watch the witty banter unfold, but for many this doesn't happen that easily. Read more »

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Is spending up big on a date necessary?

I realise that you all want to make a big first impression in the early stages of dating a new love interest. You want everything to go smoothly and leave them wanting more. But does that mean you have to spend up large to impress them? Read more »

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What makes someone dateable?

We all know that someone with a sense of humour and good looks is always going to find it easier than others to attract a first date, but have you ever wondered what it takes to be considered dateable? Read more »


Ask John Q&A December 2015

Thanks for sending in your dating and relationship questions for our relationship expert and psychologist, John Aiken, to answer. There were a variety of interesting questions this week - a lot revolving around honesty in dating... Read more »

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Spring Clean Your Profile?

Are you feeling a little frustrated with your current dating situation? Does the whole idea of jumping online to meet a new love leave you somewhat flat? Have you even begun to think about having a break from the whole dating game? Read more »

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How much is too much? Sharing your new relationship on social media

Social media is now a key part of any new relationship. It allows you to stay in contact with your partner, organize events and catch-ups, post pictures and express thoughts and feelings towards each other. It should be a vehicle that enhances your relationship and brings you closer - but... Read more »

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Stay Smart Online Week 2015

This week is Stay Smart Online Week - an Australian Government initiative designed to help Australians learn about the simple steps they can take to protect their personal and financial information online. As a proud partner, RSVP is again helping to spread key safety and security messages this year. Read more »


How to maintain your independence now you're a couple?

One of the easiest mistakes you can make when you fall in love is to merge at the hip with your new partner and lose your own sense of identity - to give up your sense of independence and separateness and make your new partner the center of your world. It's a fatal approach that... Read more »

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Online daters are playing for keeps

News flash! It turns out we Australians are a nation of romantics, and online daters are particularly keen to find a keeper despite the cries of 'romance is dead' we often hear in the media. Read more »

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