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Adjust your sails this Valentine's Day: 7 Tips to get you thinking positively about February 14th

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Posted by John Aiken, RSVP dating and relationship expert on

It's coming around again! That tricky date in every single person's calendar: Valentine's Day, February 14th. Now for many singles, this is a day to get excited about. It's seen as the perfect opportunity for reaching out to a potential love interest and making your intentions known - a prompt for organising an amazing first date with someone new you've met online.

But for other singles, Valentine's Day is a date to dread. It's an annual day that brings sadness, disappointment, anxiety and frustration. It's a day when your single status becomes a focus, when feelings of loneliness and uncertainty about the future can really settle upon you. Just to rub it in, everywhere you look you see happy couples carrying flowers, enjoying quality time together.

Well, if you're one of those singles that tends to get down and negative about Valentine's Day, it's time to remind yourself that "you can't change the wind, but you can adjust your sails." A negative mindset will not only make you feel low, it will seriously lower your chances of connecting with someone. Negativity is not an attractive vibe! Instead of waiting for this Valentines Day to hurry up and be over, make a commitment to doing things differently this year.

Follow these tips and get excited about the big day ahead.

1) Outline your strengths
The first place you need to start is your dating mindset. Think positively. Consider the question "what makes you so good at relationships?" and write down as many positives as you can. If you struggle with this, get a trusted friend to help you out. Then write down your Top 10 strengths and remind yourself of these every day.

2) Set some relationship goals
In an effort to strengthen this positive mindset, turn your attention to thinking about how you want to run your love life for the next 12 months. Answer these key questions and then share your answers with close friends so that they become real:
*What are the top 5 traits that you want from your ideal partner?
*What are the top 5 warning signs of the wrong types that you're going to avoid?
*What are you going to change about your dating approach moving forward?

3) Create a vision board
I realise this might sound a little cliché but it works! Having become clear about your ideal partner, find some magazines or get some images off the internet and make a vision board of him/her. Think about this person and visualize what you want. Think about them meeting your friends, having a romantic dinner together, traveling together etc. Whatever you want; find images for. Look at your board daily - you could even make it your screensaver on your phone. This is the person you're moving towards as Valentine's Day approaches.

4) Freshen up your online profile
With a clear picture of what you want from your ideal partner, take some time before Valentine's Day to look at your current online profile and freshen it up. That means posting new photos and adjusting your profile description to make sure you stand out and give exactly the right impression. Do some research on those profiles you like and adjust yours accordingly.

5) Get a make-over
You're on a roll now, being more positive and sending an energetic attitude out to the dating world. So keep this going by spending a little extra on reinvigorating your appearance. Depending on your budget, get yourself some new accessories to update up your wardrobe, buy some new outfits, have your hair done. It's time to look and feel great!

6) Organise a Date
All other singles out there will be thinking about Feb 14th and wondering how they're going to spend the day. Will they or won't they be on their own? So it's the perfect opportunity to leap in and show your hand. Ask someone out for Valentine's Day and have some fun. There's no need to feel pressure. You don't have to get married to this person - you're just going out and having a good time. Who knows where it might lead.

7) Plan your Valentine's Day
This is a big day that you can't avoid entirely. Everywhere you turn there will be red, heart-shaped balloons, chocolates, flowers and signs wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! So prepare for it and plan how you want to spend the entire day. Gather up a group of your single friends and have a breakfast or lunch together. Maybe go to the gym or out to dinner. Whatever you decide put plenty of activities into your day and get excited about it!

John Aiken, RSVP dating and relationship expert, as seen on Ch 9's series Married At First Sight, and the ABC doco Making Couples Happy. He is also the author of the book Making Couples Happy: How science can help get relationships back on track (

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Surely it's good, not scary, that we get you...:-)
SS and CJ,

What's really scary is that you both got it:-)

I don't often do thinly veiled; I much more prefer the slathered or slathering approach.

CJ, adorned you mention. My mother was as I found out later in life a bit of a rebel. When I showed her my latest extensive tattoo acquisition she exclaimed "Oh Pax, why on earth would you do that to yourself, you know you will have to live with it!" (yes, I had by that stage convinced her to call me Pax), shortly after which she requested "Oh Pax, can I please see it again":-) She did say please, because she was a lady:-)
Maternity, fraternity, paternity, to eternity. Rest in peace.

BellaJerry - sorry I have never heard of "Sadie Hawkins" day
are we in the wild wild west?

Wild women do (chop off heads (of snakes) and they don'/t regret it ....

The "extension" she used was a cane knife. To this day i still have vivid memories of my cane knife wielding mother:-)

Hell hath no fury like a mother lioness protecting her cubs:-)

But I still have doubts about the idea to burn the snake bits before sunset:-)
As another poster has made reference too ..Leap Year..ladies can propose, also it is 'Sadie Hawkins Day

"When ah fires [my gun], all o' yo' kin start a-runnin! When ah fires agin-after givin' yo' a fair start-Sadie starts a runnin'. Th' one she ketches'll be her husbin."

Now who will be our Sadie Hawkins???

Likely contenders...Amber, Pailin, Randwick Bells, WWG, AlwaysHopeful, schatje, CJ, JustaKissAway, CSB, LLLP
and of course we must not forget the 'veterans' field LLTD lol

Your Mother....a little boy...and a snake...
for me.......redolent of a childhood memory,
The Drover's Wife...Henry Lawson.

I feel your Mother was both,
courageous...and thorough !

Implements we rely upon for chopping etc...
an extension of our fingers.....hands ?

Rare...yet can also be adorned...

Procul Harum......Conquistador.

CJ. " and through your jewel encrusted blade...".
Perhaps the Paxman cites this description....
in a reference.....thinly veiled...
to his Bro Pack connection ?

The Shangri-Las.

CJ. " The Leader of the Pack....." ?
Somehow,GMOH, I think Pax quite deliberately typed fraternity instead of paternity. It's what he does.
Some mothers do have'em.
"I don't get it with women wearing multiple rings on all fingers and on their toes.." actually it can look quite attractive but only if worn on beautiful hands, fingers and toes....not many are so blessed :-)

A "fraternity ring for procreating". UMMMM!

I'll leave that for another day.........

"I always thought it was a 'maternity' ring. Something you got for reproducing."

I never received a fraternity ring for procreating. Oh, where is the equality, or should that be equanimity!

Mothers do trick their sons, intentionally and alternatively not so. Mine tried to convince me when I was all of 5 years old after she had chopped a snake (hissing and located under an upturned galvanised roller bucket) up into a hundred pieces that the hundreds of pieces of snake bit HAD to be burned in the incinerator before sunset, otherwise the snake would reform.

Mothers can be cunningly evil:-)
Lovely story Lucas :)
I don't get it with women wearing multiple rings on all fingers and on their toes..reminds me of the nursery rythme "Ride a C*ck Horse to Banbury Cross" is bizarre especially when it is anglosaxon women.
Re gifts and Valentines day...if it is significant to one person in the relationship then it should be for their partner if they value the relationship. As with anything else...its not about the day it is about what significance one or both place on it as a sign of love..respect..whatever it means for them.
On one St Valentines day I was devastated to not receive a call or a card or something from my partner at the time especially as he knew it signified something to was the last nail in the coffin for that relationship, just as important as all the other issues that caused the break up...little things mean alot...probably more so to women I dont know.
LLTD you are right. People demonstrate their "love" in their language of love. I like to receive gifts & hear words of love so hence I buy gifts for my partner.
My partner's love language is "acts of kindness". :-)

Edited by RSVP Moderator
"Do we really expect to get a gift from a man? "

Depends on the context, how long together & in what trust me there are more variables now than ever before, and the individuals involved.

Brings the 5 love languages to mind.
When I was a kid I asked my mum why did she have three rings? Engagement, wedding, and the third I must've misheard. I always thought it was a 'maternity' ring. Something you got for reproducing. A medal of honour for reproduction.

Dad bought it for her when I was born, she said.

So I always considered with the unfiltered innocence of a child, that rings were awarded and worn as badges of rank like a soldier, progressing through the trials of life.

It wasn't until my sister was born, and I asked will Dad buy her another maternity ring? that she explained it's not a "maternity" ring, silly! It's an 'eternity' ring!

Oh... well... That explains everything.

What's "eternity", Mum?
My engagement rings (not all leading to a marriage) all turned out to be unlucky. First one belonged to late grandma, diamond, second one, emerald, another emerald and diamond, another amethyst, all nice but not incredibly expensive, did not push my luck by wearing mum's eternity ring.

It must be very bad, right? You posted it three times. ahahhah

I will apologise to him when I meet him again. I didn't mean to refuse his card. When he asked me I didn't know what he bought a card. I just said what I think and then he said it's good. Then he told me not to open the shopping bag. It was too late I just saw a card with other groceries.

I didn't think much about it till now that you all said it was a bad form. Hmmmm... I will send him an email to apologise.

Thanks for the comments...

But you must admit Pax...It was a very clever gift...well thought out and it certainly produced the the intended outcome.......I will not repeat what SweetLady has already said 3 times... well said SW...and BJ I agree "It is the thought behind a gift that matters not the value."

As you are no doubt aware, beware Greeks bearing gifts, and of course wooden horses:-)

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