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Igniting Awareness Of Child Exploitation In New York

Julia Dunn | This article is about the documentary, "Very Young Girls" as well as the home that houses the girls featured in the film, Girls Education and Mentoring Services and details what GEMS and Gabriela Network are trying to accomplish by uniting and raising awareness about the prices of the sex industry in the United States. more...  0 Comments

Voices of the Other New York: Dispatch from the Second Encuentro for Dignity

Michael Gould-Wartofsky | Amid the global financial crisis, the private equity companies that once threatened to swallow up the last of Manhattan’s affordable housing stock may be on the road to mass extinction. And amid the political crisis in Albany, the politicians who promised rent reform may be on the road to nowhere. But the “Other New York” is still here and still at it, fighting for the block and the dignity of its denizens.
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Stop Cutting Our Public Libraries

NYC Local of the Socialist Party USA | If passed, this cut will result in the loss of 943 jobs, and severe reduction of library hours. Brooklyn Public Library hours are proposed to be cut to 25 hours a week to a Monday - Friday 1pm-6pm schedule - eliminating Saturday service. These reductions would bring library operating hours to the lowest since the 1970’s. more...  0 Comments

New School occupation press conference, 10:30am, Thursday 12/18!

kilroy | A press release from CUNY students at The New School in Exile announces a rally and press conference at 10:30am, Thursday, December 18th. more...  6 Comments

Reflections from a New School Student Occupier

kilroy | At approximately 7 pm tonight I joined with my fellow students in initiating a student occupation of the 65 5th avenue building of the New School. I am here today to show my opposition to business as usual at the university, and to stand in solidarity with other students who feel the same. We come from diverse backgrounds, and different politics, but we all agree that the university needs to change. more...  0 Comments

An Open Letter: Come Occupy a Building with Us...Now

kilroy | An open letter from the student occupiers of the New School University cafeteria. more...  0 Comments

Photos from New School occupation

kilroy | Photos from the cafeteria at the New School University as a student occupation enters its first night. more...  0 Comments

New School demands from the Radical Student Union

kilroy | Wednesday, December 10th, the Radical Student Union issued several demands at a demonstration and sit-in at the Board of Trustees meeting for the New School University. With a student occupation underway in the New School cafeteria, the same demands are being brought to the fore with greater force. more...  4 Comments

New School University has been occupied!

kilroy | Students occupying the cafeteria of the New School University released their first statement this evening, linking their struggle with student uprisings around the world and other struggles across the United States. more...  19 Comments


October 22 Coalition-NY | December 21, 2008
Doors open at 6:00, show starts at 6:30pm
The Delancey Bar & Nightclub (bottom floor)
168 Delancey Street (between Clinton & Attorney), Manhattan on the Lower East Side
(J to Essex or F to Delancey)
$10 donation – no one turned away more...  0 Comments


Viola Chasm | A guilt trip beyond measure more...  10 Comments

Continually updated news on the Greek riots

l | The Center For Strategic Anarchy blog is being continually updated with news, images, video, and accounts from solidarity actions around the world. Come get your piping hot Greek riot news: more...  0 Comments

KKE [Communist Party of Greece] Statement on the General Strike

Communist Party of Greece | Official statement of the KKE on current events in Greece' more...  0 Comments

Una Carta del Mundo para los 5‏ Héroes Cubanos

envia F Espinoza | Desde este momento, llamamos a los hombres, mujeres, niños y ancianos del mundo a que se unan a la idea de enviarle una felicitación de "Fin de Año" a estos muchachos de la dignidad y el decoro... more...  0 Comments

Update from Greece, tens of thousands on the streets

No justice, no peace | Tens of thousands of people took to the streets on Monday protesting the cold blooded murder of 16-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos by cops. more...  0 Comments

Swimming Up Stream

posted by F Espinoza | Somebody had to offer a calm and serene response even though this will have to swim up the powerful stream of hopes raised by Obama in the international public opinion... more...  0 Comments

Progress or Regress? : Considering the Future of Leftist Politics under Obama

Jeremy Cohan | The Platypus Affiliated Society in New York presents a moderated panel discussion and audience Q&A to critically evaluate the widespread assumption that the election of Barack Obama presents an opportunity for today's Leftists. Asking how opportunity can be distinguished from opportunism, Platypus has invited several intellectuals and activists to publicly think through the foreseeable pitfalls and potentials posed by the passing of the Bush-era into the age of Obama. more...  3 Comments

UTNE Names Robina Suwol One Of “50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World"

California Safe Schools | California Safe Schools Founder & Executive Director Recognized for Decade of Green School Efforts more...  1 Comments

The 1st Annual Holiday Hearts Benefit Concert

Patricia Bradby | Threads That Teach will be holding its first annual holiday benefit concert. Not only will they be raising money for inner city arts education, but they are also taking this opportunity to showcase local rising talent. This year Threads That Teach is pleased to present Kings County Caravan (, a collective of artists straight out of Brooklyn. Concert tickets are $10. more...  0 Comments

Nuclear Waste Dumped into Hudson River

Cathy Garger | Internationally renown radiation scientist and researcher Dr. Chris Busby speaks about the radioactive waste dumping into New York's Hudson River.
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Obama supporters: Joel Klein Should NOT Become Education Secretary!

forwarded by Skinny John | This petition is directed at members of the New York City congressional delegation (who will be asked to weigh in) and specific members of Obama's transition team. more...  0 Comments

Starbucks Baristas Present 500 Petition Signatures for More Security at Store

Worker Freedom | Workers, Customers, and Community Members Concerned About Threats and Harassment at the Location

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Rebel Diaz - An Open Letter to Barack Obama

Forwarded by Skinny John | Enormous gratitude to Rebel Diaz for taking such a principled stand with this piece & for making it clear. more...  1 Comments

Monday, Nov. 10 - SLINGSHOT HIP HOP Screening & Performances at NYU

Students for Justice in Palestine | Special performances by Remi Kanazi, The Mahina Movement, Abeer Al Zinati (aka Sabreena da Witch)

Movie will be followed by a special Q&A with director Jackie Salloum and Abeer Al Zinati. more...  0 Comments

Olympia: Halloween Dance Party (Part Riot, Part Party)

repost | in the streets more...  0 Comments

Starbucks Management Conference in New Orleans Hit with Unexpected Union Protest

Worker Freedom |
Supporters of the IWW Starbucks Workers Union Took the Streets in an Energetic Display of Solidarity more...  0 Comments

BUSH-McCAIN, Losing Florida?

posted by F Espinoza | It is a pool of corruption that is lapping too close to the Bush family, from Watergate to the criminal drugs-for-arms in Central America, to the assassination of President Kennedy. Bush and McCain could lose Florida especially if the Democrats can uncover that pool... more...  0 Comments

Long Island Food Not Bombs Dance Party, Wednesday Oct.29th @ Cinema Arts

LI-FNB | On Wedne​sday,​ Octob​er 29th @ 7pm Long Islan​d Food Not Bombs​ is havin​g a benef​it Hallo​ween dance​ party​ at the Cinem​a Arts Centr​e.​ Invit​e your frien​ds and get ready​ to get your dance​ on. more...  0 Comments

Filipino Youth to Commemorate Filipino American Heritage Month and Reclaim History of Resistance

Chevy Evangelista of Ugnayan NY/NJ | WHY RECLAIM?

For the Filipino youth, RECLAIM means to take back what was once ours!

RECLAIM means to embrace our people's history in the Philippines. Learn our history of migration to the US. Assert our right to quality education that reflects our history and culture. Relearn the native tongue that has been denied to us. Struggle for decent jobs & just wages. Embrace the cause of Filipino World War II veterans & domestic workers. To be free from fear of deportation & detention. Fight for equality & respect for our Pinay sisters & queer brothers & sisters. RECLAIM is promoting justice and liberation for our people! more...  0 Comments

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