Philosophy of Pachamama, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge.

When: March 17 – 27, 2016

Where: Start in Santa Cruz and end in Santa Cruz; visits to Cahapare, Cochabamba, Oruro, La Paz.

Cost for Activities: $1000. This will cover all lodging, all ground transportation, at least 2 meals per day, and translation. Additional expenses during the trip will be minimal.
**Airfare not included. Possible group rate available for those traveling from NYC.**

Anyone interested should email as soon as possible, as space for this trip is very limited. Please allow a day or two for responses.

Sponsored by the Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY.

Additional fligh ticket of $50 will be required for an internal flight from La Paz to Santa Cruz.

Check out these articles from past delegations:

Bolivia: Complexity and Inspiration at the Roof of the World

What people are saying about our delegations:

Visiting Venezuela with the Bolivarian Circle of New York “Alberto Lovera” delegation was a great experience. I was able to enter into dialog with the process underway at cooperatives and communal councils and see for myself the enthusiasm of the Chavista base for participatory democracy, food security and protecting the social gains of the revolution while moving forward.

Frederick B. Mills

Professor of Philosophy

Bowie State University

The delegation gave me a fabulous window into one of the most exciting social experiments of our time, the Bolivarian revolution and the public policies committed to social Justice that it informs. It also wetted my appetite for more. I will soon be incorporating some of what I learned into my seminars, and I hope to be able to bring a contingent of students in the near future.

Claudia Chaufan

Associate Professor
 University of California San Francisco

“The Food Sovereignty delegation to Venezuela was interesting, informative and a lot of fun. We saw collective farms, factories, feeding centers and spent time with groups of people struggling for land reform and human dignity. We had lots of opportunities to see how people work together and how agriculture is changing in Venezuela. I loved the people we traveled with and created strong bonds with many of them. It’s the kind of trip that makes you want to return in a few years to see how much progress is being made. It further inspired me to work in the food democracy movement in the US and figure out ways to stay in solidarity with our Venezuelan sisters and brothers.”

Nancy Romer
General Coordinator
Brooklyn Food Coalition

“Traveling with William and Christina gave me an insider perspective that I couldn’t have gotten otherwise. I highly recommend taking a trip on one of these delegations whether you are highly interested in food politics and socialism, or are new to the subject.”

Paula Crossfield
Founder and the Managing Editor of Civil Eats

“I traveled to both Venezuela and Bolivia with William Camacaro and Christina Schiavoni as the leaders of the trip. I can’t say enough about the quality of these trips and their leadership. I was astounded at the range of activities each trip provided: food centers for the elderly, African communities, women’s collectives, revolutionary centers, fishing industry in Venezuela, agricultural initiatives such as the production of quinoa in Bolivia, meetings with government officials, wonderful community cultural events (sometimes in our honor!), and more. Additionally, both William and Christina were very attentive to the people on the trips, addressed personal crises that arose, and helped in any way possible. There was never a sense that you were simply on your own in a foreign country, and had to fend for yourself. They were always available for questions, suggestions, and concrete help. IN SO DOING THE TRIP LEADERS CREATED A FAMILY-LIKE FEELING AMONG THE GROUP MEMBERS. I have been traveling on political/educational trips for decades, and can only say; the Bolivarian Circle’s trips are the bomb!”

Suzanne Ross, PhD, clinical psychologist and activist with the Free Mumia Abu Jamal Coalition, NYC

“The food sovereignty tours to Venezuela are an incredible eye opener. You can read about aspects of the country’s shift to a fairer food system but to see it first hand – and meet the people that are making the change happen – is totally inspiring.”

Simon Cunich
Australian Filmmaker
Creator of the documentary Growing Change

Fall Delegation to Bolivia – tentative agenda

Focus areas include: social programs of the government; food security and food sovereignty initiatives; programs for the industrialization of coca; indigenous culture; the struggle against water privatization

Days 1 and 2: Santa Cruz – arrival; orientation/welcome; visits to social programs and discussions with community leaders and authorities who run them.

Days 3, 4, and 5: Chapare/ Cochabamba – visits to food security pilot projects, industrialization of coca leaves; visits to pilot projects for the visits with community leaders who led the successful struggle against privatization of their water sources

Days 6, 7, and 8: Oruro -La Paz – visits to some Quinoa plantation, Visit a copper mine, Meeting with peasants leaders. conversations with government leaders (pending confirmation)

Day 9: Visit to Titicaca Lake–

Day 10: departure