The rumours at the heart of  Abbott's  downfall

Latika Bourke 1:59 AM   Tony Abbott was warned that the perception that he was having an affair with his chief of staff Peta Credlin was destroying his prime ministership, a new book claims.

Latest political news

Turnbull warns Abbott: I'll correct record 

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull showed a willingness to directly counter Tony Abbott on Friday.

Mark Kenny   Malcolm Turnbull has publicly warned Tony Abbott that he will not hesitate to correct the record if false statements are made regarding government policy, in a sign that the frosty relationship between victor and vanquished is deteriorating.

Gay refugees on Nauru 'prisoners'

A digitally altered photo of two gay Iranian refugees, Nima and Ashkan, who say they are being persecuted at Nauru, ...

Nicole Hasham 8:03 AM   Two gay refugees who fell in love at the Nauru detention camp say they are virtually prisoners in their home: holed up in fear for their lives after being bashed and verbally abused in a nation where homosexuality is illegal.

IMF chief warns of demographic timebomb

Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF, warns that governments around the world must start confronting the ...

Gareth Hutchens 7:15 AM   According to the International Monetary Fund, older workers will have to retire much later in the future to help pay for rapidly rising pension costs.

Comments 21

'As PM, I set the record straight'

Former prime minister Tony Abbott would be best to keep his head down and improve his policy approach on the issues that ...

Michael Koziol   Malcolm Turnbull has moved to correct Tony Abbott on claims Australia's replacement submarines have been delayed under the new PM's leadership.

France, Germany say they could deliver early

Defence Force chief Mark Binskin rejects suggestions that any delay would help the Japanese bid to build Australia's new ...

David Wroe   Two of the countries bidding to help build Australia's next submarine fleet, France and Germany, say they can deliver the first boat sooner than the early-2030s timeline set by Defence.

Australia to consider four-country push

Minister for Defence Marise Payne says Australia has an open mind about Admiral Harris's suggestion.

David Wroe   Australia will consider a renewed push to establish an informal naval coalition with the United States, Japan and India that would stoke fears in Beijing of a "containment" strategy.

Shorten shows he can take shine off Coalition

Judith Ireland dinkus

Judith Ireland   Bill Shorten has looked better as Malcolm Turnbull has stumbled.

ABC debate gets personal 

Senator McKenzie pictured following her election in 2010.

Matthew Knott   The fight over the future of the ABC is getting personal.

Indigenous representation to double

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Pat Dodson during a joint press conference at Parliament House in Canberra.

Anne Davies   It is now time for me to step up to the plate and have a go at trying to influence those same conversations, debates and public policies from the inside, Professor Dodson said.

'Australia out of step on gay rights'

Former congressman Barney Frank says  "increasingly" Australia's stance on same-sex rights was "behind much of the ...

Judith Ireland   A prominent US politician has lashed Australia's stance on gay rights as "increasingly" behind the rest of the developed world as Sydney prepares to celebrate the gay and lesbian Mardis Gras on Saturday.

Comment & Analysis

Abbott frolic can only end badly

Tony Abbott now represents an explosive and dark force.

Mark Kenny   It seems a ridiculous tag to apply to a government with a prime minister three times more popular than his opponent and with his party still ahead in the polls.

No happy ending as Abbott unleashes

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher 5:09 AM   Malcolm Turnbull's 'new politics' offered hope to the end of the nation's revolving door leadership and cycle of revenge, but he can't do it alone.

From little things, big things grow

Pat Dodson will become Labor's Senate candidate for Western Australia.

Tony Wright 12:15 AM   Paddy Dodson might have been just another scared kid on his first night at boarding school ... if he hadn't been black.

The functionary and the visionary

Patrick Dodson: "the Sydney Harbour Bridge of Australian race relations".

Martin Flanagan 12:15 AM   He's one of the great Australians of our age and he is entering Federal Parliament.

Comments 9

Shorten shows he can take shine off Coalition

Judith Ireland dinkus

Judith Ireland   Bill Shorten has looked better as Malcolm Turnbull has stumbled.

There's an easy way to boost GDP

Anne Summers dinkus Dinkus

Anne Summers   With all the talk about tax reform coming out of Canberra at the moment, you might be beguiled into thinking that is the only policy instrument available for increasing economic growth.

Comments 3

The slow-motion death of conservative politics

Waleed Aly dinkus. Dinkus

Waleed Aly   The disruption wreaked by Tony Abbott is an echo of the disruption that besets conservative parties worldwide.

Comments 318

Herding cats: Turnbull's leadership challenge

Malcolm Turnbull will have a hard time calling a double dissolution election, even if the Coalition can technically get ...

Mark Kenny   The Prime Minister has a party room that is sleep-walking into disarray just months before an election.

Comments 186

Senate reforms: shutting down a voting rort

Senator David Leyonhjelm says the reform of how the Senate is elected agreed to by the Coalition, the Greens and ...

Tim Colebatch   The changes strip power from party bosses and hand it back to voters. What’s not to like?

Comments 56

Breathtaking breach of basic responsibility

Former prime minister Tony Abbott winks as he departs Question Time.

David Wroe   Tony Abbott has already denied being the source of the leaked sections of the defence white paper. The journalist who received the leak, a friend of Abbott's, has also denied it came from the former PM.

Would anybody mind if trade deal fell over?

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Peter Martin   I have a sneaky suspicion Malcolm Turnbull thinks the TPP is a dud deal for Australia

Comments 33

We're failing the modern, female workforce

The likelihood that a woman's career will be interrupted by parenthood affects the long-term accumulation of super.

Robbie Campo   In modern Australia, our daughters and sons start their working lives on an even footing – well-educated and evenly matched in their expectation of what the workforce and life has to offer.

Doctors share the blame for a sick budget

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   Advances in automation have made subsidies for many health services unnecessary, but taking steps to remove them leads to outrage.

Tide turning in euthanasia debate

More jurisdictions around the world are allowing doctors to help terminally ill patients die.

Peter Singer   More jurisdictions around the world are allowing doctors to help terminally ill patients die.

Comments 2

In modern workplace, age 50 is considered old

In the movie Intern, Ben Whittaker (Robert De Niro) takes on a job as a a senior intern at an online fashion site.

Jenny Brice   Ageism at work is rife, but fear is stopping people from talking about it openly.

Young people getting a raw deal on pensions


Simon Cowan   With the political power of the baby boomer generation growing, it is easy to see a future where workers contribute a greater percentage of their wages to fund other people's retirement than to their own.

Yet another Defence White Paper that fails

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Hugh White   Like so many defence plans before it, the latest one leaves us drifting without a coherent response to China’s bid for regional leadership.

Australia shows its hand to China

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   Australia, through Malcolm Turnbull's white paper, is saying that it will step up.

Nauru and Manus Island our Guantanamo Bay

David Isaacs dinkus

David Isaacs   The comparison between Nauru and Manus Island, and Guantanamo Bay is fully justified.

Comments 37

With friends like Malcolm, equality is far away

Tim Dick

Tim Dick   What is the point of a gay-friendly prime minister if he can't slap down those keen on perpetuating teenage hate, angst and suicide?

Below the line voting needs reform too

George Williams dinkus

George Williams   In a democracy, voters should determine who is elected to Parliament. The Senate electoral system fails this test. Design flaws mean that people can elect candidates they do not support.

Special features

Abbott frolic can only end badly

It seems a ridiculous tag to apply to a government with a prime minister three times more popular than his opponent and with his party still ahead in the polls.

No happy ending as Abbott unleashes

Malcolm Turnbull's 'new politics' offered hope to the end of the nation's revolving door leadership and cycle of revenge, but he can't do it alone.

Would Labor smash house prices?

How will Labor's proposed tax reforms affect house prices and the economy?

From little things, big things grow

Paddy Dodson might have been just another scared kid on his first night at boarding school ... if he hadn't been black.

The functionary and the visionary

He's one of the great Australians of our age and he is entering Federal Parliament.

Federal politics: the top ten stories

The big political stories of the week as they unfolded - told in just more than one minute.

Shorten shows he can take shine off Coalition

Judith Ireland Bill Shorten has looked better as Malcolm Turnbull has stumbled.

Sketch: Submarines leak for Australia

If the actual submarines leak, and have been doing so for years, why wouldn't the plans to get new ones in the water leak?

There's an easy way to boost GDP

With all the talk about tax reform coming out of Canberra at the moment, you might be beguiled into thinking that is the only policy instrument available for increasing economic growth.

Rudd v Abbott: Who destabilised it better?

Destabilisation, leaks, leader against ex leader, awkward photos and calls for unity. No, not the Gillard government circa 2012 but the Turnbull government today.

The slow-motion death of conservative politics

The disruption wreaked by Tony Abbott is an echo of the disruption that besets conservative parties worldwide.

Herding cats: Turnbull's leadership challenge

The Prime Minister has a party room that is sleep-walking into disarray just months before an election.

Senate: shutting down a voting rort

The changes strip power from party bosses and hand it back to voters. What’s not to like?

Patrick Dodson: 'A brave man going into a white man's world'

Patrick Dodson tells the story of his grandfather Paddy Djiagween, who met the Queen in Broome in 1963 and asked "'Why can't we have the same rights as the white man?"

Breathtaking breach of basic responsibility

Tony Abbott has already denied being the source of the leaked sections of the defence white paper. The journalist who received the leak, a friend of Abbott's, has also denied it came from the former prime minister.

Would anybody mind if the trade deal fell over?

I have a sneaky suspicion Malcolm Turnbull thinks the TPP is a dud deal for Australia

We're failing modern, female workforce

In modern Australia, our daughters and sons start their working lives on an even footing – well-educated and evenly matched in their expectation of what the workforce and life has to offer.