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Iscritto a dicembre 2007

@NASA è bloccato

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  1. ritwittato

    After spending a , returns to American soil and greets , family, and officials.

  2. On Snapchat? Check out today's Live Story about 's "Return to Earth" & add NASA to get space snaps!

  3. Update: 's plane now expected to land at 2:30am ET. Watch live:

  4. Homecoming to Houston for after a . Watch live at 1:35am ET:

  5. . tours w/ while awaiting 's return to Houston, set for 1:50am ET

  6. ritwittato

    . Director John Holdren: "'s amazing mission is a major milestone on our journey to Mars."

  7. Update: 's plane now expected to land at 1:50am ET. Watch live:

  8. ritwittato
  9. ritwittato

    My 1st on ! Growing fresh food like lettuce we grew on my is vital for our .

  10. After a , returns to Houston! Watch live at 12:40am ET:

  11. . just returned from a . Discover the science behind his mission

  12. ritwittato

    Welcome back to Earth, ! Your year in space is vital to the future of American space travel. Hope gravity isn't a drag!

  13. Spacecraft carrying crew seen above the clouds as it approached landing site:

  14. ritwittato

    Back to last night. Today I head back home! Stretching my space legs on my first refuel stop.

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