"Whale Whores" is the eleventh episode of the thirteenth season of the American animated television series South Park, and the 192nd overall episode of the series. It aired on Comedy Central in the United States on October 28, 2009. In the episode, Stan joins an anti-whaling crew in order to save dolphins and whales from Japanese whalers.
The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker, and was rated TV-MA LV in the United States. "Whale Whores" addressed the topic of Japanese whaling, condemning both the whalers themselves and the activists who fight against them. The episode is particularly critical of the reality television series Whale Wars and its star Paul Watson, an environmental activist who is prominently featured in "Whale Whores".
In a response to the episode, Paul Watson said he was not offended by the portrayal, and was glad the show brought the issue of illegal whaling to a large audience. The episode also featured references to the show Deadliest Catch and a rendition of the Lady Gaga song "Poker Face" sung by Eric Cartman on the game Rock Band. A downloadable version of the song was released for the game in March. "Whale Whores" was released on DVD and Blu-ray along with the rest of the thirteenth season on March 16, 2010. The episode was nominated for a Genesis Award, but lost to the Family Guy episode "Dog Gone".
All that I held precious
All I treasured in this world
Was you
All that I had cradled
All I gave up for you
You, you
You consciously killed our future
Never breaking stride
God, it makes me nauseous
Just to think about you
Tasting other guys
I won't act as if
Nothing's wrong
But my healing has begun
Even though you broke my life
I'm still able to smile
No denial
Something' inside
Is keeping me alive
Right before it folded
Seems like everyone could see
But me
Bet you couldn't figure out
How to lose me
Won't dignify your decision
To suffocate my dream
Giving you the pleasure of believing you could
Put an end to me
While you prance about
Someone else
Won't feel sorry for myself
Living life alone tonight
I'm still able to smile
No denial
Something inside
Is keeping me
Keeping me Alive
I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing
Something inside
Is keeping me