[Australian Politics] 4 fact checking websites if you follow the 2013 Federal Election

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1 > Facts Fight Back http://www.factsfightback.org.au from The Australia Institute

2013-08-19_220828A very solid site from the Australia Institute that highlights facts from their original research. A very matter-of-fact tone in line with the research conducted by the Institute. Not just focused on the politicking debate, factsfightback.org.au also gets into broader social and economic issues. A good balance between concision and detail of research. A recommended mine that other media outlets tap anyway. To be read with their tumblr which also has pretty great infographics on Australia’s macro-economic and social issues.

2 > Politifact http://www.politifact.com.au

2013-08-19_221241Spin-off  from PolitiFact US, sponsored in Australia by Channel 7. Politifact has been founded by its current editor-in-chief  Peter Fray, an adjunct professor in media and politics at Sydney University and the former editor or editor-in-chief of the Sydney Morning Herald, The Canberra Times and The Sunday Age. He brought with him fellow journalists to address fact checking which obliviously they think is missing from their media outlets. Very “channel 7 – tabloid media” in style.



3 > Fact Check http://www.abc.net.au/news/factcheck/ from the ABC

2013-08-19_221102The ‘de rigueur’ fact checking website from your ABC. It launched fairly recently so still short on items compared to the others. It also looks pretty focused on the politicians’ debate. The ABC have also been using their ‘fact checking unit’ throughout their political programs such as Lateline.




4 > Election FactCheck http://theconversation.com/au/factcheck from The Conversation

2013-08-19_221213Academics with subject expertise check claims by politicians, interest groups and the media for accuracy. A second academic independently reviews the check. The Conversation is a very solid quality outlet. Consistent with their academic credentials, their facts a pretty detailed. Definitely more rigorous items than on politifact.com.au or the ABC’s factcheck, but which tend to be longer than those on factsfightback.org.au



Blaq Swan – 19/8/2013 – Sydney

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