Donald Trump is the inevitable backlash to a too-strong Republican Party

Edit Vox 04 May 2016
To elide this gap, Republican Party cynical leaders fanned the flames of identity politics, channeling voters' anxieties into anti-Obama rage, into hatred of "big government," and into a story about how Washington elites (i.e., Democrats) had betrayed America ... And identity politics are like fire....

Labour candidate favourite for London mayor

Edit China Daily 04 May 2016
London's population of 8.6 million is among the most diverse and it is rare for identity politics to enter British campaigning ... ....

Has Donald Trump defeated Conservatism?: The Question of the Day

Edit Penn Live 04 May 2016
But unless voters were in church every Sunday, Trump's identity politics had more appeal than Cruz's theological-political correctness." ... Third, that "Trump proved that many of the party's moderates and establishmentarians hate the thought of a True Conservative nominee even more than they fear handing the nomination to a proto-fascist grotesque with zero political experience and poor impulse control." ... "From Fox News' 10 p.m ... ....

Rampell: Actually, Hillary Clinton is a fiscal conservative

Edit Denver Post 04 May 2016
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign event Tuesday in Athens, Ohio. (Paul Sancya, The Associated Press). Suppose you're a hardcore fiscal conservative. You don't give a hoot about social issues, and you don't follow any of this nonsense about identity politics or insiders and outsiders ... Hillary Clinton. Seriously ... By a lot ... ....

The West is trapped in a violent Islamophobic cycle

Edit The National 04 May 2016
In Molenbeek, the Brussels suburb that has come to symbolise Belgium's (and Europe's) struggle with jihadism among its own nationals, young people's attraction to ISIL alternately appears to be adolescent angst, youthful experimentation with identity politics and teenage rebellion against the state of the world ... This is a dangerous inflection point with the unsayable becoming the new political speak....

Donald Trump is the real ideological heir to George W. Bush

Edit Vox 04 May 2016
In an important sense, Trump is following a political trail that W blazed — becoming the first (and so far only) Republican Party politician to follow the template of populist nationalism that the only successful GOP presidential candidate of the past 30 years rode to the White House ... Of course, a political coalition does not live on tax cuts alone ... That's where identity politics and nationalism come in....

Changing the Conversation About “The Woman Card”

Edit CounterPunch 04 May 2016
The “woman card.” It’s so much nonsense. Donald Trump is merely the latest to accuse a woman of playing identity politics because she, well, actually discussed the fact that the U.S. still has much to improve in terms of gender equality. Trump alleges that Clinton is discussing women’s issues so she can win the votes of women ... Clinton’s response was terrific ... Other responses to Trump’s comments bothered me, though ... ....

C4 announces bold new collaborations with artists for 2017 & beyond (Channel Four Television Corporation)

Edit Public Technologies 04 May 2016
(Source. Channel Four Television Corporation) ... Speaking at the launch of the new Grayson Perry series Grayson Perry ... In recent years a slate of award-winning Channel 4 programmes has seen artists, musicians and writers offer their take on mental health, the legalisation of gay marriage, identity politics, the general election, Essex women and modern masculinity. John Hay said ... Akram Khan/ Modern Factory project [as yet untitled] ... (noodl....

Politics and Incivility (Southern Methodist University)

Edit Public Technologies 03 May 2016
Should political discourse be less sensitive to identity politics?'. By definition, a voter is embracing identity politics if any single interest - such as race, gender, or position on a particular social issue - decides their support for or opposition to a candidate regardless of the candidate's views on other topics....

The Unashamed Racists Backing Trump All the Way

Edit Newsweek 03 May 2016
Founded by an heir to a conservative publishing fortune, it drew white nationalists and sympathizers from around the country—and at least one from Canada—to its innocuously named “Identity Politics” conference a couple of days after Donald Trump dominated the field on Super Tuesday ... Indeed, NPI’s Identity Politics conference featured one of the ......

Intersecting with the Identity Police (Or Why I Stopped Writing Op-Eds)

Edit CounterPunch 03 May 2016
I think identity politics would be a good thing if people knew how to handle it ... Hasn’t this rigid delineation of identity politics, identity politics which puts everyone into a box which excludes the nuances, the overlapping circles, of intersectionality, forced us all to stop speaking honestly, and instead to think and to voice only what is approved by the seething social media masses? ....

Actually, Hillary Clinton is the fiscal conservative

Edit The Salt Lake Tribune 03 May 2016
Suppose you’re a hardcore fiscal conservative. You don’t give a hoot about social issues, and you don’t follow any of this nonsense about identity politics or insiders and outsiders. All you care about is getting the nation’s fiscal house in order. Are you sitting down? I hope you’re sitting down. Because the candidate you should vote for might surprise you ... ....

Jason Riley, black conservative, disinvited from Virginia Tech

Edit The Washington Times 03 May 2016
A prominent conservative intellectual and critic of identity politics has been disinvited from a scheduled lecture at Virginia Tech over concerns about his race-related scholarship. Jason Riley, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a Wall Street Journal columnist, was slated to speak at a lecture series hosted by ... ....