St John Passion (in
German: Johannes-Passion),
BWV 245, is a sacred oratorio of
Johann Sebastian Bach. The original
Latin title:
Passio Secundum Johannem translates to "
The Suffering According to John" and is rendered in
English also as
St. John Passion and in German as
Johannespassion. During the first winter that
Bach was responsible for church music at the
St. Thomas Church, Leipzig and the
St. Nicholas Church, he composed the St John Passion for the
Good Friday Vespers service of 1724.
The St John Passion is a dramatic representation of the
Passion, as told in the
Gospel of John, constructed of dramatically presented recitatives and choruses, commented by reflective chorales, ariosos, and arias, framed by an opening chorus and a final one, followed by a last chorale. Compared to the
St Matthew Passion, the St John Passion has been described as more extravagant, with an expressive immediacy, at times more unbridled and less "finished."
Originally Bach intended that the St. John Passion would be first performed in the
St. Thomas Church in
Leipzig, but due to a last-minute change by the music council, it was first performed in 1724 in the St. Nicholas Church. Bach quickly agreed to their desire to move the service to
St Nicholas Church, "but pointed out that the booklet was already printed, that there was no room available and that the harpsichord needed some repair, all of which, however, could be attended to at little cost; but he requested that a little additional room be provided in the choir loft of St Nicholas Church, where he planned to place the musicians needed to perform the music. He also asked that the harpsichord be repaired." The council agreed and sent a flyer announcing the new location to all the people around Leipzig. The council made the arrangements requested by Bach regarding the harpsichord and space needed for the choir.
Coro: Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm in allen Landen herrlich ist! (0:00)
Jesus: Jesus ging mit seinen Jüngern über den Bach
Kidron (9:28)
3. Chorale: O große Lieb, o Lieb ohn alle Maße (12:00)
4a. Evangelist, Jesus: Auf daß das Wort erfüllet würde (12:51)
5. Chorale: Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich (14:02)
6. Evangelist: Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann (14:53)
Aria (alto, oboes): Von den
Stricken meiner Sünden (15:38)
8. Evangelist:
Simon Petrus aber folgete
Jesu nach (20:19)
9. Aria (soprano, flutes): Ich folge dir gleichfalls mit freudigen Schritten (20:31)
10. Evangelist, Maid,
Peter, Jesus,
Servant: Derselbige Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt (24:50)
11. Chorale: Wer hat dich so geschlagen (27:56)
12a. Evangelist: Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden zu dem Hohenpriester
Kaiphas (29:33)
13. Aria (tenor): Ach, mein
Sinn (31:38)
14. Chorale:
Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück (34:17)
Nikolaus Harnoncourt
Concentus Musicus Wien
Arnold Schoenberg Chor
- published: 17 Dec 2010
- views: 412839