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Inscrit en décembre 2009

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  1. On explains why he writes about the positive things in society

  2. " really got under my skin. And I thought 'that's the sort of place that I might write about'." - tells

  3. Don't forget to vote in this week's poll: Can women have it all? Vote here or on our Twitter page.

  4. Can women have it all? We'll speak to later this week to find out. What would you like to ask her?

  5. "It's not a PR exercise, I actually really like (Australia) - increasingly I'm putting it into the books," tells

  6. Now on : Academic and author of novel series ‘The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency’

  7. retweeté

    Coalition Minister on Abbott: "He's still in the angry phase... People are starting to get annoyed."

  8. retweeté

    Coalition MP on Abbott "We are seeing the last death roll of a past leader... It's just him and Kevin."

  9. "Some of the minor parties, yes, they do want to run in marginal seats," tells

  10. "This meeting on Saturday will really be a way for the sitting senators to talk about what's going on behind the scenes." -

  11. . on : "The Government is certainly lining up their ducks to have a double dissolution"

  12. Another minister has said “It’s scrappy, it’s just not useful”

  13. A coalition minister has told : “is still in the angry phase. People are starting to get annoyed”

  14. Some colleagues believe has broken his promise of ‘no wrecking, no undermining, and no sniping'

  15. Tonight on : - who will be at this weekend's meeting of micro parties to nut out a strategy on changes

  16. retweeté

    Tonight on ... Coalition MPs react to the so-called "open warfare" between Abbott and Turnbull. Is it Rudd/Gillard, Episode II?

  17. You can also send a question or comment to And don't forget to vote in our poll:

  18. Four years ago penned an article under the headline Why Women Still Can't Have It All:

  19. ATTENTION No 1. Ladies Detective Agency fans: Tonight author Alexander McCall Smith joins

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