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New York, NY
Unit: juliol de 2008

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  1. "Growing even some of our own food is one of the best things that we can do for the environment."

  2. Why trust and cooperation are essential to good business:

  3. Watch a choreographer's creative process in real time:

  4. "We need to start judging people by what they do, not what they look like."

  5. "Trust requires an intelligent judgement." How to be smart about who you trust:

  6. Why you should hire the underdog:

  7. What their resume won't tell you:

  8. A word game to communicate in any language:

  9. 7 TED Talks on how to be smart about your money:

  10. "Chronic loneliness poses as significant a risk for your long-term health and longevity as cigarette smoking."

  11. A lovely reminder that your depth of character is just as important as your accomplishments:

  12. "Money is the most successful story ever invented by humans, because it is the only story everybody believes."

  13. "When people pursue money too avidly, they forget about the basic pleasures of life."

  14. 6 ways to make people laugh, according to science:

  15. "A world without love is a deadly place." Why we love, and why we cheat:

  16. Why Al Gore is optimistic that we can stop climate change:

  17. Modern politics turn you off? 8 to restore your faith in politics:

  18. A meditation on the bittersweet joys of childhood — and how to hold them in mind:

  19. "We are going to win this. But it matters a lot how fast we win it." on climate change:

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