- published: 24 Jan 2016
- views: 695789
In Islam, Jesus (Isa; Arabic: عيسى ʿĪsā) is considered to be a Messenger of God and the Masih (Messiah) who was sent to guide the Children of Israel (banī isrā'īl) with a new scripture, the Injīl or Gospel. The belief in Jesus (and all other messengers of God) is required in Islam, and a requirement of being a Muslim. The Quran mentions Jesus twenty-five times, more often, by name, than Muhammad. It states that Jesus was born to Mary (Arabic: Maryam) as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occurred by the decree of God (Arabic: Allah). To aid in his ministry to the Jewish people, Jesus was given the ability to perform miracles (such as healing the blind, bringing dead people back to life, etc.), all by the permission of God rather than of his own power. According to the popular opinion and Muslim traditions, Jesus was not crucified but instead, he was raised up by God unto the heavens. This "raising" is understood to mean through bodily ascension.
Muslims believe that Jesus will return to earth near the Day of Judgment to restore justice and to defeat Masih ad-Dajjal ("the false messiah", also known as the Antichrist).
خقيت ( فيديو كليب حصري ) - عيسى المرزوق | 2016
مُغني الراب " عيسى " يعتزل الراب ويتوب لـ الله عزّ وجلّ
نبي الله عيسى ع يحيي سام ابن النبي نوح ع مشهد مؤثر
مع إبراهيم عيسى | هل تعيد مؤسسات الدولة مصر إلى ما قبل 25 يناير مناظرة الأربعاء الحلقة الكاملة
نقد حاد من #إبراهيم عيسى على برنامج حكومة شريف إسماعيل وخطط الوزارات
قصة نبي الله عيسى عليه السلام
Issa Ben Dardaf - i`m Genius - عيسى بن دردف
مسلسل المسيح النبي عيسى الحلقة الأولى Messiah Prophet Jesus Ep. 01
مسلسل المسيح النبي عيسى الحلقة السادسة Messiah Prophet Jesus Ep 06
فيلم السيد المسيح - عيسى ابن مريم - كاملا
فيديو عيسى الاحسائي يخرش العود
Eissa - Ammar عيسى - عمار
عيسى المرزوق انا اسف 2013
نزول عيسى عليه السلام كاملة - د. محمد العريفي