

We're the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We defend your civil liberties in a digital world.

San Francisco, CA

已封鎖 @EFF

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  1. The 2016 presidential nomination races continue, and so does the candidates' battle for your data.

  2. The sides with Apple in the encryption debate; says Congressional action to outlaw crypto would be a mistake

  3. 已轉推

    Thank you for your efforts on this. FOIA extremely important for transparency & accountability

  4. 已轉推

    Pressed FBI about troubling photo ID requirement for eFOIA requests in Dec. Yesterday the requirement was dropped

  5. Hear EFF's explain why every cryptographer says unlocking the iPhone endangers us all:

  6. Doctorow. Rucker. Gunn. Newitz. Naam. Rajaniemi. Jewel. Seven authors LIVE at the Internet Archive on 3/19.

  7. Judge in New York Apple case warns of a total surveillance future under the Internet of Things:

  8. Meet the patent troll that's been suing everyone from from CVS to Credo Mobile.

  9. Can we please just stop trying to ban software, once and for all?

  10. 已轉推

    Mañana no te pierdas este conversatorio en vivo a través de nuestras cuentas de Facebook, Youtube y

  11. All eyes on All Writs: New York judge rejects government demands that Apple bypass an iPhone lock screen:

  12. Crypto pioneers Whit Diffie and Martin Hellman win the Turing Award:

  13. It's Super Tuesday! Here are some tips for protecting your data as you make the big decision.

  14. Following criticism from EFF and Sen. , FBI drops photo ID requirement for online FOIA requests:

  15. The government can't force Apple to bypass iPhone lock screen, a New York judge has ruled. Our analysis:

  16. Obama administration sides with EFF, will try to roll back Wassenaar export controls.

  17. Automated copyright takedowns aren't just an annoyance—they can chill free speech.

  18. Victory! US State Dept. says it will try to roll back changes to the Wassenaar Arrangement:

  19. The latest Stupid Patent of the Month winner has sued everyone from CVS to Credo Mobile.


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