Zombie Panic! Source
Zombie Panic! Source is a multiplayer Half-Life 2 first-person shooter modification that pays homage to the popular Zombie genre of film and games. It is the sequel to the Half-Life modification Zombie Panic!, and is available to download for free.
The game features four modes of gameplay, Zombie Panic! Survival mode, Zombie Panic! Objective mode, Zombie Panic! Hardcore mode, and ZPA mode. In survival mode, the zombies start with a number of lives based on the amount of players which are slowly depleted as zombies are killed and subsequently come back. In this mode, the round can only be won if one side completely destroys the other or after 15 minutes and survivors are still left standing. A Zombie life is gained if a human is killed and the human that dies, respawns on the zombie team. Objective mode introduces a set of objectives the survivors must complete. The zombie team has an infinite number of lives in objective mode, so zombies can always join the action again if they are killed. Hardcore mode dramatically increases the strength of the undead horde. Survivors must survive for five minutes rather than 15, but this shorter time to beat is compensated by more zombies at the start of the round, all of these initial zombies are capable of infection (75% chance when hitting a survivor) and firearms and explosives do less damage. ZPA mode includes infinite respawns for both the humans and zombies (survivors in waves of 20 seconds), a main objective (usually hold a control point for a certain amount of time) and side objectives (winnable by both teams, gives more carriers for zombies, more weapons for humans).