Which Chaos God Is Best To Pledge Allegiance To? | Warhammer Lore
To get the Latest and Greatest Majorkill Minis, go here : https://majorkill.com/
So you want to join chaos, who should you pick?
Artwork in Thumbnail by :
Klaher Baklaher : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/L2DrV5
To see some naughty "artworks" go here : https://www.patreon.com/majorkill
To Download the Majorkill Mod go here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2134952055&searchtext;=majorkill
Download the Majorkill SFO submod here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2167934736&searchtext;=
If you want to play games or join the community further then join the Discord: https://discord.gg/hm3ug8kAtg
Follow me on Twitter for a laugh: https://twitter.com/Majorkill1
Like, Comment and Subscribe for more
DISCLAIMER : Majorkill PTY LTD is in no way...
published: 04 Feb 2022
Chaos Cinematic from the Chaos DLC Campaign, delivers the most requested new feature of the game: a fully playable Chaos Grand Campaign, letting you take the role of Malos Vrykan as he razes the galaxy.
Steam Store:
Thank you for watching my video, glory to the Emperor and the Imperium of Mankind!
Join this channel to get access to perks:
YT MEMBERSHIP ►► https://goo.gl/FCMdbd
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FACEBOOK ►► https://www.facebook.com/CMValrak
INSTAGRAM ►► https://www.instagram.com/valrak40k/
published: 19 Jun 2019
▼ Join LT - Sub: http://goo.gl/oeZMBS
► Siege Studios: https://siegestudios.co.uk/
► Goblin Gaming: (Get - 20% off 40K Products) https://tinyurl.com/6vwcayvj
► Premium Storage Solutions: https://www.crystal-fortress.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Luetin
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Luetin
Twitter: http://twitter.com/luetin09
Note: This is an overview, details and specifics may be covered further in the future.
► BGM Credits:
► AloneWolf: https://alonewolf.bandcamp.com
► https://epidemicsound.com
► Kevin MacLeod (Royalty Free Music): http://incompetech.com/music/
► KM Crossing the Chasm
► KM The Escalation
► KM Echoes of Time v2
► KM Decay
► SC Dead Planet - Caden Welborn
► KM Minima
► The Legal Notice:
All works used in this video (Images, audio etc) belong to their respect...
published: 11 Oct 2018
The CHAOS Gods Are The GOOD GUYS?! Chaos Deep Dive | Warhammer 40k Lore.
Are the Chaos Gods actually the good guys? There's no doubt that the chaos gods do some pretty messed up stuff. but did you know that the Warhammer gods actually have a good side? it doesn't get talked about much, but these beings have been worshiped for millions of years by millions of different cultures. Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Khorne, these are only the names we know them by, but they've gone by many names across time. if so many people worship them they cant be all bad right? lets take a closer look at the good elements of each of the chaos gods and try to figure out where everything went wrong.
If you are a warhammer 40k fan or a warhammer age of sigmar player, the lore of the gods is pretty similar, as chaos is trans universal.
I still plan on doing a comprehensive deep div...
published: 02 Apr 2022
Warhammer - Mark Of Chaos - Trailer [HD] - BGMA
Bei Warhammer: Mark of Chaos handelt es sich um ein Videospiel, aus dem Genre der Echtzeitstrategiespiele, welches am 24. November 2006 veröffentlicht wurde. Es spielt in einer fiktiven, mittelalterlichen Fantasiewelt, dem Warhammer-Fantasy-Universum von Games Workshop, in der auch Elfen, Orks, Zwergen und andere Fabelwesen existieren. Das Spiel setzt sich von anderen Spielen des Echtzeitstrategiespiel-Genres dadurch ab, dass es versucht, das beliebte Warhammer-Tabletop so unverfälscht wie möglich umzusetzen.[2] In dem vorbildgebenden Warhammer Fantasy-Tabletop geht es für den Spieler auch darum, sich eigene Einheiten zusammenzustellen und diese zu bemalen, um so eine individuelle Armee zu erhalten. Das Tabletopspiel besteht also aus zwei Faktoren: dem Sammeln und Bemalen sowie dem Spielen...
published: 12 Feb 2012
Dave's 144,000 Point Chaos Space Marine Army
THIS is what Warhammer is! Here's a glimpse of my Chaos Space marines army. I, MiniWarGamer Dave, take you on a journey of how my collection grew from 1 miniature into thousands over the course of 14 years. In total, I have 144,000 pts of Chaos Space Marines.
Huge thanks to the following channels for being an inspiration and my friends (in no particular order):
Baldermort - for lending his epic voice for the narrative portion of this video. See his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdpGd0jls7VQh6LvcZT_p1A
Play On Tabletop - for comparing notes and being the BEST t-shirt company in all the wargaming industry! & Tak for cooking me dinner and letting me sleep in his spare bedroom. https://www.youtube.com/c/PlayOnTabletop
WintersSEO - for being fluent in the language...
published: 26 May 2022
Realms of Chaos of the Four Dark Gods - Tzeentch - Nurgle - Slaanesh - Khorne -Total War:Warhammer 3
✅More information:
►Consider joining & supporting the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thebookofchoyer
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►Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thebookofchoyer.
►Paypal Tipjar: https://www.paypal.me/TheBookofChoyer
►Script: Mars, Lo & Choyer
►Video Edit: Choyer
►Narration: Adam R. / Marl productions
0:00 The Realms of Chaos
3:55 Tzeentch
31:58 Nurgle
1:00:22 Slaanesh
1:24:55 Khorne
#TotalWar #Warhammer3 #WarhammerFantasy #TotalWarCinematicBattles
published: 27 Feb 2022
Chaos Undivided | Total War: WARHAMMER III
A prince then, a prince now...
Meet The Daemon Prince, a new Legendary Lord risen in the name of Chaos Undivided!
Play it day one with PC Game Pass: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9NGGB0GZPB9D
Buy it on the Microsoft Store: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9mwc735wd9ck
Pre-purchase on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/Total_War_WARHAMMER_III/
Pre-purchase on Epic: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/total-war-warhammer-3
Any questions? Check out the FAQ: https://www.totalwar.com/blog/total-war-warhammer-iii-faq/
#TotalWar #Warhammer3 #DaemonPrince #ChaosUndivided
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published: 19 Jan 2022
The Pros and Cons of Joining Chaos | Warhammer 40k Lore
THE NEWEST MAJORKILL MODEL "Kitten" IS NOW AVAILABLE : https://majorkill.com/products/kitten
To browse the other Majorkill Models go here : To pick up some Majorkill exclusive Miniatures go here : https://majorkill.com/
Joining Chaos seems like a terrible idea, but is it actually?
Artwork in Thumbnail by :
AlexBoca : https://www.deviantart.com/alexboca/art/Warhammer-40k-Demon-527395663
Raymond Swanland : https://raymondswanland.com/sci-fi-gallery
To see some naughty "artworks" go here : https://www.patreon.com/majorkill
To Download the Majorkill Mod go here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2134952055&searchtext;=majorkill
Download the Majorkill SFO submod here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2167934736&searchtext;=
If you want to play ...
published: 02 Feb 2022
Which Chaos God Is Best To Pledge Allegiance To? | Warhammer Lore
To get the Latest and Greatest Majorkill Minis, go here : https://majorkill.com/
So you want to join chaos, who should you pick?
Artwork in Thumbnail by :
To get the Latest and Greatest Majorkill Minis, go here : https://majorkill.com/
So you want to join chaos, who should you pick?
Artwork in Thumbnail by :
Klaher Baklaher : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/L2DrV5
To see some naughty "artworks" go here : https://www.patreon.com/majorkill
To Download the Majorkill Mod go here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2134952055&searchtext;=majorkill
Download the Majorkill SFO submod here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2167934736&searchtext;=
If you want to play games or join the community further then join the Discord: https://discord.gg/hm3ug8kAtg
Follow me on Twitter for a laugh: https://twitter.com/Majorkill1
Like, Comment and Subscribe for more
DISCLAIMER : Majorkill PTY LTD is in no way associated or affiliated with Games workshop. The Warhammer IP and it's respective trademarks are the property of GW.
Artwork in this video is used for commentary and educational purposes. Artwork belongs to GW and other respective owners.
If you see artwork you have created in this video and would like to be credited, message me on discord at MajorKill9058 with a screenshot and credit link.
To get the Latest and Greatest Majorkill Minis, go here : https://majorkill.com/
So you want to join chaos, who should you pick?
Artwork in Thumbnail by :
Klaher Baklaher : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/L2DrV5
To see some naughty "artworks" go here : https://www.patreon.com/majorkill
To Download the Majorkill Mod go here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2134952055&searchtext;=majorkill
Download the Majorkill SFO submod here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2167934736&searchtext;=
If you want to play games or join the community further then join the Discord: https://discord.gg/hm3ug8kAtg
Follow me on Twitter for a laugh: https://twitter.com/Majorkill1
Like, Comment and Subscribe for more
DISCLAIMER : Majorkill PTY LTD is in no way associated or affiliated with Games workshop. The Warhammer IP and it's respective trademarks are the property of GW.
Artwork in this video is used for commentary and educational purposes. Artwork belongs to GW and other respective owners.
If you see artwork you have created in this video and would like to be credited, message me on discord at MajorKill9058 with a screenshot and credit link.
- published: 04 Feb 2022
- views: 1214203
Chaos Cinematic from the Chaos DLC Campaign, delivers the most requested new feature of the game: a fully playable Chaos Grand Campaign, letting you take the ro...
Chaos Cinematic from the Chaos DLC Campaign, delivers the most requested new feature of the game: a fully playable Chaos Grand Campaign, letting you take the role of Malos Vrykan as he razes the galaxy.
Steam Store:
Thank you for watching my video, glory to the Emperor and the Imperium of Mankind!
Join this channel to get access to perks:
YT MEMBERSHIP ►► https://goo.gl/FCMdbd
DISCORD ►► https://discord.gg/RKsSM9c
TWITTER ►► https://twitter.com/CMValrak
FACEBOOK ►► https://www.facebook.com/CMValrak
INSTAGRAM ►► https://www.instagram.com/valrak40k/
ELEMENT GAMES ►► https://elementgames.co.uk/?d=10195
OVERLCOCKERS ►► https://bit.ly/2L56BqX
MERCH ►► https://teespring.com/stores/chapter-master-store
PATREON ►► https://goo.gl/LQmgGt
#warhammer #warhammer40k #40k #gamesworkshop #horusheresy
All images, miniatures, or any other trademarks (other than our own) are either ®, TM, and/or © to their respective company owners. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
Chaos Cinematic from the Chaos DLC Campaign, delivers the most requested new feature of the game: a fully playable Chaos Grand Campaign, letting you take the role of Malos Vrykan as he razes the galaxy.
Steam Store:
Thank you for watching my video, glory to the Emperor and the Imperium of Mankind!
Join this channel to get access to perks:
YT MEMBERSHIP ►► https://goo.gl/FCMdbd
DISCORD ►► https://discord.gg/RKsSM9c
TWITTER ►► https://twitter.com/CMValrak
FACEBOOK ►► https://www.facebook.com/CMValrak
INSTAGRAM ►► https://www.instagram.com/valrak40k/
ELEMENT GAMES ►► https://elementgames.co.uk/?d=10195
OVERLCOCKERS ►► https://bit.ly/2L56BqX
MERCH ►► https://teespring.com/stores/chapter-master-store
PATREON ►► https://goo.gl/LQmgGt
#warhammer #warhammer40k #40k #gamesworkshop #horusheresy
All images, miniatures, or any other trademarks (other than our own) are either ®, TM, and/or © to their respective company owners. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
- published: 19 Jun 2019
- views: 2122974
▼ Join LT - Sub: http://goo.gl/oeZMBS
► Siege Studios: https://siegestudios.co.uk/
► Goblin Gaming: (Get - 20% off 40K Products) https://tinyurl.com/6vwcayvj
▼ Join LT - Sub: http://goo.gl/oeZMBS
► Siege Studios: https://siegestudios.co.uk/
► Goblin Gaming: (Get - 20% off 40K Products) https://tinyurl.com/6vwcayvj
► Premium Storage Solutions: https://www.crystal-fortress.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Luetin
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Luetin
Twitter: http://twitter.com/luetin09
Note: This is an overview, details and specifics may be covered further in the future.
► BGM Credits:
► AloneWolf: https://alonewolf.bandcamp.com
► https://epidemicsound.com
► Kevin MacLeod (Royalty Free Music): http://incompetech.com/music/
► KM Crossing the Chasm
► KM The Escalation
► KM Echoes of Time v2
► KM Decay
► SC Dead Planet - Caden Welborn
► KM Minima
► The Legal Notice:
All works used in this video (Images, audio etc) belong to their respective authors
(This does not include the audio commentary or licensed BGM).
Games workshop, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer, 40k, Space Marine Etc are all Trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd. Games Workshop does not endorse or support the 'Lore' videos. All views and opinions expressed in this video belong to Luetin09 and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd.
▼ Join LT - Sub: http://goo.gl/oeZMBS
► Siege Studios: https://siegestudios.co.uk/
► Goblin Gaming: (Get - 20% off 40K Products) https://tinyurl.com/6vwcayvj
► Premium Storage Solutions: https://www.crystal-fortress.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Luetin
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Luetin
Twitter: http://twitter.com/luetin09
Note: This is an overview, details and specifics may be covered further in the future.
► BGM Credits:
► AloneWolf: https://alonewolf.bandcamp.com
► https://epidemicsound.com
► Kevin MacLeod (Royalty Free Music): http://incompetech.com/music/
► KM Crossing the Chasm
► KM The Escalation
► KM Echoes of Time v2
► KM Decay
► SC Dead Planet - Caden Welborn
► KM Minima
► The Legal Notice:
All works used in this video (Images, audio etc) belong to their respective authors
(This does not include the audio commentary or licensed BGM).
Games workshop, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer, 40k, Space Marine Etc are all Trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd. Games Workshop does not endorse or support the 'Lore' videos. All views and opinions expressed in this video belong to Luetin09 and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd.
- published: 11 Oct 2018
- views: 2645557
The CHAOS Gods Are The GOOD GUYS?! Chaos Deep Dive | Warhammer 40k Lore.
Are the Chaos Gods actually the good guys? There's no doubt that the chaos gods do some pretty messed up stuff. but did you know that the Warhammer gods actuall...
Are the Chaos Gods actually the good guys? There's no doubt that the chaos gods do some pretty messed up stuff. but did you know that the Warhammer gods actually have a good side? it doesn't get talked about much, but these beings have been worshiped for millions of years by millions of different cultures. Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Khorne, these are only the names we know them by, but they've gone by many names across time. if so many people worship them they cant be all bad right? lets take a closer look at the good elements of each of the chaos gods and try to figure out where everything went wrong.
If you are a warhammer 40k fan or a warhammer age of sigmar player, the lore of the gods is pretty similar, as chaos is trans universal.
I still plan on doing a comprehensive deep dive of the chaos gods, this was a short that was running long so i decided to flesh it out and turn it into a full length video. so expect a follow up in the future! there is SOOOO much to cover when it comes to these impossible creatures!
⭐ Weshammer Merch store Here ⭐
Special Thanks to my patrons over on Patreon. Make a pledge today and get your name featured in future videos!
Join us over on DIscord!
Warhammer and Warhammer 40k are copywritten to Games Workshop.
All footage and art in this video are used for educational purposes only.
Opinions expressed in this video are solely those of Weshammer and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd.
Artwork throughout this video is used for educational purposes. if you see your artwork and would like an art credit, message me.
Are the Chaos Gods actually the good guys? There's no doubt that the chaos gods do some pretty messed up stuff. but did you know that the Warhammer gods actually have a good side? it doesn't get talked about much, but these beings have been worshiped for millions of years by millions of different cultures. Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Khorne, these are only the names we know them by, but they've gone by many names across time. if so many people worship them they cant be all bad right? lets take a closer look at the good elements of each of the chaos gods and try to figure out where everything went wrong.
If you are a warhammer 40k fan or a warhammer age of sigmar player, the lore of the gods is pretty similar, as chaos is trans universal.
I still plan on doing a comprehensive deep dive of the chaos gods, this was a short that was running long so i decided to flesh it out and turn it into a full length video. so expect a follow up in the future! there is SOOOO much to cover when it comes to these impossible creatures!
⭐ Weshammer Merch store Here ⭐
Special Thanks to my patrons over on Patreon. Make a pledge today and get your name featured in future videos!
Join us over on DIscord!
Warhammer and Warhammer 40k are copywritten to Games Workshop.
All footage and art in this video are used for educational purposes only.
Opinions expressed in this video are solely those of Weshammer and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd.
Artwork throughout this video is used for educational purposes. if you see your artwork and would like an art credit, message me.
- published: 02 Apr 2022
- views: 1486346
Warhammer - Mark Of Chaos - Trailer [HD] - BGMA
Bei Warhammer: Mark of Chaos handelt es sich um ein Videospiel, aus dem Genre der Echtzeitstrategiespiele, welches am 24. November 2006 veröffentlicht wurde. Es...
Bei Warhammer: Mark of Chaos handelt es sich um ein Videospiel, aus dem Genre der Echtzeitstrategiespiele, welches am 24. November 2006 veröffentlicht wurde. Es spielt in einer fiktiven, mittelalterlichen Fantasiewelt, dem Warhammer-Fantasy-Universum von Games Workshop, in der auch Elfen, Orks, Zwergen und andere Fabelwesen existieren. Das Spiel setzt sich von anderen Spielen des Echtzeitstrategiespiel-Genres dadurch ab, dass es versucht, das beliebte Warhammer-Tabletop so unverfälscht wie möglich umzusetzen.[2] In dem vorbildgebenden Warhammer Fantasy-Tabletop geht es für den Spieler auch darum, sich eigene Einheiten zusammenzustellen und diese zu bemalen, um so eine individuelle Armee zu erhalten. Das Tabletopspiel besteht also aus zwei Faktoren: dem Sammeln und Bemalen sowie dem Spielen, also dem Einsatz der Figuren an sich. Das Videospiel versucht, diese beiden Faktoren ebenfalls umzusetzen und stellt damit eine mögliche Alternative zum sehr kostenintensiven Tabletopspiel dar. Seit dem 17. Mai 2008 ist das Add-on Battle March erhältlich. Im Gegensatz zum Hauptprogramm lässt es sich auf 64-Bit-Betriebssystemen aber nur mit einem Trick installieren.
Bei Warhammer: Mark of Chaos handelt es sich um ein Videospiel, aus dem Genre der Echtzeitstrategiespiele, welches am 24. November 2006 veröffentlicht wurde. Es spielt in einer fiktiven, mittelalterlichen Fantasiewelt, dem Warhammer-Fantasy-Universum von Games Workshop, in der auch Elfen, Orks, Zwergen und andere Fabelwesen existieren. Das Spiel setzt sich von anderen Spielen des Echtzeitstrategiespiel-Genres dadurch ab, dass es versucht, das beliebte Warhammer-Tabletop so unverfälscht wie möglich umzusetzen.[2] In dem vorbildgebenden Warhammer Fantasy-Tabletop geht es für den Spieler auch darum, sich eigene Einheiten zusammenzustellen und diese zu bemalen, um so eine individuelle Armee zu erhalten. Das Tabletopspiel besteht also aus zwei Faktoren: dem Sammeln und Bemalen sowie dem Spielen, also dem Einsatz der Figuren an sich. Das Videospiel versucht, diese beiden Faktoren ebenfalls umzusetzen und stellt damit eine mögliche Alternative zum sehr kostenintensiven Tabletopspiel dar. Seit dem 17. Mai 2008 ist das Add-on Battle March erhältlich. Im Gegensatz zum Hauptprogramm lässt es sich auf 64-Bit-Betriebssystemen aber nur mit einem Trick installieren.
- published: 12 Feb 2012
- views: 1282642
Dave's 144,000 Point Chaos Space Marine Army
THIS is what Warhammer is! Here's a glimpse of my Chaos Space marines army. I, MiniWarGamer Dave, take you on a journey of how my collection grew from 1 miniatu...
THIS is what Warhammer is! Here's a glimpse of my Chaos Space marines army. I, MiniWarGamer Dave, take you on a journey of how my collection grew from 1 miniature into thousands over the course of 14 years. In total, I have 144,000 pts of Chaos Space Marines.
Huge thanks to the following channels for being an inspiration and my friends (in no particular order):
Baldermort - for lending his epic voice for the narrative portion of this video. See his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdpGd0jls7VQh6LvcZT_p1A
Play On Tabletop - for comparing notes and being the BEST t-shirt company in all the wargaming industry! & Tak for cooking me dinner and letting me sleep in his spare bedroom. https://www.youtube.com/c/PlayOnTabletop
WintersSEO - for being fluent in the language of banter and always putting a smile on my face! https://www.youtube.com/c/wintersSEO
Liam Dempsey - For being unapologetic in his awesomeness and for bringing the community together. https://www.youtube.com/c/LiamDempsey40k
The Warmistress - For being my sis and allowing me to call her names that show I really love her as a person and friend. (you know the one Tanya) https://www.youtube.com/c/TanyaGates
Duncan Rhodes - for teaching the true ways of becoming a painter of miniatures, making the hobby approachable, and always applying "two thin coats." https://www.youtube.com/c/DuncanRhodesPaintingAcademy
MidWinter Minis - Guy, for cooking me haggis and inspiring me to make more engaging videos. https://www.youtube.com/c/MidwinterMinis
SkaredCast - Skari, for being a force of nature and teaching me the fun that is had through competitive play. https://www.youtube.com/c/SkaredCast
Vanguard Tactics - Stephen Box, for having big muscles, coaching me on my journey to Chaos Rising and being a source of positive health in the community. https://www.youtube.com/c/VanguardTactics
Tabletop Minions - Uncle Atom, for knowing all the things, being hilarious when filming b-roll, and being a source of wisdom and insight. https://www.youtube.com/user/tabletopminions
Wargamer Girl - Miranda & Tommy, for loving the art of filmmaking and collaborating with me to create videos that showcase the fun surrounding the tabletop. https://www.youtube.com/user/WarGamerGirl
CGN - Aaron Straus, for making it possible to create a movie that changed my life and allowed me to fulfill a childhood dream. AND for being good at making me laugh. https://www.youtube.com/user/CoolGuysWhoSitAtHome
The Glacial Geek - Phil, for being my cousin and being willing to spill a box of Timbits. https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGlacialGeek
Tom Schubbe - for being my go-to guy for all things awesome and chaos and teaching me the art of accepting gifts of chaos when offered by a bull driving a tank. I'd be remiss not to mention Scott as well who is of equal epicness and generosity.
Gaz - You know I love you, buddy. German sets for the win!!!!
General Kraig Moise - never change brother! Your story about how you bonded with your sons playing Warhammer has always touched my heart. "No, YOU"RE crying!" :
BoardGameManiacs - Rob, for IR26, haho shisho, and enabling me to make movies and be myself. https://www.youtube.com/c/BoardGameManiacs
OnTableTop - Warren, for marching with us in the beginning and forging our fates through this epic hobby, and for taking me and my wife to the Devil's Organ. https://www.youtube.com/c/OnTableTop
TableTop Tactics - Lawrence, for making good life choices, visiting me in my hotel room late one night at LVO and doing an impromptu Livestream with me, and being a gamechanger of batrep vids. https://www.youtube.com/c/tabletoptactics
TableTop Titans - for showing us the way to do epic live battle reports! https://www.youtube.com/c/TabletopTitans
Maverickspaint - for being a true friend and bouncing ideas around while also making kick-ass painting videos. https://www.youtube.com/c/MaverickNicolson
Miniac - Scott, for showing how to make YouTuber vids as a wargamer. And for being freaking hilarious. Your delivery instantly makes me happy when I hear your voice. https://www.youtube.com/c/Miniac
Ninjon - Jon, for showing me how to craft a story while taking people on a visual journey. https://www.youtube.com/c/Ninjon
Squidmar - Emil, for raising the bar. Hands down. For being supportive and humble and encouraging other channels to reach their potential. For constantly innovating and trying new ideas. https://www.youtube.com/c/SquidmarMiniatures
52 Miniatures - Alex, for making short films wrapped in wargaming videos. Seriously brother, everything you make is dynamite and it's mind-blowing.
Games Workshop - for being the ones who started it all!!! https://www.youtube.com/user/GamesWorkshopWNT
AND to Matthew, my business partner. None of this is possible without you.
Apparently, I've reached my 5000 character limit in this description which is sad because I want to thank so many more channels and people.
#Warhammer40k #spacemarines
THIS is what Warhammer is! Here's a glimpse of my Chaos Space marines army. I, MiniWarGamer Dave, take you on a journey of how my collection grew from 1 miniature into thousands over the course of 14 years. In total, I have 144,000 pts of Chaos Space Marines.
Huge thanks to the following channels for being an inspiration and my friends (in no particular order):
Baldermort - for lending his epic voice for the narrative portion of this video. See his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdpGd0jls7VQh6LvcZT_p1A
Play On Tabletop - for comparing notes and being the BEST t-shirt company in all the wargaming industry! & Tak for cooking me dinner and letting me sleep in his spare bedroom. https://www.youtube.com/c/PlayOnTabletop
WintersSEO - for being fluent in the language of banter and always putting a smile on my face! https://www.youtube.com/c/wintersSEO
Liam Dempsey - For being unapologetic in his awesomeness and for bringing the community together. https://www.youtube.com/c/LiamDempsey40k
The Warmistress - For being my sis and allowing me to call her names that show I really love her as a person and friend. (you know the one Tanya) https://www.youtube.com/c/TanyaGates
Duncan Rhodes - for teaching the true ways of becoming a painter of miniatures, making the hobby approachable, and always applying "two thin coats." https://www.youtube.com/c/DuncanRhodesPaintingAcademy
MidWinter Minis - Guy, for cooking me haggis and inspiring me to make more engaging videos. https://www.youtube.com/c/MidwinterMinis
SkaredCast - Skari, for being a force of nature and teaching me the fun that is had through competitive play. https://www.youtube.com/c/SkaredCast
Vanguard Tactics - Stephen Box, for having big muscles, coaching me on my journey to Chaos Rising and being a source of positive health in the community. https://www.youtube.com/c/VanguardTactics
Tabletop Minions - Uncle Atom, for knowing all the things, being hilarious when filming b-roll, and being a source of wisdom and insight. https://www.youtube.com/user/tabletopminions
Wargamer Girl - Miranda & Tommy, for loving the art of filmmaking and collaborating with me to create videos that showcase the fun surrounding the tabletop. https://www.youtube.com/user/WarGamerGirl
CGN - Aaron Straus, for making it possible to create a movie that changed my life and allowed me to fulfill a childhood dream. AND for being good at making me laugh. https://www.youtube.com/user/CoolGuysWhoSitAtHome
The Glacial Geek - Phil, for being my cousin and being willing to spill a box of Timbits. https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGlacialGeek
Tom Schubbe - for being my go-to guy for all things awesome and chaos and teaching me the art of accepting gifts of chaos when offered by a bull driving a tank. I'd be remiss not to mention Scott as well who is of equal epicness and generosity.
Gaz - You know I love you, buddy. German sets for the win!!!!
General Kraig Moise - never change brother! Your story about how you bonded with your sons playing Warhammer has always touched my heart. "No, YOU"RE crying!" :
BoardGameManiacs - Rob, for IR26, haho shisho, and enabling me to make movies and be myself. https://www.youtube.com/c/BoardGameManiacs
OnTableTop - Warren, for marching with us in the beginning and forging our fates through this epic hobby, and for taking me and my wife to the Devil's Organ. https://www.youtube.com/c/OnTableTop
TableTop Tactics - Lawrence, for making good life choices, visiting me in my hotel room late one night at LVO and doing an impromptu Livestream with me, and being a gamechanger of batrep vids. https://www.youtube.com/c/tabletoptactics
TableTop Titans - for showing us the way to do epic live battle reports! https://www.youtube.com/c/TabletopTitans
Maverickspaint - for being a true friend and bouncing ideas around while also making kick-ass painting videos. https://www.youtube.com/c/MaverickNicolson
Miniac - Scott, for showing how to make YouTuber vids as a wargamer. And for being freaking hilarious. Your delivery instantly makes me happy when I hear your voice. https://www.youtube.com/c/Miniac
Ninjon - Jon, for showing me how to craft a story while taking people on a visual journey. https://www.youtube.com/c/Ninjon
Squidmar - Emil, for raising the bar. Hands down. For being supportive and humble and encouraging other channels to reach their potential. For constantly innovating and trying new ideas. https://www.youtube.com/c/SquidmarMiniatures
52 Miniatures - Alex, for making short films wrapped in wargaming videos. Seriously brother, everything you make is dynamite and it's mind-blowing.
Games Workshop - for being the ones who started it all!!! https://www.youtube.com/user/GamesWorkshopWNT
AND to Matthew, my business partner. None of this is possible without you.
Apparently, I've reached my 5000 character limit in this description which is sad because I want to thank so many more channels and people.
#Warhammer40k #spacemarines
- published: 26 May 2022
- views: 1731996
Realms of Chaos of the Four Dark Gods - Tzeentch - Nurgle - Slaanesh - Khorne -Total War:Warhammer 3
✅More information:
►Consider joining & supporting the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thebookofchoyer
►Youtube Channel Membership: https://www.youtu...
✅More information:
►Consider joining & supporting the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thebookofchoyer
►Youtube Channel Membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ynzI9eLoSV2wXXoURzSeQ/join
►Subscribe for more content ☛ http://bit.ly/YoutubeBOC
►Get Total War Warhammer 3 at: https://www.nexus.gg/BoCNexusStore
►Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thebookofchoyer.
►Paypal Tipjar: https://www.paypal.me/TheBookofChoyer
►Script: Mars, Lo & Choyer
►Video Edit: Choyer
►Narration: Adam R. / Marl productions
0:00 The Realms of Chaos
3:55 Tzeentch
31:58 Nurgle
1:00:22 Slaanesh
1:24:55 Khorne
#TotalWar #Warhammer3 #WarhammerFantasy #TotalWarCinematicBattles
This is a completely fan-made unofficial project with footage taken from the Total War:Warhammer 2 videogame and source material from magazines, rulebooks, artwork from different artists. All rights belong to their respective owners.
Please note this is an unofficial video and is not endorsed by SEGA, the Creative Assembly or Gamesworkshop in any way. I do not own or claim to own the rights to the footage, sounds and imagery. I only do the work of compiling the sources and putting the videos together. For more information on Total War, please visit http://www.totalwar.com.
For more information on Warhammer, please visit https://www.games-workshop.com
Thanks to Creative Assembly, Games Workshop and all the modding community for their amazing work.
✅More information:
►Consider joining & supporting the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thebookofchoyer
►Youtube Channel Membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ynzI9eLoSV2wXXoURzSeQ/join
►Subscribe for more content ☛ http://bit.ly/YoutubeBOC
►Get Total War Warhammer 3 at: https://www.nexus.gg/BoCNexusStore
►Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thebookofchoyer.
►Paypal Tipjar: https://www.paypal.me/TheBookofChoyer
►Script: Mars, Lo & Choyer
►Video Edit: Choyer
►Narration: Adam R. / Marl productions
0:00 The Realms of Chaos
3:55 Tzeentch
31:58 Nurgle
1:00:22 Slaanesh
1:24:55 Khorne
#TotalWar #Warhammer3 #WarhammerFantasy #TotalWarCinematicBattles
This is a completely fan-made unofficial project with footage taken from the Total War:Warhammer 2 videogame and source material from magazines, rulebooks, artwork from different artists. All rights belong to their respective owners.
Please note this is an unofficial video and is not endorsed by SEGA, the Creative Assembly or Gamesworkshop in any way. I do not own or claim to own the rights to the footage, sounds and imagery. I only do the work of compiling the sources and putting the videos together. For more information on Total War, please visit http://www.totalwar.com.
For more information on Warhammer, please visit https://www.games-workshop.com
Thanks to Creative Assembly, Games Workshop and all the modding community for their amazing work.
- published: 27 Feb 2022
- views: 554841
Chaos Undivided | Total War: WARHAMMER III
A prince then, a prince now...
Meet The Daemon Prince, a new Legendary Lord risen in the name of Chaos Undivided!
Play it day one with PC Game Pass: https://w...
A prince then, a prince now...
Meet The Daemon Prince, a new Legendary Lord risen in the name of Chaos Undivided!
Play it day one with PC Game Pass: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9NGGB0GZPB9D
Buy it on the Microsoft Store: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9mwc735wd9ck
Pre-purchase on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/Total_War_WARHAMMER_III/
Pre-purchase on Epic: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/total-war-warhammer-3
Any questions? Check out the FAQ: https://www.totalwar.com/blog/total-war-warhammer-iii-faq/
#TotalWar #Warhammer3 #DaemonPrince #ChaosUndivided
Follow us on social media:
➤ https://discord.gg/totalwar
➤ http://www.facebook.com/totalwar
➤ http://www.twitter.com/totalwar
➤ http://www.instagram.com/totalwarofficial
➤ http://www.twitch.tv/totalwar
Video type: Gameplay What does this mean? Full info here: ➤ http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/About_our_trailers
A prince then, a prince now...
Meet The Daemon Prince, a new Legendary Lord risen in the name of Chaos Undivided!
Play it day one with PC Game Pass: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9NGGB0GZPB9D
Buy it on the Microsoft Store: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9mwc735wd9ck
Pre-purchase on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/Total_War_WARHAMMER_III/
Pre-purchase on Epic: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/total-war-warhammer-3
Any questions? Check out the FAQ: https://www.totalwar.com/blog/total-war-warhammer-iii-faq/
#TotalWar #Warhammer3 #DaemonPrince #ChaosUndivided
Follow us on social media:
➤ https://discord.gg/totalwar
➤ http://www.facebook.com/totalwar
➤ http://www.twitter.com/totalwar
➤ http://www.instagram.com/totalwarofficial
➤ http://www.twitch.tv/totalwar
Video type: Gameplay What does this mean? Full info here: ➤ http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/About_our_trailers
- published: 19 Jan 2022
- views: 1019441
The Pros and Cons of Joining Chaos | Warhammer 40k Lore
THE NEWEST MAJORKILL MODEL "Kitten" IS NOW AVAILABLE : https://majorkill.com/products/kitten
To browse the other Majorkill Models go here : To pick up some Maj...
THE NEWEST MAJORKILL MODEL "Kitten" IS NOW AVAILABLE : https://majorkill.com/products/kitten
To browse the other Majorkill Models go here : To pick up some Majorkill exclusive Miniatures go here : https://majorkill.com/
Joining Chaos seems like a terrible idea, but is it actually?
Artwork in Thumbnail by :
AlexBoca : https://www.deviantart.com/alexboca/art/Warhammer-40k-Demon-527395663
Raymond Swanland : https://raymondswanland.com/sci-fi-gallery
To see some naughty "artworks" go here : https://www.patreon.com/majorkill
To Download the Majorkill Mod go here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2134952055&searchtext;=majorkill
Download the Majorkill SFO submod here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2167934736&searchtext;=
If you want to play games or join the community further then join the Discord: https://discord.gg/hm3ug8kAtg
Follow me on Twitter for a laugh: https://twitter.com/Majorkill1
Like, Comment and Subscribe for more
DISCLAIMER : Majorkill PTY LTD is in no way associated or affiliated with Games workshop. The Warhammer IP and it's respective trademarks are the property of GW.
Artwork in this video is used for commentary and educational purposes. Artwork belongs to GW and other respective owners.
If you see artwork you have created in this video and would like to be credited, message me on discord at MajorKill9058 with a screenshot and credit link.
THE NEWEST MAJORKILL MODEL "Kitten" IS NOW AVAILABLE : https://majorkill.com/products/kitten
To browse the other Majorkill Models go here : To pick up some Majorkill exclusive Miniatures go here : https://majorkill.com/
Joining Chaos seems like a terrible idea, but is it actually?
Artwork in Thumbnail by :
AlexBoca : https://www.deviantart.com/alexboca/art/Warhammer-40k-Demon-527395663
Raymond Swanland : https://raymondswanland.com/sci-fi-gallery
To see some naughty "artworks" go here : https://www.patreon.com/majorkill
To Download the Majorkill Mod go here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2134952055&searchtext;=majorkill
Download the Majorkill SFO submod here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2167934736&searchtext;=
If you want to play games or join the community further then join the Discord: https://discord.gg/hm3ug8kAtg
Follow me on Twitter for a laugh: https://twitter.com/Majorkill1
Like, Comment and Subscribe for more
DISCLAIMER : Majorkill PTY LTD is in no way associated or affiliated with Games workshop. The Warhammer IP and it's respective trademarks are the property of GW.
Artwork in this video is used for commentary and educational purposes. Artwork belongs to GW and other respective owners.
If you see artwork you have created in this video and would like to be credited, message me on discord at MajorKill9058 with a screenshot and credit link.
- published: 02 Feb 2022
- views: 400544