- published: 03 Dec 2014
- views: 28063
Germanic neopaganism (also known as heathenry or Germanic Heathenry) is the contemporary revival of historical Germanic paganism, globally as a group of contemporary polytheistic, nativist and reconstructionistic religious groups reviving the ethnic religion of the Germanic peoples or Nordic peoples.
Its adherents call themselves a variety of names, such as “Ásatrúar”, “Odinists” or “Wodenists”.
Precursor movements appeared in the early 20th century in Germany and Austria. A second wave of revival began in the late 1960s, and has developed a number of denominations which lay claim to a Germanic religious heritage, the most prominent ones being Ásatrú, Odinism, Forn Siðr and Theodism. Dedicated to the ancient gods and goddeses of the North, the movement is found in many countries. Attitude and focus of adherents may vary considerably, from strictly historical polytheistic reconstructionism to syncretist (eclectic), pragmatic psychologist, occult or mysticist approaches. Germanic neopagan organizations cover a wide spectrum of belief and ideals.
Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson [ˈhɪlmar ˈœr̥tn̥ ˈhɪlmarsɔn] ( listen), also known as HÖH (born April 23, 1958, in Reykjavík, Iceland), is a musician, an art director, and allsherjargoði (chief goði) of Ásatrúarfélagið ("the Ásatrú Association").
Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson was a pioneer in the use of computers when composing music and cleared the path for new ideas in recording and arrangements. He has worked on ambitious, experimental and original projects with various musicians, such as Psychic TV, Current 93, Sigur Rós, Steindór Andersen and Eivør Pálsdóttir.
From 1972 to 1975 he was playing drums in a school band called Fatima with guitarist Jóhannes Helgason, bassist Birgir Ottóson and singer Guðmundur Eyjólfsson. In 1974 singer Eiríkur Hauksson replaced Guðmundur and guitarist Sigurgeir Sigmundsson joined them and a year after they broke up.
Paganism, Part I; Seiðr, Galdr & Ásatrú
2015 Eclipse and the Ásatrú society in iceland - Groundbreaking blót of the new hof in Öskjuhlíð
Wayne and Paul's Ásatrú Wedding in Iceland
Understanding "The Ásatrú Edda."
Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson: The Upcoming Temple of the Icelandic Ásatrú Association
Sobre o Ásatrú Vanatrú
Introduction to Asatru and paganism
Jul und Ásatrú in Island [German + English Subtitles]
¿Que es el Ásatrú?
Ásatrú Vanatrú
Pagan revival - Danish Asatru web-documentary
Varg - Asatru (jetzt mit Lyrics)
Asatru - der germanisch nordische Glaube