- published: 20 Sep 2016
- views: 12729
Steven Cheung Chi-hang (born November 10, 1984) is a Hong Kong singer and actor. 62.34% of his active keywords older than 3 months are on the 1st page. Steven Cheung was a member of the Cantopop duo, Sun Boy'z from 2002–2006, where William Chan joined in and the group was renamed Sun Boy'z. It was officially disbanded in December, 2008.
Cheung was born into a wealthy family in Hong Kong to a Dutch mother and a Chinese father.
Cheung never had academic talent. He failed badly in school and repeated the same grade level three times before dropping out.
From his father's connection, Steven and his younger brother Ryan Chung became models for Jamcast. He was later referred into Emperor Entertainment Group, while his sister, Jan Chung became a member of the music duo Krusty.
Cheung began his career in the entertainment industry as one-half of the duo BOY'Z with Kenny Kwan in 2002-2005. When Kwan left BOY'Z in January 2005, Cheung continued the duo with Dennis Mak. In June 2006, William Chan joined BOY'Z and the group was renamed as Sun Boy'z (With "Sun" being a parody of the Cantonese pronunciation of "new"). Cheung continued to lead the group until it was disbanded in 2008.
Steven Cheung may refer to:
相關連結: 【獨家】堅係性上癮》情慾對話流出 ! 張致恆網上聊女︰我想搞你 ! http://bit.ly/2daJ7me 3年情衰偷食 張致恆︰我最對唔住傅珮嘉 http://bit.ly/2cSCGEX 發裸照撩女打野戰 莊端兒聞張致恆性上癮偷笑 http://bit.ly/2d6AGHn 張致恆06年同女網友Fiona講︰「我一起身就x咗啦!」再睇番Steven張泳照,你都真係幾硬呀……個拳頭! 唔知係咪《壹》心邪,硬係覺得呢張圖充滿性暗示囉! 佢同網友Fiona情慾對話,真係充份明白到Steven好有需要! 當時Steven仲連張三張肉照,眼神都充滿挑逗,跪求女網友上屋企。女方亦都知道Steven有女朋友,仲問: 「點解你今日突然咁想要?你女朋友呢? 依家冇x咪得囉 !」 其實Steven係網上求愛已經唔係第一次,N年前佢亦都俾漏m女孫旗大爆同佢有過一夜情,影過合照,仲有埋webcam 截圖,幾次都係有圖有真相,Steven一而再,再而三背住唔同女朋友偷食。 壹週Plus : http://hk.next.nextmedia.com 即 like 壹週Plus fb : http://www.facebook.com/nextmagazinefansclub
相關連結: 【獨家】堅係性上癮》情慾對話流出 ! 張致恆網上聊女︰我想搞你 ! http://bit.ly/2daJ7me 【獨家】傳半裸肉照性暗示 張致恆叫女上屋企 : 玩上下玩前後 http://bit.ly/2d6p4lU 3年情衰偷食 張致恆︰我最對唔住傅珮嘉 http://bit.ly/2cSCGEX 張致恆無論係同傅佩嘉又好,莊端兒又好,佢都背住女友偷食,send埋半裸肉照俾網友Fiona叫人去屋企,唉! Steven堅係性上癮囉! 當莊端兒聽到張致恆有性上癮,佢自己都忍唔到笑。我哋再追問知唔知Steven有send裸照、係網上識女仔,莊端兒一直都唔回應。 Steven嘅嘢唔答,就連諸葛紫歧發聲明話冇收過佢嘅律師信,寫真集問題,一律都唔答! 其實答幾個問題真係唔難,唔知莊端兒會唔會開多次記招,一次過回應呢? 壹週Plus : http://hk.next.nextmedia.com 即 like 壹週Plus fb : http://www.facebook.com/nextmagazinefansclub
原文:http://www.eastweek.com.hk/main/58800 張致恆近日因偷食引起連串風波,容祖兒昨日(9月25日)出席活動時,就直指對方「衰仔」,又慨歎對他死心…
張致恆被爆背女友莊端兒偷食台妹,同公司的鍾欣潼出席首映禮時「神回應」:「不是分了手嗎?偷咩食?」 http://www.bastillepost.com/hongkong/4-%E5%A8%9B%E5%9C%88%E4%BA%8B/1419816-%E5%BC%B5%E8%87%B4%E6%81%86%E5%81%B7%E9%A3%9F%E5%8F%B0%E5%A6%B9-%E9%98%BF%E5%AC%8C%E3%80%8C%E7%A5%9E%E5%9B%9E%E6%87%89%E3%80%8D 《巴士的報》手機App正式推出! 各位可以透過這程式,在行街、食飯、坐巴士嘅時候,隨時隨地透過手機和平板電腦收到最新、最豐富、最猛料的新聞資訊啦! iPhone版:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ba-shi-de-bao-bastille-post/id810313901?mt=8 Android版:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bastillepost.newsapp 更多新聞內容即到巴士的報http://www.bastillepost.com/
張致恆 現已登陸 iTunes | NOW available on iTunes :http://url.cn/69XsOT 人造雪 曲:大鬼&爛面 詞:游思行 A1 若是待妳真 妳可知怎樣是最真 我未能開心 假歡笑亦有心 竭力去吻 承受不來的妳別要問 用這刻感覺迷人 緩和抖震 A2 若然為妳好 妳可知怎樣是最好 結局何糟糕 不給妳預計到 從未見過 天上的飛雪 如何做到 只得心血送到 妳竟開心到老 才是最好 B1 明知虛假最感人 人造雪或會更可人 當真相不吸引 留美好於謊言裡盡情地發生 獨自傷感竟美妙到不能 明白到自己可以更愛他人 雪白矇矓亦有時 如頑強的我有心事 藏在我天空不要妳見 Repeat A2, B1 C 雪下了始終不可永久 珍惜過的感受要載走 只須擁有 不要強求 甜蜜世界漫遊別放開手 Repeat B2 B2 製造人造雪的人 欺騙著自己 願妳心裡看得見 關注更多張致恆消息 | Get Closer to Steven Cheung 英皇娛樂Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eegmusichk 張致恆 @英皇娛樂Official Website: http://www.eegmusic.com/artist/index.php/index/224/%E5%BC%B5%E8%87%B4%E6%81%86 張致恆 @騰訊微博 Tencent Weibo:http://t.qq.com/stevenCheung 張致恆 @新浪微博 Sina Weibo:http://weibo.com/ghosteven 英皇娛樂 iPhone Apps:http://url.cn/7PUwlQ
有阿妹鐘舒祺做伴幾好吖,好彩當日Sherman撇張致恆撇得快兼無手尾,唔喺就變咗莊端兒咁,steven偷食斷正,要公開嗌斬纜㗎啦! 喺咪淨係記得佢同過吳浩康一齊呢. 查實佢一出度仲同過當時仲喺Boyz嘅Steven一齊㗎,兩個仲瞞住公司偷偷哋喺華富邨同居添! 嗰陣公司力捧緊sherman, 梗係出力捧打啦!撞啱Steven偷食金毛咪神Keiko, 兩個話咁快就玩完! 之後steven成功𢱑到復合㗎,但喺keep住四圍辣女,sherman唔想自己唔開心,拍咗一輪拖,都係決定斬纜分手。 唔喺嘅話,佢就要好似日前嘅莊端兒咁,steven偷食斷正,要公開嗌斬纜,失禮死人! 壹週Plus : http://hk.next.nextmedia.com 即 like 壹週Plus fb : http://www.facebook.com/nextmagazinefansclub
張致恆 - 彼得與王 曲:Edward Li │詞:高皓正 │編:Jim Ling │監:Jim Ling 導演:張致恆@Mark2 │ MV製作:Lawrence Kan@Mark2 │ 畫作:Eric Ng Mark2 Presents: 猶大那裡有承諾過 陪伴祢到尾 唯獨我太快承諾你 死都不別離 行在水面再沉下去 沒有走向你 遺下你替我抬十架 我在陸地 你卻問我 你問我 再問我會愛著你比這些深麼 我看著你 但你明明深知道 我愛你愛得幾多 太過多 Give me one more try 我錯過太多的機會 跟你喝苦杯 如何彌補 如何修補 怎可擁抱著我這樣的叛徒 Love you one more time 愛上你已得到最好 一切像糞土 然後我會引退看著你升高 頑石會變作磐石嗎 問我可以嗎 唯獨你叫我成大器 鷹一般高飛 我拒絕你 撇下你 背叛你 你卻待我一直是知己 我決定要為你完成福音 那怕結尾也給釘死 我已死 Give me one more try 我會為你捉緊機會 不會再不配 仍然祈禱 為我編寫 一幅可以踏上天路的地圖 Love you one more time 愛上你便得到信心 因你便勇敢 期待永永遠遠也為你燃燒
張致恆 現已登陸 iTunes | NOW available on iTunes : http://iTunes.com/Steven Cheung 作曲: 方文聰 作詞: 方文聰 編曲: 陸偉峰, 陳思捷 監製: 陸偉峰 盡是為我好 勉勵下漸成長 盡是為我好 參與人生路向 心煩時有妳傾訴 謝妳的操勞 有著妳 有著奇蹟 看著妳 多麽的美 * 還記起 流星雨 交集情意 妳的臉 淡淡住在我裡面 如若世界停了 也可緊緊地靠依 甜與苦 來分享 但願和妳品嘗 我的愛 是地久天長 這片情 已經套在戒指 等妳的願意 盡力待妳好 創造浪漫痕跡 盡力待妳好 進入盟海誓約 保留著我最寶貴 待妳的光臨 我共妳 確是神蹟 這份愛 多麽可貴 Repeat * 還記起 忘不了 感動情節 妳的眼淚 是為著我吃掉 從沒計較嫌棄 伴我走真實每天 甜與苦 來分享 但願和妳品嘗 我的愛 是地久天長 到老時 我可挽著妳手 輕說聲 樂意 關注更多 張致恆 消息 | Get Closer to Steven Cheung 英皇娛樂Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EEGPage 張致恆 @英皇娛樂Official Website: http://www.eegmusic.com/artist/index.php/index/224/%E5%BC%B5%E8%87%B4%E6%81%86 張致恆 @騰訊微博 Tencent Weibo:http://t.qq.com/stevenCheung 張致恆 @新浪微博 Sina Weibo:http://weibo.com/ghosteven 英皇娛樂 iPhone Apps:http://url.cn/7PUwlQ
Cleveland mayor Frank Jackson proclaimed January 17, 2015 as "Steve Harvey Day" and renamed a portion of E. 112th Street as "Steve Harvey Way!" Steve’s sisters and brother will joined the mayor along with Steve’s buddies from the neighborhood, some of whom he hasn’t seen in over 20 years!
King of Comedy (Chinese: 喜劇之王) is a 1999 Hong Kong comedy film directed by Lee Lik-Chi and Stephen Chow. Unlike Stephen Chow's typical mo lei tau films, King of Comedy verges on comedy drama, describing the trials and tribulation that an aspiring actor experiences on his way to stardom. Some commentators[who?] say the story is based on Stephen Chow's early career, as he started off as a temporary actor, before becoming a successful and popular comedy actor over the course of a decade. The film does retain some of bizarre visual gags Chow is known for, such as Chow's character bleeding from the nose and eyes during a singing number. Jackie Chan plays a cameo role during the film.
Interview with the cast of the comedy "Anita Ho"! We chat with director, co-writer and actor Steve Myung, actress and co-writer Lina So Myung, actress Elizabeth Sung and actor George Cheung (AKA - Asian Robert De Niro)! Halo Halo is America's Top Entertainment & Lifestyle show for Asian Pacific Americans. Catch it Mondays thru Wednesdays at 4:30pm on KSCI/LA18 in Southern California and 3:00pm on KIKU in Hawaii. Watch us: http://www.youtube.com/halohalotv Email us: halohalo@la18.tv Like us: https://www.facebook.com/halohalowithkatiniba Tweet us: https://twitter.com/katiniba
Jackie Chan dropped by the show today to chat with Ellen and he proved to be quite a riot! He showed how hard it is for him to call 411, and serenaded Ellen. Watch now to see Jackie's antics.
VIDEO JAPAN ARRESTS TWO CHINESE SAILORS CCTV News - CNTV English.mp4 Feel strong enough...Come to Smacktalk...http://www.smacktalk.info FirstGameWorld Media: http://www.firstgameworld.com Wang Feng (singer) Wang Kun (singer) Wei Chen (singer) Wei Wei (singer) Faye Wong Wu Fei Wu Yingyin Sa Dingding Song Zuying Sun Nan Bai Guang Bai Hong Gong Qiuxia Li Lili Albert Au Angela Au Kenny Bee Teresa Carpio Agnes Chan Bobo Chan Chelsia Chan Daniel Chan Danny Chan Jackie Chan Jason Chan (singer) Jaycee Chan Jordan Chan Priscilla Chan Ruco Chan Vincy Chan Pakho Chau Adam Cheng Ekin Cheng Joyce Cheng Ronald Cheng Sammi Cheng Stephanie Cheng Yumiko Cheng Cecilia Cheung Dicky Cheung Jacky Cheung Julian Cheung Steven Cheung (actor) Teresa Cheung (singer) ...
Top 10 Hottest Chinese Actresses in 2015 10 Prettiest Actress in China 2015 *Top 10 Hottest Chinese Actresses in 2016 https://youtu.be/r1Lx_e0uZDY ----------------------------------------------- Source:http://www.allbesttop10.com 10. Crystal Liu Yi Fei Liu Yi Fei is commonly agreed as an extremely beautiful and sexy Chinese actress. However, she is also a dancer, singer and model. Born in 1987, Liu Yi Fei had moved to live in New York when she was 10. In 2002, she came back to China and pursues the acting career. 9. Barbie Hsu Barbie Hsu is actually very well known in Taiwan. She pursues both careers in singing and acting. In terms of the charm, she is considered by the majority as one of the sexiest Chinese actresses in this 2015. Everyone can see and know how she is, and it is undeni...
CHINA'S AIRCRAFT CARRIER UNDERTAKES NEW TRIAL CCTV News - You think you know the truth, Smacktalk it... http://www.smacktalk.info FirstGameWorld Media: http://www.firstgameworld.com Wang Feng (singer) Wang Kun (singer) Wei Chen (singer) Wei Wei (singer) Faye Wong Wu Fei Wu Yingyin Sa Dingding Song Zuying Sun Nan Bai Guang Bai Hong Gong Qiuxia Li Lili Albert Au Angela Au Kenny Bee Teresa Carpio Agnes Chan Bobo Chan Chelsia Chan Daniel Chan Danny Chan Jackie Chan Jason Chan (singer) Jaycee Chan Jordan Chan Priscilla Chan Ruco Chan Vincy Chan Pakho Chau Adam Cheng Ekin Cheng Joyce Cheng Ronald Cheng Sammi Cheng Stephanie Cheng Yumiko Cheng Cecilia Cheung Dicky Cheung Jacky Cheung Julian Cheung Steven Cheung (actor) Teresa Cheung (singer) Mandy ...
HISTORICAL PROOF OF CHINA'S SOVEREIGNTY OVER HUANGYAN CCTV New Feel strong enough...Come to Smacktalk...http://www.smacktalk.info FirstGameWorld Media: http://www.firstgameworld.com Wang Feng (singer) Wang Kun (singer) Wei Chen (singer) Wei Wei (singer) Faye Wong Wu Fei Wu Yingyin Sa Dingding Song Zuying Sun Nan Bai Guang Bai Hong Gong Qiuxia Li Lili Albert Au Angela Au Kenny Bee Teresa Carpio Agnes Chan Bobo Chan Chelsia Chan Daniel Chan Danny Chan Jackie Chan Jason Chan (singer) Jaycee Chan Jordan Chan Priscilla Chan Ruco Chan Vincy Chan Pakho Chau Adam Cheng Ekin Cheng Joyce Cheng Ronald Cheng Sammi Cheng Stephanie Cheng Yumiko Cheng Cecilia Cheung Dicky Cheung Jacky Cheung Julian Cheung Steven Cheung (actor) Teresa Cheung (singer) Mandy C...
msnbc video China moves toward three-wheeling.flv Smacktalk when you absolutely know you are right... http://www.smacktalk.info FirstGameWorld Media: http://www.firstgameworld.com Wang Feng (singer) Wang Kun (singer) Wei Chen (singer) Wei Wei (singer) Faye Wong Wu Fei Wu Yingyin Sa Dingding Song Zuying Sun Nan Bai Guang Bai Hong Gong Qiuxia Li Lili Albert Au Angela Au Kenny Bee Teresa Carpio Agnes Chan Bobo Chan Chelsia Chan Daniel Chan Danny Chan Jackie Chan Jason Chan (singer) Jaycee Chan Jordan Chan Priscilla Chan Ruco Chan Vincy Chan Pakho Chau Adam Cheng Ekin Cheng Joyce Cheng Ronald Cheng Sammi Cheng Stephanie Cheng Yumiko Cheng Cecilia Cheung Dicky Cheung Jacky Cheung Julian Cheung Steven Cheung (actor) Teresa Cheung (singer) Mandy ...
A bar girl (Cecilia Cheung) hires a struggling actor (Stephen Chow) to give her acting lessons so that she can feign a greater interest in her customers. The longer they work together, the more they find they have in common, and eventually fall in love with each other. This movie is not the funniest movie from Stephen Chow; however, it told a story mimic Chow's real life experiences where he was struggled 6 years in the Hong Kong movie industry before he landed a major role to start a breakthrough in his career. If you like to watch other funny movies from Stephen Chow, I'd recommend Flirty Scholar. It is one of my favorites.
The God of Cookery (Chinese: 食神) is a 1996 Hong Kong comedy film directed by Hong Kong comedian, actor and director, Stephen Chow, best known in the West for his films Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle. This is known to be Chow's first film to utilize deep and sometimes dark themes while retaining his signature nonsensical style. An 35-mm print of the film brought by Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy was shown at a sold-out screening at one of Alamo Drafthouse Cinema South Lamar's "Food and Film Events". Cast Stephen Chow as 'Stephen Chow' (史提芬周 Sitaifan Chow) Karen Mok as Turkey (火雞, Fo Gai) / Guanyin Vincent Kok as Bull Tong (唐牛, Tong Ngau) Ng Man-tat as Uncle Lee Siu-Kei as Goosehead (鵝頭, Ngo Tau) Tats Lau as Wet Dream (夢遺, Mung Wai) Christy Chung as the girl in the dream sequence (cameo) Na...
This is a comedy movie which Stephen Chow is the main actors : Fight Back To School 2 Fight Back to School 2 (Chinese: 逃學威龍 2) is a 1992 Hong Kong comedy film directed by Gordon Chan and starring Stephen Chow, Ng Man-Tat and Cheung Man. It is a sequel to the 1991 film Fight Back to School. As per the original Fight Back to School, this movie is set in 2 schools in Hong Kong; Shatin College and Chinese International School. More movies at : Don't forget to subcribe me for more movies ^^! Hong Kong movie 2015 wil post all of the best hong kong movies, such as God Of Gamblers, Flirting scholar, tricky master,Lawyer Lawyer, King of Beggars, ... Hong Kong movie2015 will post the best Chinese movies too, such as The Lost Blademan, Painted skin, The Evil Cult, Royal Tramp,... Hong Kong movie ...
Fist Of Fury II - After the total defeat of Cheung Wai (Ming Wan Yeueng) in a boxing match with Lau Ching (Stephen Chow), his brother Cheung Wan To (Wah Yuen) and his gang are out to seek revenge against Ching. When Ching and his wannabe apprentice Ngou Pi (Pak-cheung Chan) were ambushed by Wan To and his gang in the streets, they are saved by a masked caper. Ching then seeks refuge in Ngou Pi's home and meets his feisty sister, Ngou Chat (Josephine Siao), who is later revealed to be the caper. They are later challenged by Wan To to a boxing match to settle the score and, as a result, forces Ching to learn new fighting skills.
Fight Back to School 3 (逃學威龍3之龍過雞年) is a Hong Kong comedy film produced in 1993 starring Stephen Chow and Cheung Man. The film was written and directed by Wong Jing, who replaced Gordon Chan as the director of the third installment. Stephen Chow returns as Chow Sing-Sing, the obnoxious undercover cop who seems to get into all sorts of trouble, only this time he doesn’t go back to school. Instead, Chow goes undercover as the husband of a wealthy socialite (Anita Mui), which doesn’t sit well with his fiancée played by Cheung Man who tries to convince Chow to quit working as undercover. THANKS FOR WATCHING! ☞ Don't be antisocial, let your friends have some fun... "LIKE" this video. ☞ If you like this animated movie please "COMMENT" on what you think.
Language: Cantoonese Subtitles: English (hardcoded) Director Chan Chuen Script Barry Wong Ping-Yiu Producer Lui Ming Cast Eric Tsang Chi-Wai ... Ah Wai Wong Ching ... Thomas John Shum Kin-Fun ... Father Ngai Goo Ga-Lau ... Cat Elaine Kam Yin-Ling Paul Chun Pui Lawrence Cheng Tan-Shui ... Office worker Chu Pak-Wo ... Office worker Tung Lo Goo Mei-Yee Man Sau-Yin Stephen Chang Gwong-Chin ... Office worker Yue Tau-Wan Yeung Yau-Cheung Billy Lau Nam-Kwong ... [Cameo] Ripped from the VCD release by Ocean Shores, who took it from their VHS version.
New Film: http://goo.gl/IbWYaU Stephen Chow Sing Chi - My Hero 1990 - Sub English - Full Movie The fim Stephen Chow Sing Chi. Stephen chow movies with english subtitles This is one of the film's success starring Stephen Chow. he is both actor and director is both a martial art directing.The film was translated in English. Here is the full set of well chosen as one of the most successful films Best -Copyright belong StephenChowTV- Stephen chow movies cantonese
Fist of Fury 1991 English Subtitle Turn on caption for English or Indonesian subtitle Fist of Fury 1991 (新精武門1991) is a 1991 Hong Kong film directed by Choh Chung-Sing, and starring Stephen Chow in the lead role. Aside from a few parodied scenes, the film bears no other similarities to the Bruce Lee film Fist of Fury except in title only. A sequel Fist of Fury 1991 II was released the following year. Cast Stephen Chow as Sing Kenny Bee as Smart Corey Yuen as Master Fok Wan Wan Yeung-ming as Cheng Wai Sharla Cheung as Mandy Fok (阿敏) Shing Fui-On as Master Chiu Tung Bak Man Biu Natalis Chan (cameo) Chen Jing as Brother Leung Choh Chung-Sing Ha Chia Ling Ha Chi-chun as Flutty Ping Ng Man-tatboss
Directed by Jin-ho Hur. Starring Zhang Ziyi, Cecilia Cheung, Jang Dong Gun
Chow stars as Lau Ching in 1991, a mainland country boy hoping to earn a living in Hong Kong. Upon reaching Hong Kong, he finds his luggage stolen, but soon becomes fast friends with the thief, Smart. Together, they try to improve their financial situation through various odd jobs, until Smart discovers Ching's special ability, his extremely strong right arm, and then convinces him to enter a martial arts tournament in the hopes of winning the prize money. The two soon learn that they need to be registered with a school in order to compete. Some scenes do bear some resemblance to Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury including the dojo fight where the Japanese man is forced to eat the sign. Cast: Stephen Chow as Sing Kenny Bee as Smart Corey Yuen as Master Fok Wan Wan Yeung-ming as Cheng Wai Sharla Che...
Top 9 the best Beautiful Girls in Stephen Chow movies is actresses like Athena Chu Yan, Eva Huang, Sharla Cheung Man, Gong Li, Cecilia Cheung, Zhao Wei, Maggie Cheung and Anita Mui Yim-fong
Fala Chen will be trapped in a love triangle with Francis Ng and Julian Cheung in the upcoming sequel to the 2003 hit aviation drama, Triumph in the Skies. Does she find it intimidating working alongside the two veteran actors?
http://www.cbc.ca/strombo/ George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight gets Jackie Chan's Best Story Ever: for a young martial arts performer, getting to act opposite Bruce Lee was a huge honour - and Jackie Chan got the chance on the set of 'Enter the Dragon'. But things didn't exactly go according to plan. When Bruce accidentally hit Jackie in the head, he felt awful. Which allowed Jackie to spend a little quality time with his idol. Jackie's in Toronto to introduce screenings of three of his classic films, 'Drunken Master', 'Police Story', and 'The Legend of Drunken Master'. All three are screening at the TIFF Bell Lightbox. George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight airs Weeknights at 7 PM on CBC Television Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Follow George On Twitter: http://www.twi...
In Los Angeles, Jean Claude's son Kris has arranged a family meal at a restaurant and has secretly invited a legendary martial arts star-Bolo Yeung to surprise his father. http://www.itv.com/vandamme/