- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 33620
Red Sindhi cattle are the most popular of all Zebu dairy breeds. The breed originated in the Sindh province of Pakistan, they are widely kept for milk production across Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and other countries. They have been used for crossbreeding with temperate (European) origin dairy breeds in many countries to combine their tropical adaptations (heat tolerance, tick resistance, disease resistance, fertility at higher temperatures, etc.) with the higher milk production found in temperate regions. It has been crossed with Jerseys in many places, including India, the United States, Australia, Sri Lanka, etc.
The Red Sindhi range in color from a deep reddish brown to a yellowish red, but most commonly a deep red. They are distinguished from the other dairy breed of Sindh, the Tharparkar or White Sindhi, both by color and form, the Red Sindhi is smaller, rounder, with a more typical dairy form, and with short, curved horns, while the Tharparkar are taller with a shape more typical of Zebu draft breeds, and with longer, lyre shaped horns.
Sindhi (سِنڌِي) may refer to:
In culture
A dairy is a business enterprise established for the harvesting or processing (or both) of animal milk – mostly from cows or goats, but also from buffaloes, sheep, horses, or camels – for human consumption. A dairy is typically located on a dedicated dairy farm or in a section of a multi-purpose farm (mixed farm) that is concerned with the harvesting of milk.
Dairy Farming | Red Sindhi Cow - लाल सिन्धी गाय की विशेषताएं
Indian Desi Cow Breed Red Sindhi
Raza Red Sindhi Brazil1
Red Sindhi Bull
New Plan to Save Red Sindhi Cattle Species - Thanthi TV
Raza Red Sindhi Brazil2
AMCC Difusión de la raza Sindi en México
Cavouco D Verão D x Galeria D - BAHIA RED SINDHI
Red Sindhi bull
Bahia Red Sindhi 2
Red sindhi ox from Ox factory Jeshan agro
gado raça sindi red sindh globo rural 1.mp4
Red Sindhi ya Surkh Sindhi Nasal by Dr Ashraf Sahibzada
Young Red Sindhi bull
World Heaviest Red Sindhi And Sahiwal Bull In Pakistan Coming Karachi Sohrab Goth Cow Mandi 2018
Bahia Red Sindhi
Red Sindhi Breed | Red Sindhi Cattle लाल सिन्धी गाय भारत में पाए जाने वाली एक ऐसी नस्ल है जो बहोत अधिक दूध उत्पादन के लिए जानी जाती है | यह गाय प्रतिदिन 10 लीटर दूध देती है और डेरी उद्योग शुरू करने के लिए सर्वोत्तम मानी जाती है | इस गाय की और खूबियों के बारे में जाने इस विडियो के माध्यम से PLEASE SHARE IF YOU LIKE अगर आप को यह विडियो पसंद आया तो कृपया लाइक करें और अगर आप कुछ कहना या पूछना चाहते है तो कृपया नीचे दिए गए कमेंट बॉक्स में लिखें धन्यवाद हमारा उद्द्येश्य भारत में कृषि तथा पशुपालन को बढ़ावा देना है | हमारे काम को समर्थन देने के लिए इस विडियो को LIKE और SHARE करें और हमारा YouTube Channel Subscribe करें अगर आप डेयरी क्षेत्र के बारे में सीखना और जानना चाहते है तो हमारे "India Dairy Farming" के YouTube चैनल को Subscribe कर ले Click Here For Subscribe :- https://www.youtube.c...
Short film clip uploaded by AgVid and produced by Shramajeevi Agri Films. Visit www.shramajeevi.com, http://shramajeeviimages.com, http://shramajeevicontacts.com, http://shramajeewiki.com, http://video.shramajeevi.com. Email us at team@shramajeevi.com
Razas Bovinas de India/Pakistan/Brazil http://razasbovinasdecolombia.weebly.com video sobre las razas cebuinas en Brazil.
New Plan to Save Red Sindhi Cattle Species - Thanthi TV Catch us LIVE @ http://www.thanthitv.com/ Follow us on - Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/ThanthiTV Follow us on - Twitter @ https://twitter.com/thanthitv
Razas Bovinas de India/Pakistan/Brazil http://razasbovinasdecolombia.weebly.com video sobre las razas cebuinas en Brazil.
V dia D, 14, 15 e 16/07/2017 LEMBRANÇAS DO V DIA D PELA BAHIA RED SINDHI DESPEDIDA DE XIQUE XIQUE D IMENSO PÚBLICO DE TODAS AS IDADES E VÁRIOS ESTADOS BRASILEIROS PARA CONHECER O SEMIÁRIDO PRODUTIVO PRECIPITAÇÃO MÉDIA 316 mm/ano (2012 a 2017) TAPEROÁ – PB Repentistas: Valdir Teles e Jonas Bezerra Poetisa: Mariana Teles Cantor/compositor: Paulo Matricó Parabéns à família Carnaúba pela coragem que contagia a todos nós.
Adquira seu produto de Cavouco D. Pagamento facilitado!!!! Cavouco D Verão D x Galeria D ATENDEMOS VIA WHATSAPP ANIMAIS À VENDA: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFapKjUY7Nm4YPpopwi9S5Gko1F0xR20U VISITE NOSSA PÁGINA NA NET http://bahiaredsindi.blogspot.com.br/ ESTAMOS TAMBEM NO FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/SindiPaquistanesnaBahia/ E NO INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/bahiaredsindhi/ TAMBÉM CANAL YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/c/BahiaRedSindhi
Produtos de Cadeado E em vacas da seleção Bahia Red Sindhi
XIQUE XIQUE-D Bicampeão Nacional Recife-PE, 2012 / Parnamirim-RN, 2015 Mais de 50 irmãs com lactação acima de 3000 kg; Sua irmã, Jurema-D produziu 4219 kg de leite em 344 dias com máxima de 27,2 kg/dia; Sua mãe, Futurista-D produziu até 15,8 kg de leite/dia e 15 crias em 17 anos. “Esse touro expressa os perfeitos atributos de um bom reprodutor; seja pela sua pelagem curta, pelo comprimento e harmonia da carcaça, ou pelo leite e fertilidade de seus ascendentes e colaterais”. Manoel Dantas Vilar Filho
Dr. M. Ashraf Sahibzada Chairman, Noble Deeds Foundation (native of Bhaddar Gujrat) a world renowned Pakistani Agricultural Scientist replies to farmers quarries on almost all aspects of agriculture and livestock. Extends free advisory service to farmers of Pakistan as a noble deed.
World Heaviest Red Sindhi And Sahiwal Bull In Pakistan Coming Karachi Sohrab Goth Cow Mandi 2018 More Information about Cattle farming,Cattle Feed,Goat Farming and Much More Please Visit Our Website https://karachisohrabgothcowmandipakistan.blogspot.com/ Please Like And Share Our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/KarachiSohrabGothCowMandiPakistan/ #CattleFarm2018 #CowMandi2018 #KarachiSohrabGothCowMandi2018
Way out back of the Coolgardie
Round the turn of the century
Two riders came out of the west
They were lookin' for the colour of gold
Trading on an old red blanket
Took 'em in a young boy
Passed him on to a pearl lugger
That was Java bound outa Roebuck Bay
The crew were mainly Manila men
And the young boy must have known
He'd never be back now
Down in the red sand
Manila-man got the machete
Manila-man cut him down cold
Die with the Balander boss on a lugger
Could not have been more
Than twelve years old
Looking out on a clear sky
As the sun beats down on her head
A mother alone
Fails to understand
And as the long years go by
Just an old red blanket to dry
The tears for the son
Who'll never be home