Wanna find the animation you're looking for?
Click one of the following:
Right side, Standing,
Knifer - 00:12
Right side, Standing,
Victim - 00:33
Right side, Standing,
3rd person - 01:00
Behind, Standing, Knifer - 01:25
Behind, Standing, Victim - 01:48
Behind, Standing, 3rd person - 02:12
Left side, Standing, Knifer - 02:37
Left side, Standing, Victim - 03:01
Left side, Standing, 3rd person - 03:22
Right side, Crouching, Knifer - 03:43
Right side, Crouching, Victim - 04:00
Right side, Crouching, 3rd person - 04:20
Behind, Crouching, Knifer - 04:40
Behind, Crouching, Victim - 05:01
Behind, Crouching, 3rd person - 05:20
Left side, Crouching, Knifer - 05:43
Left side, Crouching, Victim - 06:00
Left side, Crouching, 3rd person - 06:17
Right side,
Prone, Knifer - 06:33
Right side, Prone, Victim - 06;51
Right side, Prone, 3rd person - 07:08
Behind, Prone, Knifer - 07:27
Behind, Prone, Victim - 07:47
Behind, Prone, 3rd person - 08:04
Left side, Prone, Knifer - 08:21
Left side, Prone, Victim - 08:46
Left side, Prone, 3rd person - 09:08
Right side, Standing, Knifer - 09:28
Right side, Standing, Victim - 09:48
Right side, Standing, 3rd person - 10:09
Behind, Standing, Knifer - 10:27
Behind, Standing, Victim - 10:50
Behind, Standing, 3rd person - 11:18
Left side, Standing, Knifer - 11:44
Left side, Standing, Victim - 12:05
Left side, Standing, 3rd person - 12:37
Right side, Crouching, Knifer - 12:56
Right side, Crouching, Victim - 13:19
Right side, Crouching, 3rd person - 13:32
Behind, Crouching, Knifer - 13:49
Behind, Crouching, Victim - 14:08
Behind, Crouching, 3rd person - 14:31
Left side, Crouching, Knifer - 14:49
Left side, Crouching, Victim - 15:09
Left side, Crouching, 3rd person - 15:31
Right side, Prone, Knifer - 15:50
Right side, Prone, Victim - 16:08
Right side, Prone, 3rd person - 16:35
Behind, Prone, Knifer - 16:57
Behind, Prone, Victim - 17:14
Behind, Prone, 3rd person - 17:32
Left side, Prone, Knifer - 17:48
Left side, Prone, Victim - 18:08
Left side, Prone, 3rd person - 18:28
In the end are the taser animations.
This is beta, so there is a lot of glitches and bugs seen in the video.
Later you can compare these animations to the animations in the "final product". Also this beta is the beta that was introduced in 2014.
Well, that's all from me for now.
- published: 06 Jul 2014
- views: 74659