- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 161709
Remote Play is a feature of Sony video game consoles that allows the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 to transmit its video and audio output to a PlayStation Portable or PlayStation Vita. Similar functionality is provided on Nintendo's Wii U console, using the Off-TV Play function. This feature essentially allows compatible home console games to be played on the handheld. In 2014, the definition was expanded to include the use of PlayStation TV, Xperia smartphones and tablets (Z2 and later), and PlayStation Now.
While seldom implemented on PlayStation 3, Remote Play is a mandatory feature on all PlayStation 4 games, except for games that utilize peripherals such as PlayStation Move.
Sony defined Remote Play as follows:
Sony later amended this definition to apply between the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita as well. The premise of Off-TV Play on the Wii U is similar in concept, in how the video game console does all of the processing, but sends the image and sound straight to the Wii U GamePad's screen instead of a television screen. Similarly, in the case of Remote Play, the PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4 do all of the processing, but transmit the image and sound to the PlayStation Portable or PlayStation Vita screens and speakers. While typically in reference to Sony consoles and handhelds, it has been used in different ways as well. In April 2010, a firmware update was released for the PlayStation 3 that allowed Remote Play between it and the Sony VAIO brand laptops as well.
PSVita Remote Play: Call Of Duty Black Ops 3
PSVita Remote Play: NO MAN'S SKY
Loopcast 115: Remote Play no PS4, WhatsApp Criptografado, Drone de Selfie e mais!
FR - Sony Xperia Z5 - Déballage/Remote Play PS4
Sony PSVITA - Ελληνικό review greek + remote play ps4
PS4 Remote Play Test
Sony PS4 Remote Play: Soft Overview and Review
FIFA 15 - Sony Xperia Z2 Remote Play
Solución Problema de Remote Play del PlayStation 4 con PSVita vía internet (fuera de casa)
PlayStation Vita Remote Play (games that don't work video confirmation)
Time for another PS Vita Remote Play video! Here I'm playing Call of Duty Black Ops 3 from the Playstation 4. I do these videos so you guys can see how the game performs on the Vita via remote play. I hope you guys like the video. Subscribe to my other channel, Marc's GameUp. There I upload videos of console games that I am currently playing. https://www.youtube.com/marcsgameup
Here I'm playing No Man's Sky on the Playstation Vita. I show how the gameplay experience is using the remote play feature. I hope you guys like the video. Get No Man's Sky here: http://amzn.to/2b0BDzh SUPPORT THE CHANNEL VIA AMAZON SHOPPING: http://amzn.to/1OZ4aVA I use this camera for my videos: http://amzn.to/1XpjmfO Get White Slim PSVITA here: http://amzn.to/1WIvsSm FOLLOW ME HERE: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marcthegeek/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/marcthegeek Subscribe to my channel, Marc's GameUp, for video uploads of console games I'm currently playing: https://www.youtube.com/marcsgameup Disclaimers: all opinions are my own, sponsors are acknowledged. Affiliates: Amazon.
SEJA NOSSO PATRÃO! http://www.patreon.com/oloopinfinito Quando todos acharam que não ia ter Loopcast por causa da mudança do Loop, tá-dá! A edição 115 é a última que gravamos no humilde estúdio em Santo André. Agora, com a mudança finalmente em andamento, estamos preparando muitas novidades para o Loop Infinito neste ano! CURSO DE EDIÇÃO DE VÍDEO! http://info.quaddro.com.br/loopstudio Remote Play no PS4: https://remoteplay.dl.playstation.net... ************************************* Podcasts! Loop Matinal https://itunes.apple.com/br/podcast/loop-matinal/id1053245743?mt=2 marchwill https://itunes.apple.com/br/podcast/marchwill/id735290633?l=en&mt;=2 ************************************* Se você gostou, não se esqueça de clicar no like! E sigam-nos no Twitter! http://www.twitter.com...
Le Xperia Z5 vient remplacer mon Nexus 5. Voici une bonne occasion de vous proposer son unboxing ainsi qu'un test de la fonction "Remote Play" qui permet de streamer une PS4 sur le Z5. Suivez mon actu sur Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BenjiMcFly.officiel/
Η δεύτερη προσπάθεια της Sony να δημιουργήσει φορητή κονσόλα με ένα παντοδύναμο μηχάνημα που όμως έχει πολλές αδυναμίες και λάθη που της στέρησε την καλή πορεία που ίσως θα μπορούσε να έχει. Βλέπουμε επίσης και πως παίζει το remote play με το ps4.
Tried using the new PS4 Remote Play function on several of my computers in my house. 2 of them Mac's and one a gaming PC. Check out more at www.bifuteki.com More gaming at @ twitch.tv/bifuteki & mlg.tv/bifuteki Follow us as well on twitter @ bifuteki Follow us as well on IG @ bifutekidotcom
Intro: 0:00:36.0 Demo: 0:02:28.7 Verdict/Breakdown: 0:14:01.7 Hi, folks. We get a chance to finally test the new PS4 Remote Play application for the PS4 and PC, which was currently released via Sony's PS4 3.50 update. Does it live up to the expectations conceived after its announcement? How well does it do again the developer Twisted's Remote Play PC app? Watch the video to find out.
~FIFA 15 (2014) ► Game Info FIFA 15 has been remade from top to bottom with beautiful graphics, amazing physics and unparalleled control. The Best is Even Better. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran, FIFA 15's a fantastic game of football. Everything looks and feels more lifelike thanks to the power of the new Ignite Engine, enhancing the experience with astounding players and living stadiums. Challenge great AI opponents, take your skills online against other players, or become an armchair manager and create your Ultimate Team. FIFA 15 has everything football fans want. For the complete football experience, the Origin-exclusive Ultimate Team Edition is the game for you. A ton of extras await, including 40 FUT Gold Packs, new goal celebrations, historic club kits from all...
Hola Amigos de Youtube Como el titulo lo dice, les traigo las posibles soluciones para la conectividad entre el PS4 y el PS Vita con la función de Remote PLay usándolo desde Internet (fuera de casa). Los pasos como emparejar el PSVita con la PS4 lo pueden ver en el siguiente Link. http://manuals.playstation.net/document/es/psvita/ps4link/viainternet.html Pasos: 1.- Verificar que en nuestro router tengamos la opción de UPnP habilitada. (Realizar la prueba de conexión) 2.- En caso de no contar con la opción UPnP, configurar los puertos en la sección de Port Forwarding de nuestro Router. (realizar la prueba de conexión). 3.- Si aún no podemos conectarnos vamos a tratar de habilitar el DMZ (Zona Desmilitarizada) de la IP correspondiente a nuestro PS4. Si aún con los cambios y pruebas que r...
Support the channel by using the Amazon link amzn.to/1nAYVOM Donation here 👉🏼 http://www.patreon.com/FredEFuego Follow me on http://www.twitch.tv/fredefuego Follow @FredEFlame http://www.twitter.com/FredEFlame Follow me on https://plus.google.com/+FredEFuego http://apply.fullscreen.net/?ref=fredefuego This video is all about Remote Play on the PS Vita thru your PS3. What games are functional with this feature. I'm not claiming to know it all and asking people to add to list in the video by leaving a comment with their own personal knowledge on the subject. Leave your video responses & lets work together to make our gaming experience that much better with a wider range of understanding. http://ps3trophies.org/forum/general-vita-discussion/146032-playstation-vita-remote-play-compatibility-l...