- published: 27 Jun 2011
- views: 286
GSPO Gerard Marino's "City of Darkness/City of Light"
From their Video Game Soundtracks performance on April 9th 2011....
published: 27 Jun 2011
GSPO Gerard Marino's "City of Darkness/City of Light"
From their Video Game Soundtracks performance on April 9th 2011.
- published: 27 Jun 2011
- views: 286
Spike TV 2010 VGAs - Gerard K. Marino Interview
Back in December I had the chance to attend the 2010 SpikeTV VGAs and work the red carpet....
published: 15 Jun 2011
Spike TV 2010 VGAs - Gerard K. Marino Interview
Back in December I had the chance to attend the 2010 SpikeTV VGAs and work the red carpet. It was here that I got a chance to chat with the man behind the music for all of the God of War games, Gerard K. Marino.
- published: 15 Jun 2011
- views: 249
"God of War Montage" feat. Gerard Marino - Video Games Live @ HSBC Brasil - São Paulo
Guest conductor Gerard Marino, composer of the music of "God of War" franchise, at 2010 Vi...
published: 13 Oct 2010
"God of War Montage" feat. Gerard Marino - Video Games Live @ HSBC Brasil - São Paulo
Guest conductor Gerard Marino, composer of the music of "God of War" franchise, at 2010 Video Games Live S. Paulo. Guest stars Laurie Robinson (soloist).
More on Video Games Live on http://www.videogameslive.com
Also, for those who doesn't know, the crowd is requested to join, to participate in the pieces playing during the events (it reads: applauses, screams, cheers and singing). So, comments like "too much noise", "why are people laughing" and others alike are really out of place in this case.
Their official CDs have some songs recorded without the audience sound, if you prefer. You can buy a hard copy or pay for download at Amazon:
DVD and Blu-Ray are also available.
Anyway, ENJOY! :D
- published: 13 Oct 2010
- views: 571
God of War III Overture - Gerard Marino (soundtrack)
God of War III soundtrack ; Overture by Gerard Marino
No considera este/não considere i...
published: 04 Jun 2010
God of War III Overture - Gerard Marino (soundtrack)
God of War III soundtrack ; Overture by Gerard Marino
No considera este/não considere isso/not consider this:
naruto bleach shippuden guioximitsu linux windows anime filmes sobrenatural tudo comédia humor engraçado tutorial pé dedo mão corpo música rock reggae metal heavy rap pop psy trance woow olá feio bonito gostoso gostosa mulher homem internet office desktop ubuntu fedora slackware call of duty cod guerra modern warfare meu seu sua minha tapa far cry 2 3 ps3 xbox 360 virtual linha god of war I II III 1 matar matando batendo caindo estralando explosão explodindo caiu machucado dor louco troxa besta demônio capeta 666 emo punk rapper funk SP RJ Brazil Brasil EUA Estados unidos da américa filosofia fireslim philosofile estreme reflection vai fui foi filho filha chocolate google yahoo youtube gmail blogger orkut facebook myspace hi5 netlog não sim para por nada deus jesus ateu religião católico católica evangélico evangélica igreja jogo jogar jogando splinter cell nunca mais fazer fazendo como trocar crescer aumentar rato teclado monitor gabinete cooler processador bios números fruta comida animais spyke crisloguer chrome firefor explorer ie moxilla netscape file zilla ubuntu opensuse gentoo backtrack sistema telefone infinity ward 180° 220° 360° 60° 120° celsius kelvin farenheit free rapis melhor mundo planeta terra paz amor paixão sexo lux fim túnel bloco notas patch bob estrada carro clone tecnologia informação computador desligar ligar bleach naruto shippuden anime movies guioximitsu linux windows all supernatural comedy humorfunny tutorial finger foot hand body heavy metal rock music reggae rap pop psy trance woow nice hello pretty ugly man sexy woman web office desktop ubuntu fedora slackware call of duty cod modern warfare war your my its my slap far cry 2 xbox 360 3 PS3 online virtual god of war I II III 1 kill killing beating falling crackling explosion exploding fell pain hurt trox crazy beast demon devil 666 emo punk funk rapper SP RJ Brazil Brazil USA United States of America philosophy fireslim philosofile its own reflection I was going son daughter chocolate gmail blogger google yahoo youtube myspace facebook hi5 orkut netlog not for nothing but for god jesus atheist religion Catholic evangelical Catholic Evangelical church playing Splinter Cell game play never to grow up doing as exchange increase mouse keyboard monitor cabinet cooler processor bios numbers fruit food animals Spyke crisloguer FIREFOR chrome explorer ie netscape moxilla file zilla ubuntu gentoo opensuse backtrack phone system infinity ward 180 ° 220 ° 360 ° 60 ° 120 ° kelvin celsius farenheit free rapis better world planet earth peace love passion sex lux order tunnel notepad clone patch bob road car technology information off computer plug kde gnome naruto shippuden cloro películas anime guioximitsu ventanas linux todo humor comedia sobrenatural dedo tutorial divertido cuerpo manos y pies música heavy metal rock pop reggae rap psy trance agradable woow hola hombre muy feo web sexy woman escritorio de oficina llame ubuntu slackware fedora de bacalao derecho de guerra la guerra moderna tu mi its my bofetada far cry 2 xbox 360 3 PS3 en línea virtual dios de la guerra I II III 1, matando, matando superando la caída crepitar explosión explosión de dolor cayó herido demonio trox bestia loca diablo 666 emo punk funk rapero SP RJ Brasil Brasil EE.UU. Los Estados Unidos de América la filosofía fireslim philosofile su propio reflejo que iba hija hijo chocolate blogger gmail youtube google yahoo facebook myspace hi5 Orkut Netlog no por nada, sino para Dios la religión de Jesús ateo católico evangélica católica iglesia evangélica jugar jugando Splinter juego de la célula que nunca crecen haciendo como aumentar el intercambio de carcasa del monitor ratón teclado bios más fresco procesador número de frutas animales destinados al consumo Spyke crisloguer cromo FIREFOR es decir moxilla Explorer Netscape archivo zilla opensuse ubuntu gentoo retroceder Infinity Ward sistema telefónico 180 220 centígrados ° 360 ° 60 ° 120 ° kelvin farenheit rapis libre planeta un mundo mejor en la tierra la paz el amor pasión para el sexo lux túnel de bloc de notas bob clon parche coches de calle tecnología de la información de ordenador enchufe pastor
- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 10116
Gerard Marino at the (HMMA's)The 2011 Hollywood Music In Media Awards Celebrity Red Carpet
Gerard Marino at the (HMMA's)The 2011 Hollywood Music In Media Awards Celebrity Red Carpet...
published: 23 Nov 2011
Gerard Marino at the (HMMA's)The 2011 Hollywood Music In Media Awards Celebrity Red Carpet
Gerard Marino at the (HMMA's)The 2011 Hollywood Music In Media Awards Celebrity Red Carpet event Hosted by Jett Dunlap.
- published: 23 Nov 2011
- views: 51
Video Games Live 2010 - God of War feat. Gerard Marino (Rio de Janeiro, 10/10/2010)
Apresentação no Video Games Live, no Rio de Janeiro, dia 10 de outubro de 2010. Participaç...
published: 11 Oct 2010
Video Games Live 2010 - God of War feat. Gerard Marino (Rio de Janeiro, 10/10/2010)
Apresentação no Video Games Live, no Rio de Janeiro, dia 10 de outubro de 2010. Participação especial de Gerard K. Marino, compositor da trilha sonora de God of War, na regência.
- published: 11 Oct 2010
- views: 1186
God of War III Rage of Sparta - Gerard Marino (soundtrack)
God of War III soundtrack ; Rage of Sparta by Gerard Marino
No considera este/não conside...
published: 04 Jun 2010
God of War III Rage of Sparta - Gerard Marino (soundtrack)
God of War III soundtrack ; Rage of Sparta by Gerard Marino
No considera este/não considere isso/not consider this:
naruto bleach shippuden guioximitsu linux windows anime filmes sobrenatural tudo comédia humor engraçado tutorial pé dedo mão corpo música rock reggae metal heavy rap pop psy trance woow olá feio bonito gostoso gostosa mulher homem internet office desktop ubuntu fedora slackware call of duty cod guerra modern warfare meu seu sua minha tapa far cry 2 3 ps3 xbox 360 virtual linha god of war I II III 1 matar matando batendo caindo estralando explosão explodindo caiu machucado dor louco troxa besta demônio capeta 666 emo punk rapper funk SP RJ Brazil Brasil EUA Estados unidos da américa filosofia fireslim philosofile estreme reflection vai fui foi filho filha chocolate google yahoo youtube gmail blogger orkut facebook myspace hi5 netlog não sim para por nada deus jesus ateu religião católico católica evangélico evangélica igreja jogo jogar jogando splinter cell nunca mais fazer fazendo como trocar crescer aumentar rato teclado monitor gabinete cooler processador bios números fruta comida animais spyke crisloguer chrome firefor explorer ie moxilla netscape file zilla ubuntu opensuse gentoo backtrack sistema telefone infinity ward 180° 220° 360° 60° 120° celsius kelvin farenheit free rapis melhor mundo planeta terra paz amor paixão sexo lux fim túnel bloco notas patch bob estrada carro clone tecnologia informação computador desligar ligar bleach naruto shippuden anime movies guioximitsu linux windows all supernatural comedy humorfunny tutorial finger foot hand body heavy metal rock music reggae rap pop psy trance woow nice hello pretty ugly man sexy woman web office desktop ubuntu fedora slackware call of duty cod modern warfare war your my its my slap far cry 2 xbox 360 3 PS3 online virtual god of war I II III 1 kill killing beating falling crackling explosion exploding fell pain hurt trox crazy beast demon devil 666 emo punk funk rapper SP RJ Brazil Brazil USA United States of America philosophy fireslim philosofile its own reflection I was going son daughter chocolate gmail blogger google yahoo youtube myspace facebook hi5 orkut netlog not for nothing but for god jesus atheist religion Catholic evangelical Catholic Evangelical church playing Splinter Cell game play never to grow up doing as exchange increase mouse keyboard monitor cabinet cooler processor bios numbers fruit food animals Spyke crisloguer FIREFOR chrome explorer ie netscape moxilla file zilla ubuntu gentoo opensuse backtrack phone system infinity ward 180 ° 220 ° 360 ° 60 ° 120 ° kelvin celsius farenheit free rapis better world planet earth peace love passion sex lux order tunnel notepad clone patch bob road car technology information off computer plug kde gnome naruto shippuden cloro películas anime guioximitsu ventanas linux todo humor comedia sobrenatural dedo tutorial divertido cuerpo manos y pies música heavy metal rock pop reggae rap psy trance agradable woow hola hombre muy feo web sexy woman escritorio de oficina llame ubuntu slackware fedora de bacalao derecho de guerra la guerra moderna tu mi its my bofetada far cry 2 xbox 360 3 PS3 en línea virtual dios de la guerra I II III 1, matando, matando superando la caída crepitar explosión explosión de dolor cayó herido demonio trox bestia loca diablo 666 emo punk funk rapero SP RJ Brasil Brasil EE.UU. Los Estados Unidos de América la filosofía fireslim philosofile su propio reflejo que iba hija hijo chocolate blogger gmail youtube google yahoo facebook myspace hi5 Orkut Netlog no por nada, sino para Dios la religión de Jesús ateo católico evangélica católica iglesia evangélica jugar jugando Splinter juego de la célula que nunca crecen haciendo como aumentar el intercambio de carcasa del monitor ratón teclado bios más fresco procesador número de frutas animales destinados al consumo Spyke crisloguer cromo FIREFOR es decir moxilla Explorer Netscape archivo zilla opensuse ubuntu gentoo retroceder Infinity Ward sistema telefónico 180 220 centígrados ° 360 ° 60 ° 120 ° kelvin farenheit rapis libre planeta un mundo mejor en la tierra la paz el amor pasión para el sexo lux túnel de bloc de notas bob clon parche coches de calle tecnología de la información de ordenador enchufe pastor
- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 6969
Gerard Marino at VGA 2010
http://www.StuffWeLike.com interviews Gerard Marino from God of War 3 at the Video Game Aw...
published: 12 Dec 2010
Gerard Marino at VGA 2010
http://www.StuffWeLike.com interviews Gerard Marino from God of War 3 at the Video Game Awards.
Watch more of our interviews from the 2010 VGA's: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=9F563098B0DA01B8
- published: 12 Dec 2010
- views: 590
God of War III OST: Rage Of Sparta
OST Download: http://www.ostproject.co.cc/component/content/article/36-ost/209-god-of-war-...
published: 16 Mar 2010
God of War III OST: Rage Of Sparta
OST Download: http://www.ostproject.co.cc/component/content/article/36-ost/209-god-of-war-iii
Other OSTs: http://www.ostproject.co.cc/soundtracks/alphabetical
- published: 16 Mar 2010
- views: 363080
Gerard K. Marino - The End Begins ( God of War 2 Soundtrack ) Main Theme
This music is God of War 2 start the music. ( Bu müzik God Of War 2'nin başlangıç müziğidi...
published: 04 Aug 2009
Gerard K. Marino - The End Begins ( God of War 2 Soundtrack ) Main Theme
This music is God of War 2 start the music. ( Bu müzik God Of War 2'nin başlangıç müziğidir. )
- published: 04 Aug 2009
- views: 8994
Geekscape at The VGAs - God of War Composer Gerard Marino!
Geekscape's Brian Walton attended the 2010 Spike TV VGAs where he talked to God of War ser...
published: 27 Dec 2010
Geekscape at The VGAs - God of War Composer Gerard Marino!
Geekscape's Brian Walton attended the 2010 Spike TV VGAs where he talked to God of War series composer Gerard Marino about scoring one of the most beloved franchises in video games! He even got a chance to compose the VGA audience!
For more Geekscape hilarity, including movies, videogame and comic book news and review, check out:
- published: 27 Dec 2010
- views: 64
Gerard Marino, Tommy Tallarico, Akira Yamaoka e Martin Leung tocando Tema de Crono Trigger VGL 2010
Uma musica foi o ápice da noite do Video Games Live Brasil 2010, reunindo todos os convida...
published: 12 Oct 2010
Gerard Marino, Tommy Tallarico, Akira Yamaoka e Martin Leung tocando Tema de Crono Trigger VGL 2010
Uma musica foi o ápice da noite do Video Games Live Brasil 2010, reunindo todos os convidados especiais, Gerard Marino, compositor da musica do jogo God Of War, Tommy Tallarico, Akira Yamaoka e Martin Leung além do maestro Emmanuel Fratianni e a Orquestra Sinfônica de Villa-Lobos. Eles se uniram para tocar o tema do classico game Crono Trigger e sua seqüência Crono Cross. Magnífico.
Quer saber mais sobre a Orquestra Villa-Lobos acesse (não achei site contando a história da orquestra, mas vai a história de quem deu o nome a orquestra. Se quiserem indicar um site agradeço :D)
Quer saber mais sobre Tommy acesse:
Quer saber mais sobre Emmanuel acesse:
Quer saber mais sobre Akira acesse:
http://www.blog.konami.jp/gs/cat67/index.php (site em japonês)
Quer saber mais sobre Gerard acesse:
Quer saber mais sobre o Game Crono Trigger acesse:
Quer saber mais sobre o Game Crono Cross acesse:
Quer saber mais sobre o Video Games Live acesse:
- published: 12 Oct 2010
- views: 502
Youtube results:
Free God of War 3 + Ps 3 Slim █ [Soundtracks] Gerard Marino - Athens Rooftops Fighting
Free God of War 3 + Ps 3 Slim █ [Soundtracks] http://gowonps3.tk
"god of war 3" "...
published: 25 Jul 2010
Free God of War 3 + Ps 3 Slim █ [Soundtracks] Gerard Marino - Athens Rooftops Fighting
Free God of War 3 + Ps 3 Slim █ [Soundtracks] http://gowonps3.tk
"god of war 3" "free ps 3" "free playstation 3" "soundtrack" "game music" "free god of war music" "kratos" "athena" "battle game" "game console"
- published: 25 Jul 2010
- views: 109
[VGLME] Gerard Marino conducts the God of War Medley (14/12/12)
This past weekend, gamers were brought to tears with the first ever Video Games Live perfo...
published: 17 Dec 2012
[VGLME] Gerard Marino conducts the God of War Medley (14/12/12)
This past weekend, gamers were brought to tears with the first ever Video Games Live performance in the Middle East that took place in Dubai.
Check out the rest of the videos here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyz8uATkc6IEXy3ujcW6Iv_ilQyFbBcas&feature;=view_all
- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 52
God of War 3 Soundtrack - Call to Arms - Gerard Marino
Track 2 vom offiziellen God of War 3 Soundtrack. (Bei Interesse kommen Lyrics in die Besch...
published: 17 Feb 2013
God of War 3 Soundtrack - Call to Arms - Gerard Marino
Track 2 vom offiziellen God of War 3 Soundtrack. (Bei Interesse kommen Lyrics in die Beschreibung)
Titel: Call to Arms
Interpret(en): Gerard Marino
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consolewars: http://teicksps3.consolewars.de/
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Viel Spaß und danke für jedes Feedback!
- published: 17 Feb 2013
- views: 15