Penguins, explained

Edit Vox 25 Apr 2016
After all, why else would two emperor penguins march to some corner of Antarctica, brave temperatures of 70 degrees below zero and lashing 100 mph winds, swim through leopard seal-infested waters, and all that other stuff, just so they can give birth to another generation of penguins? ... In terms of the food chain, animals like sharks, seals, leopard seals, and killer whales consider penguins a meal....

World Penguin Day: an Antarctic cruise that offers the chance to celebrate these brave birds

Edit The Independent 25 Apr 2016
Whales have a special day, pangolins too, and every December all things simian are celebrated, so it seems only right that penguins should be similarly lauded with World Penguin Day on 25 April ... Like the other 185 passengers onboard the Ocean Endeavour, departing from Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego, I wanted to be wowed by breaching whales, leopard seals’ bloodlust, and nature’s borderless paragliders, albatrosses ... ....

The World's Longest Honeymoon Reaches 7 Continents

Edit Huffington Post 01 Apr 2016
Most world records sound terrifying, painful, or just plain ridiculous. Until this ... And they aren't done yet ... We vowed to return someday ... Photo credit ... Penguins walk right up to you and inspect your camera gear, seals do acrobatics around your kayak, and whales ride the waves of your expedition ship ... At first SUP sounds like a crazy idea...balancing on a wobbly board over icy waters with mischievous leopard seals swimming nearby? Nuts ... ....

150,000 Antarctica Penguins Perish After Giant Iceberg Traps Colony On Land

Edit Inquisitr 14 Feb 2016
About 150,000 Adélie penguins, native to Cape Denison in Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica, have perished after their access to the sea — their source of food — was blocked by a giant iceberg which has inched up the bay for more than 20 years ... “It’s eerily silent [there] now ... “The ones that are surviving are clearly struggling ... They are in turn preyed upon by leopard seals, skua and orcas ... The Inquisitr News ....

First Crabeater Seal Spotted In Victoria Since 1999 (Premier of Victoria)

Edit Public Technologies 19 Jan 2016
Victorian Government zoologists have confirmed a blond seal currently at Anglesea Beach is a Crab-eater Seal (Lobodon carcinophagus), which are rare vagrants to Victorian waters ... Similar in appearance to Crab-eater Seals are Leopard Seals. Leopards are larger, with a distinctive head profile and longer fore flippers ... The VBA has 179 accepted records of the Leopard Seal, the last in 2010 at Wilsons Promontory....

Animal Planet on the Looney Front, Part 5

Edit Huffington Post 03 Jan 2016
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), seals and sea lions are "second cousins," composing together with walruses the three families of pinnipeds (fin-footed in Latin) ... Elephant Seal ... Your Regular Neighbourhood Seal ... Sailing through the spectacular Lemaire Channel, its impossibly jagged peaks soaring up on either side, sometimes only a few hundred metres apart, we pass leopard seals basking on ice floes....

Seals "photobomb" underwater photographer

Edit The Daily Telegraph 13 Dec 2015
Photographs show leopard seals joining in the fun and smiling at the camera. ....

Peeking into the Underwater World of Leopard Seals (UCSD - University of California - San ...

Edit Public Technologies 19 Nov 2015
In the pristine wilds of the Antarctic, the mysterious leopard seal rules the animal kingdom ... Over the course of two field seasons during 2013-2014, Krause and his colleagues attached Crittercams to the backs of seven different leopard seals at Cape Shirreff, a remote NOAA field camp located on Livingston Island in the Antarctic Peninsula—one of the top three fastest warming areas on the planet....

An enemy sky-high

Edit Deccan Herald 02 Nov 2015
Then he saw it. a juvenile red-tailed hawk circling nearby ... Recreational drone users have driven lounging seals and their pups into the ocean and frightened otters into diving at Morro Bay, said Scott Kathey, the federal regulatory coordinator of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in California ... Drones have helped scientists unobtrusively survey penguins, leopard seals, sandhill cranes and dugongs ... deployed ... Taking advantage ... ....

How China could change the future of Antarctica's Southern Ocean

Edit China Daily 27 Oct 2015
Antarctica may be one of the coldest and harshest places on Earth, but it is teeming with life. This is especially true in the Southern Ocean, where penguins, whales, leopard seals, toothfish, and a plethora of other marine life have thrived, largely undisturbed by humans -- due to both the region's remote location and the existence of multinational agreements that limit fishing. But this unique environment now faces a triple threat ... ....

How China Could Change the Future of Antarcticas Southern Ocean (The Pew Charitable Trusts)

Edit Public Technologies 19 Oct 2015
(Source. The Pew Charitable Trusts). Antarctica may be one of the coldest and harshest places on Earth, but it is teeming with life. This is especially true in the Southern Ocean, where penguins, whales, leopard seals, toothfish, and a plethora of other marine life have thrived, largely undisturbed by humans-due to both the region's remote location and the existence of multinational agreements that limit fishing ... distributed by ... (noodl....

Chile to Create Patagonia Marine Protected Area Network (Wildlife Conservation Society)

Edit Public Technologies 06 Oct 2015
(Source. Wildlife Conservation Society). **NEWS RELEASE**. CONTACT.. JOHN DELANEY. (1-718-220-3275; ). STEPHEN SAUTNER. (1-718-220-3682; ... New network will protect whales, dolphins, seals, seabirds and world's largest fjord region ... Other marine mammals include the Chilean dolphin, Peale's dolphin, Commerson's dolphin, southern sea lions, South American fur seals, southern elephant seals, and leopard seals....

Boy hurt in seal attack

Edit Otago Daily Times 30 Sep 2015
A Gisborne boy has been attacked by a large seal at ... The seal, believed to be an adult fur or leopard seal, disappeared into the sea after the attack....