Trust for Nature

Thursday, 3 March 2016 - 7:00am
RACV City Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne

Pip Job was awarded the RIRDC Rural Woman of the Year 2014. Pip has been a beef cattle producer for 20 years and has worked in the not-for-profit sector for the last 10 years, including as CEO of the Little River Landcare Group.

Pip is now leading a new initiative within the NSW Department of Primary Industries Business Resilience team, creating tools and resources to support farming families and business in dealing with a diverse range of challenges.

Pip is an advocate for sustainable agriculture, where principles contribute towards healthy landscapes, productive and profitable businesses, happy families and thriving communities. Pip established her first business at the age of 14, and has experienced firsthand the impacts of drought as a grazier, business-woman and mother, and has worked closely with her community to bring about change in the way people approach difficulties such as drought. Pip’s RIRD Rural Women’s Award bursary project, ‘Positive Farming Footprints’ has explored the concept of farming-family resilience and the social barriers blocking their progress. Pip continues to explore the aspects of societal and business resilience, and developing tools and programs that enhance farming-family performance and happiness.

Pip’s professional career within Landcare has resulted in her being inducted into the Australian Businesswomen’s Hall of Fame and awarded the 2015 NSW Landcare Facilitator Award. Pip is a member of the Primary Industries Ministerial Advisory Council and a budding Holistic Management Educator.

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