Radom z drona | 2022 | Radom z lotu ptaka | LECE W MIASTO™ [4k]
Radom z drona | 2022 | Radom z lotu ptaka
Radom jest miastem leżącym w centralnej Polsce w województwie mazowieckim nad rzeką Mleczną. Do roku 1975 w województwie kieleckim, w latach 1975-1998 stolica województwa radomskiego, a od roku 1998 miasto powiatowe.
Nazwa Radom pojawia się po raz pierwszy w źródłach historycznych w 1155 r. i ma to miejsce w bulli papieża Hadriana IV - przywileju dla biskupstwa wrocławskiego.
Najstarsza osada wczesnośredniowieczna powstała u schyłku VIII w. po obu stronach rzeki Mlecznej, na północny zachód od obecnego kopca - "Piotrówki". Zbudowano tu osadę o charakterze wiejskim, trzebiąc tereny leśne. Osadnicy spalili drewno uzyskując w ten sposób warstwę próchnicy ornej. Ta najstarsza osada miała zapewne nieregularny układ z luźną, rozproszoną zabudową. Teren...
published: 12 May 2022
41 RZECZY, które WK&€$£J@ w RADOMIU
WSPIERAJ KANAŁ - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhtAn1MT600xiNiX8ErnyQ/join
Radom, Radom...Wy już wiecie kto jedzie prawda? Stolica Chytrych Bab, Dresów i wszelkiej maści odchyleń od normy wita Cię i zaprasza na wycieczkę krajoznawczą, dzięki której poznasz to miasto na wylot. To był cudowny czas móc je odwiedzić, bo podejrzewam, że gdyby nie ten film, to nigdy bym tu nie przyjechał.A tak - spędziłem miło czas oglądając ten zabytek w formie miasta.
A tak serio - ten odcinek powstał we współpracy z Wami - autochtonami, bo to Wy wypisaliście mi wszystkie rzeczy, które Was wkurzają, czy irytują w tym mieście. Każde miasto, które odwiedzamy to zawsze fantastyczna przygoda i kocham każde, bo każde jest piękne! Radom też.
Współpraca: zzzdupy@gmail.com
published: 28 Sep 2022
1) Korzystajcie z tego linku, żeby uzbierać 1000 zgłoszeń, dzięki temu rozdam Wam dodatkowe karty podarunkowe: https://pro-players.pl/mediaexpert-doladowania-playstation
2) Jeżeli zakupicie karty podarunkowe za min. 50 zł w Media Expert w terminie 29.05.2024 - 12.06.2024, to bierzcie udział w konkursie. Macie okazje wygrać dodatkowe 100 zł w kartach podarunkowych! OSTATNIE GODZINY! Tutaj więcej o konkursie: https://pro-players.pl
Współpraca reklamowa z Playstation #reklama
📑 Współpraca ► deal@przemek.pro
📸 INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/przemek.pro/
📸 TIKTOK ► przemek.pro
montaż: @dawidkowolik
operator: Rafał Sioma
published: 12 Jun 2024
Squash - Random (Official Video)
Official Video for "Random" by Squash
Produced by The Polo Store Entertainment
Buy/Stream: https://Hapilos.lnk.to/Squash-Random
#squash #random #6ix
published: 28 Nov 2022
In this episode, Ryan Socash visits Radom - a city which is considered for more industrial than touristic, but as it turns out, this place is full of incredible buildings, local traditions, and rich history. Is Radom worth a visit? Watch our video and you will find out!
Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, POLAND IN is Poland's first English-language channel where you can find out more about Poland's economy and politics, explore Polish art and culture and find out what makes our country unique. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and experience the best of Poland!
published: 08 Jan 2020
Radom. Kiedyś i dziś. Historia i współczesność miasta
Przybliżamy nieznaną powszechnie historię Radomia. Jakim miastem był Radom w przeszłości? Jak wygląda Radom kiedyś i dziś? Co zwiedzić w Radomiu i co trzeba wiedzieć przed odwiedzeniem miasta. Ten film ma też pokazać inną stronę miasta, z którym ciągle kojarzy się tylko słynna chytra baba z Radomia.
źródła przebitek:
materiały promocyjne Urzędu Miasta Radom, fotopolska.pl, fotopolska.eu, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T47iP_ki2vo
Materiał powstał do celów edukacyjnych.
published: 10 Jul 2022
Radom 1939 w kolorze, niezwykły film
published: 14 Jan 2021
K-POP RANDOM DANCE in TOULOUSE (France) by Forget Just Enjoy.
Merci à Toulouse pour nous avoir invité à cette 1ère édition de la Fête des associations !
Youtube Channel:
Time code :
0:00 = Debut
0:48 = NCT DOJAEJUNG - Perfume
1:48 = aespa - SUPERNOVA
6:25 = IVE - I AM
10:06 = KISS OF LIFE - Midas Touch
10:35 = TXT - Happily Ever After
11:10 = TWICE - Fancy
11:42 = NCT 127 - Fact Check
12:23 = VIVIZ - MANIAC
14:39 = New Jeans - Super Shy
15:30 = Enhypen - Bite Me
17:11 ...
published: 16 Jun 2024
Fabryka Broni "Łucznik" – Radom Factory Tour
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.forgottenweapons.com
Fabryka Broni originally dates to 1925, when it was set up as a factory to make small arms for the Polish military. It was occupied be German forces during World War Two and on the post-war Communist years it was designated Factory 11 - it's products are identified by an oval around the number 11. It reverted to a state-owned metalworks company in 1990, but went bankrupt in 2000 and was taken over by a private concern. It is currently under private ownership and produces the MSBS Grot for the Polish military (and export sales), as well as Beryl rifles, various handguns, and other small arms. When I...
published: 23 Jun 2023
G-Eazy - Random (Official Audio)
G-Eazy new album "When It's Dark Out" Available Now! Get it on:
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDO?IQid=yt
Stream on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDOs?IQid=yt
Google Play: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDOg?IQid=yt
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDOa?IQid=yt
Follow G-Eazy:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/G.Eazy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/g_eazy
Instagram: https://instagram.com/G_Eazy
#GEazy #Random #Vevo #HipHop #OfficialAudio
published: 30 Oct 2015
Radom z drona | 2022 | Radom z lotu ptaka | LECE W MIASTO™ [4k]
Radom z drona | 2022 | Radom z lotu ptaka
Radom jest miastem leżącym w centralnej Polsce w województwie mazowieckim nad rzeką Mleczną. Do roku 1975 w województ...
Radom z drona | 2022 | Radom z lotu ptaka
Radom jest miastem leżącym w centralnej Polsce w województwie mazowieckim nad rzeką Mleczną. Do roku 1975 w województwie kieleckim, w latach 1975-1998 stolica województwa radomskiego, a od roku 1998 miasto powiatowe.
Nazwa Radom pojawia się po raz pierwszy w źródłach historycznych w 1155 r. i ma to miejsce w bulli papieża Hadriana IV - przywileju dla biskupstwa wrocławskiego.
Najstarsza osada wczesnośredniowieczna powstała u schyłku VIII w. po obu stronach rzeki Mlecznej, na północny zachód od obecnego kopca - "Piotrówki". Zbudowano tu osadę o charakterze wiejskim, trzebiąc tereny leśne. Osadnicy spalili drewno uzyskując w ten sposób warstwę próchnicy ornej. Ta najstarsza osada miała zapewne nieregularny układ z luźną, rozproszoną zabudową. Teren, na którym powstała był urozmaicony, pofalowany, poprzecinany ciekami lub oczkami wodnymi.
Pod koniec wieku X, na obszarze już dobrze rozwiniętego i ugruntowanego osadnictwa w dolinie rzeki Mlecznej powstaje gród, który od pocz. XI w. staje się siedzibą kasztelanów radomskich. Funkcjonuje aż do 2 poł. XIV w., kiedy wraz z lokacją Nowego Radomia (tzw. Miasto Kazimierzowskie) traci swą funkcję. Obecnie grodzisko ma kształt nasypu na planie koła o średnicy podstawy ok. 135 m i wysokości 8 m.
Centralna część grodziska została zniszczona przez niwelację dokonaną w XIV-XV w. Wewnątrz grodu, już prawdopodobnie w XII w., funkcjonował drewniany kościółek pod wezwaniem św. Piotra (w czasie badań nie odkryto jego śladów) i stąd pochodzi nazwa grodziska - "Piotrówka". O jego istnieniu świadczą informacje w źródłach historycznych, m.in. w dokumencie z 1222 r., nadającym kościół benedyktynom sieciechowskim.
Radom znany jest głównie z Zakładów Metalowych "Łucznik", fabryki obuwia "Radoskór" oraz z corocznych pokazów lotniczych na przełomie sierpnia i września: Air Show.
Źródło: https://www.odleglosci.pl/mapa,polski,Radom,opis,1.html
▸ Socialmedia:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/lecewmiasto
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lecewmiasto
Website: http://www.lecewmiasto.pl
▸ Music:
Jones Meadow - Flares
Epidemic sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/man3bw
▸ Współpraca, licencje na materiały oraz zapytania biznesowe:
✉️ lecewmiasto@gmail.com
00:00 Radom
▸Copyright © Lecewmiasto | All rights reserved |
#radom #2022 #lecewmiasto
Radom z drona | 2022 | Radom z lotu ptaka
Radom jest miastem leżącym w centralnej Polsce w województwie mazowieckim nad rzeką Mleczną. Do roku 1975 w województwie kieleckim, w latach 1975-1998 stolica województwa radomskiego, a od roku 1998 miasto powiatowe.
Nazwa Radom pojawia się po raz pierwszy w źródłach historycznych w 1155 r. i ma to miejsce w bulli papieża Hadriana IV - przywileju dla biskupstwa wrocławskiego.
Najstarsza osada wczesnośredniowieczna powstała u schyłku VIII w. po obu stronach rzeki Mlecznej, na północny zachód od obecnego kopca - "Piotrówki". Zbudowano tu osadę o charakterze wiejskim, trzebiąc tereny leśne. Osadnicy spalili drewno uzyskując w ten sposób warstwę próchnicy ornej. Ta najstarsza osada miała zapewne nieregularny układ z luźną, rozproszoną zabudową. Teren, na którym powstała był urozmaicony, pofalowany, poprzecinany ciekami lub oczkami wodnymi.
Pod koniec wieku X, na obszarze już dobrze rozwiniętego i ugruntowanego osadnictwa w dolinie rzeki Mlecznej powstaje gród, który od pocz. XI w. staje się siedzibą kasztelanów radomskich. Funkcjonuje aż do 2 poł. XIV w., kiedy wraz z lokacją Nowego Radomia (tzw. Miasto Kazimierzowskie) traci swą funkcję. Obecnie grodzisko ma kształt nasypu na planie koła o średnicy podstawy ok. 135 m i wysokości 8 m.
Centralna część grodziska została zniszczona przez niwelację dokonaną w XIV-XV w. Wewnątrz grodu, już prawdopodobnie w XII w., funkcjonował drewniany kościółek pod wezwaniem św. Piotra (w czasie badań nie odkryto jego śladów) i stąd pochodzi nazwa grodziska - "Piotrówka". O jego istnieniu świadczą informacje w źródłach historycznych, m.in. w dokumencie z 1222 r., nadającym kościół benedyktynom sieciechowskim.
Radom znany jest głównie z Zakładów Metalowych "Łucznik", fabryki obuwia "Radoskór" oraz z corocznych pokazów lotniczych na przełomie sierpnia i września: Air Show.
Źródło: https://www.odleglosci.pl/mapa,polski,Radom,opis,1.html
▸ Socialmedia:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/lecewmiasto
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lecewmiasto
Website: http://www.lecewmiasto.pl
▸ Music:
Jones Meadow - Flares
Epidemic sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/man3bw
▸ Współpraca, licencje na materiały oraz zapytania biznesowe:
✉️ lecewmiasto@gmail.com
00:00 Radom
▸Copyright © Lecewmiasto | All rights reserved |
#radom #2022 #lecewmiasto
- published: 12 May 2022
- views: 20848
41 RZECZY, które WK&€$£J@ w RADOMIU
WSPIERAJ KANAŁ - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhtAn1MT600xiNiX8ErnyQ/join
Radom, Radom...Wy już wiecie kto jedzie prawda? Stolica Chytrych Bab, Dresów i ws...
WSPIERAJ KANAŁ - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhtAn1MT600xiNiX8ErnyQ/join
Radom, Radom...Wy już wiecie kto jedzie prawda? Stolica Chytrych Bab, Dresów i wszelkiej maści odchyleń od normy wita Cię i zaprasza na wycieczkę krajoznawczą, dzięki której poznasz to miasto na wylot. To był cudowny czas móc je odwiedzić, bo podejrzewam, że gdyby nie ten film, to nigdy bym tu nie przyjechał.A tak - spędziłem miło czas oglądając ten zabytek w formie miasta.
A tak serio - ten odcinek powstał we współpracy z Wami - autochtonami, bo to Wy wypisaliście mi wszystkie rzeczy, które Was wkurzają, czy irytują w tym mieście. Każde miasto, które odwiedzamy to zawsze fantastyczna przygoda i kocham każde, bo każde jest piękne! Radom też.
Współpraca: zzzdupy@gmail.com
Za muzykę jak zwykle odpowiada RAU
Montaż - Lolo
Zdjęcia - Janek Oryl
WSPIERAJ KANAŁ - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhtAn1MT600xiNiX8ErnyQ/join
Radom, Radom...Wy już wiecie kto jedzie prawda? Stolica Chytrych Bab, Dresów i wszelkiej maści odchyleń od normy wita Cię i zaprasza na wycieczkę krajoznawczą, dzięki której poznasz to miasto na wylot. To był cudowny czas móc je odwiedzić, bo podejrzewam, że gdyby nie ten film, to nigdy bym tu nie przyjechał.A tak - spędziłem miło czas oglądając ten zabytek w formie miasta.
A tak serio - ten odcinek powstał we współpracy z Wami - autochtonami, bo to Wy wypisaliście mi wszystkie rzeczy, które Was wkurzają, czy irytują w tym mieście. Każde miasto, które odwiedzamy to zawsze fantastyczna przygoda i kocham każde, bo każde jest piękne! Radom też.
Współpraca: zzzdupy@gmail.com
Za muzykę jak zwykle odpowiada RAU
Montaż - Lolo
Zdjęcia - Janek Oryl
- published: 28 Sep 2022
- views: 202729
1) Korzystajcie z tego linku, żeby uzbierać 1000 zgłoszeń, dzięki temu rozdam Wam dodatkowe karty podarunkowe: https://pro-players.pl/mediaexpert-doladowania-p...
1) Korzystajcie z tego linku, żeby uzbierać 1000 zgłoszeń, dzięki temu rozdam Wam dodatkowe karty podarunkowe: https://pro-players.pl/mediaexpert-doladowania-playstation
2) Jeżeli zakupicie karty podarunkowe za min. 50 zł w Media Expert w terminie 29.05.2024 - 12.06.2024, to bierzcie udział w konkursie. Macie okazje wygrać dodatkowe 100 zł w kartach podarunkowych! OSTATNIE GODZINY! Tutaj więcej o konkursie: https://pro-players.pl
Współpraca reklamowa z Playstation #reklama
📑 Współpraca ► deal@przemek.pro
📸 INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/przemek.pro/
📸 TIKTOK ► przemek.pro
montaż: @dawidkowolik
operator: Rafał Sioma
1) Korzystajcie z tego linku, żeby uzbierać 1000 zgłoszeń, dzięki temu rozdam Wam dodatkowe karty podarunkowe: https://pro-players.pl/mediaexpert-doladowania-playstation
2) Jeżeli zakupicie karty podarunkowe za min. 50 zł w Media Expert w terminie 29.05.2024 - 12.06.2024, to bierzcie udział w konkursie. Macie okazje wygrać dodatkowe 100 zł w kartach podarunkowych! OSTATNIE GODZINY! Tutaj więcej o konkursie: https://pro-players.pl
Współpraca reklamowa z Playstation #reklama
📑 Współpraca ► deal@przemek.pro
📸 INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/przemek.pro/
📸 TIKTOK ► przemek.pro
montaż: @dawidkowolik
operator: Rafał Sioma
- published: 12 Jun 2024
- views: 131834
Squash - Random (Official Video)
Official Video for "Random" by Squash
Produced by The Polo Store Entertainment
Buy/Stream: https://Hapilos.lnk.to/Squash-Random
#squash #random #6ix
Official Video for "Random" by Squash
Produced by The Polo Store Entertainment
Buy/Stream: https://Hapilos.lnk.to/Squash-Random
#squash #random #6ix
Official Video for "Random" by Squash
Produced by The Polo Store Entertainment
Buy/Stream: https://Hapilos.lnk.to/Squash-Random
#squash #random #6ix
- published: 28 Nov 2022
- views: 4652478
In this episode, Ryan Socash visits Radom - a city which is considered for more industrial than touristic, but as it turns out, this place is full of incredible...
In this episode, Ryan Socash visits Radom - a city which is considered for more industrial than touristic, but as it turns out, this place is full of incredible buildings, local traditions, and rich history. Is Radom worth a visit? Watch our video and you will find out!
Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, POLAND IN is Poland's first English-language channel where you can find out more about Poland's economy and politics, explore Polish art and culture and find out what makes our country unique. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and experience the best of Poland!
In this episode, Ryan Socash visits Radom - a city which is considered for more industrial than touristic, but as it turns out, this place is full of incredible buildings, local traditions, and rich history. Is Radom worth a visit? Watch our video and you will find out!
Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, POLAND IN is Poland's first English-language channel where you can find out more about Poland's economy and politics, explore Polish art and culture and find out what makes our country unique. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and experience the best of Poland!
- published: 08 Jan 2020
- views: 20330
Radom. Kiedyś i dziś. Historia i współczesność miasta
Przybliżamy nieznaną powszechnie historię Radomia. Jakim miastem był Radom w przeszłości? Jak wygląda Radom kiedyś i dziś? Co zwiedzić w Radomiu i co trzeba wie...
Przybliżamy nieznaną powszechnie historię Radomia. Jakim miastem był Radom w przeszłości? Jak wygląda Radom kiedyś i dziś? Co zwiedzić w Radomiu i co trzeba wiedzieć przed odwiedzeniem miasta. Ten film ma też pokazać inną stronę miasta, z którym ciągle kojarzy się tylko słynna chytra baba z Radomia.
źródła przebitek:
materiały promocyjne Urzędu Miasta Radom, fotopolska.pl, fotopolska.eu, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T47iP_ki2vo
Materiał powstał do celów edukacyjnych.
Przybliżamy nieznaną powszechnie historię Radomia. Jakim miastem był Radom w przeszłości? Jak wygląda Radom kiedyś i dziś? Co zwiedzić w Radomiu i co trzeba wiedzieć przed odwiedzeniem miasta. Ten film ma też pokazać inną stronę miasta, z którym ciągle kojarzy się tylko słynna chytra baba z Radomia.
źródła przebitek:
materiały promocyjne Urzędu Miasta Radom, fotopolska.pl, fotopolska.eu, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T47iP_ki2vo
Materiał powstał do celów edukacyjnych.
- published: 10 Jul 2022
- views: 12589
K-POP RANDOM DANCE in TOULOUSE (France) by Forget Just Enjoy.
Merci à Toulouse pour nous avoir invité à cette 1ère édition de la Fête des associations !
Youtube Channel:
Merci à Toulouse pour nous avoir invité à cette 1ère édition de la Fête des associations !
Youtube Channel:
Time code :
0:00 = Debut
0:48 = NCT DOJAEJUNG - Perfume
1:48 = aespa - SUPERNOVA
6:25 = IVE - I AM
10:06 = KISS OF LIFE - Midas Touch
10:35 = TXT - Happily Ever After
11:10 = TWICE - Fancy
11:42 = NCT 127 - Fact Check
12:23 = VIVIZ - MANIAC
14:39 = New Jeans - Super Shy
15:30 = Enhypen - Bite Me
17:11 = Kai - ROVER
17:55 = ITZY - Born to Be
18:37 = Jimin - Like Crazy
19:26 = JIHYO - Killin' me good
20:07 = EXO - Love Shot
21:14 = NAYEON - POP
21:58 = RIIZE - Siren
22:40 = Jennie - You & Me (Coachella ver.)
24:00 = Jungkook - Standing next to you (Break only)
24:50 = Red Velvet - Peek a Boo
25:20 = B.I - Keep me Up
26:17 = XG - Puppet Show
27:17 = PSY - That That
28:05 = Lisa - Money
30:04 = BlackPink - Shut Down
30:40 = ZEROBASEONE - In Bloom
31:22 = (G)-IDLE - QUEENCARD
Merci à Toulouse pour nous avoir invité à cette 1ère édition de la Fête des associations !
Youtube Channel:
Time code :
0:00 = Debut
0:48 = NCT DOJAEJUNG - Perfume
1:48 = aespa - SUPERNOVA
6:25 = IVE - I AM
10:06 = KISS OF LIFE - Midas Touch
10:35 = TXT - Happily Ever After
11:10 = TWICE - Fancy
11:42 = NCT 127 - Fact Check
12:23 = VIVIZ - MANIAC
14:39 = New Jeans - Super Shy
15:30 = Enhypen - Bite Me
17:11 = Kai - ROVER
17:55 = ITZY - Born to Be
18:37 = Jimin - Like Crazy
19:26 = JIHYO - Killin' me good
20:07 = EXO - Love Shot
21:14 = NAYEON - POP
21:58 = RIIZE - Siren
22:40 = Jennie - You & Me (Coachella ver.)
24:00 = Jungkook - Standing next to you (Break only)
24:50 = Red Velvet - Peek a Boo
25:20 = B.I - Keep me Up
26:17 = XG - Puppet Show
27:17 = PSY - That That
28:05 = Lisa - Money
30:04 = BlackPink - Shut Down
30:40 = ZEROBASEONE - In Bloom
31:22 = (G)-IDLE - QUEENCARD
- published: 16 Jun 2024
- views: 9666
Fabryka Broni "Łucznik" – Radom Factory Tour
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch!...
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.forgottenweapons.com
Fabryka Broni originally dates to 1925, when it was set up as a factory to make small arms for the Polish military. It was occupied be German forces during World War Two and on the post-war Communist years it was designated Factory 11 - it's products are identified by an oval around the number 11. It reverted to a state-owned metalworks company in 1990, but went bankrupt in 2000 and was taken over by a private concern. It is currently under private ownership and produces the MSBS Grot for the Polish military (and export sales), as well as Beryl rifles, various handguns, and other small arms. When I visited Poland I had the chance to visit, and the factory was happy to let me film a tour of the operation. This is a really cool look at how small arms factories operate; most such factories do not allow this sort of filming. Thanks to FB for the opportunity!
Forgotten Weapons
6281 N. Oracle 36270
Tucson, AZ 85740
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.forgottenweapons.com
Fabryka Broni originally dates to 1925, when it was set up as a factory to make small arms for the Polish military. It was occupied be German forces during World War Two and on the post-war Communist years it was designated Factory 11 - it's products are identified by an oval around the number 11. It reverted to a state-owned metalworks company in 1990, but went bankrupt in 2000 and was taken over by a private concern. It is currently under private ownership and produces the MSBS Grot for the Polish military (and export sales), as well as Beryl rifles, various handguns, and other small arms. When I visited Poland I had the chance to visit, and the factory was happy to let me film a tour of the operation. This is a really cool look at how small arms factories operate; most such factories do not allow this sort of filming. Thanks to FB for the opportunity!
Forgotten Weapons
6281 N. Oracle 36270
Tucson, AZ 85740
- published: 23 Jun 2023
- views: 230830
G-Eazy - Random (Official Audio)
G-Eazy new album "When It's Dark Out" Available Now! Get it on:
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDO?IQid=yt
Stream on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDOs?IQ...
G-Eazy new album "When It's Dark Out" Available Now! Get it on:
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDO?IQid=yt
Stream on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDOs?IQid=yt
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#GEazy #Random #Vevo #HipHop #OfficialAudio
G-Eazy new album "When It's Dark Out" Available Now! Get it on:
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDO?IQid=yt
Stream on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDOs?IQid=yt
Google Play: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDOg?IQid=yt
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/GEazyWIDOa?IQid=yt
Follow G-Eazy:
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#GEazy #Random #Vevo #HipHop #OfficialAudio
- published: 30 Oct 2015
- views: 36323647
#GhanaDecides2024: Comprehensive coverage of the 2024 elections
#GhanaDecides2024: Comprehensive coverage of the 2024 elections
published: 09 Dec 2024
"I don't care if you think I'm Satan reincarnated": Biden #shorts
"The fact is, you can't look at that television and say 'nothing happened' on the 6th."
U.S. President Joe Biden spoke out about the Capitol Hill riots while at a town hall event.
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published: 22 Jul 2021
Alex Glaser- Using Algorithm X to reanalyse the last UK general election | PyData Global 2020
Donald Knuth’s Algorithm X is a tried-and-tested technique to find solutions for the ‘Exact Cover’ problem, e.g. Sudoku. We’ll give a brief overview of this algorithm and use it to re-analyse the results from the last UK general election using alternative voting systems.
PyData is an educational program of NumFOCUS, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States. PyData provides a forum for the international community of users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other. The global PyData network promotes discussion of best practices, new approaches, and emerging technologies for data management, processing, analytics, and visualization. PyData communities approach data science using many languages, including (but not limit...
published: 05 Jan 2021
On Camera, Rahul Gandhi Gets Angry On A Fan Trying To Take Selfie | #shorts | #viralvideo
Times Now - Times Now News channel examines news with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the latest news and breaking news of the day. Times Network houses upscale television channels.
Times Network takes the lead with its ground-breaking innovation and disruption of a new content category. The Times Network channels, which have a global footprint in 100 countries, inform, entertain, and engage viewers of all ages with fascinating and intriguing content, news, and information.
Watch News In-App or on Web: https://timesnow.page.link/V9Hh
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published: 21 Dec 2022
Mixed-Member Proportional Representation Explained
Help support videos like this: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey
Also, if you've never need a Kakapo before you must watch this Stephen Fry video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T1vfsHYiKY
published: 26 Sep 2011
Parliament | എന്താണ് പാർലമെന്റ് ? Election 2019 | how to vote #India
Parliament is the supreme legislative body of a country. Parliament of India consists of the President and the two Houses known as the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and the House of the People (Lok Sabha). The drafting Committee under BR Ambedkar recommended the parliamentary type of government.
how to vote #India
Watch full stories in Malayalam here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E9KdYoFTDQ&list;=PLMRs5-AB1nuQaV5jHU9t4zOrCdiI_jpYm
Visit us at - www.magicbox.co.in
Subscribe Here: http://www.youtube.com/user/MagicboxMalSto?sub_confirmation=1
published: 30 Mar 2019
The Results of Russia’s 2021 Parliamentary Elections: How Should We Understand Them? (9/27/21)
Join us for a meeting of the New York-Russia Public Policy Series, co-hosted by the Harriman Institute at Columbia University and the New York University Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia. In this first event of the academic year, our panelists will discuss the results and importance of Russia’s Duma elections for parliament held on September 19, 2021.
The ruling United Russia party is widely expected to maintain its majority in Parliament, even though it is was polling at its lowest level of support among Russian voters in over a decade prior to the vote. At the same time, the Russian government has been accused of cracking down on prominent members of the political opposition—including anti-corruption activist Alexey Navalny and members of his network—as well as weakening t...
published: 27 Sep 2021
Transatlantic Conversations: Lawmaking and Representation in the U.S. and the U.K.
The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress and the American Trust for the British Library welcome Baroness Ann Taylor, current member of the House of Lords and former Labour Member of Parliament and former Leader of the House of Commons; Steve Norris, former Conservative Member of Parliament; Tom Graves, former Republican Representative from Georgia; and Donna Edwards, former Democratic Representative from Maryland for this conversation.
For transcript and more information, visit https://www.loc.gov/item/webcast-10809
published: 23 May 2023
"Unlike Bofors, Adani..." | Neerja Chowdhury On How Cong Has Become A "Drawing Room" Party | Barkha
#RahulGandhi #Modi #Adani
Neerja Chowdhury, senior journalist & author, who has covered over 10 general elections, shares her opinion on Congress' current state of affairs and Rahul Gandhi's obsession over Gautam Adani.
Whether it was our relentless coverage of the horrific Kolkata rape & murder, or our continued coverage of the Manipur crisis, or the #MeToo storm that took over the Malayalam movie industry - we report what you want to see, and what affects you. Mojo Story is always People First. Honest, compassionate, courageous.
Support our impact ground reporting fund now, click here: https://razorpay.me/@mojostory
Subscribe to us for more updates:
Follow us on Twitter: / themojostory
Like us on Facebook: / themojostory
Instagram: / mojostory.in
published: 10 Dec 2024
BREXIT - Predicting the Brexit UK Election Results by Constituency using Twitter Location
BREXIT: Predicting the Brexit UK Election Results by Constituency using Twitter Location based Sentiment and Machine Learning
James Usher and Pierpaolo Dondio, School of Computing
Technological University Dublin, Ireland
After parliament failed to approve his revised version of the ‘Withdrawal Agreement’, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson called a snap general election in October 2019 to capitalise on his growing support to ‘Get Brexit Done’. Johnson’s belief was that he had enough support countrywide to gain a majority to push his Brexit mandate through parliament based on a parliamentary seat majority strategy. The increased availability of large-scale Twitter data provides rich information for the study of constituency dynamics. In Twitter, the location of tweets can be identifi...
published: 04 Jul 2022
"I don't care if you think I'm Satan reincarnated": Biden #shorts
"The fact is, you can't look at that television and say 'nothing happened' on the 6th."
U.S. President Joe Biden spoke out about the Capitol Hill riots while ...
"The fact is, you can't look at that television and say 'nothing happened' on the 6th."
U.S. President Joe Biden spoke out about the Capitol Hill riots while at a town hall event.
Subscribe to CTV News to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/ctvnews
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CTV News is Canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.
"The fact is, you can't look at that television and say 'nothing happened' on the 6th."
U.S. President Joe Biden spoke out about the Capitol Hill riots while at a town hall event.
Subscribe to CTV News to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/ctvnews
Connect with CTV News:
For the latest news visit: http://www.ctvnews.ca/
For a full video offering visit the CTV News Network: http://www.ctvnews.ca/video
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CTV News is Canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.
- published: 22 Jul 2021
- views: 4847418
Alex Glaser- Using Algorithm X to reanalyse the last UK general election | PyData Global 2020
Donald Knuth’s Algorithm X is a tried-and-tested technique to find solutions for the ‘Exact Cover’ problem, e.g. Sudoku. We’ll give a brief overview of th...
Donald Knuth’s Algorithm X is a tried-and-tested technique to find solutions for the ‘Exact Cover’ problem, e.g. Sudoku. We’ll give a brief overview of this algorithm and use it to re-analyse the results from the last UK general election using alternative voting systems.
PyData is an educational program of NumFOCUS, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States. PyData provides a forum for the international community of users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other. The global PyData network promotes discussion of best practices, new approaches, and emerging technologies for data management, processing, analytics, and visualization. PyData communities approach data science using many languages, including (but not limited to) Python, Julia, and R.
PyData conferences aim to be accessible and community-driven, with novice to advanced level presentations. PyData tutorials and talks bring attendees the latest project features along with cutting-edge use cases. 00:00 Welcome!
00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.
Want to help add timestamps to our YouTube videos to help with discoverability? Find out more here: https://github.com/numfocus/YouTubeVideoTimestamps
Donald Knuth’s Algorithm X is a tried-and-tested technique to find solutions for the ‘Exact Cover’ problem, e.g. Sudoku. We’ll give a brief overview of this algorithm and use it to re-analyse the results from the last UK general election using alternative voting systems.
PyData is an educational program of NumFOCUS, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States. PyData provides a forum for the international community of users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other. The global PyData network promotes discussion of best practices, new approaches, and emerging technologies for data management, processing, analytics, and visualization. PyData communities approach data science using many languages, including (but not limited to) Python, Julia, and R.
PyData conferences aim to be accessible and community-driven, with novice to advanced level presentations. PyData tutorials and talks bring attendees the latest project features along with cutting-edge use cases. 00:00 Welcome!
00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.
Want to help add timestamps to our YouTube videos to help with discoverability? Find out more here: https://github.com/numfocus/YouTubeVideoTimestamps
- published: 05 Jan 2021
- views: 814
On Camera, Rahul Gandhi Gets Angry On A Fan Trying To Take Selfie | #shorts | #viralvideo
Times Now - Times Now News channel examines news with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the latest news and breaking news of the day. Times Network h...
Times Now - Times Now News channel examines news with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the latest news and breaking news of the day. Times Network houses upscale television channels.
Times Network takes the lead with its ground-breaking innovation and disruption of a new content category. The Times Network channels, which have a global footprint in 100 countries, inform, entertain, and engage viewers of all ages with fascinating and intriguing content, news, and information.
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Times Now - Times Now News channel examines news with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the latest news and breaking news of the day. Times Network houses upscale television channels.
Times Network takes the lead with its ground-breaking innovation and disruption of a new content category. The Times Network channels, which have a global footprint in 100 countries, inform, entertain, and engage viewers of all ages with fascinating and intriguing content, news, and information.
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- published: 21 Dec 2022
- views: 2297874
Mixed-Member Proportional Representation Explained
Help support videos like this: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey
Also, if you've never need a Kakapo before you must watch this Stephen Fry video: http://www.you...
Help support videos like this: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey
Also, if you've never need a Kakapo before you must watch this Stephen Fry video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T1vfsHYiKY
Help support videos like this: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey
Also, if you've never need a Kakapo before you must watch this Stephen Fry video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T1vfsHYiKY
- published: 26 Sep 2011
- views: 2823597
Parliament | എന്താണ് പാർലമെന്റ് ? Election 2019 | how to vote #India
Parliament is the supreme legislative body of a country. Parliament of India consists of the President and the two Houses known as the Council of States (Rajya ...
Parliament is the supreme legislative body of a country. Parliament of India consists of the President and the two Houses known as the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and the House of the People (Lok Sabha). The drafting Committee under BR Ambedkar recommended the parliamentary type of government.
how to vote #India
Watch full stories in Malayalam here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E9KdYoFTDQ&list;=PLMRs5-AB1nuQaV5jHU9t4zOrCdiI_jpYm
Visit us at - www.magicbox.co.in
Subscribe Here: http://www.youtube.com/user/MagicboxMalSto?sub_confirmation=1
Parliament is the supreme legislative body of a country. Parliament of India consists of the President and the two Houses known as the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and the House of the People (Lok Sabha). The drafting Committee under BR Ambedkar recommended the parliamentary type of government.
how to vote #India
Watch full stories in Malayalam here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E9KdYoFTDQ&list;=PLMRs5-AB1nuQaV5jHU9t4zOrCdiI_jpYm
Visit us at - www.magicbox.co.in
Subscribe Here: http://www.youtube.com/user/MagicboxMalSto?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 30 Mar 2019
- views: 74019
The Results of Russia’s 2021 Parliamentary Elections: How Should We Understand Them? (9/27/21)
Join us for a meeting of the New York-Russia Public Policy Series, co-hosted by the Harriman Institute at Columbia University and the New York University Jordan...
Join us for a meeting of the New York-Russia Public Policy Series, co-hosted by the Harriman Institute at Columbia University and the New York University Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia. In this first event of the academic year, our panelists will discuss the results and importance of Russia’s Duma elections for parliament held on September 19, 2021.
The ruling United Russia party is widely expected to maintain its majority in Parliament, even though it is was polling at its lowest level of support among Russian voters in over a decade prior to the vote. At the same time, the Russian government has been accused of cracking down on prominent members of the political opposition—including anti-corruption activist Alexey Navalny and members of his network—as well as weakening the capacity of domestic watchdogs to monitor the election. A cross-professional panel of leading scholars of Russian domestic politics and journalists will discuss these controversies and likely repercussions of the vote.
For more information, visit the event page on our website: https://harriman.columbia.edu/event/rpp-the-results-of-russias-2021-parliamentary-elections/
Join us for a meeting of the New York-Russia Public Policy Series, co-hosted by the Harriman Institute at Columbia University and the New York University Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia. In this first event of the academic year, our panelists will discuss the results and importance of Russia’s Duma elections for parliament held on September 19, 2021.
The ruling United Russia party is widely expected to maintain its majority in Parliament, even though it is was polling at its lowest level of support among Russian voters in over a decade prior to the vote. At the same time, the Russian government has been accused of cracking down on prominent members of the political opposition—including anti-corruption activist Alexey Navalny and members of his network—as well as weakening the capacity of domestic watchdogs to monitor the election. A cross-professional panel of leading scholars of Russian domestic politics and journalists will discuss these controversies and likely repercussions of the vote.
For more information, visit the event page on our website: https://harriman.columbia.edu/event/rpp-the-results-of-russias-2021-parliamentary-elections/
- published: 27 Sep 2021
- views: 258
Transatlantic Conversations: Lawmaking and Representation in the U.S. and the U.K.
The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress and the American Trust for the British Library welcome Baroness Ann Taylor, current member of the House of L...
The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress and the American Trust for the British Library welcome Baroness Ann Taylor, current member of the House of Lords and former Labour Member of Parliament and former Leader of the House of Commons; Steve Norris, former Conservative Member of Parliament; Tom Graves, former Republican Representative from Georgia; and Donna Edwards, former Democratic Representative from Maryland for this conversation.
For transcript and more information, visit https://www.loc.gov/item/webcast-10809
The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress and the American Trust for the British Library welcome Baroness Ann Taylor, current member of the House of Lords and former Labour Member of Parliament and former Leader of the House of Commons; Steve Norris, former Conservative Member of Parliament; Tom Graves, former Republican Representative from Georgia; and Donna Edwards, former Democratic Representative from Maryland for this conversation.
For transcript and more information, visit https://www.loc.gov/item/webcast-10809
- published: 23 May 2023
- views: 822
"Unlike Bofors, Adani..." | Neerja Chowdhury On How Cong Has Become A "Drawing Room" Party | Barkha
#RahulGandhi #Modi #Adani
Neerja Chowdhury, senior journalist & author, who has covered over 10 general elections, shares her opinion on Congress' current st...
#RahulGandhi #Modi #Adani
Neerja Chowdhury, senior journalist & author, who has covered over 10 general elections, shares her opinion on Congress' current state of affairs and Rahul Gandhi's obsession over Gautam Adani.
Whether it was our relentless coverage of the horrific Kolkata rape & murder, or our continued coverage of the Manipur crisis, or the #MeToo storm that took over the Malayalam movie industry - we report what you want to see, and what affects you. Mojo Story is always People First. Honest, compassionate, courageous.
Support our impact ground reporting fund now, click here: https://razorpay.me/@mojostory
Subscribe to us for more updates:
Follow us on Twitter: / themojostory
Like us on Facebook: / themojostory
Instagram: / mojostory.in
#RahulGandhi #Modi #Adani
Neerja Chowdhury, senior journalist & author, who has covered over 10 general elections, shares her opinion on Congress' current state of affairs and Rahul Gandhi's obsession over Gautam Adani.
Whether it was our relentless coverage of the horrific Kolkata rape & murder, or our continued coverage of the Manipur crisis, or the #MeToo storm that took over the Malayalam movie industry - we report what you want to see, and what affects you. Mojo Story is always People First. Honest, compassionate, courageous.
Support our impact ground reporting fund now, click here: https://razorpay.me/@mojostory
Subscribe to us for more updates:
Follow us on Twitter: / themojostory
Like us on Facebook: / themojostory
Instagram: / mojostory.in
- published: 10 Dec 2024
- views: 14377
BREXIT - Predicting the Brexit UK Election Results by Constituency using Twitter Location
BREXIT: Predicting the Brexit UK Election Results by Constituency using Twitter Location based Sentiment and Machine Learning
James Usher and Pierpaolo Dondio, ...
BREXIT: Predicting the Brexit UK Election Results by Constituency using Twitter Location based Sentiment and Machine Learning
James Usher and Pierpaolo Dondio, School of Computing
Technological University Dublin, Ireland
After parliament failed to approve his revised version of the ‘Withdrawal Agreement’, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson called a snap general election in October 2019 to capitalise on his growing support to ‘Get Brexit Done’. Johnson’s belief was that he had enough support countrywide to gain a majority to push his Brexit mandate through parliament based on a parliamentary seat majority strategy. The increased availability of large-scale Twitter data provides rich information for the study of constituency dynamics. In Twitter, the location of tweets can be identified by the GPS and the location field.
BREXIT Election, Twitter, Sentiment, UK Election.
Full Text : https://aircconline.com/csit/papers/vol12/csit121101.pdf
Abstract URL : https://aircconline.com/csit/abstract/v12n11/csit121101.html
Volume URL : https://airccse.org/csit/V12N11.html
#machinelearning #brexit election #twitter #sentiment #ukelection
BREXIT: Predicting the Brexit UK Election Results by Constituency using Twitter Location based Sentiment and Machine Learning
James Usher and Pierpaolo Dondio, School of Computing
Technological University Dublin, Ireland
After parliament failed to approve his revised version of the ‘Withdrawal Agreement’, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson called a snap general election in October 2019 to capitalise on his growing support to ‘Get Brexit Done’. Johnson’s belief was that he had enough support countrywide to gain a majority to push his Brexit mandate through parliament based on a parliamentary seat majority strategy. The increased availability of large-scale Twitter data provides rich information for the study of constituency dynamics. In Twitter, the location of tweets can be identified by the GPS and the location field.
BREXIT Election, Twitter, Sentiment, UK Election.
Full Text : https://aircconline.com/csit/papers/vol12/csit121101.pdf
Abstract URL : https://aircconline.com/csit/abstract/v12n11/csit121101.html
Volume URL : https://airccse.org/csit/V12N11.html
#machinelearning #brexit election #twitter #sentiment #ukelection
- published: 04 Jul 2022
- views: 82