SUKKOT feat. Corin - Odiseea (Official Lyric Video)
SUKKOT feat. Corin - Odiseea (Official Lyric Video)
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Producator executiv: Corin Dume
Muzica&Versuri;: Emanuel “SUKKOT” Ivan, Corin Dume
Productie: Corin Dume
Mix&Master;: Corin Dume
Song Story:
"O bună bucată din piesa asta a venit într-o perioadă mai grea a vieții mele. Era un mesaj prin care îi spuneam lui Dumnezeu că viața asta m-a copleșit, și că aș vrea să evadez din ...
published: 22 Feb 2021
The LEGO Sukkot Movie: Jewish Holidays 101
Learn the basics of the Jewish holiday called Sukkot, including festival huts, lulavs, etrogs, foods, prayers and the spiritual meaning of all the unique rituals. This LEGO® stop motion animation is a great intro to the holiday for Jews and non Jews alike - make it part of your holiday emails and party invitations, or show it to your kids to get them inspired about building their own sukkahs this year!
Written and narrated by Evan Wolkenstein - check him out at https://www.stylefordorks.com or https://www.twitter.com/evanwolkenstein
Produced and directed by BimBam
SUBSCRIBE to RJ on the GO: https://reformjudaism.org/rjonthego to attend live, interactive, virtual experiences for children and families.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reformjudaism
published: 20 Sep 2017
Understanding Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot
The Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot is the final of the three Jewish feasts. It is celebrated at the end of the final harvest. This video describes the significance of this feast in connection to the Second Coming of Christ and the Savior’s role as the light of the world, the living waters, and the King of Kings.
Sign up for email notifications for new videos here: https://bit.ly/2uV4vlo
For more videos on the Life of Christ: https://bit.ly/2FgnMlS
For the text of this video: http://www.redeemerofisrael.org/2020/10/understanding-feast-of-tabernacles-or.html
Produced and narrated by Daniel Smith
Written by Heather Ruth Pack
Special thanks to:
LUMO for allowing me to use their life of Christ footage, watch their amazing videos at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiDMt6Lm1jYQvSp4BROWVw
published: 03 Oct 2020
Sukkot - A Celebration For Every Nation!
To learn more and receive a personal invitation to our next live gathering as well as the first 5 sessions (FOR FREE), “The Hebrew Keys to Unlock The Bible”– The Judean Guide to Living a Guided Life
Click here: http://thelandofisrael.com/fellowship/
Or email: fellowship@thelandofisrael.com
To join the Fellowship and become a member click here: https://secured.israelgives.org/donate/Fellowship
About The Land of Israel Fellowship:
Join the Land of Israel Fellowship led by Jeremy & Tehila Gimpel together with Rabbi Ari Abramowitz. With live virtual gatherings, an archive of recorded teachings, together with an ongoing relationship and personal connection to Jeremy, Tehila and Ari, take the next step in your journey with Israel and the Hebrew Bible. Join the Biblical destiny of Israel, t...
published: 10 Oct 2011
Sukkot with Mayim Bialik | You Know How I Know?
Some people know her as Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory or as Blossom, but Mayim Bialik is also a neuroscientist, mom, and a self-proclaimed aspiring “super Jew!”
Here she is to break down what you need to know about the Jewish holiday, Sukkot.
Sukkot is an eight day fall harvest festival that comes just a few days after Yom Kippur. As Mayim will tell you, it’s a bit of a strange holiday (“stranger than not watching TV on Shabbat” and not eating “pulled pork and crab”). Jews typically erect temporary huts outside and invite friends to come eat meals inside of it. Also, Mayim will explain how Jews go to synagogue and wave around a collection of leaves and grasses (known as a lulav) in all directions. Oh, there’s also a weird little lemon called an etrog. Enjoy!
✩ Find out ...
published: 30 Sep 2020
In today's video I'm sharing all about the Jewish holiday of Sukkot - where we build and dwell in Sukkah booths, it's Sukkot 101 and I hope you enjoy it! If you want to know what is Sukkot, how it's celebrated and what the meaning of the different holiday items are then this video is for you.
#Sukkot #Jewish #JewishHolidays
SUBSCRIBE for more content just like this https://goo.gl/4t88MD !
FOLLOW along on INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/myjewishmommylife
FREE Jewish books for kids from @ PJ Library: http://bit.ly/34jz3gT
My Top Picks for Jewish & Baby Items - https://www.amazon.com/shop/myjewishmommylife
More '10 FACTS' Videos from MyJewishMommyLife:
10 FACTS ABOUT SHABBAT https://youtu.be/IJo8aqNzEpc
10 FACTS ABOUT PASSOVER https://youtu.be/dwlhcC7oSsM
10 FACTS ABOUT HANUKKAH https://youtu...
published: 05 Oct 2020
(11 Oct 1995) English/Nat
The city of Jerusalem has been engulfed by religious fervour and secular festivities.
Thousands of Jews gathered at the Wailing Wall in the holy city to receive an annual blessing from the descendants of priests of the Jewish Temple.
The mass blessing is held every year during the weeklong festivities of Sukkot, or feast of the Tabernacles.
In the south of the city hundreds of thousands turned up to watch the annual Jerusalem parade as part of the year-long-celebration of Jerusalem's three-thousand year anniversary.
Thousands of Rabbis and other religious Jews gathered at Jerusalem's Old City Wailing Wall on Wednesday to recite the priestly blessings as part of the religious festival of Sukkot.
The wall - Judaism's holiest site- is the only remna...
published: 21 Jul 2015
What is Sukkot? // How the Feast of Tabernacles Relates to Your Faith
You can unleash the power to transform lives MONTHLY in Israel with the love of Jesus!
Join the Tribe Today: https://firmisrael.org/thetribe/
What is #Sukkot? // How the #FeastofTabernacles Relates to Your Faith // #FeastofBooths
Did you know God talked about a holiday that someday ALL nations would celebrate together?
Learn more about Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles or the Feast of Booths, and how this Biblical holiday relates to YOUR faith!
“Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.”
Revelation 21:3
Add Israel to your Inbox // https://firm.org.il/subscribe/
Get encouraging articles, an exclusive insider view, and connect with what God is doing in Israel.
published: 06 Oct 2020
Sukkot, la festa delle capanne
La festa di Sukkot o delle capanne, è stata celebrata a Gerusalemme tra misure di sicurezza e tanti riti e benedizioni.
published: 09 Oct 2015
SUKKOT feat. Corin - Odiseea (Official Lyric Video)
SUKKOT feat. Corin - Odiseea (Official Lyric Video)
🎧 Subscribe la ORIGIN MUSIC pentru mai multa muzica
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SUKKOT feat. Corin - Odiseea (Official Lyric Video)
🎧 Subscribe la ORIGIN MUSIC pentru mai multa muzica
→ http://tiny.cc/originmusic-subscribe
📢 Patreon - sustine lunar casa de discuri ORIGIN MUSIC, iar in schimb vei fi recompensat
→ https://www.patreon.com/originmusicro
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📌 Site Official ORIGIN MUSIC
→ https://originmusic.ro/
Producator executiv: Corin Dume
Muzica&Versuri;: Emanuel “SUKKOT” Ivan, Corin Dume
Productie: Corin Dume
Mix&Master;: Corin Dume
Song Story:
"O bună bucată din piesa asta a venit într-o perioadă mai grea a vieții mele. Era un mesaj prin care îi spuneam lui Dumnezeu că viața asta m-a copleșit, și că aș vrea să evadez din ea (nu o sa intru aici în detalii, pentru că vom avea un clip explicativ în viitorul apropiat).
Eu zic: „Cine îmi va da aripi ca ale porumbelului? Aș zbura și aș locui acolo!“ Iată, aș fugi departe de tot, aș înnopta în pustie. Selah
M‑aș grăbi să‑mi găsesc un loc de scăpare, de vântul năprasnic și de furtună. (Psalmii 55:6-8 NTR)
Jertfa plăcută lui Dumnezeu este un duh zdrobit; Dumnezeule, Tu nu disprețuiești o inimă frântă și mâhnită.
(Psalmii 51:17 NTR)
Apoi, în timp ce lucram pe piesă la studio, ne-a venit și concluzia cântecului: toată copleșirea asta pe care o aduce viața atunci cand încerci să îți gasești împlinirea în efemeritatea ei - copleșire care te împinge către dorința asta de evadare și renunțare la tot - te duce de fapt în locul în care îi permiți lui Dumnezeu să intervină în viața ta, să-ți dea un sens și o libertate de sisteme omenești de valori, care sunt limitate - la fel ca și noi, oamenii.
Răscumpărații Domnului se vor întoarce și vor intra în Sion cu strigăte de bucurie. O bucurie veșnică va fi pe capul lor; bucuria și veselia îi vor COPLEȘI, iar durerea și suspinul vor fugi de la ei.
(Isaia 35:10 NTR)
Cum ziceam si mai sus - mai multe detalii o sa apara in viitorul apropiat, cand vom face niste videoclipuri in care voi explica piesele Sukkot." SUKKOT
Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.
SUKKOT feat. Corin - Odiseea (Official Lyric Video)
🎧 Subscribe la ORIGIN MUSIC pentru mai multa muzica
→ http://tiny.cc/originmusic-subscribe
📢 Patreon - sustine lunar casa de discuri ORIGIN MUSIC, iar in schimb vei fi recompensat
→ https://www.patreon.com/originmusicro
→ http://tiny.cc/originmusic-facebook
→ http://tiny.cc/originmusic-instagram
→ http://tiny.cc/originmusic-twitter
📌 Site Official ORIGIN MUSIC
→ https://originmusic.ro/
Producator executiv: Corin Dume
Muzica&Versuri;: Emanuel “SUKKOT” Ivan, Corin Dume
Productie: Corin Dume
Mix&Master;: Corin Dume
Song Story:
"O bună bucată din piesa asta a venit într-o perioadă mai grea a vieții mele. Era un mesaj prin care îi spuneam lui Dumnezeu că viața asta m-a copleșit, și că aș vrea să evadez din ea (nu o sa intru aici în detalii, pentru că vom avea un clip explicativ în viitorul apropiat).
Eu zic: „Cine îmi va da aripi ca ale porumbelului? Aș zbura și aș locui acolo!“ Iată, aș fugi departe de tot, aș înnopta în pustie. Selah
M‑aș grăbi să‑mi găsesc un loc de scăpare, de vântul năprasnic și de furtună. (Psalmii 55:6-8 NTR)
Jertfa plăcută lui Dumnezeu este un duh zdrobit; Dumnezeule, Tu nu disprețuiești o inimă frântă și mâhnită.
(Psalmii 51:17 NTR)
Apoi, în timp ce lucram pe piesă la studio, ne-a venit și concluzia cântecului: toată copleșirea asta pe care o aduce viața atunci cand încerci să îți gasești împlinirea în efemeritatea ei - copleșire care te împinge către dorința asta de evadare și renunțare la tot - te duce de fapt în locul în care îi permiți lui Dumnezeu să intervină în viața ta, să-ți dea un sens și o libertate de sisteme omenești de valori, care sunt limitate - la fel ca și noi, oamenii.
Răscumpărații Domnului se vor întoarce și vor intra în Sion cu strigăte de bucurie. O bucurie veșnică va fi pe capul lor; bucuria și veselia îi vor COPLEȘI, iar durerea și suspinul vor fugi de la ei.
(Isaia 35:10 NTR)
Cum ziceam si mai sus - mai multe detalii o sa apara in viitorul apropiat, cand vom face niste videoclipuri in care voi explica piesele Sukkot." SUKKOT
Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la Youtube.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.
- published: 22 Feb 2021
- views: 2150
The LEGO Sukkot Movie: Jewish Holidays 101
Learn the basics of the Jewish holiday called Sukkot, including festival huts, lulavs, etrogs, foods, prayers and the spiritual meaning of all the unique ritual...
Learn the basics of the Jewish holiday called Sukkot, including festival huts, lulavs, etrogs, foods, prayers and the spiritual meaning of all the unique rituals. This LEGO® stop motion animation is a great intro to the holiday for Jews and non Jews alike - make it part of your holiday emails and party invitations, or show it to your kids to get them inspired about building their own sukkahs this year!
Written and narrated by Evan Wolkenstein - check him out at https://www.stylefordorks.com or https://www.twitter.com/evanwolkenstein
Produced and directed by BimBam
SUBSCRIBE to RJ on the GO: https://reformjudaism.org/rjonthego to attend live, interactive, virtual experiences for children and families.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reformjudaism
Twitter: https://twitter.com/reformjudaism
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reformjudaism/
BimBam sparks connections to Judaism through digital storytelling for learners of all ages. Founded in 2008, BimBam’s catalog of hundreds of animated videos and other digital content are now under the auspices of the Union for Reform Judaism, and many can be found on its flagship educational website, ReformJudaism.org. Watch something Jewish at https://reformjudaism.org.
This video was made possible with generous support from The Koret Foundation, as part of its Initiative on Jewish Peoplehood.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this video.
Learn the basics of the Jewish holiday called Sukkot, including festival huts, lulavs, etrogs, foods, prayers and the spiritual meaning of all the unique rituals. This LEGO® stop motion animation is a great intro to the holiday for Jews and non Jews alike - make it part of your holiday emails and party invitations, or show it to your kids to get them inspired about building their own sukkahs this year!
Written and narrated by Evan Wolkenstein - check him out at https://www.stylefordorks.com or https://www.twitter.com/evanwolkenstein
Produced and directed by BimBam
SUBSCRIBE to RJ on the GO: https://reformjudaism.org/rjonthego to attend live, interactive, virtual experiences for children and families.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reformjudaism
Twitter: https://twitter.com/reformjudaism
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reformjudaism/
BimBam sparks connections to Judaism through digital storytelling for learners of all ages. Founded in 2008, BimBam’s catalog of hundreds of animated videos and other digital content are now under the auspices of the Union for Reform Judaism, and many can be found on its flagship educational website, ReformJudaism.org. Watch something Jewish at https://reformjudaism.org.
This video was made possible with generous support from The Koret Foundation, as part of its Initiative on Jewish Peoplehood.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this video.
- published: 20 Sep 2017
- views: 377956
Understanding Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot
The Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot is the final of the three Jewish feasts. It is celebrated at the end of the final harvest. This video describes the significa...
The Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot is the final of the three Jewish feasts. It is celebrated at the end of the final harvest. This video describes the significance of this feast in connection to the Second Coming of Christ and the Savior’s role as the light of the world, the living waters, and the King of Kings.
Sign up for email notifications for new videos here: https://bit.ly/2uV4vlo
For more videos on the Life of Christ: https://bit.ly/2FgnMlS
For the text of this video: http://www.redeemerofisrael.org/2020/10/understanding-feast-of-tabernacles-or.html
Produced and narrated by Daniel Smith
Written by Heather Ruth Pack
Special thanks to:
LUMO for allowing me to use their life of Christ footage, watch their amazing videos at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiDMt6Lm1jYQvSp4BROWVw
© 2020 Daniel Smith, Messages of Christ YouTube Channel
No portion of this video may be reproduced, re-uploaded, or copied without prior permission.
The products (services) offered by Messages of Christ are neither made, provided, approved nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the goods (services) offered by Messages of Christ are solely those of Messages of Christ and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot is the final of the three Jewish feasts. It is celebrated at the end of the final harvest. This video describes the significance of this feast in connection to the Second Coming of Christ and the Savior’s role as the light of the world, the living waters, and the King of Kings.
Sign up for email notifications for new videos here: https://bit.ly/2uV4vlo
For more videos on the Life of Christ: https://bit.ly/2FgnMlS
For the text of this video: http://www.redeemerofisrael.org/2020/10/understanding-feast-of-tabernacles-or.html
Produced and narrated by Daniel Smith
Written by Heather Ruth Pack
Special thanks to:
LUMO for allowing me to use their life of Christ footage, watch their amazing videos at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiDMt6Lm1jYQvSp4BROWVw
© 2020 Daniel Smith, Messages of Christ YouTube Channel
No portion of this video may be reproduced, re-uploaded, or copied without prior permission.
The products (services) offered by Messages of Christ are neither made, provided, approved nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the goods (services) offered by Messages of Christ are solely those of Messages of Christ and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
- published: 03 Oct 2020
- views: 334246
Sukkot - A Celebration For Every Nation!
To learn more and receive a personal invitation to our next live gathering as well as the first 5 sessions (FOR FREE), “The Hebrew Keys to Unlock The Bible”– Th...
To learn more and receive a personal invitation to our next live gathering as well as the first 5 sessions (FOR FREE), “The Hebrew Keys to Unlock The Bible”– The Judean Guide to Living a Guided Life
Click here: http://thelandofisrael.com/fellowship/
Or email: fellowship@thelandofisrael.com
To join the Fellowship and become a member click here: https://secured.israelgives.org/donate/Fellowship
About The Land of Israel Fellowship:
Join the Land of Israel Fellowship led by Jeremy & Tehila Gimpel together with Rabbi Ari Abramowitz. With live virtual gatherings, an archive of recorded teachings, together with an ongoing relationship and personal connection to Jeremy, Tehila and Ari, take the next step in your journey with Israel and the Hebrew Bible. Join the Biblical destiny of Israel, through the Torah of the land directly from the mountains of Judea.To learn more and receive a personal invitation to our next live gathering as well as the first 5 sessions (FOR FREE), “The Hebrew Keys to Unlock The Bible”– The Judean Guide to Living a Guided Life
Click here: http://thelandofisrael.com/fellowship/
Or email: fellowship@thelandofisrael.com
To join the Fellowship and become a member click here: https://secured.israelgives.org/donate/Fellowship
About The Land of Israel Fellowship:
Join the Land of Israel Fellowship led by Jeremy & Tehila Gimpel together with Rabbi Ari Abramowitz. With live virtual gatherings, an archive of recorded teachings, together with an ongoing relationship and personal connection to Jeremy, Tehila and Ari, take the next step in your journey with Israel and the Hebrew Bible. Join the Biblical destiny of Israel, through the Torah of the land directly from the mountains of Judea.
There's a party in Jerusalem and EVERYONE is invited! Watch this entertaining sneak preview into Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, as celebrated in Jerusalem today. Ari Abramowiz and Jeremy Gimpel will take you to the heart of Israel you'll see the restoration of an ancient tradition of the Jewish People where thousands of people from all nations of the world voyage to Jerusalem to Celebrate this Biblical Festival. See more Israel Inspired Media at www.thelandofisrael.com.
To learn more and receive a personal invitation to our next live gathering as well as the first 5 sessions (FOR FREE), “The Hebrew Keys to Unlock The Bible”– The Judean Guide to Living a Guided Life
Click here: http://thelandofisrael.com/fellowship/
Or email: fellowship@thelandofisrael.com
To join the Fellowship and become a member click here: https://secured.israelgives.org/donate/Fellowship
About The Land of Israel Fellowship:
Join the Land of Israel Fellowship led by Jeremy & Tehila Gimpel together with Rabbi Ari Abramowitz. With live virtual gatherings, an archive of recorded teachings, together with an ongoing relationship and personal connection to Jeremy, Tehila and Ari, take the next step in your journey with Israel and the Hebrew Bible. Join the Biblical destiny of Israel, through the Torah of the land directly from the mountains of Judea.To learn more and receive a personal invitation to our next live gathering as well as the first 5 sessions (FOR FREE), “The Hebrew Keys to Unlock The Bible”– The Judean Guide to Living a Guided Life
Click here: http://thelandofisrael.com/fellowship/
Or email: fellowship@thelandofisrael.com
To join the Fellowship and become a member click here: https://secured.israelgives.org/donate/Fellowship
About The Land of Israel Fellowship:
Join the Land of Israel Fellowship led by Jeremy & Tehila Gimpel together with Rabbi Ari Abramowitz. With live virtual gatherings, an archive of recorded teachings, together with an ongoing relationship and personal connection to Jeremy, Tehila and Ari, take the next step in your journey with Israel and the Hebrew Bible. Join the Biblical destiny of Israel, through the Torah of the land directly from the mountains of Judea.
There's a party in Jerusalem and EVERYONE is invited! Watch this entertaining sneak preview into Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, as celebrated in Jerusalem today. Ari Abramowiz and Jeremy Gimpel will take you to the heart of Israel you'll see the restoration of an ancient tradition of the Jewish People where thousands of people from all nations of the world voyage to Jerusalem to Celebrate this Biblical Festival. See more Israel Inspired Media at www.thelandofisrael.com.
- published: 10 Oct 2011
- views: 257051
Sukkot with Mayim Bialik | You Know How I Know?
Some people know her as Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory or as Blossom, but Mayim Bialik is also a neuroscientist, mom, and a self-proclaimed aspir...
Some people know her as Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory or as Blossom, but Mayim Bialik is also a neuroscientist, mom, and a self-proclaimed aspiring “super Jew!”
Here she is to break down what you need to know about the Jewish holiday, Sukkot.
Sukkot is an eight day fall harvest festival that comes just a few days after Yom Kippur. As Mayim will tell you, it’s a bit of a strange holiday (“stranger than not watching TV on Shabbat” and not eating “pulled pork and crab”). Jews typically erect temporary huts outside and invite friends to come eat meals inside of it. Also, Mayim will explain how Jews go to synagogue and wave around a collection of leaves and grasses (known as a lulav) in all directions. Oh, there’s also a weird little lemon called an etrog. Enjoy!
✩ Find out more about Sukkot ✩
✩ Check out more from Mayim ✩
Subscribe to our channel so you never miss a video!
Some people know her as Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory or as Blossom, but Mayim Bialik is also a neuroscientist, mom, and a self-proclaimed aspiring “super Jew!”
Here she is to break down what you need to know about the Jewish holiday, Sukkot.
Sukkot is an eight day fall harvest festival that comes just a few days after Yom Kippur. As Mayim will tell you, it’s a bit of a strange holiday (“stranger than not watching TV on Shabbat” and not eating “pulled pork and crab”). Jews typically erect temporary huts outside and invite friends to come eat meals inside of it. Also, Mayim will explain how Jews go to synagogue and wave around a collection of leaves and grasses (known as a lulav) in all directions. Oh, there’s also a weird little lemon called an etrog. Enjoy!
✩ Find out more about Sukkot ✩
✩ Check out more from Mayim ✩
Subscribe to our channel so you never miss a video!
- published: 30 Sep 2020
- views: 44397
In today's video I'm sharing all about the Jewish holiday of Sukkot - where we build and dwell in Sukkah booths, it's Sukkot 101 and I hope you enjoy it! If you...
In today's video I'm sharing all about the Jewish holiday of Sukkot - where we build and dwell in Sukkah booths, it's Sukkot 101 and I hope you enjoy it! If you want to know what is Sukkot, how it's celebrated and what the meaning of the different holiday items are then this video is for you.
#Sukkot #Jewish #JewishHolidays
SUBSCRIBE for more content just like this https://goo.gl/4t88MD !
FOLLOW along on INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/myjewishmommylife
FREE Jewish books for kids from @ PJ Library: http://bit.ly/34jz3gT
My Top Picks for Jewish & Baby Items - https://www.amazon.com/shop/myjewishmommylife
More '10 FACTS' Videos from MyJewishMommyLife:
10 FACTS ABOUT SHABBAT https://youtu.be/IJo8aqNzEpc
10 FACTS ABOUT PASSOVER https://youtu.be/dwlhcC7oSsM
10 FACTS ABOUT HANUKKAH https://youtu.be/Fza8_du4J1g
10 FACTS ABOUT ROSH HASHANAH https://youtu.be/S8-VJ7T4zWE
10 FACTS ABOUT YOM KIPPUR https://youtu.be/PEOB5q1omMs
10 FACTS ABOUT TU BISHVAT https://youtu.be/dW9CEVgdNog
10 FACTS ABOUT PURIM https://youtu.be/XcTpT6ogoiQ
My Filming Equipment for All My Videos:
email: MyJewishMommyLife@gmail.com
Instagram @MyJewishMommyLife
*This video is not sponsored and all opinions are my own.
In today's video I'm sharing all about the Jewish holiday of Sukkot - where we build and dwell in Sukkah booths, it's Sukkot 101 and I hope you enjoy it! If you want to know what is Sukkot, how it's celebrated and what the meaning of the different holiday items are then this video is for you.
#Sukkot #Jewish #JewishHolidays
SUBSCRIBE for more content just like this https://goo.gl/4t88MD !
FOLLOW along on INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/myjewishmommylife
FREE Jewish books for kids from @ PJ Library: http://bit.ly/34jz3gT
My Top Picks for Jewish & Baby Items - https://www.amazon.com/shop/myjewishmommylife
More '10 FACTS' Videos from MyJewishMommyLife:
10 FACTS ABOUT SHABBAT https://youtu.be/IJo8aqNzEpc
10 FACTS ABOUT PASSOVER https://youtu.be/dwlhcC7oSsM
10 FACTS ABOUT HANUKKAH https://youtu.be/Fza8_du4J1g
10 FACTS ABOUT ROSH HASHANAH https://youtu.be/S8-VJ7T4zWE
10 FACTS ABOUT YOM KIPPUR https://youtu.be/PEOB5q1omMs
10 FACTS ABOUT TU BISHVAT https://youtu.be/dW9CEVgdNog
10 FACTS ABOUT PURIM https://youtu.be/XcTpT6ogoiQ
My Filming Equipment for All My Videos:
email: MyJewishMommyLife@gmail.com
Instagram @MyJewishMommyLife
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- published: 05 Oct 2020
- views: 21607
(11 Oct 1995) English/Nat
The city of Jerusalem has been engulfed by religious fervour and secular festivities.
Thousands of Jews gathered at the Wailing ...
(11 Oct 1995) English/Nat
The city of Jerusalem has been engulfed by religious fervour and secular festivities.
Thousands of Jews gathered at the Wailing Wall in the holy city to receive an annual blessing from the descendants of priests of the Jewish Temple.
The mass blessing is held every year during the weeklong festivities of Sukkot, or feast of the Tabernacles.
In the south of the city hundreds of thousands turned up to watch the annual Jerusalem parade as part of the year-long-celebration of Jerusalem's three-thousand year anniversary.
Thousands of Rabbis and other religious Jews gathered at Jerusalem's Old City Wailing Wall on Wednesday to recite the priestly blessings as part of the religious festival of Sukkot.
The wall - Judaism's holiest site- is the only remnant of the Jewish Temple destroyed by the Romans in 70 A-D.
A special prayer called the Priestly Blessing is recited at the Wailing Wall every Sukkot, reminiscent of the blessing given during temple times.
Thousands of religious Jews gathered to recite prayers at the holy site.
Worshippers wore the traditional white prayer shawls and the entire area in front of the Wall was covered by a sea of white shawls, black hats and skullcaps.
In biblical times, Jews in the land of Israel would make three pilgrimages a year to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
One of those pilgrimages was conducted during the week-long festival of Sukkot- feast of the Tabernacles- commemorating the journey the Israelites made through the Sinai desert to the land of Israel.
Jerusalem police closed off the Old City to private vehicles in anticipation of the huge crowd.
Elsewhere in the city a secular feast was being held as well.
Around 85-thousand delegates from over 60 countries marched during a colourful parade as part of the year-long-celebration of Jerusalem's three-thousand anniversary.
The parade included bands and choirs, youth groups and workers' delegations.
It's biggest attractions were the huge floats created around the theme of historic Jerusalem.
The annual event coincided with the city's anniversary.
SOUNDBITE: (In English)
"This is the annual parade in Jerusalem which has been connected this year with the celebration three-thousand."
SUPER CAPTION: Ehud Olmert, Mayor of Jerusalem
Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, President Ezer Weizman and the mayor of Jerusalem attended the parade.
They were joined by almost a quarter of a (m) million spectators who came to enjoy the celebrations.
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(11 Oct 1995) English/Nat
The city of Jerusalem has been engulfed by religious fervour and secular festivities.
Thousands of Jews gathered at the Wailing Wall in the holy city to receive an annual blessing from the descendants of priests of the Jewish Temple.
The mass blessing is held every year during the weeklong festivities of Sukkot, or feast of the Tabernacles.
In the south of the city hundreds of thousands turned up to watch the annual Jerusalem parade as part of the year-long-celebration of Jerusalem's three-thousand year anniversary.
Thousands of Rabbis and other religious Jews gathered at Jerusalem's Old City Wailing Wall on Wednesday to recite the priestly blessings as part of the religious festival of Sukkot.
The wall - Judaism's holiest site- is the only remnant of the Jewish Temple destroyed by the Romans in 70 A-D.
A special prayer called the Priestly Blessing is recited at the Wailing Wall every Sukkot, reminiscent of the blessing given during temple times.
Thousands of religious Jews gathered to recite prayers at the holy site.
Worshippers wore the traditional white prayer shawls and the entire area in front of the Wall was covered by a sea of white shawls, black hats and skullcaps.
In biblical times, Jews in the land of Israel would make three pilgrimages a year to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
One of those pilgrimages was conducted during the week-long festival of Sukkot- feast of the Tabernacles- commemorating the journey the Israelites made through the Sinai desert to the land of Israel.
Jerusalem police closed off the Old City to private vehicles in anticipation of the huge crowd.
Elsewhere in the city a secular feast was being held as well.
Around 85-thousand delegates from over 60 countries marched during a colourful parade as part of the year-long-celebration of Jerusalem's three-thousand anniversary.
The parade included bands and choirs, youth groups and workers' delegations.
It's biggest attractions were the huge floats created around the theme of historic Jerusalem.
The annual event coincided with the city's anniversary.
SOUNDBITE: (In English)
"This is the annual parade in Jerusalem which has been connected this year with the celebration three-thousand."
SUPER CAPTION: Ehud Olmert, Mayor of Jerusalem
Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, President Ezer Weizman and the mayor of Jerusalem attended the parade.
They were joined by almost a quarter of a (m) million spectators who came to enjoy the celebrations.
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You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/a17f86020a7c996c932900d2d29d3476
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 59692
What is Sukkot? // How the Feast of Tabernacles Relates to Your Faith
You can unleash the power to transform lives MONTHLY in Israel with the love of Jesus!
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What is #Sukkot?...
You can unleash the power to transform lives MONTHLY in Israel with the love of Jesus!
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What is #Sukkot? // How the #FeastofTabernacles Relates to Your Faith // #FeastofBooths
Did you know God talked about a holiday that someday ALL nations would celebrate together?
Learn more about Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles or the Feast of Booths, and how this Biblical holiday relates to YOUR faith!
“Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.”
Revelation 21:3
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You can unleash the power to transform lives MONTHLY in Israel with the love of Jesus!
Join the Tribe Today: https://firmisrael.org/thetribe/
What is #Sukkot? // How the #FeastofTabernacles Relates to Your Faith // #FeastofBooths
Did you know God talked about a holiday that someday ALL nations would celebrate together?
Learn more about Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles or the Feast of Booths, and how this Biblical holiday relates to YOUR faith!
“Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.”
Revelation 21:3
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- published: 06 Oct 2020
- views: 50445
Sukkot, la festa delle capanne
La festa di Sukkot o delle capanne, è stata celebrata a Gerusalemme tra misure di sicurezza e tanti riti e benedizioni.
La festa di Sukkot o delle capanne, è stata celebrata a Gerusalemme tra misure di sicurezza e tanti riti e benedizioni.
La festa di Sukkot o delle capanne, è stata celebrata a Gerusalemme tra misure di sicurezza e tanti riti e benedizioni.
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 13864