Routes - Orange Backyard
Original Video Clip Of Routes
Trailblazer Records 2008
Special Guest "Tost" from Bag A Head
Les routes de l impossible philippines
Philippines, quand la montagne gronde
Sur l'île de Luzon, aux Philippines, la route des kalingas, les «coupeurs de tête», serpente au sommet de la cordillère.
Entrepris il y a plus de cent ans, les travaux, titanesques, sont loin d'être achevés.
Pourtant, chaque jour, tandis que des ouvriers continuent d'ouvrir la route, malgré l'hostilité de la nature environnante, des bus de plus de vingt ans
Les routes de l'impossible, Gabon la forêt maudite
Les routes de l'impossible - Cameroun, les débrouillards de la jungle 3 janvier 2016
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Cameroun, les débrouillards de la jungle
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 3 janvier 2016 à 20:40 - Durée : 50 min.
Les c
Les routes de l'impossible - Haïti, plus forte la vie
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Haïti, plus forte la vie
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 20 décembre 2015
Cinq ans après le séisme qui a frappé Port-au-Prince et ses environs, seules des pistes en terre permettent d'acheminer homme
World's Most DANGEROUS Route Ever... !!!
Atlanterhavsveien -- Norway
The Atlantic Ocean Road is a 8.3 km long. This is one of dangerous road in the world.
World's 5 Most Dangerous AIRPORTS
World's Most Danger
(S6) Jungle Clear Routes & Types Of Junglers
In this video i cover all the jungle clears for season 6 including also the all of the types of junger that can be played with the varying pro and cons everything mentioned. Enjoy!
Re uploaded due to audio issues.
Twitch Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/scrap_computer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ScrapComputer/768478713181956?fref=ts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Scrap_Computer
Black M - Sur ma route
Extrait de l'album Les yeux plus gros que le monde - disponible en téléchargement sur iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/les-yeux-plus-gros-que-le-monde/id834398623
Ecoutez l’album Les yeux plus gros que le monde » sur Spotify https://play.spotify.com/album/1D2Rs9qcENebbiDR5wk88T
Ecoutez l’album Les yeux plus gros que le monde » sur Deezer http://www.deezer.com/album/7575033
Regardez t
Les routes de l'impossible : Mexique
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Vietnam, les génies du Mékong
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 27 décembre 2015 à 21:30
Les routes de l'impossible Complet Vietnam, les génies du Mékong
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Au nord-ouest du Vietnam, où les routes ne sont pas toutes asphaltées, le seul engin capables de circuler pendant la
Les routes de l impossible ,Panama , business dans la jungle [ REPORTAGE ] [FR]
Les routes de l'impossible - Panama, business dans la jungle
La province du Darién, à l'est du Panama, région très peu peuplée, abrite une forêt, un marécage et une jungle impénétrable de 12 000 km2.
Ce pont naturel entre l'Amérique du Sud et l'Amérique central est le théâtre d'un trafic inattendu.
En effet, bravant cette nature hostile, des hommes traversent cette zone avec leurs marchandises,
The Alternate Routes- Nothing More (Official Video) - Featured on the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics
New Single from The Alternate Routes. Nothing More was written for and inspired by the work of our friends at Newtown Kindness. The Nothing More single was f...
Les routes de l'impossible Congo le salaire de la sueur [REPORTAGE] [FR]
Troisième pays le plus grand du continent africain, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) est l'un des territoires les plus riches en matières premières au monde. On y trouve du cobalt, du cuivre, du zinc, de l'or et des diamants. Eugène, un commerçant, a un camion chargé de marchandises et doit partir de Lubumbashi, capitale économique du pays, pour rejoindre sa ville natale, Bukama, 650 kilo
Les routes de l'impossible : Pakistan La route des cimes
Les routes de l'impossible - Pakistan La route des cimes AU Pakistan, une seule route, la Lowari Pass, vitale pour l'approvisionnement des villageois, relie Dir, .
Les routes de l'impossible - Pakistan La route des cimes AU Pakistan, une seule route, la Lowari Pass, vitale pour l'approvisionnement des villageois, relie Dir, .
Diffusé sur France 5 le mardi 14 juillet 2015 Les routes de l'
Les routes de l'impossible Bolivie Le chemin de la Mort
Il y a deux mondes en Bolivie. Celui de l'Altiplano avec les terres perchées à plus de 4 000 mètres d'altitude. Et celui du bassin amazonien, qui constitue les .
Dans Le convoi de l'extrême : Les routes des Andes, les camionneurs sont Hugh Rowland, Lisa Kelly, Dave Redmon et Rick Yemm rejoint par les deux .
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 5 - Pérou, montagnes interdites -------------------
Les routes de l'impossible - Pérou, montagnes interdites [ REPORTAGE ] [FR]
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 5 - Pérou, montagnes interdites
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Le voyage entre l'océan Pacifique et la forêt amazonienne est ponctué d'obstacles naturels. Sur le chemin,
Top 10 des routes les plus dangereuses
Vous qui pensez savoir ce qu'était une route « dangereuse » après vos vacances en Corse ou en Haute-Savoie, regardez plutôt les suivantes. Un cauchemar pour ...
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Amazonie, la dernière conquêe - 27 décembre 2015
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Amazonie, la dernière conquêe
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 27 décembre 2015 à 20:40 - Durée : 50 min.
David, un Péruvien, part
Les routes de l'impossible : Madagascar, pistes, saphirs et bois précieux
A Madagascar, le «bois de rose» est au coeur de toutes les convoitises. Pour les bûcherons clandestins, les derniers arbres du pays constituent la source .
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 6 - Laos, au pays du triangle d'or ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cette série documentaire suit, .
Diffusé sur France 5 le mardi 14 juillet 2015 Les routes de l'impos
Au cœur des grandes routes maritimes -Thalassa (émission intégrale)
Les routes maritimes, ce sont toutes ces lignes invisibles sur les mers du globe qui unissent les hommes et permettent les échanges. Autrefois dédiées au commerce des épices ou du coton, elles sont aujourd’hui les symboles de la mondialisation.
Nous avons décidé de redécouvrir une partie de ces voies maritimes en embarquant à bord d’un porte-conteneur, d’un brise-glace nucléaire, d’une goélette e
Les routes de l'impossible : Congo, le dernier train du Katanga France 5 2015
Diffusé sur France 5 le mardi 14 juillet 2015 Les routes de l'impossible - Congo, le dernier train du Katanga --------------------------------------------------------------- Cette .
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 3 - Congo, le rafiot de l'enfer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la .
Diffusion Mardi 14 juillet à 2
Les routes de l'impossible - Surinam, pour une poignée d'or
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Surinam, pour une poignée d'or
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 20 décembre 2015
Le Surinam est un petit pays situé au coeur de l'Amazonie, en pleine jungle, recouvert de forêts vierges. Encore très sauvage, il n'est traversé que de quelques routes, des pistes et des grands fleuves. Souvent les pirogues y font office de camions. Avec à peine un demi-millio
Routes - Orange Backyard
Original Video Clip Of Routes
Trailblazer Records 2008
Special Guest "Tost" from Bag A Head...
Original Video Clip Of Routes
Trailblazer Records 2008
Special Guest "Tost" from Bag A Head
wn.com/Routes Orange Backyard
Original Video Clip Of Routes
Trailblazer Records 2008
Special Guest "Tost" from Bag A Head
- published: 06 Jan 2009
- views: 22442
Les routes de l impossible philippines
Philippines, quand la montagne gronde
Sur l'île de Luzon, aux Philippines, la route des kalingas, les «coupeurs de tête», serpente au sommet de la cordillère.
Philippines, quand la montagne gronde
Sur l'île de Luzon, aux Philippines, la route des kalingas, les «coupeurs de tête», serpente au sommet de la cordillère.
Entrepris il y a plus de cent ans, les travaux, titanesques, sont loin d'être achevés.
Pourtant, chaque jour, tandis que des ouvriers continuent d'ouvrir la route, malgré l'hostilité de la nature environnante, des bus de plus de vingt ans d'âge tanguent dangereusement le long du ravin.
Coulées de boue, éboulements, chutes des bus dans le vide : chaque journée apporte son lot de tracas et d'accidents.
Certains villages restent malgré tout tellement isolés que pour les rallier, il faut marcher de longues heures ou emprunter un moto-taxi.
Mais là-haut, dans la montagne, veille Santino, dont on dit qu'il aurait le pouvoir de guérir maladies et handicaps.
wn.com/Les Routes De L Impossible Philippines
Philippines, quand la montagne gronde
Sur l'île de Luzon, aux Philippines, la route des kalingas, les «coupeurs de tête», serpente au sommet de la cordillère.
Entrepris il y a plus de cent ans, les travaux, titanesques, sont loin d'être achevés.
Pourtant, chaque jour, tandis que des ouvriers continuent d'ouvrir la route, malgré l'hostilité de la nature environnante, des bus de plus de vingt ans d'âge tanguent dangereusement le long du ravin.
Coulées de boue, éboulements, chutes des bus dans le vide : chaque journée apporte son lot de tracas et d'accidents.
Certains villages restent malgré tout tellement isolés que pour les rallier, il faut marcher de longues heures ou emprunter un moto-taxi.
Mais là-haut, dans la montagne, veille Santino, dont on dit qu'il aurait le pouvoir de guérir maladies et handicaps.
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 544
Les routes de l'impossible - Cameroun, les débrouillards de la jungle 3 janvier 2016
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Cameroun, les débrouillards de la jungle
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Cameroun, les débrouillards de la jungle
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 3 janvier 2016 à 20:40 - Durée : 50 min.
Les conducteurs les plus courageux et les plus intrépides du Cameroun portent un nom : les «clandos», pour «clandestins». Ces chauffeurs de taxis illégaux sont les seuls à accepter de circuler sur l'ensemble du réseau routier, l'un des plus mauvais du continent africain. Et les Camerounais qui ont besoin de se déplacer n'ont pas d'autre solution que de faire appel aux services de ces «clandos». Seuls 2% des voies sont bitumées, le chemin de fer est inexistant et les liaisons aériennes sont à la fois trop chères et trop dangereuses.
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Cameroun, Les Débrouillards De La Jungle 3 Janvier 2016
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Cameroun, les débrouillards de la jungle
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 3 janvier 2016 à 20:40 - Durée : 50 min.
Les conducteurs les plus courageux et les plus intrépides du Cameroun portent un nom : les «clandos», pour «clandestins». Ces chauffeurs de taxis illégaux sont les seuls à accepter de circuler sur l'ensemble du réseau routier, l'un des plus mauvais du continent africain. Et les Camerounais qui ont besoin de se déplacer n'ont pas d'autre solution que de faire appel aux services de ces «clandos». Seuls 2% des voies sont bitumées, le chemin de fer est inexistant et les liaisons aériennes sont à la fois trop chères et trop dangereuses.
- published: 07 Jan 2016
- views: 236
Les routes de l'impossible - Haïti, plus forte la vie
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Haïti, plus forte la vie
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques im...
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Haïti, plus forte la vie
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 20 décembre 2015
Cinq ans après le séisme qui a frappé Port-au-Prince et ses environs, seules des pistes en terre permettent d'acheminer hommes et marchandises.
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Haïti, Plus Forte La Vie
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Haïti, plus forte la vie
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 20 décembre 2015
Cinq ans après le séisme qui a frappé Port-au-Prince et ses environs, seules des pistes en terre permettent d'acheminer hommes et marchandises.
- published: 20 Dec 2015
- views: 83
World's Most DANGEROUS Route Ever... !!!
Atlanterhavsveien -- Norway
The Atlantic Ocean Road is a 8.3 km long. This is one of dangerous road in the world.
World's 5 Most Dangerous AIRPORTS
Atlanterhavsveien -- Norway
The Atlantic Ocean Road is a 8.3 km long. This is one of dangerous road in the world.
World's 5 Most Dangerous AIRPORTS
World's Most Dangerous Route Ever
World's Most Dangerous Route Ever
World's Most Dangerous Route Ever
World's Most Dangerous Route Ever
World's Most Dangerous Route Ever
Dangerous Route
Dangerous Route
Dangerous Route
Dangerous Route
Dangerous Route
Travel & Events
Standard YouTube Licence
wn.com/World's Most Dangerous Route Ever...
Atlanterhavsveien -- Norway
The Atlantic Ocean Road is a 8.3 km long. This is one of dangerous road in the world.
World's 5 Most Dangerous AIRPORTS
World's Most Dangerous Route Ever
World's Most Dangerous Route Ever
World's Most Dangerous Route Ever
World's Most Dangerous Route Ever
World's Most Dangerous Route Ever
Dangerous Route
Dangerous Route
Dangerous Route
Dangerous Route
Dangerous Route
Travel & Events
Standard YouTube Licence
- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 13553385
(S6) Jungle Clear Routes & Types Of Junglers
In this video i cover all the jungle clears for season 6 including also the all of the types of junger that can be played with the varying pro and cons everythi...
In this video i cover all the jungle clears for season 6 including also the all of the types of junger that can be played with the varying pro and cons everything mentioned. Enjoy!
Re uploaded due to audio issues.
Twitch Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/scrap_computer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ScrapComputer/768478713181956?fref=ts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Scrap_Computer
wn.com/(S6) Jungle Clear Routes Types Of Junglers
In this video i cover all the jungle clears for season 6 including also the all of the types of junger that can be played with the varying pro and cons everything mentioned. Enjoy!
Re uploaded due to audio issues.
Twitch Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/scrap_computer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ScrapComputer/768478713181956?fref=ts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Scrap_Computer
- published: 27 Jan 2016
- views: 4340
Black M - Sur ma route
Extrait de l'album Les yeux plus gros que le monde - disponible en téléchargement sur iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/les-yeux-plus-gros-que-le-mon...
Extrait de l'album Les yeux plus gros que le monde - disponible en téléchargement sur iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/les-yeux-plus-gros-que-le-monde/id834398623
Ecoutez l’album Les yeux plus gros que le monde » sur Spotify https://play.spotify.com/album/1D2Rs9qcENebbiDR5wk88T
Ecoutez l’album Les yeux plus gros que le monde » sur Deezer http://www.deezer.com/album/7575033
Regardez toutes les vidéos de Black M https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLLXWPtKay8NjF4Gjt_nMFvnKTtGp5a08
Music video by Black M performing Sur ma route. (C) 2014 Wati B
wn.com/Black M Sur Ma Route
Extrait de l'album Les yeux plus gros que le monde - disponible en téléchargement sur iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/les-yeux-plus-gros-que-le-monde/id834398623
Ecoutez l’album Les yeux plus gros que le monde » sur Spotify https://play.spotify.com/album/1D2Rs9qcENebbiDR5wk88T
Ecoutez l’album Les yeux plus gros que le monde » sur Deezer http://www.deezer.com/album/7575033
Regardez toutes les vidéos de Black M https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLLXWPtKay8NjF4Gjt_nMFvnKTtGp5a08
Music video by Black M performing Sur ma route. (C) 2014 Wati B
- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 63960741
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Vietnam, les génies du Mékong
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 27 décembre 2015 à 21:30
Les routes de l'impossible Complet Vietnam, les génies du Mékong
Cette série documentaire suit, à tra...
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 27 décembre 2015 à 21:30
Les routes de l'impossible Complet Vietnam, les génies du Mékong
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Au nord-ouest du Vietnam, où les routes ne sont pas toutes asphaltées, le seul engin capables de circuler pendant la saison des pluies, est le«Tuk Tuk».
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Saison 7 Vietnam, Les Génies Du Mékong
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 27 décembre 2015 à 21:30
Les routes de l'impossible Complet Vietnam, les génies du Mékong
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Au nord-ouest du Vietnam, où les routes ne sont pas toutes asphaltées, le seul engin capables de circuler pendant la saison des pluies, est le«Tuk Tuk».
- published: 29 Dec 2015
- views: 738
Les routes de l impossible ,Panama , business dans la jungle [ REPORTAGE ] [FR]
Les routes de l'impossible - Panama, business dans la jungle
La province du Darién, à l'est du Panama, région très peu peuplée, abrite une forêt, un marécage et...
Les routes de l'impossible - Panama, business dans la jungle
La province du Darién, à l'est du Panama, région très peu peuplée, abrite une forêt, un marécage et une jungle impénétrable de 12 000 km2.
Ce pont naturel entre l'Amérique du Sud et l'Amérique central est le théâtre d'un trafic inattendu.
En effet, bravant cette nature hostile, des hommes traversent cette zone avec leurs marchandises, évidemment illicites.
Des Indiens, des paysans, des chercheurs d'or, des paramilitaires, des aventuriers et même des clandestins venus d'Afrique : tout un monde bigarré se croise dans le Darién. Des chasseurs aussi, attirés par la jungle où pullulent les jaguars, les crocodiles et les serpents.
wn.com/Les Routes De L Impossible ,Panama , Business Dans La Jungle Reportage Fr
Les routes de l'impossible - Panama, business dans la jungle
La province du Darién, à l'est du Panama, région très peu peuplée, abrite une forêt, un marécage et une jungle impénétrable de 12 000 km2.
Ce pont naturel entre l'Amérique du Sud et l'Amérique central est le théâtre d'un trafic inattendu.
En effet, bravant cette nature hostile, des hommes traversent cette zone avec leurs marchandises, évidemment illicites.
Des Indiens, des paysans, des chercheurs d'or, des paramilitaires, des aventuriers et même des clandestins venus d'Afrique : tout un monde bigarré se croise dans le Darién. Des chasseurs aussi, attirés par la jungle où pullulent les jaguars, les crocodiles et les serpents.
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 3
The Alternate Routes- Nothing More (Official Video) - Featured on the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics
New Single from The Alternate Routes. Nothing More was written for and inspired by the work of our friends at Newtown Kindness. The Nothing More single was f......
New Single from The Alternate Routes. Nothing More was written for and inspired by the work of our friends at Newtown Kindness. The Nothing More single was f...
wn.com/The Alternate Routes Nothing More (Official Video) Featured On The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics
New Single from The Alternate Routes. Nothing More was written for and inspired by the work of our friends at Newtown Kindness. The Nothing More single was f...
Les routes de l'impossible Congo le salaire de la sueur [REPORTAGE] [FR]
Troisième pays le plus grand du continent africain, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) est l'un des territoires les plus riches en matières premières au ...
Troisième pays le plus grand du continent africain, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) est l'un des territoires les plus riches en matières premières au monde. On y trouve du cobalt, du cuivre, du zinc, de l'or et des diamants. Eugène, un commerçant, a un camion chargé de marchandises et doit partir de Lubumbashi, capitale économique du pays, pour rejoindre sa ville natale, Bukama, 650 kilomètres plus au nord. Ici, le camion constitue le seul moyen pour acheminer le fret, car il n'y a pas d'aéroport..
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Congo Le Salaire De La Sueur Reportage Fr
Troisième pays le plus grand du continent africain, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) est l'un des territoires les plus riches en matières premières au monde. On y trouve du cobalt, du cuivre, du zinc, de l'or et des diamants. Eugène, un commerçant, a un camion chargé de marchandises et doit partir de Lubumbashi, capitale économique du pays, pour rejoindre sa ville natale, Bukama, 650 kilomètres plus au nord. Ici, le camion constitue le seul moyen pour acheminer le fret, car il n'y a pas d'aéroport..
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 4
Les routes de l'impossible : Pakistan La route des cimes
Les routes de l'impossible - Pakistan La route des cimes AU Pakistan, une seule route, la Lowari Pass, vitale pour l'approvisionnement des villageois, relie Dir...
Les routes de l'impossible - Pakistan La route des cimes AU Pakistan, une seule route, la Lowari Pass, vitale pour l'approvisionnement des villageois, relie Dir, .
Les routes de l'impossible - Pakistan La route des cimes AU Pakistan, une seule route, la Lowari Pass, vitale pour l'approvisionnement des villageois, relie Dir, .
Diffusé sur France 5 le mardi 14 juillet 2015 Les routes de l'impossible - Congo, le dernier train du Katanga --------------------------------------------------------------- Cette .
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Pakistan La Route Des Cimes
Les routes de l'impossible - Pakistan La route des cimes AU Pakistan, une seule route, la Lowari Pass, vitale pour l'approvisionnement des villageois, relie Dir, .
Les routes de l'impossible - Pakistan La route des cimes AU Pakistan, une seule route, la Lowari Pass, vitale pour l'approvisionnement des villageois, relie Dir, .
Diffusé sur France 5 le mardi 14 juillet 2015 Les routes de l'impossible - Congo, le dernier train du Katanga --------------------------------------------------------------- Cette .
- published: 10 Aug 2015
- views: 12
Les routes de l'impossible Bolivie Le chemin de la Mort
Il y a deux mondes en Bolivie. Celui de l'Altiplano avec les terres perchées à plus de 4 000 mètres d'altitude. Et celui du bassin amazonien, qui constitue les ...
Il y a deux mondes en Bolivie. Celui de l'Altiplano avec les terres perchées à plus de 4 000 mètres d'altitude. Et celui du bassin amazonien, qui constitue les .
Dans Le convoi de l'extrême : Les routes des Andes, les camionneurs sont Hugh Rowland, Lisa Kelly, Dave Redmon et Rick Yemm rejoint par les deux .
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 5 - Pérou, montagnes interdites ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la .
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Bolivie Le Chemin De La Mort
Il y a deux mondes en Bolivie. Celui de l'Altiplano avec les terres perchées à plus de 4 000 mètres d'altitude. Et celui du bassin amazonien, qui constitue les .
Dans Le convoi de l'extrême : Les routes des Andes, les camionneurs sont Hugh Rowland, Lisa Kelly, Dave Redmon et Rick Yemm rejoint par les deux .
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 5 - Pérou, montagnes interdites ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la .
- published: 04 Sep 2015
- views: 9
Les routes de l'impossible - Pérou, montagnes interdites [ REPORTAGE ] [FR]
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 5 - Pérou, montagnes interdites
Cette série documentaire...
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 5 - Pérou, montagnes interdites
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Le voyage entre l'océan Pacifique et la forêt amazonienne est ponctué d'obstacles naturels. Sur le chemin, il faut franchir des sommets de plus de 6000 mètres d'altitude et parcourir des routes considérées comme les plus dangereuses d'Amérique latine. Juan Carlos y est confronté deux fois par semaine, lorsqu'il achemine une cargaison d'oeufs depuis la côte pacifique jusqu'à Yungay, au coeur de la cordillère des Andes. De l'autre côté des Andes, là où la forêt couvre près des deux tiers du territoire, est nichée Iquitos, forte de ses 400 000 habitants. Cette ville, la seule de la planète à n'être desservie par aucune route, n'est accessible que par le fleuve ou le ciel.
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Pérou, Montagnes Interdites Reportage Fr
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 5 - Pérou, montagnes interdites
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Le voyage entre l'océan Pacifique et la forêt amazonienne est ponctué d'obstacles naturels. Sur le chemin, il faut franchir des sommets de plus de 6000 mètres d'altitude et parcourir des routes considérées comme les plus dangereuses d'Amérique latine. Juan Carlos y est confronté deux fois par semaine, lorsqu'il achemine une cargaison d'oeufs depuis la côte pacifique jusqu'à Yungay, au coeur de la cordillère des Andes. De l'autre côté des Andes, là où la forêt couvre près des deux tiers du territoire, est nichée Iquitos, forte de ses 400 000 habitants. Cette ville, la seule de la planète à n'être desservie par aucune route, n'est accessible que par le fleuve ou le ciel.
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 1
Top 10 des routes les plus dangereuses
Vous qui pensez savoir ce qu'était une route « dangereuse » après vos vacances en Corse ou en Haute-Savoie, regardez plutôt les suivantes. Un cauchemar pour ......
Vous qui pensez savoir ce qu'était une route « dangereuse » après vos vacances en Corse ou en Haute-Savoie, regardez plutôt les suivantes. Un cauchemar pour ...
wn.com/Top 10 Des Routes Les Plus Dangereuses
Vous qui pensez savoir ce qu'était une route « dangereuse » après vos vacances en Corse ou en Haute-Savoie, regardez plutôt les suivantes. Un cauchemar pour ...
- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 80891
author: Topito
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Amazonie, la dernière conquêe - 27 décembre 2015
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Amazonie, la dernière conquêe
Cette série document...
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Amazonie, la dernière conquêe
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 27 décembre 2015 à 20:40 - Durée : 50 min.
David, un Péruvien, part au volant de son vieux camion charger du bois en Amazonie. Sur une piste vertigineuse et délabrée, le phénomène climatique «El Niño» provoque des pluies diluviennes et des éboulements qui le mettent en danger et ralentissent sa progression. La jungle vers laquelle David se dirige est le dernier jardin intact du monde, un endroit d'une biodiversité incroyable. Malheureusement, les industriels polluent en y cherchant du gaz, et des territoires entiers sont déboisés par les paysans pauvres. Devant les yeux de David, l'Amazonie se transforme en gruyère, et lui-même est contraint de participer à ce massacre pour s'en sortir. Et au bout de sa route, les Masho Piro, les derniers Indiens isolés, sont menacés d'extinction.
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Saison 7 Amazonie, La Dernière Conquêe 27 Décembre 2015
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Amazonie, la dernière conquêe
Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la planète, des personnes qui prennent des risques importants pour gagner de quoi vivre, en conduisant un véhicule.
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 27 décembre 2015 à 20:40 - Durée : 50 min.
David, un Péruvien, part au volant de son vieux camion charger du bois en Amazonie. Sur une piste vertigineuse et délabrée, le phénomène climatique «El Niño» provoque des pluies diluviennes et des éboulements qui le mettent en danger et ralentissent sa progression. La jungle vers laquelle David se dirige est le dernier jardin intact du monde, un endroit d'une biodiversité incroyable. Malheureusement, les industriels polluent en y cherchant du gaz, et des territoires entiers sont déboisés par les paysans pauvres. Devant les yeux de David, l'Amazonie se transforme en gruyère, et lui-même est contraint de participer à ce massacre pour s'en sortir. Et au bout de sa route, les Masho Piro, les derniers Indiens isolés, sont menacés d'extinction.
- published: 28 Dec 2015
- views: 287
Les routes de l'impossible : Madagascar, pistes, saphirs et bois précieux
A Madagascar, le «bois de rose» est au coeur de toutes les convoitises. Pour les bûcherons clandestins, les derniers arbres du pays constituent la source .
A Madagascar, le «bois de rose» est au coeur de toutes les convoitises. Pour les bûcherons clandestins, les derniers arbres du pays constituent la source .
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 6 - Laos, au pays du triangle d'or ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cette série documentaire suit, .
Diffusé sur France 5 le mardi 14 juillet 2015 Les routes de l'impossible - Congo, le dernier train du Katanga --------------------------------------------------------------- Cette .
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Madagascar, Pistes, Saphirs Et Bois Précieux
A Madagascar, le «bois de rose» est au coeur de toutes les convoitises. Pour les bûcherons clandestins, les derniers arbres du pays constituent la source .
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 6 - Laos, au pays du triangle d'or ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cette série documentaire suit, .
Diffusé sur France 5 le mardi 14 juillet 2015 Les routes de l'impossible - Congo, le dernier train du Katanga --------------------------------------------------------------- Cette .
- published: 04 Sep 2015
- views: 3
Au cœur des grandes routes maritimes -Thalassa (émission intégrale)
Les routes maritimes, ce sont toutes ces lignes invisibles sur les mers du globe qui unissent les hommes et permettent les échanges. Autrefois dédiées au commer...
Les routes maritimes, ce sont toutes ces lignes invisibles sur les mers du globe qui unissent les hommes et permettent les échanges. Autrefois dédiées au commerce des épices ou du coton, elles sont aujourd’hui les symboles de la mondialisation.
Nous avons décidé de redécouvrir une partie de ces voies maritimes en embarquant à bord d’un porte-conteneur, d’un brise-glace nucléaire, d’une goélette et d’un bâtiment militaire. Avec les marins de ces bateaux, nous embarquerons pour un tour du monde étourdissant : de la Sibérie au Golfe de Guinée, de l’Europe à l’Asie avec une traversée inoubliable du canal de Panama !
wn.com/Au Cœur Des Grandes Routes Maritimes Thalassa (Émission Intégrale)
Les routes maritimes, ce sont toutes ces lignes invisibles sur les mers du globe qui unissent les hommes et permettent les échanges. Autrefois dédiées au commerce des épices ou du coton, elles sont aujourd’hui les symboles de la mondialisation.
Nous avons décidé de redécouvrir une partie de ces voies maritimes en embarquant à bord d’un porte-conteneur, d’un brise-glace nucléaire, d’une goélette et d’un bâtiment militaire. Avec les marins de ces bateaux, nous embarquerons pour un tour du monde étourdissant : de la Sibérie au Golfe de Guinée, de l’Europe à l’Asie avec une traversée inoubliable du canal de Panama !
- published: 25 Nov 2015
- views: 33
Les routes de l'impossible : Congo, le dernier train du Katanga France 5 2015
Diffusé sur France 5 le mardi 14 juillet 2015 Les routes de l'impossible - Congo, le dernier train du Katanga --------------------------------------------------...
Diffusé sur France 5 le mardi 14 juillet 2015 Les routes de l'impossible - Congo, le dernier train du Katanga --------------------------------------------------------------- Cette .
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 3 - Congo, le rafiot de l'enfer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la .
Diffusion Mardi 14 juillet à 20h40 sur F5. Au Congo les routes sont, pour la majorité, impraticables ou inexistantes. Le seul transport fiable, l'avion, est hors de .
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Congo, Le Dernier Train Du Katanga France 5 2015
Diffusé sur France 5 le mardi 14 juillet 2015 Les routes de l'impossible - Congo, le dernier train du Katanga --------------------------------------------------------------- Cette .
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 3 - Congo, le rafiot de l'enfer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cette série documentaire suit, à travers la .
Diffusion Mardi 14 juillet à 20h40 sur F5. Au Congo les routes sont, pour la majorité, impraticables ou inexistantes. Le seul transport fiable, l'avion, est hors de .
- published: 10 Aug 2015
- views: 1
Les routes de l'impossible - Surinam, pour une poignée d'or
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Surinam, pour une poignée d'or
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 20 décembre 2015
Le Surinam est un petit pays situé au...
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Surinam, pour une poignée d'or
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 20 décembre 2015
Le Surinam est un petit pays situé au coeur de l'Amazonie, en pleine jungle, recouvert de forêts vierges. Encore très sauvage, il n'est traversé que de quelques routes, des pistes et des grands fleuves. Souvent les pirogues y font office de camions. Avec à peine un demi-million d'habitants, le Surinam est le pays le moins peuplé du continent américain. Pour aller d'un village à l'autre, l'on emprunte le fleuve, et ses cours d'eau capricieux. Le Surinam a un autre nom : la Guyane hollandaise. Avant 1975, c'était une colonie néerlandaise. Aujourd'hui, les descendants des esclaves travaillent toujours pour les chercheurs d'or.
wn.com/Les Routes De L'Impossible Surinam, Pour Une Poignée D'or
Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 7 - Surinam, pour une poignée d'or
Diffusé sur France 5 le dimanche 20 décembre 2015
Le Surinam est un petit pays situé au coeur de l'Amazonie, en pleine jungle, recouvert de forêts vierges. Encore très sauvage, il n'est traversé que de quelques routes, des pistes et des grands fleuves. Souvent les pirogues y font office de camions. Avec à peine un demi-million d'habitants, le Surinam est le pays le moins peuplé du continent américain. Pour aller d'un village à l'autre, l'on emprunte le fleuve, et ses cours d'eau capricieux. Le Surinam a un autre nom : la Guyane hollandaise. Avant 1975, c'était une colonie néerlandaise. Aujourd'hui, les descendants des esclaves travaillent toujours pour les chercheurs d'or.
- published: 20 Dec 2015
- views: 276
Route 66 Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The famous Route 66 was one of the original federal routes between 1926 and 1985. It started in Chicago and lead through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California ending in Los Angeles. The length of this historical route is around 4000 km’s. Let us visit the shops, the gas stations, motels, and restaurants along the Mother Road. Let us stop at a secluded spot and liste
How I Plan My Fulltime RV Travel Routes
I think I failed to mention I only like to go 120-130 miles a day, so look for places to stop where you will reach your driving limit.
Find What You Need to Get Started with Your RV:
My RV Quick Start Guide:
My Royalty Free Travel and Nature Video Clips and Photos:
Tranzit Zombies Secrets: Alternate Bus Routes, Time Travel, and Bus Driver Locations
Check out our videos for THE 2 GREATEST Mobile Strategy Games EVER: Clash of Clans and Boom Beach. CLICK HERE AND GO NOW: https://www.youtube.com/NGTMobileGa...
Sultanate Of Oman Travel Guide
This Sultanate is a fabulous land full of surprises, a fine example of original Arabia from the Straits Of Hormuz to southern Dhofar.
Jordan Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Jordan.
Amman is the capital in which poverty and wealth live side by side and with a history of Nabateans, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders and Ottomans
Completionist Quickies - [Trim] Detailed Guide To Unlocking All Eagle Transport Routes!
http://www.Facebook.com/RsRogie - Hit "Like" to join our Community! Join in on the RuneZone Community!: http://runezone.com/?ref=5409 ---------- I have the R...
Inde du Nord- Travel India- KD guide en Inde pour les Routes du Monde
http://www.routesdumonde.com KD guide en Inde pour les Routes du Monde Inde du Nord- Travel India 514 842-1888 Montréal Québec KD guide en Inde pour les Rout...
Macedonia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Macedonia.
Macedonia is a young Balkan republic that is a combination of both Orient and Occident. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia and is located in the Vardar River Valley. It has a dramatic history that spans many thousands of years and forms the junction of two trading routes in southeast Europe that unite both western and eastern civilisation. The legacy of O
Kakadu National Park Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Kakadu National Park is 150 miles east of Darwin, in a region Australians fondly call “The Top End”. World Heritage Listed, Kakadu is almost half the size of Switzerland and is a geological, biological, and cultural wonderland.
The park is open year-round, but most visitors come from May to October, when most of the park’s roads are open. You’ll need to set aside a few days to fully explore Kaka
Bratislava (Slovakia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Bratislava in Slovakia.
Bratislava is located in the heart of Europe and is the capital of Slovakia. It is a city with a long and colourful history and its river location and well conserved old town have made it into an important Danube metropolis.The Old City Hall with its main building, the Jakob House, dates back to the fourteenth century and has three ad
Travel Guide to Argentina
Argentina is one of the jewels in the Latin American crown. A vast country stretching 3,500 kilometres from the Bolivian border in the north to Ushuaia and the gateway to Antarctica in the south, it is a place that offers some of the most impressive natural wonders anywhere on earth. It has a world-class tourist infrastructure, with arguably the best cuisine on the continent, and it is safe. But i
SICILIA, Italia turismo / Ruta por Selinunte, Sciacca e Il Belice / Italia guía tour 2016
Ruta por el suroeste de Sicilia, Italia.
Visita / tour:
Selinunte, Sciacca, Il Belice, Caltabellotta, Partanna, Grifeo, Sambuca y Giuliana
Una producción de:
Con el soporte de:
Morocco Travel Guide 2015
Morocco Travel Guide 2015, Morocco Tourism & Vacations 2015, Morocco Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Morocco is a North African country that has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It has borders with Western Sahara to the south, Algeria to the east and the Spanish North African terri
Skopje Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Skopje. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia and is located in the valley of the Vardar River with a dramatic history that spans...
Startup Of The Month December 2015: Routes
Routes - a fun and effective way to explore cities
Many travellers spend a lot of time planning, figuring out what to do and how to get around. Most travel apps focus on recommending individual places, but no one gives you a plan for what to do after you’ve been to those places. Meaning you have to plan ahead all the time.
Routes is an app that completely solves the problem of finding awesome
Self Drive Botswana Free 4x4 Travel Guide.
Self Drive 4X4 Adventure. Complete Full Version Travel Guide.
Before You Go See This Video. Comprehensive Travel Guide. Now free to view on YouTube. Our route starts at the border with South Africa and takes us to the northern part of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (Deception Valley), from where we travel on to Maun – the Gateway to the Okavango Delta. We then headed north to Moremi, on to Sav
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 (HD)
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2016
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kyōto (京都) was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and carries a reputation as its most beautiful city. However, visitors may be surprised by how much work they will have to do to see Kyoto's beaut
Tunisia Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Tunisia.
Tunis is a North African city with a long history. After the Hasfides and Osmans, the Spanish Moors came but then had to give way to French colonial rule until present day Independence. In the old town, there are more than 700 historic monuments which include 200 palaces, a colourful variety of buildings and numerous mosques.Among shoreline lava rock is the
Zanzibar Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Zanzibar. Zanzibar is a paradise-like island just off the Tanzanian coast. An island of spice and exotic aromas, sultans' pala...
Experience Yosemite National Park, California
Yosemite National Park covers nearly 1,200 square miles of mountainous terrain in the Sierra Nevada of California. From high peaks and deep canyons to ancient forests and quiet meadows, the diversity of the world is on display here. At Yosemite you can see the tranquillity of the High Sierra, the power of glaciers, giant sequoia groves, thundering waterfalls, clear streams and much more. Designat
Wyoming And South Dakota Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Wyoming And South Dakota. As in former times, the routes of the first pioneers still take visitors into the far west via strik...
Scotland (Europe) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Scotland, located in the north of the United Kingdom, is a fascinating and atmospheric land. A land of Celtic myths and legends with green hills, barren highlands, mysterious lakes and mighty castles.In the centre of the capital the impressive Edinburgh Castle crowns the hard basalt cone of an extinct volcano, the historic heart of the nation. The beauty of the dense forests and hills of the Tross
Elite: Dangerous. How to find a trade route
Here's how i search for new trade routes and what you should be looking after. This time i search for extraction economy as there can be found expensive metals, like gold, silver, palladium, platinum that can be sold at industrial or high tech systems with good profit.
Route 66 Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The famous Route 66 was one of the original federal routes between 1926 and 1985. It started in Chicago and lead through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New ...
The famous Route 66 was one of the original federal routes between 1926 and 1985. It started in Chicago and lead through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California ending in Los Angeles. The length of this historical route is around 4000 km’s. Let us visit the shops, the gas stations, motels, and restaurants along the Mother Road. Let us stop at a secluded spot and listen to the sound of the million wheels traveling on this road. Let us visit the cities of Chicago and St. Louis, the Museum of the West and the western movies, the Native American villages, and the great river, the Mississippi. Let us think of Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Jack Keruac, John Steinbeck, and the ’Easy riders’. Let us see the wonderful colors of Santa Fe and the fantastic Grand Canyon. Let us walk in the footsteps of the stars on the streets of Beverly Hills and Hollywood, and take a swim in the Ocean on the beach of Santa Monica or Malibu.
wn.com/Route 66 Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The famous Route 66 was one of the original federal routes between 1926 and 1985. It started in Chicago and lead through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California ending in Los Angeles. The length of this historical route is around 4000 km’s. Let us visit the shops, the gas stations, motels, and restaurants along the Mother Road. Let us stop at a secluded spot and listen to the sound of the million wheels traveling on this road. Let us visit the cities of Chicago and St. Louis, the Museum of the West and the western movies, the Native American villages, and the great river, the Mississippi. Let us think of Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Jack Keruac, John Steinbeck, and the ’Easy riders’. Let us see the wonderful colors of Santa Fe and the fantastic Grand Canyon. Let us walk in the footsteps of the stars on the streets of Beverly Hills and Hollywood, and take a swim in the Ocean on the beach of Santa Monica or Malibu.
- published: 04 May 2015
- views: 11322
How I Plan My Fulltime RV Travel Routes
I think I failed to mention I only like to go 120-130 miles a day, so look for places to stop where you will reach your driving limit.
Find What You Need to G...
I think I failed to mention I only like to go 120-130 miles a day, so look for places to stop where you will reach your driving limit.
Find What You Need to Get Started with Your RV:
My RV Quick Start Guide:
My Royalty Free Travel and Nature Video Clips and Photos:
Join Me on Pinterest:
wn.com/How I Plan My Fulltime Rv Travel Routes
I think I failed to mention I only like to go 120-130 miles a day, so look for places to stop where you will reach your driving limit.
Find What You Need to Get Started with Your RV:
My RV Quick Start Guide:
My Royalty Free Travel and Nature Video Clips and Photos:
Join Me on Pinterest:
- published: 16 Sep 2014
- views: 319
Tranzit Zombies Secrets: Alternate Bus Routes, Time Travel, and Bus Driver Locations
Check out our videos for THE 2 GREATEST Mobile Strategy Games EVER: Clash of Clans and Boom Beach. CLICK HERE AND GO NOW: https://www.youtube.com/NGTMobileGa......
Check out our videos for THE 2 GREATEST Mobile Strategy Games EVER: Clash of Clans and Boom Beach. CLICK HERE AND GO NOW: https://www.youtube.com/NGTMobileGa...
wn.com/Tranzit Zombies Secrets Alternate Bus Routes, Time Travel, And Bus Driver Locations
Check out our videos for THE 2 GREATEST Mobile Strategy Games EVER: Clash of Clans and Boom Beach. CLICK HERE AND GO NOW: https://www.youtube.com/NGTMobileGa...
- published: 08 Dec 2012
- views: 1716869
author: NGTZombies
Sultanate Of Oman Travel Guide
This Sultanate is a fabulous land full of surprises, a fine example of original Arabia from the Straits Of Hormuz to southern Dhofar....
This Sultanate is a fabulous land full of surprises, a fine example of original Arabia from the Straits Of Hormuz to southern Dhofar.
wn.com/Sultanate Of Oman Travel Guide
This Sultanate is a fabulous land full of surprises, a fine example of original Arabia from the Straits Of Hormuz to southern Dhofar.
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 41
Jordan Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Jordan.
Amman is the capital in which poverty and wealth live side by side and with a history of Nabateans, Greeks, Romans, Byzan...
Travel video about destination Jordan.
Amman is the capital in which poverty and wealth live side by side and with a history of Nabateans, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders and Ottomans
wn.com/Jordan Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Jordan.
Amman is the capital in which poverty and wealth live side by side and with a history of Nabateans, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders and Ottomans
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 17071
Completionist Quickies - [Trim] Detailed Guide To Unlocking All Eagle Transport Routes!
http://www.Facebook.com/RsRogie - Hit "Like" to join our Community! Join in on the RuneZone Community!: http://runezone.com/?ref=5409 ---------- I have the R......
http://www.Facebook.com/RsRogie - Hit "Like" to join our Community! Join in on the RuneZone Community!: http://runezone.com/?ref=5409 ---------- I have the R...
wn.com/Completionist Quickies Trim Detailed Guide To Unlocking All Eagle Transport Routes
http://www.Facebook.com/RsRogie - Hit "Like" to join our Community! Join in on the RuneZone Community!: http://runezone.com/?ref=5409 ---------- I have the R...
- published: 10 Oct 2012
- views: 4631
author: RsRogie
Inde du Nord- Travel India- KD guide en Inde pour les Routes du Monde
http://www.routesdumonde.com KD guide en Inde pour les Routes du Monde Inde du Nord- Travel India 514 842-1888 Montréal Québec KD guide en Inde pour les Rout......
http://www.routesdumonde.com KD guide en Inde pour les Routes du Monde Inde du Nord- Travel India 514 842-1888 Montréal Québec KD guide en Inde pour les Rout...
wn.com/Inde Du Nord Travel India Kd Guide En Inde Pour Les Routes Du Monde
http://www.routesdumonde.com KD guide en Inde pour les Routes du Monde Inde du Nord- Travel India 514 842-1888 Montréal Québec KD guide en Inde pour les Rout...
Macedonia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Macedonia.
Macedonia is a young Balkan republic that is a combination of both Orient and Occident. Skopje is the capital of Maced...
Travel video about destination Macedonia.
Macedonia is a young Balkan republic that is a combination of both Orient and Occident. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia and is located in the Vardar River Valley. It has a dramatic history that spans many thousands of years and forms the junction of two trading routes in southeast Europe that unite both western and eastern civilisation. The legacy of Ottoman times is omnipresent in Skopje. One of the city’s most well-preserved mosques is that of the Gazi-Isisa-Bey Djamia and in the seventeenth century it is believed that there were up to a hundred and twenty mosques in the city. Ottoman rule began in 1392 and lasted for more than five hundred years. Near the village of Glumovo is the Bogorodica Monastery that was founded in the fourteenth century and is active again today. The mediaeval frescos on the walls and ceilings are well preserved after five centuries. Southwest of Prilep is the ancient city of Stibera that is also known as Macedonian Pompeii. It is in a good location on an important road. The last Macedonian king, Perseus, had his military headquarters in Stibera during his struggles with Rome. In the south, just a few kilometres from the Greek border, is Bitola, at the foot of Pelister Mountain and on the edge of the fertile Pelagonija Plains. Buildings with Neo-Baroque and Renaissance facades, huge mosques and splendid diplomatic residences indicate the city’s importance. Macedonia is a wild land full of natural splendour and with a long and dramatic history that is well worth more than just a flying visit. Indeed, this visit also features a Galička wedding that is a fine example of colourful tradition and local culture.
wn.com/Macedonia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Macedonia.
Macedonia is a young Balkan republic that is a combination of both Orient and Occident. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia and is located in the Vardar River Valley. It has a dramatic history that spans many thousands of years and forms the junction of two trading routes in southeast Europe that unite both western and eastern civilisation. The legacy of Ottoman times is omnipresent in Skopje. One of the city’s most well-preserved mosques is that of the Gazi-Isisa-Bey Djamia and in the seventeenth century it is believed that there were up to a hundred and twenty mosques in the city. Ottoman rule began in 1392 and lasted for more than five hundred years. Near the village of Glumovo is the Bogorodica Monastery that was founded in the fourteenth century and is active again today. The mediaeval frescos on the walls and ceilings are well preserved after five centuries. Southwest of Prilep is the ancient city of Stibera that is also known as Macedonian Pompeii. It is in a good location on an important road. The last Macedonian king, Perseus, had his military headquarters in Stibera during his struggles with Rome. In the south, just a few kilometres from the Greek border, is Bitola, at the foot of Pelister Mountain and on the edge of the fertile Pelagonija Plains. Buildings with Neo-Baroque and Renaissance facades, huge mosques and splendid diplomatic residences indicate the city’s importance. Macedonia is a wild land full of natural splendour and with a long and dramatic history that is well worth more than just a flying visit. Indeed, this visit also features a Galička wedding that is a fine example of colourful tradition and local culture.
- published: 06 Jun 2014
- views: 22310
Kakadu National Park Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Kakadu National Park is 150 miles east of Darwin, in a region Australians fondly call “The Top End”. World Heritage Listed, Kakadu is almost half the size of Sw...
Kakadu National Park is 150 miles east of Darwin, in a region Australians fondly call “The Top End”. World Heritage Listed, Kakadu is almost half the size of Switzerland and is a geological, biological, and cultural wonderland.
The park is open year-round, but most visitors come from May to October, when most of the park’s roads are open. You’ll need to set aside a few days to fully explore Kakadu, and once there, the best way to experience the park is by off-road vehicle and on foot. The park has around 25 marked trails, from short walks to multi day hikes.
Two of the most popular walks include Jim Jim Falls and Twin Falls. Here, at the end of forested gorges, are the sorts of places many dream about, but few will ever see. Another great place to cool off is Gunlom Falls, which offers crystal-clear swimming holes and views all the way to far-off Arnhem Land.
Kakadu is dotted with thousands of art sites, with some ancient galleries featuring paintings dating back over 20,000 years. The galleries at Nourlangie Rock and Ubirr are two of the most visited and feature incredibly well-preserved paintings depicting traditional legends and day-to-day life.
Take a cruise through the Yellow Water Billabong and spot Jabiru, Magpie Geese and salt and fresh water crocodiles. Then finish your visit on a high by taking a chartered flight over the park for views you’ll remember forever.
wn.com/Kakadu National Park Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Kakadu National Park is 150 miles east of Darwin, in a region Australians fondly call “The Top End”. World Heritage Listed, Kakadu is almost half the size of Switzerland and is a geological, biological, and cultural wonderland.
The park is open year-round, but most visitors come from May to October, when most of the park’s roads are open. You’ll need to set aside a few days to fully explore Kakadu, and once there, the best way to experience the park is by off-road vehicle and on foot. The park has around 25 marked trails, from short walks to multi day hikes.
Two of the most popular walks include Jim Jim Falls and Twin Falls. Here, at the end of forested gorges, are the sorts of places many dream about, but few will ever see. Another great place to cool off is Gunlom Falls, which offers crystal-clear swimming holes and views all the way to far-off Arnhem Land.
Kakadu is dotted with thousands of art sites, with some ancient galleries featuring paintings dating back over 20,000 years. The galleries at Nourlangie Rock and Ubirr are two of the most visited and feature incredibly well-preserved paintings depicting traditional legends and day-to-day life.
Take a cruise through the Yellow Water Billabong and spot Jabiru, Magpie Geese and salt and fresh water crocodiles. Then finish your visit on a high by taking a chartered flight over the park for views you’ll remember forever.
- published: 28 Oct 2014
- views: 12241
Bratislava (Slovakia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Bratislava in Slovakia.
Bratislava is located in the heart of Europe and is the capital of Slovakia. It is a city with a...
Vacation travel video about destination Bratislava in Slovakia.
Bratislava is located in the heart of Europe and is the capital of Slovakia. It is a city with a long and colourful history and its river location and well conserved old town have made it into an important Danube metropolis.The Old City Hall with its main building, the Jakob House, dates back to the fourteenth century and has three adjoining townhouses. Its inner courtyard with its romantic arcades in Neo Gothic and Neo-Renaissance style, is full of Mediterranean flair. The Gothic St. Martin’s Cathedral is a huge old fortress church that once adjoined the city walls. Its construction took a hundred and fifty years and between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries eleven Hungarian kings and eight royal wives were crowned within its walls. For centuries, Bratislava was a junction of historic trade routes that fused together various cultures. But now one of the youngest European metropolises has come of age. Bratislava, vibrant city on the Danube!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Bratislava (Slovakia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Bratislava in Slovakia.
Bratislava is located in the heart of Europe and is the capital of Slovakia. It is a city with a long and colourful history and its river location and well conserved old town have made it into an important Danube metropolis.The Old City Hall with its main building, the Jakob House, dates back to the fourteenth century and has three adjoining townhouses. Its inner courtyard with its romantic arcades in Neo Gothic and Neo-Renaissance style, is full of Mediterranean flair. The Gothic St. Martin’s Cathedral is a huge old fortress church that once adjoined the city walls. Its construction took a hundred and fifty years and between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries eleven Hungarian kings and eight royal wives were crowned within its walls. For centuries, Bratislava was a junction of historic trade routes that fused together various cultures. But now one of the youngest European metropolises has come of age. Bratislava, vibrant city on the Danube!
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Please: respect each other in the comments.
Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 93
Travel Guide to Argentina
Argentina is one of the jewels in the Latin American crown. A vast country stretching 3,500 kilometres from the Bolivian border in the north to Ushuaia and the ...
Argentina is one of the jewels in the Latin American crown. A vast country stretching 3,500 kilometres from the Bolivian border in the north to Ushuaia and the gateway to Antarctica in the south, it is a place that offers some of the most impressive natural wonders anywhere on earth. It has a world-class tourist infrastructure, with arguably the best cuisine on the continent, and it is safe. But its not just that that makes a trip to Argentina feel so special. The country simply has a redoubtable spirit unlike any other in the region, and nowhere is that more evident than in its lively capital, Buenos Aires.
If Argentina is one of the jewels in the Latin American crown, so the cosmopolitan Buenos Aires is one of the standout cities of the continent. Many gateway cities are just that, and you’re best off getting in and getting out, but not the Argentine capital; this is a destination in its own right that ideally requires at least 3 days to truly explore. A place where the elegance of old Europe crashes against the colourful coast of Latin America, Buenos Aires is a beautiful city, with elegant and impressive architecture, relaxing parks and some great sites. Must see locations include the colourful Bocca district, famous for its brightly painted homes, San Telmo, renowned for its antique market and strange curiosity shops, Palermo, home to some of the city’s most stylish restaurants, hotel and bars, and the smart district of Recoleta, most well-known for its famous cemetery, the final resting place of among others Argentina’s most famous daughter, Eva Peron.
From here heading north the first place you’ll be tempted to visit is one of the country’s many natural wonders… the famous Iguazu Falls.
From here, working our way anti clockwise around the country you’ll come to Corrientes and the Iberia wetlands. Although not commonly visited by international travellers, we at Wild Frontiers love this place and run many trips to the atmospheric estancias where we have fun playing at being gauchos.
From here you come to Cordoba, the country’s second largest city. This is a region known for the pretty Andean foothills into which you can ride or walk.
Next up is the famous wine region of Mendoza. Anyone interested in gastronomy trips should spend at least 3 days here, where, staying at one of the locally-run boutique wineries you can enjoy some world class dining. But Mendoza isn’t only about cuisine… it is also the gateway to hikes up the America’s highest mountain, Aconcagua, and some good horse rides into the low Andes.
Heading north of here is the spectacular coloured mountain desert region of Salta, and the northern routes into Chile and the Atacama Desert, or heading further east you’ll next come to San Martin de los Andes, where you’ll find some wonderful mountain scenery with a few great estancias again offering some great riding, and fishing, experiences this time into the higher Andes.
Now heading south, the next location you’ll come to is one of the countries major highlights, the lake district of Bariloche. Here you can enjoy all manner of activities, from riding and cycling, to kayaking and abseiling, or just relaxing with a nice picnic on one of the regions many lakes.
Heading south on highway 40, passed the fossilised remains of the world’s largest dinosaur, and the famous painted hands at Cueva de las Manos, you come to FitzRoy National Park before hitting one of the most impressive areas on the continent, El Calafate, and the regions wide open steppes and famous glaciers that here crash down into the lakes. There are many such glaciers but perhaps the most famous is the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Puerto Moreno glacier.
To the east of the country is Puerto Valdez, from which between October to March the Orca whales can be spotted, and in the very south is Ushuaia, and the gateway to Antarctica. At Wild Frontiers we have relationships with some of the best Antarctic explorer vessels.
Argentina is a huge country and unless you are lucky enough to have a month to travel you are unlikely to see it all in one visit. The important thing is to work out what you’d like to see most, and then let us help you work out the best way to do it.
Although Argentina may not have the level indigenous cultural traditions that Bolivia and Peru enjoy; although it might not have the beaches, colour and sheer razzmatazz that Brazil can boast, Argentina does have a plethora of sites and experiences with which to seduce the visitor. With its dramatic Patagonian steppes, its extraordinary glaciers, its colourful mountains and deserts, its lakes and its coast, Argentina’s landscapes are second to none. Its wildlife is impressive and varied, its cuisine is world class and in its cultured, cosmopolitan capital city, it has one of the most fun metropolises anywhere on the planet.
wn.com/Travel Guide To Argentina
Argentina is one of the jewels in the Latin American crown. A vast country stretching 3,500 kilometres from the Bolivian border in the north to Ushuaia and the gateway to Antarctica in the south, it is a place that offers some of the most impressive natural wonders anywhere on earth. It has a world-class tourist infrastructure, with arguably the best cuisine on the continent, and it is safe. But its not just that that makes a trip to Argentina feel so special. The country simply has a redoubtable spirit unlike any other in the region, and nowhere is that more evident than in its lively capital, Buenos Aires.
If Argentina is one of the jewels in the Latin American crown, so the cosmopolitan Buenos Aires is one of the standout cities of the continent. Many gateway cities are just that, and you’re best off getting in and getting out, but not the Argentine capital; this is a destination in its own right that ideally requires at least 3 days to truly explore. A place where the elegance of old Europe crashes against the colourful coast of Latin America, Buenos Aires is a beautiful city, with elegant and impressive architecture, relaxing parks and some great sites. Must see locations include the colourful Bocca district, famous for its brightly painted homes, San Telmo, renowned for its antique market and strange curiosity shops, Palermo, home to some of the city’s most stylish restaurants, hotel and bars, and the smart district of Recoleta, most well-known for its famous cemetery, the final resting place of among others Argentina’s most famous daughter, Eva Peron.
From here heading north the first place you’ll be tempted to visit is one of the country’s many natural wonders… the famous Iguazu Falls.
From here, working our way anti clockwise around the country you’ll come to Corrientes and the Iberia wetlands. Although not commonly visited by international travellers, we at Wild Frontiers love this place and run many trips to the atmospheric estancias where we have fun playing at being gauchos.
From here you come to Cordoba, the country’s second largest city. This is a region known for the pretty Andean foothills into which you can ride or walk.
Next up is the famous wine region of Mendoza. Anyone interested in gastronomy trips should spend at least 3 days here, where, staying at one of the locally-run boutique wineries you can enjoy some world class dining. But Mendoza isn’t only about cuisine… it is also the gateway to hikes up the America’s highest mountain, Aconcagua, and some good horse rides into the low Andes.
Heading north of here is the spectacular coloured mountain desert region of Salta, and the northern routes into Chile and the Atacama Desert, or heading further east you’ll next come to San Martin de los Andes, where you’ll find some wonderful mountain scenery with a few great estancias again offering some great riding, and fishing, experiences this time into the higher Andes.
Now heading south, the next location you’ll come to is one of the countries major highlights, the lake district of Bariloche. Here you can enjoy all manner of activities, from riding and cycling, to kayaking and abseiling, or just relaxing with a nice picnic on one of the regions many lakes.
Heading south on highway 40, passed the fossilised remains of the world’s largest dinosaur, and the famous painted hands at Cueva de las Manos, you come to FitzRoy National Park before hitting one of the most impressive areas on the continent, El Calafate, and the regions wide open steppes and famous glaciers that here crash down into the lakes. There are many such glaciers but perhaps the most famous is the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Puerto Moreno glacier.
To the east of the country is Puerto Valdez, from which between October to March the Orca whales can be spotted, and in the very south is Ushuaia, and the gateway to Antarctica. At Wild Frontiers we have relationships with some of the best Antarctic explorer vessels.
Argentina is a huge country and unless you are lucky enough to have a month to travel you are unlikely to see it all in one visit. The important thing is to work out what you’d like to see most, and then let us help you work out the best way to do it.
Although Argentina may not have the level indigenous cultural traditions that Bolivia and Peru enjoy; although it might not have the beaches, colour and sheer razzmatazz that Brazil can boast, Argentina does have a plethora of sites and experiences with which to seduce the visitor. With its dramatic Patagonian steppes, its extraordinary glaciers, its colourful mountains and deserts, its lakes and its coast, Argentina’s landscapes are second to none. Its wildlife is impressive and varied, its cuisine is world class and in its cultured, cosmopolitan capital city, it has one of the most fun metropolises anywhere on the planet.
- published: 25 Mar 2015
- views: 20810
SICILIA, Italia turismo / Ruta por Selinunte, Sciacca e Il Belice / Italia guía tour 2016
Ruta por el suroeste de Sicilia, Italia.
Visita / tour:
Selinunte, Sciacca, Il Belice, Caltabellotta, Partanna, Grifeo, Sambuca y Giuliana
Una producción de:
Ruta por el suroeste de Sicilia, Italia.
Visita / tour:
Selinunte, Sciacca, Il Belice, Caltabellotta, Partanna, Grifeo, Sambuca y Giuliana
Una producción de:
Con el soporte de:
wn.com/Sicilia, Italia Turismo Ruta Por Selinunte, Sciacca E Il Belice Italia Guía Tour 2016
Ruta por el suroeste de Sicilia, Italia.
Visita / tour:
Selinunte, Sciacca, Il Belice, Caltabellotta, Partanna, Grifeo, Sambuca y Giuliana
Una producción de:
Con el soporte de:
- published: 04 Jan 2016
- views: 24
Morocco Travel Guide 2015
Morocco Travel Guide 2015, Morocco Tourism & Vacations 2015, Morocco Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?...
Morocco Travel Guide 2015, Morocco Tourism & Vacations 2015, Morocco Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Morocco is a North African country that has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It has borders with Western Sahara to the south, Algeria to the east and the Spanish North African territories of Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean coast in the north. It is just across the Strait of Gibraltar from Gibraltar.
See in Morocco
At just a few hours from the main European cities, Morocco has everything to overwhelm you with the amazing colors, smells and sounds of Islamic Africa. Imagine bustling souqs and spice markets, stunning mosques, white-washed sea side towns and medieval city centres. With panoramic views varying from snow-covered peaks in the High Atlas to the endless sand dunes of the Sahara, no-one ever has to be bored in this beautiful country.
Movie-famous Casablanca might be the most famous of Moroccan cities and is home to the huge Hassan II mosque, the second largest mosque in the world with only the Grand Mosque of Mecca surpassing it. Many travellers quickly leave this vibrant and modernist metropolis on a search for a more traditional Moroccan experience, but admiring the impressive colonial architecture, Hispano-Moorish and art-deco outlook of the city centre is actually time well spent. Marrakesh, known as the "Red City" and probably the most prominent former imperial capital, will leave you with memories to cherish for life. Spend your days wandering through the lively souqs, admiring the old gates and defensive walls, see the Saadian Tombs, the remnants of the El Badi Palace and visit the Koutoubia Mosque with its 12th century minaret. However, when evening falls make sure to head back to Jamaa el-Fnaa, the largest square in Africa, as it fills up with steam-producing food stalls. Indulge in the bustling activity there, listen to Arabic story tellers, watch magicians and Chleuh dancers. Fez, once Morocco's capital, is another gorgeous imperial city. Get lost in its lovely labyrinth of narrow Medieval streets, enjoy its huge medina, see the beautiful city gates, the ancient University of Al-Karaouine and the Bou Inania Madrasa. Also, make sure to visit a traditional leather tanning factory. The city of Meknes is often called the "Versailles of Morocco" for its beauty. Its lovely Spanish-Moorish style centre is surrounded by tall city walls with impressive gates and you'll be able to see the 17th century blend of European and Islamic cultures even today.
For a more laid-back experience of city life, catch a sea breeze at Asilah or lovely Essaouira. The blue-washed town of Chefchaouen is an old time travellers' favourite and a great starting point to explore the impressive High Atlas Mountains. Climb Jebel Toubkal, the highest peak in North-Africa, passing lovely adobe villages and exploring the gorgeous Ourika and Amizmiz valleys on the way. The stunning panoramic view from the top will make it worth every bit of your effort to get there. Other praised hiking routes lead through the beautiful Ameln Valley in the Anti-Atlas and the wooded Rif Mountains in the very north.
Hop on a camel back for a trip through the golden Sahara sand dunes at Erg Chebbi, near Merzouga. Spend the night in a desert tent, under the incredibly starred sky. The Sahara is also accessible near the town of Zagora; it's easier to get to from Marrakech but doesn't have the imposing dunes of Erg Chebbi. Somewhat less easy to reach but therefor also less crowded are the dunes of Erg Chigaga near M'hamid. On your way to the desert, make sure not to miss the stunning Todra gorge near Tinghir. The ancient fortified city of Aït-Benhaddou is another must-see sight. Although rainstorms damage the mud-brick kasbahs time and again, this mostly abandoned village remains an impressive sight and has been the decor for a range of movies, including Lawrence of Arabia and Gladiator.
Do in Morocco
There are two types of Hammam (steam baths) across Morocco.
The first is the tourist hammam, where you can go and be pampered and scrubbed by an experienced staff member. As these are promoted only to tourists they are the more expensive option with pricing usually around DH 150 for a hammam. They can not be technically referred to as a proper hammam, but they are nonetheless enjoyable, especially for the timid. Your hotel can recommend a good one.
The second option is to visit a "popular" Hammam. Popular hammams are the places where the locals go. Ask the staff at your hotel where they would go.
wn.com/Morocco Travel Guide 2015
Morocco Travel Guide 2015, Morocco Tourism & Vacations 2015, Morocco Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Morocco is a North African country that has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It has borders with Western Sahara to the south, Algeria to the east and the Spanish North African territories of Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean coast in the north. It is just across the Strait of Gibraltar from Gibraltar.
See in Morocco
At just a few hours from the main European cities, Morocco has everything to overwhelm you with the amazing colors, smells and sounds of Islamic Africa. Imagine bustling souqs and spice markets, stunning mosques, white-washed sea side towns and medieval city centres. With panoramic views varying from snow-covered peaks in the High Atlas to the endless sand dunes of the Sahara, no-one ever has to be bored in this beautiful country.
Movie-famous Casablanca might be the most famous of Moroccan cities and is home to the huge Hassan II mosque, the second largest mosque in the world with only the Grand Mosque of Mecca surpassing it. Many travellers quickly leave this vibrant and modernist metropolis on a search for a more traditional Moroccan experience, but admiring the impressive colonial architecture, Hispano-Moorish and art-deco outlook of the city centre is actually time well spent. Marrakesh, known as the "Red City" and probably the most prominent former imperial capital, will leave you with memories to cherish for life. Spend your days wandering through the lively souqs, admiring the old gates and defensive walls, see the Saadian Tombs, the remnants of the El Badi Palace and visit the Koutoubia Mosque with its 12th century minaret. However, when evening falls make sure to head back to Jamaa el-Fnaa, the largest square in Africa, as it fills up with steam-producing food stalls. Indulge in the bustling activity there, listen to Arabic story tellers, watch magicians and Chleuh dancers. Fez, once Morocco's capital, is another gorgeous imperial city. Get lost in its lovely labyrinth of narrow Medieval streets, enjoy its huge medina, see the beautiful city gates, the ancient University of Al-Karaouine and the Bou Inania Madrasa. Also, make sure to visit a traditional leather tanning factory. The city of Meknes is often called the "Versailles of Morocco" for its beauty. Its lovely Spanish-Moorish style centre is surrounded by tall city walls with impressive gates and you'll be able to see the 17th century blend of European and Islamic cultures even today.
For a more laid-back experience of city life, catch a sea breeze at Asilah or lovely Essaouira. The blue-washed town of Chefchaouen is an old time travellers' favourite and a great starting point to explore the impressive High Atlas Mountains. Climb Jebel Toubkal, the highest peak in North-Africa, passing lovely adobe villages and exploring the gorgeous Ourika and Amizmiz valleys on the way. The stunning panoramic view from the top will make it worth every bit of your effort to get there. Other praised hiking routes lead through the beautiful Ameln Valley in the Anti-Atlas and the wooded Rif Mountains in the very north.
Hop on a camel back for a trip through the golden Sahara sand dunes at Erg Chebbi, near Merzouga. Spend the night in a desert tent, under the incredibly starred sky. The Sahara is also accessible near the town of Zagora; it's easier to get to from Marrakech but doesn't have the imposing dunes of Erg Chebbi. Somewhat less easy to reach but therefor also less crowded are the dunes of Erg Chigaga near M'hamid. On your way to the desert, make sure not to miss the stunning Todra gorge near Tinghir. The ancient fortified city of Aït-Benhaddou is another must-see sight. Although rainstorms damage the mud-brick kasbahs time and again, this mostly abandoned village remains an impressive sight and has been the decor for a range of movies, including Lawrence of Arabia and Gladiator.
Do in Morocco
There are two types of Hammam (steam baths) across Morocco.
The first is the tourist hammam, where you can go and be pampered and scrubbed by an experienced staff member. As these are promoted only to tourists they are the more expensive option with pricing usually around DH 150 for a hammam. They can not be technically referred to as a proper hammam, but they are nonetheless enjoyable, especially for the timid. Your hotel can recommend a good one.
The second option is to visit a "popular" Hammam. Popular hammams are the places where the locals go. Ask the staff at your hotel where they would go.
- published: 09 Jan 2015
- views: 102730
Skopje Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Skopje. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia and is located in the valley of the Vardar River with a dramatic history that spans......
Travel video about destination Skopje. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia and is located in the valley of the Vardar River with a dramatic history that spans...
wn.com/Skopje Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Skopje. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia and is located in the valley of the Vardar River with a dramatic history that spans...
Startup Of The Month December 2015: Routes
Routes - a fun and effective way to explore cities
Many travellers spend a lot of time planning, figuring out what to do and how to get around. Most travel app...
Routes - a fun and effective way to explore cities
Many travellers spend a lot of time planning, figuring out what to do and how to get around. Most travel apps focus on recommending individual places, but no one gives you a plan for what to do after you’ve been to those places. Meaning you have to plan ahead all the time.
Routes is an app that completely solves the problem of finding awesome stuff to do when you travel, without having to plan for anything. The way we solve this is by providing a creative and social platform where people create travel guides. But not any travel guide, but instead people create routes, which is a connected list of things to do on a given day. We also completely remove the need to use any other services, because we aggregate data from all of the most relevant travel services. Directions and maps from Google, ratings from Foursquare/Yelp and pictures from Instagram and more. This way it’s both easier and less time consuming to plan your day, since you are presented with all the data you need get the fully overview of the city and how to get around. It is also really simple for users to create nice looking routes because you barely need to add anything yourself.
We are very passionate about solving this problem. People love to travel, but still there isn’t a good service to help you get the most out of your trip. We have tried most of the travel apps out there. Most of them fail because a) they don’t solve all your needs in the app so you have to combine with other apps. b) they give you too much information at once, so it gets hard to decide. This often leads to churn.
Check out our beta at www.routes.guide, the iOS and Android app will be released in the first quarter of 2016.
wn.com/Startup Of The Month December 2015 Routes
Routes - a fun and effective way to explore cities
Many travellers spend a lot of time planning, figuring out what to do and how to get around. Most travel apps focus on recommending individual places, but no one gives you a plan for what to do after you’ve been to those places. Meaning you have to plan ahead all the time.
Routes is an app that completely solves the problem of finding awesome stuff to do when you travel, without having to plan for anything. The way we solve this is by providing a creative and social platform where people create travel guides. But not any travel guide, but instead people create routes, which is a connected list of things to do on a given day. We also completely remove the need to use any other services, because we aggregate data from all of the most relevant travel services. Directions and maps from Google, ratings from Foursquare/Yelp and pictures from Instagram and more. This way it’s both easier and less time consuming to plan your day, since you are presented with all the data you need get the fully overview of the city and how to get around. It is also really simple for users to create nice looking routes because you barely need to add anything yourself.
We are very passionate about solving this problem. People love to travel, but still there isn’t a good service to help you get the most out of your trip. We have tried most of the travel apps out there. Most of them fail because a) they don’t solve all your needs in the app so you have to combine with other apps. b) they give you too much information at once, so it gets hard to decide. This often leads to churn.
Check out our beta at www.routes.guide, the iOS and Android app will be released in the first quarter of 2016.
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 3
Self Drive Botswana Free 4x4 Travel Guide.
Self Drive 4X4 Adventure. Complete Full Version Travel Guide.
Before You Go See This Video. Comprehensive Travel Guide. Now free to view on YouTube. Our route s...
Self Drive 4X4 Adventure. Complete Full Version Travel Guide.
Before You Go See This Video. Comprehensive Travel Guide. Now free to view on YouTube. Our route starts at the border with South Africa and takes us to the northern part of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (Deception Valley), from where we travel on to Maun – the Gateway to the Okavango Delta. We then headed north to Moremi, on to Savute, Linyanti and Ihaha in the beautiful Chobe National Park. We end our adventure in the town of Kasane in the North Eastern side of Botswana close to the magnificent Victoria Water Falls. Topics featured are National Parks, relevant towns, hotels and lodges, camping sites, road conditions and useful tips regarding your adventure. Since Africa has opened up for Tourist, many 4X4 owners and nature lovers are planning to visit various destinations offered by countries north of the Limpopo. The most popular destination is Botswana, without a doubt one of Africa’s last real bastions of game. A land of contrasts – from the harsh beauty of Central Kalahari to the lush woodlands of the Okavango Delta. Adventure Films recognized the need of many 4X4 owners for more information regarding this beautiful country. The adventurers who want to arrange their own 4X4 safari to Botswana are sometimes skeptical of going, due to the lack of information available regarding facilities, accommodation, road conditions and many more. For this reason, the video “The Botswana Adventure” was produced. The video is not a wildlife film. The purpose of this production is to inform potential visitors to Botswana about relative aspects that could assist them in planning their 4X4 adventure.
Produced by John Swanepoel. Adventure Films.
wn.com/Self Drive Botswana Free 4X4 Travel Guide.
Self Drive 4X4 Adventure. Complete Full Version Travel Guide.
Before You Go See This Video. Comprehensive Travel Guide. Now free to view on YouTube. Our route starts at the border with South Africa and takes us to the northern part of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (Deception Valley), from where we travel on to Maun – the Gateway to the Okavango Delta. We then headed north to Moremi, on to Savute, Linyanti and Ihaha in the beautiful Chobe National Park. We end our adventure in the town of Kasane in the North Eastern side of Botswana close to the magnificent Victoria Water Falls. Topics featured are National Parks, relevant towns, hotels and lodges, camping sites, road conditions and useful tips regarding your adventure. Since Africa has opened up for Tourist, many 4X4 owners and nature lovers are planning to visit various destinations offered by countries north of the Limpopo. The most popular destination is Botswana, without a doubt one of Africa’s last real bastions of game. A land of contrasts – from the harsh beauty of Central Kalahari to the lush woodlands of the Okavango Delta. Adventure Films recognized the need of many 4X4 owners for more information regarding this beautiful country. The adventurers who want to arrange their own 4X4 safari to Botswana are sometimes skeptical of going, due to the lack of information available regarding facilities, accommodation, road conditions and many more. For this reason, the video “The Botswana Adventure” was produced. The video is not a wildlife film. The purpose of this production is to inform potential visitors to Botswana about relative aspects that could assist them in planning their 4X4 adventure.
Produced by John Swanepoel. Adventure Films.
- published: 20 Oct 2014
- views: 817
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 (HD)
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2016
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subsc...
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2016
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kyōto (京都) was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and carries a reputation as its most beautiful city. However, visitors may be surprised by how much work they will have to do to see Kyoto's beautiful side. Most first impressions of the city will be of the urban sprawl of central Kyoto, around the ultra-modern glass-and-steel train station, which is itself an example of a city steeped in tradition colliding with the modern world.
Nonetheless, the persistent visitor will soon discover Kyoto's hidden beauty in the temples and parks which ring the city center, and find that the city has much more to offer than immediately meets the eye.
See in Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto offers an incredible number of attractions for tourists, and visitors will probably need to plan an itinerary in advance in order to visit as many as possible.
Japan National Tourist Organization's self-guided "Kyoto Walks" pamphlet is available in a ready to print PDF format here[12]. The guide enables first time visitors to tour the city with ease and with minimum fuss by providing bus numbers, names of bus stops and clearly marked walking routes. There are a variety of self-guided walks in different districts to sample Kyoto's various sites. If you see the browser's dialog box popping up, just click on it till the entire PDF document opens.
World Heritage Sites
In 1994, 17 historic sites were inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List under the group designation Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto. Fourteen of the listed sites are in Kyoto itself, two are in the neighbouring city of Uji and one is in Ōtsu.
Listed by location, the fourteen World Heritage Sites in the city of Kyoto are:
Northern Kyoto: Kinkaku-ji, Ryōan-ji, Ninna-ji, Kōzan-ji, Shimogamo Shrine, Kamigamo Shrine
Central Kyoto: Nijō Castle, Nishi Hongan-ji, Tō-ji
Eastern Kyoto: Kiyomizu-dera, Ginkaku-ji
Western Kyoto: Tenryū-ji, Koke-dera
Southern Kyoto: Daigo-ji
Imperial Palaces and Villas
Stroll through the regal retreats of the Imperial Palace or one of the two Imperial villas with gardens and teahouses managed by the Imperial Household Agency. These are the Imperial Palace (京都御所 Kyōto-gosho) and Sentō Imperial Palace (仙洞御所 Sentō-gosho) in Central Kyoto, Katsura Imperial Villa (桂離宮 Katsura-rikyū) in Western Kyoto, and Shugakuin Imperial Villa (修学院離宮 Shugaku-in-rikyū) in Northern Kyoto. All four of these sites are open to the public by reservation through the Imperial Household Agency. The gardens located within the precints of each palace and villa are at their most scenic during spring cherry blossom season and autumn where a riot of colors enchant visitors. Each property is still used from time to time for official state functions or for private visits by the current royal family members.
The Imperial Household Agency maintains a quota on the number of visitors to each site per tour. Admission is free. English guides are available at the Imperial Palace; however, tours of the Sento Imperial Palace, Katsura Villa, and Shugakuin Villa are conducted in Japanese only (English pamphlets are given at each destination upon entry and books are available for purchase if you'd like to know more). Overseas visitors can apply online to the Imperial Household Agency in English here [13]. On its website are write ups and videos in English for interested visitors to gauge which ones they would like to visit before making an online application. Please note that advanced applications first become available on the first day of the month, three months in advance of the applicant's preferred touring month. For example, if your preferred date of visit falls in the month of April, you can begin applying on January 1. As these visits are over subscribed by the Japanese and overseas visitors, the Imperial Household Agency has to draw lots to pick the successful applicants. All applicants are notified on the status of their applications whether they are successful or otherwise within a week after closing date. Most applicants to the Imperial Palace are accepted, and early reservation is not usually necessary; however, those planning to visit the Sentō Imperial Palace, or either of the Imperial Villas should apply on the first available day of application as they are highly competitive and entire months of tours often become full within the first few days. Winter tours are typically much less competitive, but be aware that the gardens will not be as beautiful as other times of the year.
wn.com/Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 (Hd)
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2016
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kyōto (京都) was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and carries a reputation as its most beautiful city. However, visitors may be surprised by how much work they will have to do to see Kyoto's beautiful side. Most first impressions of the city will be of the urban sprawl of central Kyoto, around the ultra-modern glass-and-steel train station, which is itself an example of a city steeped in tradition colliding with the modern world.
Nonetheless, the persistent visitor will soon discover Kyoto's hidden beauty in the temples and parks which ring the city center, and find that the city has much more to offer than immediately meets the eye.
See in Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto offers an incredible number of attractions for tourists, and visitors will probably need to plan an itinerary in advance in order to visit as many as possible.
Japan National Tourist Organization's self-guided "Kyoto Walks" pamphlet is available in a ready to print PDF format here[12]. The guide enables first time visitors to tour the city with ease and with minimum fuss by providing bus numbers, names of bus stops and clearly marked walking routes. There are a variety of self-guided walks in different districts to sample Kyoto's various sites. If you see the browser's dialog box popping up, just click on it till the entire PDF document opens.
World Heritage Sites
In 1994, 17 historic sites were inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List under the group designation Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto. Fourteen of the listed sites are in Kyoto itself, two are in the neighbouring city of Uji and one is in Ōtsu.
Listed by location, the fourteen World Heritage Sites in the city of Kyoto are:
Northern Kyoto: Kinkaku-ji, Ryōan-ji, Ninna-ji, Kōzan-ji, Shimogamo Shrine, Kamigamo Shrine
Central Kyoto: Nijō Castle, Nishi Hongan-ji, Tō-ji
Eastern Kyoto: Kiyomizu-dera, Ginkaku-ji
Western Kyoto: Tenryū-ji, Koke-dera
Southern Kyoto: Daigo-ji
Imperial Palaces and Villas
Stroll through the regal retreats of the Imperial Palace or one of the two Imperial villas with gardens and teahouses managed by the Imperial Household Agency. These are the Imperial Palace (京都御所 Kyōto-gosho) and Sentō Imperial Palace (仙洞御所 Sentō-gosho) in Central Kyoto, Katsura Imperial Villa (桂離宮 Katsura-rikyū) in Western Kyoto, and Shugakuin Imperial Villa (修学院離宮 Shugaku-in-rikyū) in Northern Kyoto. All four of these sites are open to the public by reservation through the Imperial Household Agency. The gardens located within the precints of each palace and villa are at their most scenic during spring cherry blossom season and autumn where a riot of colors enchant visitors. Each property is still used from time to time for official state functions or for private visits by the current royal family members.
The Imperial Household Agency maintains a quota on the number of visitors to each site per tour. Admission is free. English guides are available at the Imperial Palace; however, tours of the Sento Imperial Palace, Katsura Villa, and Shugakuin Villa are conducted in Japanese only (English pamphlets are given at each destination upon entry and books are available for purchase if you'd like to know more). Overseas visitors can apply online to the Imperial Household Agency in English here [13]. On its website are write ups and videos in English for interested visitors to gauge which ones they would like to visit before making an online application. Please note that advanced applications first become available on the first day of the month, three months in advance of the applicant's preferred touring month. For example, if your preferred date of visit falls in the month of April, you can begin applying on January 1. As these visits are over subscribed by the Japanese and overseas visitors, the Imperial Household Agency has to draw lots to pick the successful applicants. All applicants are notified on the status of their applications whether they are successful or otherwise within a week after closing date. Most applicants to the Imperial Palace are accepted, and early reservation is not usually necessary; however, those planning to visit the Sentō Imperial Palace, or either of the Imperial Villas should apply on the first available day of application as they are highly competitive and entire months of tours often become full within the first few days. Winter tours are typically much less competitive, but be aware that the gardens will not be as beautiful as other times of the year.
- published: 16 Jan 2015
- views: 21984
Tunisia Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Tunisia.
Tunis is a North African city with a long history. After the Hasfides and Osmans, the Spanish Moors came but then had to...
Travel video about destination Tunisia.
Tunis is a North African city with a long history. After the Hasfides and Osmans, the Spanish Moors came but then had to give way to French colonial rule until present day Independence. In the old town, there are more than 700 historic monuments which include 200 palaces, a colourful variety of buildings and numerous mosques.Among shoreline lava rock is the entrance to the Ghar El-Kebir, a collection of sandstone grottos. During Roman times, thousands of slaves were forced to bring building material for Carthage and El Djem from subterranean shafts. In Sousse, the simple fort of Ribat is probably the oldest Islamic building in North Africa, in which Muslim soldiers lived in monastery-like isolation and in the town’s Archaeological Museum there is a fantastic range of mosaics, predominantly from Punic and Roman excavations. Gabes is an oasis town which overflows with luxuriant floral splendour. By horse and carriage visitors can travel through one of the most beautiful maritime oases in Tunisia where, under 500,000 date palms, tobacco, henna, pumpkins, apricots and bananas thrive. The focal point of important caravan routes and trading centre for goods from Libya and Black Africa, Medenine is a very charming and lively city. Its reinforced honeycomb-shaped caves were the extraordinary-looking buildings that many will recall from the film ‘Star Wars’. The Sahara is the largest desert on earth, with different landscapes such as rock deserts, salt deserts and serene oases. Kebili is located on the edge of a huge salt lake and is a typical desert village with a green oasis and Artesian springs which provide water for its fruit and vegetable gardens. Nefta is also a green paradise in the desert, an oasis town that boasts no less than 152 Artesian wells. Dougga contains Tunisia’s most important ruins which nestle in the hills among shimmering olive trees and poppy fields. Endless deserts and fertile oases, busy towns and isolated mountain regions, Roman temples and Muslim mosques: Tunisia is tempting!
wn.com/Tunisia Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Tunisia.
Tunis is a North African city with a long history. After the Hasfides and Osmans, the Spanish Moors came but then had to give way to French colonial rule until present day Independence. In the old town, there are more than 700 historic monuments which include 200 palaces, a colourful variety of buildings and numerous mosques.Among shoreline lava rock is the entrance to the Ghar El-Kebir, a collection of sandstone grottos. During Roman times, thousands of slaves were forced to bring building material for Carthage and El Djem from subterranean shafts. In Sousse, the simple fort of Ribat is probably the oldest Islamic building in North Africa, in which Muslim soldiers lived in monastery-like isolation and in the town’s Archaeological Museum there is a fantastic range of mosaics, predominantly from Punic and Roman excavations. Gabes is an oasis town which overflows with luxuriant floral splendour. By horse and carriage visitors can travel through one of the most beautiful maritime oases in Tunisia where, under 500,000 date palms, tobacco, henna, pumpkins, apricots and bananas thrive. The focal point of important caravan routes and trading centre for goods from Libya and Black Africa, Medenine is a very charming and lively city. Its reinforced honeycomb-shaped caves were the extraordinary-looking buildings that many will recall from the film ‘Star Wars’. The Sahara is the largest desert on earth, with different landscapes such as rock deserts, salt deserts and serene oases. Kebili is located on the edge of a huge salt lake and is a typical desert village with a green oasis and Artesian springs which provide water for its fruit and vegetable gardens. Nefta is also a green paradise in the desert, an oasis town that boasts no less than 152 Artesian wells. Dougga contains Tunisia’s most important ruins which nestle in the hills among shimmering olive trees and poppy fields. Endless deserts and fertile oases, busy towns and isolated mountain regions, Roman temples and Muslim mosques: Tunisia is tempting!
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 33657
Zanzibar Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Zanzibar. Zanzibar is a paradise-like island just off the Tanzanian coast. An island of spice and exotic aromas, sultans' pala......
Travel video about destination Zanzibar. Zanzibar is a paradise-like island just off the Tanzanian coast. An island of spice and exotic aromas, sultans' pala...
wn.com/Zanzibar Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Zanzibar. Zanzibar is a paradise-like island just off the Tanzanian coast. An island of spice and exotic aromas, sultans' pala...
Experience Yosemite National Park, California
Yosemite National Park covers nearly 1,200 square miles of mountainous terrain in the Sierra Nevada of California. From high peaks and deep canyons to ancient f...
Yosemite National Park covers nearly 1,200 square miles of mountainous terrain in the Sierra Nevada of California. From high peaks and deep canyons to ancient forests and quiet meadows, the diversity of the world is on display here. At Yosemite you can see the tranquillity of the High Sierra, the power of glaciers, giant sequoia groves, thundering waterfalls, clear streams and much more. Designated a World Heritage Site in 1984, Yosemite is also home to hundreds of wildlife and plant species. Two Wild & Scenic Rivers, the Tuolumne and Merced rivers, begin in the park and flow west to the Central Valley. Visitors experience the park's 800 miles of hiking trails and 282 miles of road.
Visitors fall in love with the park's many waterfalls, specifically 2,425-foot Yosemite Falls that ranks as the tallest in North America, flowing down into the scenic Valley meadows. Hikers take notice of the enormous granite mountains from the 8,842-foot Half Dome to the 13,114-foot Mt. Lyell-Yosemite's tallest peak. Glaciers, which John Muir sought out in California as well as Alaska, add into the mix with the Maclure and Lyell still intact.
"It is by far the grandest of all the special temples of Nature I was ever permitted to enter." —John Muir
Animals: Yosemite supports more than 400 species of vertebrates, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Overall, the park's widespread coniferous forests--with a relatively mild climate and a mixture of plant species--provide a lush habitat for animals to live. Wildlife species typically found include mule deer, black bear, bobcat, gray fox, mountain kingsnake, Gilbert's skink, white-headed woodpecker, brown creeper, spotted owl, and a wide variety of bat species. Black bears in Yosemite are active both day and night. Most bears that rely on natural food sources are active during the day. However, those that get food from people are often active at night, when they can quietly sneak around and grab unattended food.
Plants: Move up or down in elevation and feel as though you are in another park. Vegetation changes from oak woodlands to chaparral scrublands to lower montane to upper montane to subalpine to alpine. Those who step into the alpine zone can see krummholz whitebark pines and perhaps a western juniper or mountain hemlock. Scientists study many individual plants, including the black oak, to understand its future challenges.
Yosemite is open all year, though some areas of the park are inaccessible by car from approximately November through May due to snow.
Distances and Driving Times From: San Francisco/Bay area (195 mi, 4-5 hours); Sacramento (176 mi, 4 hours); Reno & Lake Tahoe (June through October, conditions permitting, 218 mi, 5 hours/All year, 315 mi, 8 hours); Los Angeles area (313 mi, 6 hours); San Diego area (441 mi, 8 hours); Las Vegas (June through October, conditions permitting, 642 km, 8 hours / November through May, 797 km, 8-10 hours)
Drivers can enter Yosemite National Park by several routes:
From the West and Most Scenic: CA Hwy 140
This route is by far the most scenic drive into Yosemite National Park and the best way to go if you're visiting for the first time. It's open most of the time and passes through the towns of Mariposa and Fish Camp. It's also a popular route for people driving to Yosemite from the San Jose area.
From the West: CA Hwy 120
Open most any time, this route goes through Oakdale and Groveland and is often used by visitors from the San Francisco Bay area and northern California. It passes through fruit and almond orchards, small agricultural towns, fruit stands and ranches in the rolling foothills before ascending sharply up the Priest Grade to Big Oak Flat and the old gold mining town of Groveland.
From the South: CA Hwy 41
From US Hwy 99 at Fresno, Hwy 41 runs north and west toward Yosemite's South Entrance, which takes you through the towns of Oakhurst and Fish Camp and into the park near the Mariposa Grove of giant sequoias and Wawona.
From the East: CA Hwy 120 and Tioga Pass
To find out more about traveling this route, average opening and closing dates, check the guide to the Tioga Pass.
From the East: Other Mountain Passes
Other mountain passes that can get you across the Sierras near Yosemite include the Sonora Pass (CA Hwy 108), Monitor Pass (CA Hwy 89) and Ebbetts Pass (CA Hwy 4). Snow may also close these routes in winter, but they are sometimes open when Tioga Pass is still snow-clogged.
Yaroooh! for Kids | News - Magazine
wn.com/Experience Yosemite National Park, California
Yosemite National Park covers nearly 1,200 square miles of mountainous terrain in the Sierra Nevada of California. From high peaks and deep canyons to ancient forests and quiet meadows, the diversity of the world is on display here. At Yosemite you can see the tranquillity of the High Sierra, the power of glaciers, giant sequoia groves, thundering waterfalls, clear streams and much more. Designated a World Heritage Site in 1984, Yosemite is also home to hundreds of wildlife and plant species. Two Wild & Scenic Rivers, the Tuolumne and Merced rivers, begin in the park and flow west to the Central Valley. Visitors experience the park's 800 miles of hiking trails and 282 miles of road.
Visitors fall in love with the park's many waterfalls, specifically 2,425-foot Yosemite Falls that ranks as the tallest in North America, flowing down into the scenic Valley meadows. Hikers take notice of the enormous granite mountains from the 8,842-foot Half Dome to the 13,114-foot Mt. Lyell-Yosemite's tallest peak. Glaciers, which John Muir sought out in California as well as Alaska, add into the mix with the Maclure and Lyell still intact.
"It is by far the grandest of all the special temples of Nature I was ever permitted to enter." —John Muir
Animals: Yosemite supports more than 400 species of vertebrates, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Overall, the park's widespread coniferous forests--with a relatively mild climate and a mixture of plant species--provide a lush habitat for animals to live. Wildlife species typically found include mule deer, black bear, bobcat, gray fox, mountain kingsnake, Gilbert's skink, white-headed woodpecker, brown creeper, spotted owl, and a wide variety of bat species. Black bears in Yosemite are active both day and night. Most bears that rely on natural food sources are active during the day. However, those that get food from people are often active at night, when they can quietly sneak around and grab unattended food.
Plants: Move up or down in elevation and feel as though you are in another park. Vegetation changes from oak woodlands to chaparral scrublands to lower montane to upper montane to subalpine to alpine. Those who step into the alpine zone can see krummholz whitebark pines and perhaps a western juniper or mountain hemlock. Scientists study many individual plants, including the black oak, to understand its future challenges.
Yosemite is open all year, though some areas of the park are inaccessible by car from approximately November through May due to snow.
Distances and Driving Times From: San Francisco/Bay area (195 mi, 4-5 hours); Sacramento (176 mi, 4 hours); Reno & Lake Tahoe (June through October, conditions permitting, 218 mi, 5 hours/All year, 315 mi, 8 hours); Los Angeles area (313 mi, 6 hours); San Diego area (441 mi, 8 hours); Las Vegas (June through October, conditions permitting, 642 km, 8 hours / November through May, 797 km, 8-10 hours)
Drivers can enter Yosemite National Park by several routes:
From the West and Most Scenic: CA Hwy 140
This route is by far the most scenic drive into Yosemite National Park and the best way to go if you're visiting for the first time. It's open most of the time and passes through the towns of Mariposa and Fish Camp. It's also a popular route for people driving to Yosemite from the San Jose area.
From the West: CA Hwy 120
Open most any time, this route goes through Oakdale and Groveland and is often used by visitors from the San Francisco Bay area and northern California. It passes through fruit and almond orchards, small agricultural towns, fruit stands and ranches in the rolling foothills before ascending sharply up the Priest Grade to Big Oak Flat and the old gold mining town of Groveland.
From the South: CA Hwy 41
From US Hwy 99 at Fresno, Hwy 41 runs north and west toward Yosemite's South Entrance, which takes you through the towns of Oakhurst and Fish Camp and into the park near the Mariposa Grove of giant sequoias and Wawona.
From the East: CA Hwy 120 and Tioga Pass
To find out more about traveling this route, average opening and closing dates, check the guide to the Tioga Pass.
From the East: Other Mountain Passes
Other mountain passes that can get you across the Sierras near Yosemite include the Sonora Pass (CA Hwy 108), Monitor Pass (CA Hwy 89) and Ebbetts Pass (CA Hwy 4). Snow may also close these routes in winter, but they are sometimes open when Tioga Pass is still snow-clogged.
Yaroooh! for Kids | News - Magazine
- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 115033
Wyoming And South Dakota Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Wyoming And South Dakota. As in former times, the routes of the first pioneers still take visitors into the far west via strik......
Travel video about destination Wyoming And South Dakota. As in former times, the routes of the first pioneers still take visitors into the far west via strik...
wn.com/Wyoming And South Dakota Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Wyoming And South Dakota. As in former times, the routes of the first pioneers still take visitors into the far west via strik...
Scotland (Europe) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Scotland, located in the north of the United Kingdom, is a fascinating and atmospheric land. A land of Celtic myths and legends with green hills, barren highlan...
Scotland, located in the north of the United Kingdom, is a fascinating and atmospheric land. A land of Celtic myths and legends with green hills, barren highlands, mysterious lakes and mighty castles.In the centre of the capital the impressive Edinburgh Castle crowns the hard basalt cone of an extinct volcano, the historic heart of the nation. The beauty of the dense forests and hills of the Trossachs was made famous by author, Sir Walter Scott, in the nineteenth century. It is the most scenic region in central Scotland and possesses grandiose, wild and romantic scenery. The remote Loch Katrine brings to mind Sir Walter Scott’s poem, The Lady Of The Lake. On the Firth Of Lorne is Kilmartin Glen one of the most important prehistoric regions in Scotland. Here, standing-stone, three metre high monoliths are scattered across meadows with grazing sheep. The Bronze Age megalithic grave mounds and stone circles can be seen from Duchraigaig Cairn. Across the north runs the Great Glen with Loch Linnhe, Lochy and Ness marking its course which passes through some amazing landscapes. In Fort William Train Station, the Jacobite is awaiting its passengers. The huge black monster is an impressive sight. Slowly, the nostalgic train moves off and begins its journey on one of the most beautiful railway routes in the world. The history of Glenfarclas is as colourful as the whisky of the same name. It is the story of the Grant Family and their distillery. ‘Scottish Gold’ must be stored for at least three years until the traditional taste of single malt whisky is produced but it can often be left to mature for between twelve and fifty years. Scotland is like a land from an ancient and historic time whose real treasure is its natural, rugged scenery!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Scotland (Europe) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Scotland, located in the north of the United Kingdom, is a fascinating and atmospheric land. A land of Celtic myths and legends with green hills, barren highlands, mysterious lakes and mighty castles.In the centre of the capital the impressive Edinburgh Castle crowns the hard basalt cone of an extinct volcano, the historic heart of the nation. The beauty of the dense forests and hills of the Trossachs was made famous by author, Sir Walter Scott, in the nineteenth century. It is the most scenic region in central Scotland and possesses grandiose, wild and romantic scenery. The remote Loch Katrine brings to mind Sir Walter Scott’s poem, The Lady Of The Lake. On the Firth Of Lorne is Kilmartin Glen one of the most important prehistoric regions in Scotland. Here, standing-stone, three metre high monoliths are scattered across meadows with grazing sheep. The Bronze Age megalithic grave mounds and stone circles can be seen from Duchraigaig Cairn. Across the north runs the Great Glen with Loch Linnhe, Lochy and Ness marking its course which passes through some amazing landscapes. In Fort William Train Station, the Jacobite is awaiting its passengers. The huge black monster is an impressive sight. Slowly, the nostalgic train moves off and begins its journey on one of the most beautiful railway routes in the world. The history of Glenfarclas is as colourful as the whisky of the same name. It is the story of the Grant Family and their distillery. ‘Scottish Gold’ must be stored for at least three years until the traditional taste of single malt whisky is produced but it can often be left to mature for between twelve and fifty years. Scotland is like a land from an ancient and historic time whose real treasure is its natural, rugged scenery!
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p
Be our fan on Facebook ► http://goo.gl/0xmbQk
Follow us on Twitter ► http://goo.gl/334ln5
Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Please: respect each other in the comments.
Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 8026
Elite: Dangerous. How to find a trade route
Here's how i search for new trade routes and what you should be looking after. This time i search for extraction economy as there can be found expensive metals,...
Here's how i search for new trade routes and what you should be looking after. This time i search for extraction economy as there can be found expensive metals, like gold, silver, palladium, platinum that can be sold at industrial or high tech systems with good profit.
wn.com/Elite Dangerous. How To Find A Trade Route
Here's how i search for new trade routes and what you should be looking after. This time i search for extraction economy as there can be found expensive metals, like gold, silver, palladium, platinum that can be sold at industrial or high tech systems with good profit.
- published: 08 Jan 2015
- views: 245
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Any Questions? Drop by at www.twitch.tv/wdyftw
0:37 Rendering Plant
3:47 The Dam
6:43 Weather Control
9:46 Wraith Trap
12:50 Armory
15:39 Aviary
18:03 Barracks
21:03 Broken Hill Foundry
26:22 Broken Hill Mine
31:37 Distillery
34:12 Fusion Plant
37:26 Med Lab
42:25 Orbital Drill
45:36 Refuling Tower
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Using Google Earth's Directions, Street View, and Tour features.
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Salut tout le monde aujourd hui ont ce retrouve pour l épisode 1 d une construction de ville Bon épisode mes amis Gaming😊😊😊😊😊😊
sur les routes du sud toulois
Milkyway Squid Routes: Scooby Doo! Night of 100 Frights (100% Warpless) | Ep 28 - FINALE
In this episode, we return to the graveyard for extra snacks.
TomTom XL 2 IQ Routes Edition Central Europe
TomTom XL 2 IQ Routes Edition Central Europe Traffic Navigationssystem inkl. TMC (10,9 cm (4,3 Zoll) Display, 19 Länderkarten, EasyMenu, Fahrspurassistent)
Klicken : http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B003BU497G?tag=gandhos-21
Norway. National Tourist Routes Havøysund( road 889). Part one. Honda Gold Wing 1800.
ITASA 2016 East Coast Conference - "Routes (Roots) of Action" Promo Video
ITASA 2016 East Coast Conference: Routes of Action will be held from February 11-13, 2016 at the University of Maryland, College Park. Come take the route of action to ITASA 2016 ECC and join us for a weekend full of events, workshops, speakers, and many more that will be happening!
To register: http://ter.ps/eccregister
For more information go to http://eastcoast.itasa.org
Amanda Y
Random Rides - Episode 01 / Riding on Dangerous Routes
Small motorcycle trips around Hyderabad.
This is Episode 1 of the video series.
Link to my previous ride - 7000kms motorcycle trip :
My Facebook Page :
Heading out to the routes
Heading out to the routes to pick up people.
Routes Picardes & Avesnois 2015 - Stéphane Hunter/Aurélien Gozet
Subaru Impreza N4
Stéphane Hunter & Aurélien Gozet
Rallye des Routes Picardes 2015 : 16ème scratch - 3ème N4
Rallye de l'Avesnois 2015 : 21ème scratch - 4ème N4
Blagues 2,014 SUR LA ROUTE !!!
C'est de quel hôpital psychiatrique devez renverser pour organiser est sur la route...
il suffit de fun, que l'on peut rencontrer au volant.
Admirer, s'amuser et j'
Auto moto taquets et маразмы. Cette fois-ci sera amusant regarder que faire les automobilistes et chauffeurs. Ce n'est pas souvent possible de avis sur la route, mais c'est quand deviens le témoin d'une fun perce à travers toute l
Hangout with Henry - finding the best routes, navigating safely
The people who have the most fun off piste find the best routes. This is about where the best snow is, away from the crowds, where the safe snow is and knowing the best way out and back home. Some of this is navigation, some is avalanche awareness, it always involves understanding the conditions, sometimes you need a map. You always need to know where you are.
Henry will tell us how he finds i
Safe Routes to School Health Impact
Safe Routes to School Safety Impact
Gta Online - Best Routes For Fleeca Job. Patch 1.31
wn.com/Gta Online Best Routes For Fleeca Job. Patch 1.31
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 1
Verizon Accused of Helping Cybercriminals by Routing Millions of Stolen IP Addresses
Verizon Accused of Helping Cybercriminals by Routing Millions of Stolen IP Addresses
Verizon has some explaining to do because a recent report from The Spamhau...
Verizon Accused of Helping Cybercriminals by Routing Millions of Stolen IP Addresses
Verizon has some explaining to do because a recent report from The Spamhaus Project has pointed the finger at the company and accused it of aiding cybercriminals by routing over four million IP addresses through its network.
The Spamhaus Project is an international non-profit organization that for the last years has maintained a spam blacklist and also collaborated with law enforcement agencies to track down spammers and some of the Internet's spam operations.
As Spamhaus representative Barry Branagh explains, the recent depletion of the IPv4 address block has forced cybercriminals to steal IP ranges from the IP pools of companies that don't use them, or haven't gotten around to setting up routes for those IPs.
"Setting up a route" is when an ISP tells other ISPs that a particular IP address block can be found on its servers. While spammers have found it quite easy to steal or buy IP blocks from the black market, to set up a route they usually need to register as an AS (Autonomous System) and receive an ASN (Autonomous System Number).
Verizon doesn't vet ASs that want to route IP addresses on its servers
Because of Verizon's relaxed ASN set up process, cybercriminals have found it quite easy to submit forged documents to the company and have it route their stolen IP lots through their servers.
Using this approach, Mr. Branagh says that over 4 million IP addresses have been routed through Verizon's network, which later were used for spamming users via the "snowshoe approach." With this technique, spammers use multiple addresses, in multiple locations, to send spam email to their victims.
The technique makes it harder for organizations like Spamhaus to identify and track down larger spam campaigns while also keeps down the spammy traffic coming from one single IP address, and so avoid getting blacklisted after a few thousand emails.
Verizon hasn't been playing nice with Spamhaus
"It seems very strange that a large US-based ISP can be so easily convinced by abusers to route huge IP address blocks assigned to entities in the Asian-Pacific area," said Mr. Branagh. "Such blocks are not something that can go unnoticed in the noise of everyday activity. They are very anomalous, and should call for an immediate accurate verification of the customer."
The Spamhaus official also says that Verizon doesn't seem to care. He says that since July 2015, its organization's representatives have exhausted any method of getting in contact with Verizon and its numerous departments, with its Abuse and Security employees, and even with some high-ranking managers.
Additionally, the Chinese and Korean companies from where most of these IP addresses were stolen seem to be defunct, don't understand the issue, or are controlled by the spammers or their conspirators.
While Verizon's representatives might have been unresponsive to Spamhaus' numerous complaints, legally, the company is facilitating cybercrime, and it may have some explaining to do when law enforcement agencies come knocking.
We reached out to Verizon for comment.
wn.com/Verizon Accused Of Helping Cybercriminals By Routing Millions Of Stolen Ip Addresses
Verizon Accused of Helping Cybercriminals by Routing Millions of Stolen IP Addresses
Verizon has some explaining to do because a recent report from The Spamhaus Project has pointed the finger at the company and accused it of aiding cybercriminals by routing over four million IP addresses through its network.
The Spamhaus Project is an international non-profit organization that for the last years has maintained a spam blacklist and also collaborated with law enforcement agencies to track down spammers and some of the Internet's spam operations.
As Spamhaus representative Barry Branagh explains, the recent depletion of the IPv4 address block has forced cybercriminals to steal IP ranges from the IP pools of companies that don't use them, or haven't gotten around to setting up routes for those IPs.
"Setting up a route" is when an ISP tells other ISPs that a particular IP address block can be found on its servers. While spammers have found it quite easy to steal or buy IP blocks from the black market, to set up a route they usually need to register as an AS (Autonomous System) and receive an ASN (Autonomous System Number).
Verizon doesn't vet ASs that want to route IP addresses on its servers
Because of Verizon's relaxed ASN set up process, cybercriminals have found it quite easy to submit forged documents to the company and have it route their stolen IP lots through their servers.
Using this approach, Mr. Branagh says that over 4 million IP addresses have been routed through Verizon's network, which later were used for spamming users via the "snowshoe approach." With this technique, spammers use multiple addresses, in multiple locations, to send spam email to their victims.
The technique makes it harder for organizations like Spamhaus to identify and track down larger spam campaigns while also keeps down the spammy traffic coming from one single IP address, and so avoid getting blacklisted after a few thousand emails.
Verizon hasn't been playing nice with Spamhaus
"It seems very strange that a large US-based ISP can be so easily convinced by abusers to route huge IP address blocks assigned to entities in the Asian-Pacific area," said Mr. Branagh. "Such blocks are not something that can go unnoticed in the noise of everyday activity. They are very anomalous, and should call for an immediate accurate verification of the customer."
The Spamhaus official also says that Verizon doesn't seem to care. He says that since July 2015, its organization's representatives have exhausted any method of getting in contact with Verizon and its numerous departments, with its Abuse and Security employees, and even with some high-ranking managers.
Additionally, the Chinese and Korean companies from where most of these IP addresses were stolen seem to be defunct, don't understand the issue, or are controlled by the spammers or their conspirators.
While Verizon's representatives might have been unresponsive to Spamhaus' numerous complaints, legally, the company is facilitating cybercrime, and it may have some explaining to do when law enforcement agencies come knocking.
We reached out to Verizon for comment.
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 2
Safe Routes to Schools
Safer routes to school means more children riding. We followed Ella on her last ride to school for the year. She rode her bike to school everyday in 2015. It h...
Safer routes to school means more children riding. We followed Ella on her last ride to school for the year. She rode her bike to school everyday in 2015. It helps that Ella's school sits along one of Brisbane's main bike routes and is safe and connected route
wn.com/Safe Routes To Schools
Safer routes to school means more children riding. We followed Ella on her last ride to school for the year. She rode her bike to school everyday in 2015. It helps that Ella's school sits along one of Brisbane's main bike routes and is safe and connected route
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 4
Les routes de la soie
Par Emmanuel Lincot...
Par Emmanuel Lincot
wn.com/Les Routes De La Soie
Par Emmanuel Lincot
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 155
Updated Feeding Routes for Pubs
Any Questions? Drop by at www.twitch.tv/wdyftw
0:37 Rendering Plant
3:47 The Dam
6:43 Weather Control
9:46 Wraith Trap
12:50 Armory
15:39 Aviary
18:03 Barracks...
Any Questions? Drop by at www.twitch.tv/wdyftw
0:37 Rendering Plant
3:47 The Dam
6:43 Weather Control
9:46 Wraith Trap
12:50 Armory
15:39 Aviary
18:03 Barracks
21:03 Broken Hill Foundry
26:22 Broken Hill Mine
31:37 Distillery
34:12 Fusion Plant
37:26 Med Lab
42:25 Orbital Drill
45:36 Refuling Tower
wn.com/Updated Feeding Routes For Pubs
Any Questions? Drop by at www.twitch.tv/wdyftw
0:37 Rendering Plant
3:47 The Dam
6:43 Weather Control
9:46 Wraith Trap
12:50 Armory
15:39 Aviary
18:03 Barracks
21:03 Broken Hill Foundry
26:22 Broken Hill Mine
31:37 Distillery
34:12 Fusion Plant
37:26 Med Lab
42:25 Orbital Drill
45:36 Refuling Tower
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 19
Using Google Earth with Routes
Using Google Earth's Directions, Street View, and Tour features....
Using Google Earth's Directions, Street View, and Tour features.
wn.com/Using Google Earth With Routes
Using Google Earth's Directions, Street View, and Tour features.
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 12
Construction d une ville de A a Z Ep1 les routes
Salut tout le monde aujourd hui ont ce retrouve pour l épisode 1 d une construction de ville Bon épisode mes amis Gaming😊😊😊😊😊😊...
Salut tout le monde aujourd hui ont ce retrouve pour l épisode 1 d une construction de ville Bon épisode mes amis Gaming😊😊😊😊😊😊
wn.com/Construction D Une Ville De A A Z Ep1 Les Routes
Salut tout le monde aujourd hui ont ce retrouve pour l épisode 1 d une construction de ville Bon épisode mes amis Gaming😊😊😊😊😊😊
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 0
TomTom XL 2 IQ Routes Edition Central Europe
TomTom XL 2 IQ Routes Edition Central Europe Traffic Navigationssystem inkl. TMC (10,9 cm (4,3 Zoll) Display, 19 Länderkarten, EasyMenu, Fahrspurassistent)
TomTom XL 2 IQ Routes Edition Central Europe Traffic Navigationssystem inkl. TMC (10,9 cm (4,3 Zoll) Display, 19 Länderkarten, EasyMenu, Fahrspurassistent)
Klicken : http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B003BU497G?tag=gandhos-21
wn.com/Tomtom Xl 2 Iq Routes Edition Central Europe
TomTom XL 2 IQ Routes Edition Central Europe Traffic Navigationssystem inkl. TMC (10,9 cm (4,3 Zoll) Display, 19 Länderkarten, EasyMenu, Fahrspurassistent)
Klicken : http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B003BU497G?tag=gandhos-21
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 0
ITASA 2016 East Coast Conference - "Routes (Roots) of Action" Promo Video
ITASA 2016 East Coast Conference: Routes of Action will be held from February 11-13, 2016 at the University of Maryland, College Park. Come take the route of ac...
ITASA 2016 East Coast Conference: Routes of Action will be held from February 11-13, 2016 at the University of Maryland, College Park. Come take the route of action to ITASA 2016 ECC and join us for a weekend full of events, workshops, speakers, and many more that will be happening!
To register: http://ter.ps/eccregister
For more information go to http://eastcoast.itasa.org
Amanda Yu
Eshane Wang
Eshane Wang
Ryan Chang
“熱情”- Hebe Tian
Intercollegiate Taiwanese American Students Association (ITASA)
Connect. Inspire. Empower.
www.itasa.org | info@itasa.org
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/itasanational
TWITTER: @ITASANational http://www.twitter.com/ITASANational
YOUTUBE: @ITASANational http://www.youtube.com/ITASANational
FLICKR: http://flickr.com/itasanational
INSTAGRAM: @itasanational http://www.instagram.com/itasanational
wn.com/Itasa 2016 East Coast Conference Routes (Roots) Of Action Promo Video
ITASA 2016 East Coast Conference: Routes of Action will be held from February 11-13, 2016 at the University of Maryland, College Park. Come take the route of action to ITASA 2016 ECC and join us for a weekend full of events, workshops, speakers, and many more that will be happening!
To register: http://ter.ps/eccregister
For more information go to http://eastcoast.itasa.org
Amanda Yu
Eshane Wang
Eshane Wang
Ryan Chang
“熱情”- Hebe Tian
Intercollegiate Taiwanese American Students Association (ITASA)
Connect. Inspire. Empower.
www.itasa.org | info@itasa.org
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/itasanational
TWITTER: @ITASANational http://www.twitter.com/ITASANational
YOUTUBE: @ITASANational http://www.youtube.com/ITASANational
FLICKR: http://flickr.com/itasanational
INSTAGRAM: @itasanational http://www.instagram.com/itasanational
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 19
Random Rides - Episode 01 / Riding on Dangerous Routes
Small motorcycle trips around Hyderabad.
This is Episode 1 of the video series.
Link to my previous ride - 7000kms motorcycle tr...
Small motorcycle trips around Hyderabad.
This is Episode 1 of the video series.
Link to my previous ride - 7000kms motorcycle trip :
My Facebook Page :
wn.com/Random Rides Episode 01 Riding On Dangerous Routes
Small motorcycle trips around Hyderabad.
This is Episode 1 of the video series.
Link to my previous ride - 7000kms motorcycle trip :
My Facebook Page :
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 56
Heading out to the routes
Heading out to the routes to pick up people....
Heading out to the routes to pick up people.
wn.com/Heading Out To The Routes
Heading out to the routes to pick up people.
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 1
Routes Picardes & Avesnois 2015 - Stéphane Hunter/Aurélien Gozet
Subaru Impreza N4
Stéphane Hunter & Aurélien Gozet
Rallye des Routes Picardes 2015 : 16ème scratch - 3ème N4
Rallye de l'Avesnois 2015 : 21ème scratch - 4ème N...
Subaru Impreza N4
Stéphane Hunter & Aurélien Gozet
Rallye des Routes Picardes 2015 : 16ème scratch - 3ème N4
Rallye de l'Avesnois 2015 : 21ème scratch - 4ème N4
wn.com/Routes Picardes Avesnois 2015 Stéphane Hunter Aurélien Gozet
Subaru Impreza N4
Stéphane Hunter & Aurélien Gozet
Rallye des Routes Picardes 2015 : 16ème scratch - 3ème N4
Rallye de l'Avesnois 2015 : 21ème scratch - 4ème N4
- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 57
Blagues 2,014 SUR LA ROUTE !!!
C'est de quel hôpital psychiatrique devez renverser pour organiser est sur la route...
il suffit de fun, que l'on peut rencontrer au volant.
Admirer, s'amus...
C'est de quel hôpital psychiatrique devez renverser pour organiser est sur la route...
il suffit de fun, que l'on peut rencontrer au volant.
Admirer, s'amuser et j'
Auto moto taquets et маразмы. Cette fois-ci sera amusant regarder que faire les automobilistes et chauffeurs. Ce n'est pas souvent possible de avis sur la route, mais c'est quand deviens le témoin d'une fun perce à travers toute l'humeur. Vidéo plein de gags et l'humour.
Et retravailler machines, qui vivent dans les villes et les villages. Automobilistes 100% apprécierez les taquets: c'est pas la voiture, c'est un réel car, dans le mauvais sens de ce mot.
Continuellement conducteurs se produisent n'est pas seulement un accident, mais des choses, qui, nécessairement, réglages enlever. Et donc, маразмы,.
De nombreux amateurs au volant passent plus de temps à la maison, c'est pourquoi essayer faire c'est le moment le plus amusant et intéressant.
électro-encéphalogramme gratuit, ainsi que les plus idiotes de cas qui se produisent sur les routes de la Russie et du monde entier. Conduisez correctement, et comportez-vous culturel.
Voitures chaque année devient de plus en plus, et parfois, il semble qu'ils ont fusionné en une seule masse grise. Mais ces amusants comme dans cette collection, font de notre vie le plus brillant.
auto rires,
donc garer - il faut le pouvoir. Dans de nombreux cas n'est même pas clair, comment similaire en général pourrait obtenir.
00:01/00:00/00:02/00:03/00:04/00:05 plaisir
00:25/00:24/00:26/00:27/00:28/00:23 rires
00:57/00:55/00:56/00:58/00:59/00:55 c'est drôle
01:24/01:25/01:26/01:27/01:28/01:23 c'est drôle
03:34/03:35/03:36/03:37/03:38/03:33 situation
04:22/04:23/04:24/04:25/04:26/04:21 stupide conducteur
05:08/05:09/05:05/05:06/05:07/05:02 rires
sur notre chaîne vous pouvez regarder en ligne les meilleurs moto fun de la vidéo et obtenir le maximum de positif, à tout moment, gratuitement. Rire – c'est ce qui rend notre vie plus intéressante et mieux, il ne faut pas négliger la possibilité d'obtenir une charge positive!
Nous essayons pour de sorte que votre journée a été intéressant et plus de plaisir.
Notre canal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkOmwY4IiMISKPJtgk5urAA
Nous Twitter https://twitter.com/autofun53fr
NOUS Vkontakte http://vk.com/club101485452
Nous sommes sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Auto-Moto-plaisir-sur-la-route-fr/1073718255973410
connards, accident, accident, accidents drôles, fous au volant, la blonde au volant, de défense, l'enregistreur de voiture, conduite en état d'ivresse, Vidéos drôles, vidéos à partir de la route, Fun Sur la route, plaisanteries, voiture DVR, drôle, démontage, dérives , voitures drôles meilleure amusant automatique, sélection voitures drôlesov, accident de situations cocasses
wn.com/Blagues 2,014 Sur La Route
C'est de quel hôpital psychiatrique devez renverser pour organiser est sur la route...
il suffit de fun, que l'on peut rencontrer au volant.
Admirer, s'amuser et j'
Auto moto taquets et маразмы. Cette fois-ci sera amusant regarder que faire les automobilistes et chauffeurs. Ce n'est pas souvent possible de avis sur la route, mais c'est quand deviens le témoin d'une fun perce à travers toute l'humeur. Vidéo plein de gags et l'humour.
Et retravailler machines, qui vivent dans les villes et les villages. Automobilistes 100% apprécierez les taquets: c'est pas la voiture, c'est un réel car, dans le mauvais sens de ce mot.
Continuellement conducteurs se produisent n'est pas seulement un accident, mais des choses, qui, nécessairement, réglages enlever. Et donc, маразмы,.
De nombreux amateurs au volant passent plus de temps à la maison, c'est pourquoi essayer faire c'est le moment le plus amusant et intéressant.
électro-encéphalogramme gratuit, ainsi que les plus idiotes de cas qui se produisent sur les routes de la Russie et du monde entier. Conduisez correctement, et comportez-vous culturel.
Voitures chaque année devient de plus en plus, et parfois, il semble qu'ils ont fusionné en une seule masse grise. Mais ces amusants comme dans cette collection, font de notre vie le plus brillant.
auto rires,
donc garer - il faut le pouvoir. Dans de nombreux cas n'est même pas clair, comment similaire en général pourrait obtenir.
00:01/00:00/00:02/00:03/00:04/00:05 plaisir
00:25/00:24/00:26/00:27/00:28/00:23 rires
00:57/00:55/00:56/00:58/00:59/00:55 c'est drôle
01:24/01:25/01:26/01:27/01:28/01:23 c'est drôle
03:34/03:35/03:36/03:37/03:38/03:33 situation
04:22/04:23/04:24/04:25/04:26/04:21 stupide conducteur
05:08/05:09/05:05/05:06/05:07/05:02 rires
sur notre chaîne vous pouvez regarder en ligne les meilleurs moto fun de la vidéo et obtenir le maximum de positif, à tout moment, gratuitement. Rire – c'est ce qui rend notre vie plus intéressante et mieux, il ne faut pas négliger la possibilité d'obtenir une charge positive!
Nous essayons pour de sorte que votre journée a été intéressant et plus de plaisir.
Notre canal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkOmwY4IiMISKPJtgk5urAA
Nous Twitter https://twitter.com/autofun53fr
NOUS Vkontakte http://vk.com/club101485452
Nous sommes sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Auto-Moto-plaisir-sur-la-route-fr/1073718255973410
connards, accident, accident, accidents drôles, fous au volant, la blonde au volant, de défense, l'enregistreur de voiture, conduite en état d'ivresse, Vidéos drôles, vidéos à partir de la route, Fun Sur la route, plaisanteries, voiture DVR, drôle, démontage, dérives , voitures drôles meilleure amusant automatique, sélection voitures drôlesov, accident de situations cocasses
- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Hangout with Henry - finding the best routes, navigating safely
The people who have the most fun off piste find the best routes. This is about where the best snow is, away from the crowds, where the safe snow is and knowing...
The people who have the most fun off piste find the best routes. This is about where the best snow is, away from the crowds, where the safe snow is and knowing the best way out and back home. Some of this is navigation, some is avalanche awareness, it always involves understanding the conditions, sometimes you need a map. You always need to know where you are.
Henry will tell us how he finds is way around, especially when he goes into less familiar terrain. He will also share how he navigates and chooses slopes in his home area of Val d'Isere and Tignes.
Chris will talk about the principles of navigation, Chris is experienced as a yacht navigator as well as having a good grasp of maps.
But we also have a star guest. Misha Goupal is a real Map nerd and has recently launched an amzing new app to help us find our our way around the off-piste, get ski stats and data and connect with our friends. Misha and his team created FATMAP. We will get the chance to ask Misha about the story behind his revolutionary digital mapping and show how you can use it to make better decisions and discover better routes.
Jojn us Sunday 17th January at 1800GMT. The event will be broadcats on this page and on our You Tube channel.
You will be able to ask questions by writing them in the comments box or clicking on the Q&A; button. We will answer them on the call.
The event will be recorded and available to watch on this page.
wn.com/Hangout With Henry Finding The Best Routes, Navigating Safely
The people who have the most fun off piste find the best routes. This is about where the best snow is, away from the crowds, where the safe snow is and knowing the best way out and back home. Some of this is navigation, some is avalanche awareness, it always involves understanding the conditions, sometimes you need a map. You always need to know where you are.
Henry will tell us how he finds is way around, especially when he goes into less familiar terrain. He will also share how he navigates and chooses slopes in his home area of Val d'Isere and Tignes.
Chris will talk about the principles of navigation, Chris is experienced as a yacht navigator as well as having a good grasp of maps.
But we also have a star guest. Misha Goupal is a real Map nerd and has recently launched an amzing new app to help us find our our way around the off-piste, get ski stats and data and connect with our friends. Misha and his team created FATMAP. We will get the chance to ask Misha about the story behind his revolutionary digital mapping and show how you can use it to make better decisions and discover better routes.
Jojn us Sunday 17th January at 1800GMT. The event will be broadcats on this page and on our You Tube channel.
You will be able to ask questions by writing them in the comments box or clicking on the Q&A; button. We will answer them on the call.
The event will be recorded and available to watch on this page.
- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 0