- published: 07 Dec 2013
- views: 2479
The white-necked raven (Corvus albicollis) is somewhat smaller (50–54 cm in length) than the common raven or indeed its nearest relative, the thick-billed raven C. crassirostris. Like the Common raven, Thick-billed raven and Brown-necked raven, it is one of the larger raven species. The smaller raven species are the Australian raven, Forest raven, Little raven, Fan-tailed raven and Chihuahuan raven with the Thick-billed raven being the world's largest raven species and the Chihuahuan raven being the smallest.
The white-necked raven has a much shorter tail than the common raven, as well as a deeper bill with a white tip that is almost as strongly arched as that of the thick-billed raven. Though predominantly black, the throat, breast and neck show a faint purple gloss. There is a large patch of white feathers on the nape of the neck.
Soars well with shallower wingbeats than other Corvidae.
Corvus may refer to:
White necked RAVEN stealing my lunch leftovers - Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Corvus Albicollis
Krkavec bělokrký (Corvus albicollis) / White-necked Raven
White necked ravens
غراب أبيض عنق White-necked Raven
RAVENS CALL Raven Croak RAVEN birdsong with pictures
White necked ravens in Madrid
White necked ravens in Madrid
White necked ravens in Madrid
White necked ravens
White necked ravens (Corvus albicollis) occurs in eastern and southern Africa in open, mountainous country. It is quite commonly found in small towns and villages as long as there are mountains or hills for roosting and nesting relatively nearby. Most of this birds food is obtained from the ground, but it will take food from trees as well. It has been seen to drop a tortoise from a height on to hard ground, preferably on rocks, and then swoop down to eat it, or even pick it up again if not sufficiently broken. White-necked Ravens will also readily take carrion from road kills. Fruit, grain, insects, small reptiles, peanuts and human food are also readily taken and the bird forages in back yards and gardens quite openly. It is often found in the company of other scavengers such as kites or ...
This is our breeding pair of Corvus Albicollis, Whitenecked Raven.
الاســم العربــي : غراب أبيض عنق الإسم الإنجليزى : White-necked Raven الاسم العلمي : Corvus albicollis غراب أبيض عنق يستوطن قارة افريقيا حيث يعيش في جنوب افريقيا في مناطق الجبال المفتوحه كما انه يستوطن ايضاً الجنائن والحدائق كما تعيش منه اعداد ليست بالكثيرة في وسط وشرق افريقيا ويتراوح طولة بين 50الي54 سم وله منقار سميك وغالبية الريش اسود والحلق والصدر والعنق هي أسود مع بني في اللون، مع لمعان الأرجواني الباهت و هناك بقعة كبيرة من الريش الأبيض على الجزء الخلفي أسفل الرقبة. يصطاد السلحفاة ويسقطها من ارتفاع على أرض صلبة ويتغذى عليها ويتغذى على الجيف و أيضا أالفاكهة والحبوب والحشرات والزواحف الصغيرة وأيضا الفول السوداني أعشاشه على شكل وعاء يتكون من عصي مصطفة مع العشب ويضع في الغالب من 3-5 بيضه
Bird Song Playlist - click here : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEEA7834625A754AE Please see my ANIMAL SOUNDS playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-rmNKGsfF5VRp4tMrQpxPOlAlgh4WEbI Please see my ANIMAL SOUNDS playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-rmNKGsfF5VRp4tMrQpxPOlAlgh4WEbI A raven is one of several larger-bodied members of the genus Corvus. These species do not form a single taxonomic group within the genus, but share similar characteristics and appearances that generally separate them from other crows.[citation needed] The largest raven species are the common raven and the thick-billed raven Species Corvus albicollis – white-necked raven Corvus corax – common raven Corvus coronoides – Australian raven Corvus crassirostris – thick-billed r...