- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 5363
Anthocyanins (also anthocyans; from Greek: ἀνθός (anthos) = flower + κυανός (kyanos) = blue) are water-soluble vacuolar pigments that may appear red, purple, or blue depending on the pH. They belong to a parent class of molecules called flavonoids synthesized via the phenylpropanoid pathway; they are odorless and nearly flavorless, contributing to taste as a moderately astringent sensation. Anthocyanins occur in all tissues of higher plants, including leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits. Anthoxanthins are clear, white to yellow counterparts of anthocyanins occurring in plants. Anthocyanins are derived from anthocyanidins by adding sugars.
In flowers, bright-reds and -purples are adaptive for attracting pollinators. In fruits, the colorful skins also attract the attention of animals, which may eat the fruits and disperse the seeds. In photosynthetic tissues (such as leaves and sometimes stems), anthocyanins have been shown to act as a "sunscreen", protecting cells from high-light damage by absorbing blue-green and ultraviolet light, thereby protecting the tissues from photoinhibition, or high-light stress. This has been shown to occur in red juvenile leaves, autumn leaves, and broad-leaf evergreen leaves that turn red during the winter. The red coloration of leaves has been proposed to possibly camouflage leaves from herbivores blind to red wavelengths, or signal unpalatability, since anthocyanin synthesis often coincides with synthesis of unpalatable phenolic compounds.
Синие волосы. Какая краска лучше и безопаснее? Мой опыт :) Anthocyanin
Как красить волосы Антоцианином (Anthocyanin), русский перевод
9 Foods Rich in Anthocyanins
B.9 Anthocyanins (HL)
Anthocyanin- немного серебра / Anthocyanin- some silver
DIY : Anthocyanin. Как покраситься Антоцианином дома? Как я крашу волосы?
SEVEN MOONS - АНТОЦИАНИН.Крашу волосы в фиолетовый | ANTHOCYANIN
Спасибо за лайк и подписку,друзья ^___^ Канал Нинельки - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVIY-JeaVhuezkQiV5p3MVQ Подробнее обо всех моих окрашиваниях - http://goo.gl/FYchFa Купить краску тут - http://vk.com/anthocyanin Макияж делала великолепная Сонечка - https://www.instagram.com/sonya_miro/ Я в соц. сетях: VKONTAKTE http://vk.com/mysterious.foxy Инстаграм - https://instagram.com/milenamurmur/ Твиттер - https://twitter.com/Milenamurrr Periscope - MilenaChizhova Snapchat - rufaime -------------------------------------------------------------- Я открыта для сотрудничества. По всем вопросам и предложениям писать на мейл. pr.milenamur@gmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------- Получить партнёрку и начать зарабатывать на своих видео можно тут - https://youpart...
Пошаговая инструкция как красить волосы краской Антоцианин (Anthocyanin). Заказ краски и сопутствующих на сайте anthocyanin1.ru
The natural pigment, anthocyanin, plays different roles in orchids. It is responsible for producing red and red-purple hues in flowers and also can serve to protect vegetative parts of plants from UV radiation. Learn how to understand anthocyanin expression here. See more orchid videos at www.aos.org | Orchid Information | Video Library
To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com Here are 9 foods high in anthocyanins. DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice.
Understandings: Anthocyanins are aromatic, water-soluble pigments widely distributed in plants. Their specific colour depends on metal ions and pH.
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