How Do Greenhouse Gases Actually Work?
Thanks to Kurz Gesagt for illustrating this video!
And for composing the music!: https://soundcloud.com/epicmountain/minute-earth
Thanks also to our Patreon patrons:
- AshrafDude
- Nasser Hamed Alminji
- Jeff Straathof
- Mark
- Maarten Bremer
- Today I Found Out
- Avi Yashchin
- Valentin
- Nicholas Buckendorf
- @AntoineCoeur
And our Subbable Sponsors:
- Tori McC
Greenhouse Effect for Kids
You will learn about "Greenhouse Effect" in this video. The sun's rays help to warm our planet earth. A part of the sun's radiation that falls on the earth is absorbed and a part of it is reflected back towards the space. A part of this reflected radiation is trapped by the greenhouse gases of the earth's atmosphere. These trapped radiations of the sun help in warming the earth.
The greenhouse ga
Green House Effect Definition,meaning Video for Kids
Visit www.makemegenius.com for free science videos.
The Greenhouse Effect can be defined as a natural process when certain gases in the atmosphere trap infrared radiation of the environment. Like a greenhouse keeps its inside temperature warmer,the greenhouse effect makes the planet warmer, The greenhouse effect is caused by greenhouse gases.The most important greenhouse gases are: water vapo
Greenhouse Gases: Climate Change, Lines of Evidence: Chapter 3
The National Research Council is pleased to present this video that explains how scientists have arrived at the current state of knowledge about recent climate change and its causes. This is part three of a seven-part series, available on the National Academies channel.
Types of Greenhouse Gases
You've probably heard of carbon dioxide and its effects on the environment, but what are "greenhouse gases"? This video explains the origins and effects of t...
Greenhouse Gases Explained!
Mike Bettes and Sam Champion explore the science behind greenhouse gases, where they come from, and how they impact our atmosphere.
What Is Greenhouse Gas?
Please Subscribe! http://testu.be/1HV4rBv
Check out yesterday’s video: http://testu.be/1JdhQ9N
We hear the phrase 'greenhouse gas’ thrown around a lot these days, but do you actually know what a greenhouse gas is? Not all of them are bad.
TestTube 101 is a new series that explains everything you wanted to know about the world around you with simple, fun and humorous videos. Learn about space, th
Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Climate Change
This video, developed by the Saskatchewan Environmental Society is an introduction to energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. This video is a component of the Student Action for a Sustainable Future Program in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Climate Change | Greenhouse Gases | How does the emission trading scheme work?
Emission trading scheme? Cap and trade? What do these words mean? And how does it all contribute to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases? This animation shows how the scheme works.
The Greenhouse Effect
The temperature of earth has been relatively constant over time. This is possible because as the planet absorbs solar radiation, it also emits longwave radia...
An Inconvenient Truth (2/10) Movie CLIP - None Like it Hot (2006) HD
An Inconvenient Truth movie clips: http://j.mp/1L7Ok5V
BUY THE MOVIE: http://amzn.to/tXJlAC
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
A cartoon demonstration of the effects of greenhouse gases on earth.
Former vice president Al Gore shares his concerns on the pressing issue of global warming in this documentary. A long-time environmental activ
Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/youtube/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowT
Making Greenhouse Gases Visible: Antony Turner at TEDxExeter
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...
E.3.2 - List the main greenhouse gases, their sources, and discuss their relative effects
This is part of the Sustainability Through Chemistry approach to IB Chemistry, currently under development. Please contact me@mikebroadhead.com if you are a ...
Greenhouse Gases
Greenhouse Gas Sources
The most abundant greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Throughout the world, the vast majority of carbon dioxide emissions result from the combustion of fossil ...
The Greenhouse Gas Demo
This discusses a short, but very effective and dramatic demo to show the effect on temperature of increased levels of carbon dioxide.
from the webmaster Although the device is efficient, in most all water heating applications it is difficult to economically justify a device. The company has...
Lecture 7 - Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere
This 10-week course for non-science majors focuses on a single problem: assessing the risk of human-caused climate change. The story ranges from physics to c...
Green house Effect and Global warming
Green house Effect and Global warming.
What is the greenhouse effect? | Global Ideas
From droughts to monsoons and extreme weather patterns, climate change may be easy to see and feel, but the issues surrounding it are often far more complex....
Global warming - Greenhouse gases
save the planet. save yourselves. a complete summary about greenhouse gases - causes, effects and solutions. property of mostwanted669. do not plagiarize ;)
Algae Gobbles Greenhouse Gases
A pilot project in Baltimore shows a common strain of algae may hold the key to reducing greenhouse gases while also providing a major source of building blo...
How Do Greenhouse Gases Actually Work?
Thanks to Kurz Gesagt for illustrating this video!
And for composing the music!: https://soundcloud.com/epicmountain/minute-ea...
Thanks to Kurz Gesagt for illustrating this video!
And for composing the music!: https://soundcloud.com/epicmountain/minute-earth
Thanks also to our Patreon patrons:
- AshrafDude
- Nasser Hamed Alminji
- Jeff Straathof
- Mark
- Maarten Bremer
- Today I Found Out
- Avi Yashchin
- Valentin
- Nicholas Buckendorf
- @AntoineCoeur
And our Subbable Sponsors:
- Tori McClanahan
- Evan Gale
- Ho Yin Michael Cheng - http://lovescomputers.com/
- Raymond Cason
- Shalom Craimer
- Nick Pietrzak
- TPRJones - http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/002/941/Duckroll.jpg
- @Lexify
- @Asajii
- Robin S. - https://code.org/
- Nicholas Buckendorf
- Alison G. - choklitfroggie.tumblr.com
- Cameron Johnson
- Tom Headley - https://www.etsy.com/shop/Piecesofgame
- @thenarcolepsist
- Bas Hessels - http://bashessels.nl
- Nauda Family
- Danielle Lane
Want to learn more about the topic in this week’s video? Here are some key words/phrases to get your googling started:
- Radiation balance - incoming radiant energy from the sun minus outgoing energy heading into space.
- Infrared radiation - electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to us; comes in longer wavelengths than visible light and provides energy transfer we call heat.
MinuteEarth provides an energetic and entertaining view of trends in earth’s environment – in just a few minutes!
Created by Henry Reich
With the MinuteEarth team: Alex Reich, Peter Reich, Emily Elert, Ever Salazar, Kate Yoshida, and Henry Reich. Music by Nathaniel Schroeder: http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder
Please support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/minuteearth
And follow us on Vessel: https://www.vessel.com/shows/6891774506155638
And YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/minuteearth?sub_confirmation=1
And here we are on iTunes: http://podcast.minuteearth.com/
Also, say hello on:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/minuteearth
Twitter: http://twitter.com/MinuteEarth
Virtual Chembook, Elmhurst College, Charles E. Ophardt
Climate and Earth’s Energy Budget, NASA Earth Observatory
Infrared spectroscopy/Caltech (mirrored from UCLA chemistry)
wn.com/How Do Greenhouse Gases Actually Work
Thanks to Kurz Gesagt for illustrating this video!
And for composing the music!: https://soundcloud.com/epicmountain/minute-earth
Thanks also to our Patreon patrons:
- AshrafDude
- Nasser Hamed Alminji
- Jeff Straathof
- Mark
- Maarten Bremer
- Today I Found Out
- Avi Yashchin
- Valentin
- Nicholas Buckendorf
- @AntoineCoeur
And our Subbable Sponsors:
- Tori McClanahan
- Evan Gale
- Ho Yin Michael Cheng - http://lovescomputers.com/
- Raymond Cason
- Shalom Craimer
- Nick Pietrzak
- TPRJones - http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/002/941/Duckroll.jpg
- @Lexify
- @Asajii
- Robin S. - https://code.org/
- Nicholas Buckendorf
- Alison G. - choklitfroggie.tumblr.com
- Cameron Johnson
- Tom Headley - https://www.etsy.com/shop/Piecesofgame
- @thenarcolepsist
- Bas Hessels - http://bashessels.nl
- Nauda Family
- Danielle Lane
Want to learn more about the topic in this week’s video? Here are some key words/phrases to get your googling started:
- Radiation balance - incoming radiant energy from the sun minus outgoing energy heading into space.
- Infrared radiation - electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to us; comes in longer wavelengths than visible light and provides energy transfer we call heat.
MinuteEarth provides an energetic and entertaining view of trends in earth’s environment – in just a few minutes!
Created by Henry Reich
With the MinuteEarth team: Alex Reich, Peter Reich, Emily Elert, Ever Salazar, Kate Yoshida, and Henry Reich. Music by Nathaniel Schroeder: http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder
Please support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/minuteearth
And follow us on Vessel: https://www.vessel.com/shows/6891774506155638
And YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/minuteearth?sub_confirmation=1
And here we are on iTunes: http://podcast.minuteearth.com/
Also, say hello on:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/minuteearth
Twitter: http://twitter.com/MinuteEarth
Virtual Chembook, Elmhurst College, Charles E. Ophardt
Climate and Earth’s Energy Budget, NASA Earth Observatory
Infrared spectroscopy/Caltech (mirrored from UCLA chemistry)
- published: 26 May 2015
- views: 301
Greenhouse Effect for Kids
You will learn about "Greenhouse Effect" in this video. The sun's rays help to warm our planet earth. A part of the sun's radiation that falls on the earth is a...
You will learn about "Greenhouse Effect" in this video. The sun's rays help to warm our planet earth. A part of the sun's radiation that falls on the earth is absorbed and a part of it is reflected back towards the space. A part of this reflected radiation is trapped by the greenhouse gases of the earth's atmosphere. These trapped radiations of the sun help in warming the earth.
The greenhouse gases comprise mainly of carbon di oxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Do you know why these gases are called greenhouse gases? Have you ever seen a greenhouse in a nursery? In a greenhouse, the sun's heat can get in but not go out. The trapped heat warms the greenhouse and helps in the controlled growth of plants. Similarly, as these gases trap the sun's heat and warm the earth, these gases are called greenhouse gases.
If there were no greenhouse gases to trap the sun's radiation, then our earth would be a very cold place and we would not be able to survive here. This trapping of heat to keep the earth warm is called greenhouse effect.
@Subscribe on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Smartlearningforall?sub_confirmation=1
@Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smartlearningforall
@Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/SmartLearningFA
wn.com/Greenhouse Effect For Kids
You will learn about "Greenhouse Effect" in this video. The sun's rays help to warm our planet earth. A part of the sun's radiation that falls on the earth is absorbed and a part of it is reflected back towards the space. A part of this reflected radiation is trapped by the greenhouse gases of the earth's atmosphere. These trapped radiations of the sun help in warming the earth.
The greenhouse gases comprise mainly of carbon di oxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Do you know why these gases are called greenhouse gases? Have you ever seen a greenhouse in a nursery? In a greenhouse, the sun's heat can get in but not go out. The trapped heat warms the greenhouse and helps in the controlled growth of plants. Similarly, as these gases trap the sun's heat and warm the earth, these gases are called greenhouse gases.
If there were no greenhouse gases to trap the sun's radiation, then our earth would be a very cold place and we would not be able to survive here. This trapping of heat to keep the earth warm is called greenhouse effect.
@Subscribe on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Smartlearningforall?sub_confirmation=1
@Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smartlearningforall
@Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/SmartLearningFA
- published: 13 Jul 2015
- views: 83
Green House Effect Definition,meaning Video for Kids
Visit www.makemegenius.com for free science videos.
The Greenhouse Effect can be defined as a natural process when certain gases in the atmosphere trap infrar...
Visit www.makemegenius.com for free science videos.
The Greenhouse Effect can be defined as a natural process when certain gases in the atmosphere trap infrared radiation of the environment. Like a greenhouse keeps its inside temperature warmer,the greenhouse effect makes the planet warmer, The greenhouse effect is caused by greenhouse gases.The most important greenhouse gases are: water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane.
wn.com/Green House Effect Definition,Meaning Video For Kids
Visit www.makemegenius.com for free science videos.
The Greenhouse Effect can be defined as a natural process when certain gases in the atmosphere trap infrared radiation of the environment. Like a greenhouse keeps its inside temperature warmer,the greenhouse effect makes the planet warmer, The greenhouse effect is caused by greenhouse gases.The most important greenhouse gases are: water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane.
- published: 24 Jul 2012
- views: 145863
Greenhouse Gases: Climate Change, Lines of Evidence: Chapter 3
The National Research Council is pleased to present this video that explains how scientists have arrived at the current state of knowledge about recent climate ...
The National Research Council is pleased to present this video that explains how scientists have arrived at the current state of knowledge about recent climate change and its causes. This is part three of a seven-part series, available on the National Academies channel.
wn.com/Greenhouse Gases Climate Change, Lines Of Evidence Chapter 3
The National Research Council is pleased to present this video that explains how scientists have arrived at the current state of knowledge about recent climate change and its causes. This is part three of a seven-part series, available on the National Academies channel.
- published: 02 Jul 2012
- views: 29471
Types of Greenhouse Gases
You've probably heard of carbon dioxide and its effects on the environment, but what are "greenhouse gases"? This video explains the origins and effects of t......
You've probably heard of carbon dioxide and its effects on the environment, but what are "greenhouse gases"? This video explains the origins and effects of t...
wn.com/Types Of Greenhouse Gases
You've probably heard of carbon dioxide and its effects on the environment, but what are "greenhouse gases"? This video explains the origins and effects of t...
- published: 26 Jun 2013
- views: 3950
author: Enspire
Greenhouse Gases Explained!
Mike Bettes and Sam Champion explore the science behind greenhouse gases, where they come from, and how they impact our atmosphere....
Mike Bettes and Sam Champion explore the science behind greenhouse gases, where they come from, and how they impact our atmosphere.
wn.com/Greenhouse Gases Explained
Mike Bettes and Sam Champion explore the science behind greenhouse gases, where they come from, and how they impact our atmosphere.
- published: 04 Feb 2015
- views: 71
What Is Greenhouse Gas?
Please Subscribe! http://testu.be/1HV4rBv
Check out yesterday’s video: http://testu.be/1JdhQ9N
We hear the phrase 'greenhouse gas’ thrown around a lot these da...
Please Subscribe! http://testu.be/1HV4rBv
Check out yesterday’s video: http://testu.be/1JdhQ9N
We hear the phrase 'greenhouse gas’ thrown around a lot these days, but do you actually know what a greenhouse gas is? Not all of them are bad.
TestTube 101 is a new series that explains everything you wanted to know about the world around you with simple, fun and humorous videos. Learn about space, the earth, chemicals and more with these video cliff notes for your inner scientist. New videos every week!
+ + + + + + + +
Follow Julia Wilde on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Julia_SCI
Follow Lisette Padilla on Twitter: Check Lissette out on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lizzette
TestTube Video on Facebook https://facebook.com/TestTubeVideo
TestTube on Facebook https://facebook.com/TestTubeNetwork
TestTube on Google+: http://testu.be/1J9JjZO
+ + + + + + + +
wn.com/What Is Greenhouse Gas
Please Subscribe! http://testu.be/1HV4rBv
Check out yesterday’s video: http://testu.be/1JdhQ9N
We hear the phrase 'greenhouse gas’ thrown around a lot these days, but do you actually know what a greenhouse gas is? Not all of them are bad.
TestTube 101 is a new series that explains everything you wanted to know about the world around you with simple, fun and humorous videos. Learn about space, the earth, chemicals and more with these video cliff notes for your inner scientist. New videos every week!
+ + + + + + + +
Follow Julia Wilde on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Julia_SCI
Follow Lisette Padilla on Twitter: Check Lissette out on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lizzette
TestTube Video on Facebook https://facebook.com/TestTubeVideo
TestTube on Facebook https://facebook.com/TestTubeNetwork
TestTube on Google+: http://testu.be/1J9JjZO
+ + + + + + + +
- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 561
Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Climate Change
This video, developed by the Saskatchewan Environmental Society is an introduction to energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. This video is a comp...
This video, developed by the Saskatchewan Environmental Society is an introduction to energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. This video is a component of the Student Action for a Sustainable Future Program in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
wn.com/Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, And Climate Change
This video, developed by the Saskatchewan Environmental Society is an introduction to energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. This video is a component of the Student Action for a Sustainable Future Program in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 2711
Climate Change | Greenhouse Gases | How does the emission trading scheme work?
Emission trading scheme? Cap and trade? What do these words mean? And how does it all contribute to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases? This animation shows ...
Emission trading scheme? Cap and trade? What do these words mean? And how does it all contribute to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases? This animation shows how the scheme works.
wn.com/Climate Change | Greenhouse Gases | How Does The Emission Trading Scheme Work
Emission trading scheme? Cap and trade? What do these words mean? And how does it all contribute to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases? This animation shows how the scheme works.
- published: 14 Mar 2010
- views: 42423
The Greenhouse Effect
The temperature of earth has been relatively constant over time. This is possible because as the planet absorbs solar radiation, it also emits longwave radia......
The temperature of earth has been relatively constant over time. This is possible because as the planet absorbs solar radiation, it also emits longwave radia...
wn.com/The Greenhouse Effect
The temperature of earth has been relatively constant over time. This is possible because as the planet absorbs solar radiation, it also emits longwave radia...
An Inconvenient Truth (2/10) Movie CLIP - None Like it Hot (2006) HD
An Inconvenient Truth movie clips: http://j.mp/1L7Ok5V
BUY THE MOVIE: http://amzn.to/tXJlAC
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
An Inconvenient Truth movie clips: http://j.mp/1L7Ok5V
BUY THE MOVIE: http://amzn.to/tXJlAC
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
A cartoon demonstration of the effects of greenhouse gases on earth.
Former vice president Al Gore shares his concerns on the pressing issue of global warming in this documentary. A long-time environmental activist, Gore first became aware of evidence on global warming in the 1970s, and since leaving public office he has become a passionate advocate for large- and small-scale changes in our laws and lifestyles that could help alleviate this crisis. An Inconvenient Truth records a multi-media presentation hosted by Gore in which he discusses the scientific facts behind global warming, explains how it has already begun to affect our environment, talks about the disastrous consequences if the world's governments and citizens do not act, and shares what each individual can do to help protect the Earth for this and future generations. An Inconvenient Truth was directed by Davis Guggenheim, a veteran documentary filmmaker who also has an extensive background in episodic television.
TM & © Paramount (2006)
Cast: Al Gore
Director: Davis Guggenheim
Producers: Lawrence Bender, Scott Z. Burns, Lesley Chilcott, Davis Guggenheim, Jeffrey D. Ivers, Laurie Lennard, Michael McDermott, Jeff Skoll, Ricky Strauss, Diane Weyermann, Marianna Yarovskaya
The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
MOVIECLIPS: http://bit.ly/1u2yaWd
ComingSoon: http://bit.ly/1DVpgtR
Indie & Film Festivals: http://bit.ly/1wbkfYg
Hero Central: http://bit.ly/1AMUZwv
Extras: http://bit.ly/1u431fr
Classic Trailers: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
Pop-Up Trailers: http://bit.ly/1z7EtZR
Movie News: http://bit.ly/1C3Ncd2
Movie Games: http://bit.ly/1ygDV13
Fandango: http://bit.ly/1Bl79ye
Fandango FrontRunners: http://bit.ly/1CggQfC
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1y8M8ax
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/14wL9De
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1vUwhH7
wn.com/An Inconvenient Truth (2 10) Movie Clip None Like It Hot (2006) Hd
An Inconvenient Truth movie clips: http://j.mp/1L7Ok5V
BUY THE MOVIE: http://amzn.to/tXJlAC
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
A cartoon demonstration of the effects of greenhouse gases on earth.
Former vice president Al Gore shares his concerns on the pressing issue of global warming in this documentary. A long-time environmental activist, Gore first became aware of evidence on global warming in the 1970s, and since leaving public office he has become a passionate advocate for large- and small-scale changes in our laws and lifestyles that could help alleviate this crisis. An Inconvenient Truth records a multi-media presentation hosted by Gore in which he discusses the scientific facts behind global warming, explains how it has already begun to affect our environment, talks about the disastrous consequences if the world's governments and citizens do not act, and shares what each individual can do to help protect the Earth for this and future generations. An Inconvenient Truth was directed by Davis Guggenheim, a veteran documentary filmmaker who also has an extensive background in episodic television.
TM & © Paramount (2006)
Cast: Al Gore
Director: Davis Guggenheim
Producers: Lawrence Bender, Scott Z. Burns, Lesley Chilcott, Davis Guggenheim, Jeffrey D. Ivers, Laurie Lennard, Michael McDermott, Jeff Skoll, Ricky Strauss, Diane Weyermann, Marianna Yarovskaya
The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
MOVIECLIPS: http://bit.ly/1u2yaWd
ComingSoon: http://bit.ly/1DVpgtR
Indie & Film Festivals: http://bit.ly/1wbkfYg
Hero Central: http://bit.ly/1AMUZwv
Extras: http://bit.ly/1u431fr
Classic Trailers: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
Pop-Up Trailers: http://bit.ly/1z7EtZR
Movie News: http://bit.ly/1C3Ncd2
Movie Games: http://bit.ly/1ygDV13
Fandango: http://bit.ly/1Bl79ye
Fandango FrontRunners: http://bit.ly/1CggQfC
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1y8M8ax
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/14wL9De
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1vUwhH7
- published: 09 Oct 2011
- views: 246228
Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/youtube/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free to...
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/youtube/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
wn.com/Greenhouse Gases And Global Warming
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/youtube/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
- published: 25 Aug 2015
- views: 5
Making Greenhouse Gases Visible: Antony Turner at TEDxExeter
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED......
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...
wn.com/Making Greenhouse Gases Visible Antony Turner At Tedxexeter
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...
- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 1615
author: TEDx Talks
E.3.2 - List the main greenhouse gases, their sources, and discuss their relative effects
This is part of the Sustainability Through Chemistry approach to IB Chemistry, currently under development. Please contact me@mikebroadhead.com if you are a ......
This is part of the Sustainability Through Chemistry approach to IB Chemistry, currently under development. Please contact me@mikebroadhead.com if you are a ...
wn.com/E.3.2 List The Main Greenhouse Gases, Their Sources, And Discuss Their Relative Effects
This is part of the Sustainability Through Chemistry approach to IB Chemistry, currently under development. Please contact me@mikebroadhead.com if you are a ...
Greenhouse Gas Sources
The most abundant greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Throughout the world, the vast majority of carbon dioxide emissions result from the combustion of fossil ......
The most abundant greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Throughout the world, the vast majority of carbon dioxide emissions result from the combustion of fossil ...
wn.com/Greenhouse Gas Sources
The most abundant greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Throughout the world, the vast majority of carbon dioxide emissions result from the combustion of fossil ...
The Greenhouse Gas Demo
This discusses a short, but very effective and dramatic demo to show the effect on temperature of increased levels of carbon dioxide....
This discusses a short, but very effective and dramatic demo to show the effect on temperature of increased levels of carbon dioxide.
wn.com/The Greenhouse Gas Demo
This discusses a short, but very effective and dramatic demo to show the effect on temperature of increased levels of carbon dioxide.
from the webmaster Although the device is efficient, in most all water heating applications it is difficult to economically justify a device. The company has......
from the webmaster Although the device is efficient, in most all water heating applications it is difficult to economically justify a device. The company has...
wn.com/Fuelless Heater No Fuel No Gas No Wood No Green House Gases
from the webmaster Although the device is efficient, in most all water heating applications it is difficult to economically justify a device. The company has...
- published: 02 Nov 2006
- views: 2952100
author: theoneagain
Lecture 7 - Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere
This 10-week course for non-science majors focuses on a single problem: assessing the risk of human-caused climate change. The story ranges from physics to c......
This 10-week course for non-science majors focuses on a single problem: assessing the risk of human-caused climate change. The story ranges from physics to c...
wn.com/Lecture 7 Greenhouse Gases In The Atmosphere
This 10-week course for non-science majors focuses on a single problem: assessing the risk of human-caused climate change. The story ranges from physics to c...
What is the greenhouse effect? | Global Ideas
From droughts to monsoons and extreme weather patterns, climate change may be easy to see and feel, but the issues surrounding it are often far more complex.......
From droughts to monsoons and extreme weather patterns, climate change may be easy to see and feel, but the issues surrounding it are often far more complex....
wn.com/What Is The Greenhouse Effect | Global Ideas
From droughts to monsoons and extreme weather patterns, climate change may be easy to see and feel, but the issues surrounding it are often far more complex....
Global warming - Greenhouse gases
save the planet. save yourselves. a complete summary about greenhouse gases - causes, effects and solutions. property of mostwanted669. do not plagiarize ;)...
save the planet. save yourselves. a complete summary about greenhouse gases - causes, effects and solutions. property of mostwanted669. do not plagiarize ;)
wn.com/Global Warming Greenhouse Gases
save the planet. save yourselves. a complete summary about greenhouse gases - causes, effects and solutions. property of mostwanted669. do not plagiarize ;)
Algae Gobbles Greenhouse Gases
A pilot project in Baltimore shows a common strain of algae may hold the key to reducing greenhouse gases while also providing a major source of building blo......
A pilot project in Baltimore shows a common strain of algae may hold the key to reducing greenhouse gases while also providing a major source of building blo...
wn.com/Algae Gobbles Greenhouse Gases
A pilot project in Baltimore shows a common strain of algae may hold the key to reducing greenhouse gases while also providing a major source of building blo...
Biomass Boilers, Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change
Greedy Lying Bastards - trailer
Greedy Lying Bastards details the people and organizations casting doubt on climate science and claims that greenhouse gases are not affected by human behavior. From the Koch Brothers to ExxonMobil, oil industry front groups to prominent politicians, this provocative expose unravels the layers of deceit threatening democracy and the ability of future generations to survive on planet earth.
interview on green jobs
This video is uploaded to tell the students that what is the importance of reducing "Greenhouse Gases" .This video is uploaded by the students of Venkateshwar International School, Sector -10, Dwarka for the #MicrosoftCreateToInspireSchoolProgramme.
Please like, share & subscribe to the channel.
Your suggestions in the comment section will be appreciated.
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Like us on Facbook
interview on green jobs
this video tells you about the importance of green jobs . This video is uploaded to tell the students that what is the importance of reducing "Greenhouse Gases" .This video is uploaded by the students of Venkateshwar International School, Sector -10, Dwarka for the #MicrosoftCreateToInspireSchoolProgramme.
Please like, share & subscribe to the channel.
Your suggestions in the comment section wi
'Greenhouse 100 Index' Names Top Polluters
PERI's Economics Chair Michael Ash breaks down which companies ranked as top emitters of greenhouse gases and what this means for the future of climate change policy
CDM Smith Project Stories: Unlocking Energy Potential at DC Water
DC Water uses Thermal Hydrolysis technology to reduce greenhouse gases, cut truck trips in half, and produce a class A biosolid fertilizer now in use throughout the city. CDM Smith is proud to have worked with the team from DC Water to make their vision a reality.
Find out more at http://cdmsmith.com/en-US/Insights/Features/DC-Water-Blue-Plains.aspx
Climate Winners - What countries emit the most greenhouse gases?
Have a "burning" question on climate change!? Climate Winners' "Ask an Expert" series gets to the bottom of things!
The video wouldn't have been possible without some amazing and talented folks:
Producer/Director/Director of Photography - Vance Spicer
Writer - Christian Malarsie & Cassie F
Regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act
The United States Environmental Protection Agency began regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act from mobile and stationary sources of air pollution for the first time on January 2, 2011. Standards for mobile sources have been established pursuant to Section 202 of the CAA, and GHGs from stationary sources are currently controlled under the authority of Part C of Title I of the Act. The
Climate Geology Class_3 part_2(atmosphere,greenhouse gases)
This is purely a natural class room recording. No editing has been done. The whole lecture was given by Prof. Tapas Kumar Biswal, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Course GS-540 (Climate Geology).
Before watching this video please go through the previous Lectures. For any doubts please don’t hesitate to mail at: tkbiswal@iitb.ac.in
Climate Geology Class_3 part_1(atmosphere,greenhouse gases)
This is purely a natural class room recording. No editing has been done. The whole lecture was given by Prof. Tapas Kumar Biswal, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Course GS-540 (Climate Geology).
Before watching this video please go through the previous Lectures. For any doubts please don’t hesitate to mail at: tkbiswal@iitb.ac.in
Massive Los Angeles Co. Gas Leak Also Leaking Cancer Causing Agents Including Radon
The leak has caused a continuous flow of gases and fluids. Methane alone is leaking 100,000 pounds per hour, according to Los Angeles city attorney Mike Feuer. Along with that greenhouse gas is methyl mercaptans (odorants added to gas to aid in leak detection) and aromatic hydrocarbons. More concernedly, health officials have identified benzene and radon, both known carcinogens. Benzene is known t
Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases
We provide books to assist your needs, get only here:
IPCC list of greenhouse gases
This is a list of LLGHG greenhouse gases as used by the IPCC TAR.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
How you can reduce greenhouse gases
Experts say simple choices can reduce our own carbon footprints. Havard Gould has some tips.
Click here for the full story: http://www.cbc.ca/1.3363878
»»» Subscribe to The National to watch more videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/CBCTheNational?sub_confirmation=1
Voice Your Opinion & Connect With Us Online:
The National Updates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thenational
The Nati
Plastic Water Bottles and Greenhouse Gases
Please use the hashtag #stopwaterbottlesrhms to spread awareness!!!
New global climate change plan to reduce and then eliminate the use of greenhouse gases
New global climate change plan
Science Guy helps Homeless Guy learn about Greenhouse Gases
[Power Magazine] Reduction green-house gases! 'Ground coupled heat pump system' 20151211
Reduction green-house gases! 'Ground coupled heat pump system'
Cool Neighbourhoods - GREAT idea to reduce GHGs - COP21
Cool Neighbourhoods is a grassroots initiative that helps neighbours to quickly, effectively - and enjoyably (!) - reduce greenhouse gases. At the same time, participants develop connected, resilient neighbourhoods.
This video summarizes how the first two 'cool neighbourhoods' in West Vancouver were started. Their success has spawned the vibrant NGO, Cool North Shore, that has helped more than 15
India Will Reduce Discharge Of Greenhouse Gases By 35 Percent By 2030
Kairali People is a leading Malayalam news channel, owned by Kairali TV, which brings to you round the clock coverage of breaking news. The channel is reputed for its accurate, fast and unbiased coverage of news stories. Apart from regional news, this channel brings to you news from across the globe.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/peopletvonline
Circle us on G+: https://plus.google.com/u
Mexico to spend $23 billion to cut greenhouse gases
Mexico's government said it will invest $23 billion at refineries to slash greenhouse gas emissions from gasoline by 90 percent and cut several tons produced by four facilities.
World's #1 Polluter Isn't What You Think.
What is the worlds largest polluter?
Responsible for up to 51% of all greenhouse gases
The leading cause of rainforest destruction
The leading cause of species extinction
The leading cause of ocean dead-zones
The leading cause of water pollution
And it’s not fossil fuels
It’s raising animals for food
Livestock produce more greenhouse gases than all the world’s vehicles combined
Methane from livest
Greedy Lying Bastards - trailer
Greedy Lying Bastards details the people and organizations casting doubt on climate science and claims that greenhouse gases are not affected by human behavior....
Greedy Lying Bastards details the people and organizations casting doubt on climate science and claims that greenhouse gases are not affected by human behavior. From the Koch Brothers to ExxonMobil, oil industry front groups to prominent politicians, this provocative expose unravels the layers of deceit threatening democracy and the ability of future generations to survive on planet earth.
wn.com/Greedy Lying Bastards Trailer
Greedy Lying Bastards details the people and organizations casting doubt on climate science and claims that greenhouse gases are not affected by human behavior. From the Koch Brothers to ExxonMobil, oil industry front groups to prominent politicians, this provocative expose unravels the layers of deceit threatening democracy and the ability of future generations to survive on planet earth.
- published: 19 Jan 2016
- views: 1
interview on green jobs
This video is uploaded to tell the students that what is the importance of reducing "Greenhouse Gases" .This video is uploaded by the students of Venkateshwar I...
This video is uploaded to tell the students that what is the importance of reducing "Greenhouse Gases" .This video is uploaded by the students of Venkateshwar International School, Sector -10, Dwarka for the #MicrosoftCreateToInspireSchoolProgramme.
Please like, share & subscribe to the channel.
Your suggestions in the comment section will be appreciated.
For future updates-
Like us on Facbook - https://www.facebook.com/Venkateshwar-International-School-1520661031559345/?ref=hl
Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/vissec10d
wn.com/Interview On Green Jobs
This video is uploaded to tell the students that what is the importance of reducing "Greenhouse Gases" .This video is uploaded by the students of Venkateshwar International School, Sector -10, Dwarka for the #MicrosoftCreateToInspireSchoolProgramme.
Please like, share & subscribe to the channel.
Your suggestions in the comment section will be appreciated.
For future updates-
Like us on Facbook - https://www.facebook.com/Venkateshwar-International-School-1520661031559345/?ref=hl
Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/vissec10d
- published: 19 Jan 2016
- views: 6
interview on green jobs
this video tells you about the importance of green jobs . This video is uploaded to tell the students that what is the importance of reducing "Greenhouse Gases"...
this video tells you about the importance of green jobs . This video is uploaded to tell the students that what is the importance of reducing "Greenhouse Gases" .This video is uploaded by the students of Venkateshwar International School, Sector -10, Dwarka for the #MicrosoftCreateToInspireSchoolProgramme.
Please like, share & subscribe to the channel.
Your suggestions in the comment section will be appreciated.
wn.com/Interview On Green Jobs
this video tells you about the importance of green jobs . This video is uploaded to tell the students that what is the importance of reducing "Greenhouse Gases" .This video is uploaded by the students of Venkateshwar International School, Sector -10, Dwarka for the #MicrosoftCreateToInspireSchoolProgramme.
Please like, share & subscribe to the channel.
Your suggestions in the comment section will be appreciated.
- published: 31 Dec 2015
- views: 5
'Greenhouse 100 Index' Names Top Polluters
PERI's Economics Chair Michael Ash breaks down which companies ranked as top emitters of greenhouse gases and what this means for the future of climate change p...
PERI's Economics Chair Michael Ash breaks down which companies ranked as top emitters of greenhouse gases and what this means for the future of climate change policy
wn.com/'Greenhouse 100 Index' Names Top Polluters
PERI's Economics Chair Michael Ash breaks down which companies ranked as top emitters of greenhouse gases and what this means for the future of climate change policy
- published: 18 Jan 2016
- views: 1256
CDM Smith Project Stories: Unlocking Energy Potential at DC Water
DC Water uses Thermal Hydrolysis technology to reduce greenhouse gases, cut truck trips in half, and produce a class A biosolid fertilizer now in use throughout...
DC Water uses Thermal Hydrolysis technology to reduce greenhouse gases, cut truck trips in half, and produce a class A biosolid fertilizer now in use throughout the city. CDM Smith is proud to have worked with the team from DC Water to make their vision a reality.
Find out more at http://cdmsmith.com/en-US/Insights/Features/DC-Water-Blue-Plains.aspx
wn.com/Cdm Smith Project Stories Unlocking Energy Potential At DC Water
DC Water uses Thermal Hydrolysis technology to reduce greenhouse gases, cut truck trips in half, and produce a class A biosolid fertilizer now in use throughout the city. CDM Smith is proud to have worked with the team from DC Water to make their vision a reality.
Find out more at http://cdmsmith.com/en-US/Insights/Features/DC-Water-Blue-Plains.aspx
- published: 15 Jan 2016
- views: 15
Climate Winners - What countries emit the most greenhouse gases?
Have a "burning" question on climate change!? Climate Winners' "Ask an Expert" series gets to the bottom of things!
Have a "burning" question on climate change!? Climate Winners' "Ask an Expert" series gets to the bottom of things!
The video wouldn't have been possible without some amazing and talented folks:
Producer/Director/Director of Photography - Vance Spicer
Writer - Christian Malarsie & Cassie Flynn
Production Assistant - Christian Malarsie
Audio - Jose Ramirez
Hair - Chai Brooks
Makeup - Drishty D'Costa
Made with Special help from:
Look! Pretty Pictures
B2 Prompting
wn.com/Climate Winners What Countries Emit The Most Greenhouse Gases
Have a "burning" question on climate change!? Climate Winners' "Ask an Expert" series gets to the bottom of things!
The video wouldn't have been possible without some amazing and talented folks:
Producer/Director/Director of Photography - Vance Spicer
Writer - Christian Malarsie & Cassie Flynn
Production Assistant - Christian Malarsie
Audio - Jose Ramirez
Hair - Chai Brooks
Makeup - Drishty D'Costa
Made with Special help from:
Look! Pretty Pictures
B2 Prompting
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 11
Regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act
The United States Environmental Protection Agency began regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act from mobile and stationary sources of air pollution ...
The United States Environmental Protection Agency began regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act from mobile and stationary sources of air pollution for the first time on January 2, 2011. Standards for mobile sources have been established pursuant to Section 202 of the CAA, and GHGs from stationary sources are currently controlled under the authority of Part C of Title I of the Act. The basis for regulations were upheld in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in June 2012.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
wn.com/Regulation Of Greenhouse Gases Under The Clean Air Act
The United States Environmental Protection Agency began regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act from mobile and stationary sources of air pollution for the first time on January 2, 2011. Standards for mobile sources have been established pursuant to Section 202 of the CAA, and GHGs from stationary sources are currently controlled under the authority of Part C of Title I of the Act. The basis for regulations were upheld in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in June 2012.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Climate Geology Class_3 part_2(atmosphere,greenhouse gases)
This is purely a natural class room recording. No editing has been done. The whole lecture was given by Prof. Tapas Kumar Biswal, Indian Institute of Technology...
This is purely a natural class room recording. No editing has been done. The whole lecture was given by Prof. Tapas Kumar Biswal, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Course GS-540 (Climate Geology).
Before watching this video please go through the previous Lectures. For any doubts please don’t hesitate to mail at: tkbiswal@iitb.ac.in
wn.com/Climate Geology Class 3 Part 2(Atmosphere,Greenhouse Gases)
This is purely a natural class room recording. No editing has been done. The whole lecture was given by Prof. Tapas Kumar Biswal, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Course GS-540 (Climate Geology).
Before watching this video please go through the previous Lectures. For any doubts please don’t hesitate to mail at: tkbiswal@iitb.ac.in
- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Climate Geology Class_3 part_1(atmosphere,greenhouse gases)
This is purely a natural class room recording. No editing has been done. The whole lecture was given by Prof. Tapas Kumar Biswal, Indian Institute of Technology...
This is purely a natural class room recording. No editing has been done. The whole lecture was given by Prof. Tapas Kumar Biswal, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Course GS-540 (Climate Geology).
Before watching this video please go through the previous Lectures. For any doubts please don’t hesitate to mail at: tkbiswal@iitb.ac.in
wn.com/Climate Geology Class 3 Part 1(Atmosphere,Greenhouse Gases)
This is purely a natural class room recording. No editing has been done. The whole lecture was given by Prof. Tapas Kumar Biswal, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Course GS-540 (Climate Geology).
Before watching this video please go through the previous Lectures. For any doubts please don’t hesitate to mail at: tkbiswal@iitb.ac.in
- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 15
Massive Los Angeles Co. Gas Leak Also Leaking Cancer Causing Agents Including Radon
The leak has caused a continuous flow of gases and fluids. Methane alone is leaking 100,000 pounds per hour, according to Los Angeles city attorney Mike Feuer. ...
The leak has caused a continuous flow of gases and fluids. Methane alone is leaking 100,000 pounds per hour, according to Los Angeles city attorney Mike Feuer. Along with that greenhouse gas is methyl mercaptans (odorants added to gas to aid in leak detection) and aromatic hydrocarbons. More concernedly, health officials have identified benzene and radon, both known carcinogens. Benzene is known to cause cancer
wn.com/Massive Los Angeles Co. Gas Leak Also Leaking Cancer Causing Agents Including Radon
The leak has caused a continuous flow of gases and fluids. Methane alone is leaking 100,000 pounds per hour, according to Los Angeles city attorney Mike Feuer. Along with that greenhouse gas is methyl mercaptans (odorants added to gas to aid in leak detection) and aromatic hydrocarbons. More concernedly, health officials have identified benzene and radon, both known carcinogens. Benzene is known to cause cancer
- published: 10 Jan 2016
- views: 1812
Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases
We provide books to assist your needs, get only here:
We provide books to assist your needs, get only here:
wn.com/Air Pollution And Greenhouse Gases
We provide books to assist your needs, get only here:
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 0
IPCC list of greenhouse gases
This is a list of LLGHG greenhouse gases as used by the IPCC TAR.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
This is a list of LLGHG greenhouse gases as used by the IPCC TAR.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
wn.com/Ipcc List Of Greenhouse Gases
This is a list of LLGHG greenhouse gases as used by the IPCC TAR.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 1
How you can reduce greenhouse gases
Experts say simple choices can reduce our own carbon footprints. Havard Gould has some tips.
Click here for the full story: http://www.cbc.ca/1.3363878
»»» Subs...
Experts say simple choices can reduce our own carbon footprints. Havard Gould has some tips.
Click here for the full story: http://www.cbc.ca/1.3363878
»»» Subscribe to The National to watch more videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/CBCTheNational?sub_confirmation=1
Voice Your Opinion & Connect With Us Online:
The National Updates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thenational
The National Updates on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CBCTheNational
The National Updates on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+CBCTheNational
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The National is CBC Television's flagship news program. Airing seven days a week, the show delivers news, feature documentaries and analysis from some of Canada's leading journalists.
wn.com/How You Can Reduce Greenhouse Gases
Experts say simple choices can reduce our own carbon footprints. Havard Gould has some tips.
Click here for the full story: http://www.cbc.ca/1.3363878
»»» Subscribe to The National to watch more videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/CBCTheNational?sub_confirmation=1
Voice Your Opinion & Connect With Us Online:
The National Updates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thenational
The National Updates on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CBCTheNational
The National Updates on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+CBCTheNational
»»» »»» »»» »»» »»»
The National is CBC Television's flagship news program. Airing seven days a week, the show delivers news, feature documentaries and analysis from some of Canada's leading journalists.
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 435
Plastic Water Bottles and Greenhouse Gases
Please use the hashtag #stopwaterbottlesrhms to spread awareness!!!...
Please use the hashtag #stopwaterbottlesrhms to spread awareness!!!
wn.com/Plastic Water Bottles And Greenhouse Gases
Please use the hashtag #stopwaterbottlesrhms to spread awareness!!!
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 2
Cool Neighbourhoods - GREAT idea to reduce GHGs - COP21
Cool Neighbourhoods is a grassroots initiative that helps neighbours to quickly, effectively - and enjoyably (!) - reduce greenhouse gases. At the same time, p...
Cool Neighbourhoods is a grassroots initiative that helps neighbours to quickly, effectively - and enjoyably (!) - reduce greenhouse gases. At the same time, participants develop connected, resilient neighbourhoods.
This video summarizes how the first two 'cool neighbourhoods' in West Vancouver were started. Their success has spawned the vibrant NGO, Cool North Shore, that has helped more than 15 neighbourhoods - and counting - start their own Cool Neighbourhoods.
Vancouver, B.C. - December 10, 2015
wn.com/Cool Neighbourhoods Great Idea To Reduce Ghgs Cop21
Cool Neighbourhoods is a grassroots initiative that helps neighbours to quickly, effectively - and enjoyably (!) - reduce greenhouse gases. At the same time, participants develop connected, resilient neighbourhoods.
This video summarizes how the first two 'cool neighbourhoods' in West Vancouver were started. Their success has spawned the vibrant NGO, Cool North Shore, that has helped more than 15 neighbourhoods - and counting - start their own Cool Neighbourhoods.
Vancouver, B.C. - December 10, 2015
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 28
India Will Reduce Discharge Of Greenhouse Gases By 35 Percent By 2030
Kairali People is a leading Malayalam news channel, owned by Kairali TV, which brings to you round the clock coverage of breaking news. The channel is reputed f...
Kairali People is a leading Malayalam news channel, owned by Kairali TV, which brings to you round the clock coverage of breaking news. The channel is reputed for its accurate, fast and unbiased coverage of news stories. Apart from regional news, this channel brings to you news from across the globe.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/peopletvonline
Circle us on G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/104936936924302791673/104936936924302791673
wn.com/India Will Reduce Discharge Of Greenhouse Gases By 35 Percent By 2030
Kairali People is a leading Malayalam news channel, owned by Kairali TV, which brings to you round the clock coverage of breaking news. The channel is reputed for its accurate, fast and unbiased coverage of news stories. Apart from regional news, this channel brings to you news from across the globe.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/peopletvonline
Circle us on G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/104936936924302791673/104936936924302791673
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 13
Mexico to spend $23 billion to cut greenhouse gases
Mexico's government said it will invest $23 billion at refineries to slash greenhouse gas emissions from gasoline by 90 percent and cut several tons produced by...
Mexico's government said it will invest $23 billion at refineries to slash greenhouse gas emissions from gasoline by 90 percent and cut several tons produced by four facilities.
wn.com/Mexico To Spend 23 Billion To Cut Greenhouse Gases
Mexico's government said it will invest $23 billion at refineries to slash greenhouse gas emissions from gasoline by 90 percent and cut several tons produced by four facilities.
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 300
World's #1 Polluter Isn't What You Think.
What is the worlds largest polluter?
Responsible for up to 51% of all greenhouse gases
The leading cause of rainforest destruction
The leading cause of species ...
What is the worlds largest polluter?
Responsible for up to 51% of all greenhouse gases
The leading cause of rainforest destruction
The leading cause of species extinction
The leading cause of ocean dead-zones
The leading cause of water pollution
And it’s not fossil fuels
It’s raising animals for food
Livestock produce more greenhouse gases than all the world’s vehicles combined
Methane from livestock is 86x more destructive than CO2 from vehicles
To stop climate change we need trees
But 91% of amazon destruction has been for animal agriculture
With habitat loss 100 species go extinct everyday
45% of earth’s ice-free land is occupied by animal agriculture
30% of all water consumed on earth is for animal agriculture
3/4 of all fisheries are depleted from over fishing
Almost 50% of the worlds grain is fed to livestock
Yet close to 1 billion people go hungry everyday
80% of the antibiotics sold in the us are for livestock
But there’s something you can do!
Eating plants vs. eating animals
Uses 16x less land
Uses 13x less water
Uses 11x less oil
Produces 50% less emissions GHG
learn more at www.cowspiracy.com
wn.com/World's 1 Polluter Isn't What You Think.
What is the worlds largest polluter?
Responsible for up to 51% of all greenhouse gases
The leading cause of rainforest destruction
The leading cause of species extinction
The leading cause of ocean dead-zones
The leading cause of water pollution
And it’s not fossil fuels
It’s raising animals for food
Livestock produce more greenhouse gases than all the world’s vehicles combined
Methane from livestock is 86x more destructive than CO2 from vehicles
To stop climate change we need trees
But 91% of amazon destruction has been for animal agriculture
With habitat loss 100 species go extinct everyday
45% of earth’s ice-free land is occupied by animal agriculture
30% of all water consumed on earth is for animal agriculture
3/4 of all fisheries are depleted from over fishing
Almost 50% of the worlds grain is fed to livestock
Yet close to 1 billion people go hungry everyday
80% of the antibiotics sold in the us are for livestock
But there’s something you can do!
Eating plants vs. eating animals
Uses 16x less land
Uses 13x less water
Uses 11x less oil
Produces 50% less emissions GHG
learn more at www.cowspiracy.com
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 13
Climate Change : Historical Aspects, Greenhouse Balances & Mitigation Strategies
Introductory applications of the Climate Model software project at Carnicom Institute. An introduction to some important historical considerations in climate change study. The examination of various greenhouse gas scenarios. Prospects for the mitigation of global warming.
Why Greenhouse Gases Cause Global Warming: Carl Sagan on the Environment (1990)
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the ...
The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases
The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases launched in December 2009 and now has more than 30 member countries from all regions of the wor...
Dr Richard Conant speaks at QUT agriculture and greenhouse gases
Find out more at http://www.isr.qut.edu.au Dr Richard Conant examines the greenhouse effects of global agricultural activities in the face of growing global ...
Fitri Aini - Smallholder rubber and oil palm plantations affect the greenhouse gases emissions?
Forest conversion to oil palm and rubber plantations is a common land-use change in Jambi, Sumatra due to the high economic demand of forest border communities. The environmental effects of such conversions have raised global concerns due to the potential to increase nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. To quantify this effect, we conducted a ser
Law 270.7 - Lecture 14 - Greenhouse Gases and Wrap-upl
November 24, 2008 To what extent can we rely on a renewable energy future to reduce electricity-related greenhouse gas emissions? Which technologies should b...
New Ways for Regulating Greenhouse Gases
January 14, 2009 lecture by David Victor for the Woods Energy Seminar (ENERGY301). In his talk "New Ways to Think About Regulating Greenhouse Gasses," Victor...
Online classes: Green House Gases: Global Warming Potential
Online classes: Green House Gases: Global Warming Potential for UPSC IAS preparation
Water vapor
Carbon di oxide
Nitrous oxide
Fluorinated Gases
Black carbon
Brown carbon
Global Warming Potential
This video is part of environment and ecology for UPSC IAS preparation..
Like us on facebook.,
Global warming is caused by ozone depletion not greenhouse gases
A 58-minute, illustrated talk describing how and why ozone depletion explains global warming much more directly and much more clearly than greenhouse gases. Greenhouse-gas theory is based on some inaccurate assumptions.
Lecture 6 - What Makes a Greenhouse Gas?
This 10-week course for non-science majors focuses on a single problem: assessing the risk of human-caused climate change. The story ranges from physics to c...
Obama Outlines Ambitious Plan to Cut Greenhouse Gases
Obama Outlines Ambitious Plan to Cut Greenhouse Gases
The New York Times - JUNE 25, 2013
WASHINGTON — President Obama, declaring that “Americans across the country are already paying the price of inaction,” announced sweeping measures on Tuesday to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and prepare the nation for a future of rising temperatures.
Embracing wholeheartedly an issue that could define his le
Global Climate Summit:Cutting Greenhouse Gases
International panel discusses the importance of both targeted actions to reduce emissions and partnership opportunities between developed and developing stat...
Calculating Greenhouse Gases - The Story of Bread
With Mark Easter of CSU's Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, discussing the carbon footprint of agriculture
Climate Change Impacts: Why Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
http://www.edmonton.ca/thewaywegreen Join us as we demystify human-made climate change from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by burning fossil fuels, an...
Why Greenhouse Gases Cause Global Warming Carl Sagan on the Environment 1990 2 clip2
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the .
Clip from Cosmos episode 4 - Heaven and Hell in the Cosmos Update section from 1990.
In this classic interview from 1989, Dr. Carl Sagan, possibly the greatest populariser of fundamental science in modern history, has a conversation with C
What's Next for Greenhouse Gases & Clean Air Act?
A talk by Jonas Monast, Director, Climate & Energy Program at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. Monast's work focuses on the interac...
Louis Verchot - IPCC emission factors for greenhouse gas inventories in tropical peatlands
IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) produces guidelines on compiling estimates of national greenhouse gas emissions and removals in a standardized way to ensure transparency, accuracy, completeness, consistency and comparability between countries. The IPCC Guidelines are intended to be used by all Parties to the UNFCCC and provide default data and methods for national gre
Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning |Part 10| GREENHOUSE GASES
Reducing US Greenhouse Gases: the EPA Clean Power Proposal and the Role of the States
ERE’s GLOBAL LEADERS FORUM presents : “Reducing US Greenhouse Gases: the EPA Clean Power Proposal and the Role of the States”
Reid Harvey, Office of Atmospheric Programs, EPA
Michael G. Dowd, Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality
Diane Franks, Maryland Dept. of Environment
David Doniger, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Drinking Oil and Spewing Greenhouse Gases - Michael Pollan at Food for Thought Festival (5 of 11)
Pollan makes a compelling case for the link between American agriculture's dependence on fossil fuels and the health care crisis. Includes a number of striki...
From Greenhouse Gases to Liquid Fuels: The Magic of Catalysis by Dr. Liviu Mirica
Climate Change : Historical Aspects, Greenhouse Balances & Mitigation Strategies
Introductory applications of the Climate Model software project at Carnicom Institute. An introduction to some important historical considerations in climate c...
Introductory applications of the Climate Model software project at Carnicom Institute. An introduction to some important historical considerations in climate change study. The examination of various greenhouse gas scenarios. Prospects for the mitigation of global warming.
wn.com/Climate Change Historical Aspects, Greenhouse Balances Mitigation Strategies
Introductory applications of the Climate Model software project at Carnicom Institute. An introduction to some important historical considerations in climate change study. The examination of various greenhouse gas scenarios. Prospects for the mitigation of global warming.
- published: 19 Dec 2014
- views: 28
Why Greenhouse Gases Cause Global Warming: Carl Sagan on the Environment (1990)
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the ......
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the ...
wn.com/Why Greenhouse Gases Cause Global Warming Carl Sagan On The Environment (1990)
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the ...
The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases
The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases launched in December 2009 and now has more than 30 member countries from all regions of the wor......
The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases launched in December 2009 and now has more than 30 member countries from all regions of the wor...
wn.com/The Global Research Alliance On Agricultural Greenhouse Gases
The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases launched in December 2009 and now has more than 30 member countries from all regions of the wor...
Dr Richard Conant speaks at QUT agriculture and greenhouse gases
Find out more at http://www.isr.qut.edu.au Dr Richard Conant examines the greenhouse effects of global agricultural activities in the face of growing global ......
Find out more at http://www.isr.qut.edu.au Dr Richard Conant examines the greenhouse effects of global agricultural activities in the face of growing global ...
wn.com/Dr Richard Conant Speaks At Qut Agriculture And Greenhouse Gases
Find out more at http://www.isr.qut.edu.au Dr Richard Conant examines the greenhouse effects of global agricultural activities in the face of growing global ...
- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 223
author: TheQUTube
Fitri Aini - Smallholder rubber and oil palm plantations affect the greenhouse gases emissions?
Forest conversion to oil palm and rubber plantations is a common land-use change in Jambi, Sumatra due to the high economic demand of forest border communities....
Forest conversion to oil palm and rubber plantations is a common land-use change in Jambi, Sumatra due to the high economic demand of forest border communities. The environmental effects of such conversions have raised global concerns due to the potential to increase nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. To quantify this effect, we conducted a series of monthly N2O, CH4 and CO2 flux measurements between July 2010 and August 2011 using static (for N2O and CH4) and dynamic (for CO2) chamber method in an undisturbed forest, a disturbed forest, a one year old rubber plantation, a twenty year old rubber plantation and an eight year old oil palm plantation. All of the plantations are managed by smallholder farmers and have never been fertilised. In order to understand the effect of management intensification on N2O and CH4 fluxes, we applied nitrogen (N) as urea (33.3 kg N ha-1) in the oil palm plantation in April 2011 and monitored the emissions intensively until 28 days after fertilizer application. Nitrous oxide consumption was important in these weathered soils accounting for 32 and 49% of recorded data during monthly and intensive sampling, respectively. The annual fluxes of N2O emission rates amounted to 1.73 ± 0.48, 1.22 ± 0.27, 1.34 ± 0.36, 1.02 ± 0.27 and 1.04 ± 0.39 kg N ha-1 y-1, for CH4 were -1.43 ± 0.99, 0.43 ± 0.89, -1.73 ± 0.66, -0.24 ± 0.34, 0.24 ± 0.73 kg ha-1 y-1 CH4-C and for CO2 were 13.90 ± 1.20, 13.09 ± 1.37, 15.92 ± 1.74, 14.06 ± 1.02, 17.14 ± 1.86 Mg ha-1 y-1 CO2-C for undisturbed forest, disturbed forest, one year rubber plantation, twenty year rubber plantation and eight year oil palm plantation, respectively. Forest disturbance and conversion to rubber and oil palm plantation did not significantly affect annual N2O, CH4 and CO2 emission rates. However in the oil palm plantation, the amount of N emitted as N2O was high (3.1 ± 1.2% of the fertilizer N applied), so at a typical fertilizer application rate of 141 kg N ha-1 y-1, annual emissions would have amounted to 4.4 ± 1.6 kg N ha-1 y-1, more than twice the emission rate in the undisturbed forest. Dry mass and nitrogen mass in standing litter, distance to the nearest termite nest, rainfall on the day of measurement and air temperature were the key factors that predicted annual N2O fluxes across the land-use change transitions. On the other hand, the annual CH4 fluxes strongly related to the percentage of clay and the annual CO2 fluxes tend to relate with the decrease of soil C:N ratio and termite nest population. This work underlines that forest conversion smallholder rubber and oil palm plantations with no or low N fertiliser application does not lead to increase of N2O, CH4 and CO2 emissions. In fertilized oil palm plantations soil N2O emissions can be controlled through appropriate management of N inputs however studies monitoring concomitantly greenhouse gases emissions and palm oil production are still critically lacking.
wn.com/Fitri Aini Smallholder Rubber And Oil Palm Plantations Affect The Greenhouse Gases Emissions
Forest conversion to oil palm and rubber plantations is a common land-use change in Jambi, Sumatra due to the high economic demand of forest border communities. The environmental effects of such conversions have raised global concerns due to the potential to increase nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. To quantify this effect, we conducted a series of monthly N2O, CH4 and CO2 flux measurements between July 2010 and August 2011 using static (for N2O and CH4) and dynamic (for CO2) chamber method in an undisturbed forest, a disturbed forest, a one year old rubber plantation, a twenty year old rubber plantation and an eight year old oil palm plantation. All of the plantations are managed by smallholder farmers and have never been fertilised. In order to understand the effect of management intensification on N2O and CH4 fluxes, we applied nitrogen (N) as urea (33.3 kg N ha-1) in the oil palm plantation in April 2011 and monitored the emissions intensively until 28 days after fertilizer application. Nitrous oxide consumption was important in these weathered soils accounting for 32 and 49% of recorded data during monthly and intensive sampling, respectively. The annual fluxes of N2O emission rates amounted to 1.73 ± 0.48, 1.22 ± 0.27, 1.34 ± 0.36, 1.02 ± 0.27 and 1.04 ± 0.39 kg N ha-1 y-1, for CH4 were -1.43 ± 0.99, 0.43 ± 0.89, -1.73 ± 0.66, -0.24 ± 0.34, 0.24 ± 0.73 kg ha-1 y-1 CH4-C and for CO2 were 13.90 ± 1.20, 13.09 ± 1.37, 15.92 ± 1.74, 14.06 ± 1.02, 17.14 ± 1.86 Mg ha-1 y-1 CO2-C for undisturbed forest, disturbed forest, one year rubber plantation, twenty year rubber plantation and eight year oil palm plantation, respectively. Forest disturbance and conversion to rubber and oil palm plantation did not significantly affect annual N2O, CH4 and CO2 emission rates. However in the oil palm plantation, the amount of N emitted as N2O was high (3.1 ± 1.2% of the fertilizer N applied), so at a typical fertilizer application rate of 141 kg N ha-1 y-1, annual emissions would have amounted to 4.4 ± 1.6 kg N ha-1 y-1, more than twice the emission rate in the undisturbed forest. Dry mass and nitrogen mass in standing litter, distance to the nearest termite nest, rainfall on the day of measurement and air temperature were the key factors that predicted annual N2O fluxes across the land-use change transitions. On the other hand, the annual CH4 fluxes strongly related to the percentage of clay and the annual CO2 fluxes tend to relate with the decrease of soil C:N ratio and termite nest population. This work underlines that forest conversion smallholder rubber and oil palm plantations with no or low N fertiliser application does not lead to increase of N2O, CH4 and CO2 emissions. In fertilized oil palm plantations soil N2O emissions can be controlled through appropriate management of N inputs however studies monitoring concomitantly greenhouse gases emissions and palm oil production are still critically lacking.
- published: 17 Jun 2015
- views: 0
Law 270.7 - Lecture 14 - Greenhouse Gases and Wrap-upl
November 24, 2008 To what extent can we rely on a renewable energy future to reduce electricity-related greenhouse gas emissions? Which technologies should b......
November 24, 2008 To what extent can we rely on a renewable energy future to reduce electricity-related greenhouse gas emissions? Which technologies should b...
wn.com/Law 270.7 Lecture 14 Greenhouse Gases And Wrap Upl
November 24, 2008 To what extent can we rely on a renewable energy future to reduce electricity-related greenhouse gas emissions? Which technologies should b...
- published: 15 Dec 2008
- views: 1945
author: UCBerkeley
New Ways for Regulating Greenhouse Gases
January 14, 2009 lecture by David Victor for the Woods Energy Seminar (ENERGY301). In his talk "New Ways to Think About Regulating Greenhouse Gasses," Victor......
January 14, 2009 lecture by David Victor for the Woods Energy Seminar (ENERGY301). In his talk "New Ways to Think About Regulating Greenhouse Gasses," Victor...
wn.com/New Ways For Regulating Greenhouse Gases
January 14, 2009 lecture by David Victor for the Woods Energy Seminar (ENERGY301). In his talk "New Ways to Think About Regulating Greenhouse Gasses," Victor...
- published: 17 Apr 2009
- views: 3529
author: Stanford
Online classes: Green House Gases: Global Warming Potential
Online classes: Green House Gases: Global Warming Potential for UPSC IAS preparation
Water vapor
Carbon di oxide
Nitrous oxide
Fluorinated Gases
Black ...
Online classes: Green House Gases: Global Warming Potential for UPSC IAS preparation
Water vapor
Carbon di oxide
Nitrous oxide
Fluorinated Gases
Black carbon
Brown carbon
Global Warming Potential
This video is part of environment and ecology for UPSC IAS preparation..
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wn.com/Online Classes Green House Gases Global Warming Potential
Online classes: Green House Gases: Global Warming Potential for UPSC IAS preparation
Water vapor
Carbon di oxide
Nitrous oxide
Fluorinated Gases
Black carbon
Brown carbon
Global Warming Potential
This video is part of environment and ecology for UPSC IAS preparation..
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Useful for UPSC Preparation, IAS preparation, KAS, KPSC, MPSC, GPSC, UPPSC, APPSC, TNPSC and all state service examination.
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- published: 16 Jul 2015
- views: 81
Global warming is caused by ozone depletion not greenhouse gases
A 58-minute, illustrated talk describing how and why ozone depletion explains global warming much more directly and much more clearly than greenhouse gases. Gre...
A 58-minute, illustrated talk describing how and why ozone depletion explains global warming much more directly and much more clearly than greenhouse gases. Greenhouse-gas theory is based on some inaccurate assumptions.
wn.com/Global Warming Is Caused By Ozone Depletion Not Greenhouse Gases
A 58-minute, illustrated talk describing how and why ozone depletion explains global warming much more directly and much more clearly than greenhouse gases. Greenhouse-gas theory is based on some inaccurate assumptions.
- published: 17 Nov 2014
- views: 69
Lecture 6 - What Makes a Greenhouse Gas?
This 10-week course for non-science majors focuses on a single problem: assessing the risk of human-caused climate change. The story ranges from physics to c......
This 10-week course for non-science majors focuses on a single problem: assessing the risk of human-caused climate change. The story ranges from physics to c...
wn.com/Lecture 6 What Makes A Greenhouse Gas
This 10-week course for non-science majors focuses on a single problem: assessing the risk of human-caused climate change. The story ranges from physics to c...
Obama Outlines Ambitious Plan to Cut Greenhouse Gases
Obama Outlines Ambitious Plan to Cut Greenhouse Gases
The New York Times - JUNE 25, 2013
WASHINGTON — President Obama, declaring that “Americans across the coun...
Obama Outlines Ambitious Plan to Cut Greenhouse Gases
The New York Times - JUNE 25, 2013
WASHINGTON — President Obama, declaring that “Americans across the country are already paying the price of inaction,” announced sweeping measures on Tuesday to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and prepare the nation for a future of rising temperatures.
Embracing wholeheartedly an issue that could define his legacy but is sure to ignite new political battles with Republicans, Mr. Obama said he would use his executive powers to require reductions in the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the nation’s power plants.
The carbon cuts at power plants are the centerpiece of a three-pronged climate-change plan that will also involve new federal funds to advance renewable energy technology, as well as spending to fortify cities and states against the ravages of storms and droughts aggravated by a changing climate.
Continue reading the main story
Related Coverage
document President Obama’s ‘Climate Action Plan’JUNE 25, 2013
Mr. Obama waded more deeply than he has before into the dispute over the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry heavy crude oil from Alberta to depots and refineries in the Midwest and on the Gulf Coast. He said he would not approve the 1,700-mile pipeline if it was shown that it would “significantly” worsen climate change.
President Obama delivered remarks at Georgetown University on Tuesday. Credit Christopher Gregory/The New York Times
The president’s comments were ambiguous: He did not specify what aspects of the project he was including or what level of climate impact he considers “significant.” Opponents and backers of the pipeline found support for their positions in his remarks.
On the broader climate challenge, however, Mr. Obama was unequivocal. Saying that science had put to rest the debate over whether human activity was responsible for warming the earth, he told an audience at Georgetown University, “The question now is whether we will have the courage to act before it is too late.”
“As a president, as a father and as an American, I am here to say, we need to act,” Mr. Obama said to students and others gathered in a sunbaked quadrangle, mopping his brow with a handkerchief, as if to dramatize his point. “I refuse to condemn your generation and future generations to a planet that’s beyond fixing.”
It was by far Mr. Obama’s boldest attempt to grapple with one of the seminal challenges of the time. But it also starts a clock ticking, with the president aiming to draft and put into place a complicated set of rules in just two years, to meet his pledge of reducing the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent from 2005 levels by 2020.
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Related in Opinion
wn.com/Obama Outlines Ambitious Plan To Cut Greenhouse Gases
Obama Outlines Ambitious Plan to Cut Greenhouse Gases
The New York Times - JUNE 25, 2013
WASHINGTON — President Obama, declaring that “Americans across the country are already paying the price of inaction,” announced sweeping measures on Tuesday to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and prepare the nation for a future of rising temperatures.
Embracing wholeheartedly an issue that could define his legacy but is sure to ignite new political battles with Republicans, Mr. Obama said he would use his executive powers to require reductions in the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the nation’s power plants.
The carbon cuts at power plants are the centerpiece of a three-pronged climate-change plan that will also involve new federal funds to advance renewable energy technology, as well as spending to fortify cities and states against the ravages of storms and droughts aggravated by a changing climate.
Continue reading the main story
Related Coverage
document President Obama’s ‘Climate Action Plan’JUNE 25, 2013
Mr. Obama waded more deeply than he has before into the dispute over the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry heavy crude oil from Alberta to depots and refineries in the Midwest and on the Gulf Coast. He said he would not approve the 1,700-mile pipeline if it was shown that it would “significantly” worsen climate change.
President Obama delivered remarks at Georgetown University on Tuesday. Credit Christopher Gregory/The New York Times
The president’s comments were ambiguous: He did not specify what aspects of the project he was including or what level of climate impact he considers “significant.” Opponents and backers of the pipeline found support for their positions in his remarks.
On the broader climate challenge, however, Mr. Obama was unequivocal. Saying that science had put to rest the debate over whether human activity was responsible for warming the earth, he told an audience at Georgetown University, “The question now is whether we will have the courage to act before it is too late.”
“As a president, as a father and as an American, I am here to say, we need to act,” Mr. Obama said to students and others gathered in a sunbaked quadrangle, mopping his brow with a handkerchief, as if to dramatize his point. “I refuse to condemn your generation and future generations to a planet that’s beyond fixing.”
It was by far Mr. Obama’s boldest attempt to grapple with one of the seminal challenges of the time. But it also starts a clock ticking, with the president aiming to draft and put into place a complicated set of rules in just two years, to meet his pledge of reducing the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent from 2005 levels by 2020.
Continue reading the main story
Related in Opinion
- published: 29 Jul 2015
- views: 7
Global Climate Summit:Cutting Greenhouse Gases
International panel discusses the importance of both targeted actions to reduce emissions and partnership opportunities between developed and developing stat......
International panel discusses the importance of both targeted actions to reduce emissions and partnership opportunities between developed and developing stat...
wn.com/Global Climate Summit Cutting Greenhouse Gases
International panel discusses the importance of both targeted actions to reduce emissions and partnership opportunities between developed and developing stat...
Calculating Greenhouse Gases - The Story of Bread
With Mark Easter of CSU's Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, discussing the carbon footprint of agriculture...
With Mark Easter of CSU's Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, discussing the carbon footprint of agriculture
wn.com/Calculating Greenhouse Gases The Story Of Bread
With Mark Easter of CSU's Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, discussing the carbon footprint of agriculture
- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Climate Change Impacts: Why Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
http://www.edmonton.ca/thewaywegreen Join us as we demystify human-made climate change from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by burning fossil fuels, an......
http://www.edmonton.ca/thewaywegreen Join us as we demystify human-made climate change from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by burning fossil fuels, an...
wn.com/Climate Change Impacts Why Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
http://www.edmonton.ca/thewaywegreen Join us as we demystify human-made climate change from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by burning fossil fuels, an...
Why Greenhouse Gases Cause Global Warming Carl Sagan on the Environment 1990 2 clip2
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the .
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the .
Clip from Cosmos episode 4 - Heaven and Hell in the Cosmos Update section from 1990.
In this classic interview from 1989, Dr. Carl Sagan, possibly the greatest populariser of fundamental science in modern history, has a conversation with CNN .
A 58-minute, illustrated talk describing how and why ozone depletion explains global warming much more directly and much more clearly than greenhouse gases. .
wn.com/Why Greenhouse Gases Cause Global Warming Carl Sagan On The Environment 1990 2 Clip2
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the .
Clip from Cosmos episode 4 - Heaven and Hell in the Cosmos Update section from 1990.
In this classic interview from 1989, Dr. Carl Sagan, possibly the greatest populariser of fundamental science in modern history, has a conversation with CNN .
A 58-minute, illustrated talk describing how and why ozone depletion explains global warming much more directly and much more clearly than greenhouse gases. .
- published: 18 Dec 2014
- views: 2
What's Next for Greenhouse Gases & Clean Air Act?
A talk by Jonas Monast, Director, Climate & Energy Program at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. Monast's work focuses on the interac......
A talk by Jonas Monast, Director, Climate & Energy Program at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. Monast's work focuses on the interac...
wn.com/What's Next For Greenhouse Gases Clean Air Act
A talk by Jonas Monast, Director, Climate & Energy Program at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. Monast's work focuses on the interac...
Louis Verchot - IPCC emission factors for greenhouse gas inventories in tropical peatlands
IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) produces guidelines on compiling estimates of national greenhouse gas emissions and removals in a s...
IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) produces guidelines on compiling estimates of national greenhouse gas emissions and removals in a standardized way to ensure transparency, accuracy, completeness, consistency and comparability between countries. The IPCC Guidelines are intended to be used by all Parties to the UNFCCC and provide default data and methods for national greenhouse gas inventories. Presently the Revised 1996 Guidelines and Good Practice Guidance (2000, 2003) have been used by countries, but from 2013 onwards the 2006 Guidelines should be used by Annex I Parties. The 2006 revised guidelines had serious gaps with respect to wetlands, so in 2011, the IPCC began a 2-year exercise to fill those gaps. Notably, most of the tropical emission factors were based on temperate data and simply multiplied by 2. Together with colleagues we overcame methodological constraints to develop new emission factors for tropical wetlands. These new emission factors range between 1.5 tons of carbon per hectare per year for crops like Sago where the hydrology of the wetlands is only slightly disturbed to 20 tons in deeply disturbed intensively managed sites planted with Acacia. Oil palm is intermediate with emissions lf around 11 tons, on average. Having better emission factors is important for Indonesia as organic soils are major contributors to national emissions. New controversies are no the horizon, however. Many countries and donors are looking into options to reduce emissions in managed peatlands through water table management. Data suggest that raising the water table is ineffective at reducing these emissions, yet there are powerful interests aligned with this new polemic.
wn.com/Louis Verchot Ipcc Emission Factors For Greenhouse Gas Inventories In Tropical Peatlands
IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) produces guidelines on compiling estimates of national greenhouse gas emissions and removals in a standardized way to ensure transparency, accuracy, completeness, consistency and comparability between countries. The IPCC Guidelines are intended to be used by all Parties to the UNFCCC and provide default data and methods for national greenhouse gas inventories. Presently the Revised 1996 Guidelines and Good Practice Guidance (2000, 2003) have been used by countries, but from 2013 onwards the 2006 Guidelines should be used by Annex I Parties. The 2006 revised guidelines had serious gaps with respect to wetlands, so in 2011, the IPCC began a 2-year exercise to fill those gaps. Notably, most of the tropical emission factors were based on temperate data and simply multiplied by 2. Together with colleagues we overcame methodological constraints to develop new emission factors for tropical wetlands. These new emission factors range between 1.5 tons of carbon per hectare per year for crops like Sago where the hydrology of the wetlands is only slightly disturbed to 20 tons in deeply disturbed intensively managed sites planted with Acacia. Oil palm is intermediate with emissions lf around 11 tons, on average. Having better emission factors is important for Indonesia as organic soils are major contributors to national emissions. New controversies are no the horizon, however. Many countries and donors are looking into options to reduce emissions in managed peatlands through water table management. Data suggest that raising the water table is ineffective at reducing these emissions, yet there are powerful interests aligned with this new polemic.
- published: 22 Apr 2015
- views: 141
Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning |Part 10| GREENHOUSE GASES
wn.com/Legend Of Spyro A New Beginning |Part 10| Greenhouse Gases
- published: 22 Aug 2015
- views: 9
Reducing US Greenhouse Gases: the EPA Clean Power Proposal and the Role of the States
ERE’s GLOBAL LEADERS FORUM presents : “Reducing US Greenhouse Gases: the EPA Clean Power Proposal and the Role of the States”
Reid Harvey, Office of Atmospheri...
ERE’s GLOBAL LEADERS FORUM presents : “Reducing US Greenhouse Gases: the EPA Clean Power Proposal and the Role of the States”
Reid Harvey, Office of Atmospheric Programs, EPA
Michael G. Dowd, Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality
Diane Franks, Maryland Dept. of Environment
David Doniger, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
wn.com/Reducing US Greenhouse Gases The Epa Clean Power Proposal And The Role Of The States
ERE’s GLOBAL LEADERS FORUM presents : “Reducing US Greenhouse Gases: the EPA Clean Power Proposal and the Role of the States”
Reid Harvey, Office of Atmospheric Programs, EPA
Michael G. Dowd, Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality
Diane Franks, Maryland Dept. of Environment
David Doniger, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
- published: 14 Nov 2014
- views: 1
Drinking Oil and Spewing Greenhouse Gases - Michael Pollan at Food for Thought Festival (5 of 11)
Pollan makes a compelling case for the link between American agriculture's dependence on fossil fuels and the health care crisis. Includes a number of striki......
Pollan makes a compelling case for the link between American agriculture's dependence on fossil fuels and the health care crisis. Includes a number of striki...
wn.com/Drinking Oil And Spewing Greenhouse Gases Michael Pollan At Food For Thought Festival (5 Of 11)
Pollan makes a compelling case for the link between American agriculture's dependence on fossil fuels and the health care crisis. Includes a number of striki...
- published: 21 Jan 2010
- views: 186
author: REAPFood