Mar 3 /
Feb 22 /
Feb 18 /

Railroad Shop Workers Vote No on Merging Jobs

Feb 19 /

Machinists and pipefitters bucked management threats and rejected a concessionary deal by an 8-to-1 vote. »

Friedrichs Reprieve, But We're Not Out of the Woods Yet

Feb 16 /

Labor has dodged a bullet—for now. But any union that takes the Supreme Court shakeup as a cue to go back to business as usual will be making a big mistake. »

Seattle Uber Drivers Win Right to Bargain

Jan 28 /

We're told it’s every worker for themself in the new “gig economy.” But these Uber, Lyft, and taxi drivers banded together to pursue an old-fashioned goal: collective bargaining. »

Teachers Hold Walk-In Protests in 30 Cities

Feb 18 /

Locals from both major teacher unions participated in “walk-ins” on February 17 to “reclaim our schools.” »

Seven Steps to Opening Up Bargaining

Feb 1 /

Here's how a transparent contract campaign is breathing new life into the Concord Teachers Association. "We’re seeing greater participation in the union than ever before." »

Bikeshare Union Has Wheels

Jan 27 /

In a brand new industry, this union is starting off on the right foot. Bikeshare mechanics, drivers, and dispatchers have already gotten some practice confronting managers on the job. »

TroubleMakers Blog

This Shopping Is No Fun

Feb 24 /

Whether we like it or not, every December Labor Notes staffers get a firsthand look at how the new state health insurance exchanges are working. »

Fast Food Strikers March on Iowa’s Republican Debate

Feb 3 /

Des Moines fast food workers struck days before the caucus, hoping to use the news media's temporary obsession with Iowa to highlight the campaign for a $15 minimum wage. »

Five Ways Rank and Filers Are Fundraising to Come to Labor Notes 2016

Jan 29 /

The more activists from your area attend, the more skills and inspiration they’ll bring back to local organizing. »