- published: 10 Dec 2014
- views: 220727
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Although most often used to set the visual style of web pages and user interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL, and is applicable to rendering in speech, or on other media. Along with HTML and JavaScript, CSS is a cornerstone technology used by most websites to create visually engaging webpages, user interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many mobile applications.
CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of document content from document presentation, including aspects such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple HTML pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content, such as semantically insignificant tables that were widely used to format pages before consistent CSS rendering was available in all major browsers. CSS makes it possible to separate presentation instructions from the HTML content in a separate file or style section of the HTML file. For each matching HTML element, it provides a list of formatting instructions. For example, a CSS rule might specify that "all heading 1 elements should be bold", leaving pure semantic HTML markup that asserts "this text is a level 1 heading" without formatting code such as a <bold>
tag indicating how such text should be displayed.
HyperText Markup Language, commonly referred to as HTML, is the standard markup language used to create web pages. Along with CSS, and JavaScript, HTML is a cornerstone technology, used by most websites to create visually engaging web pages, user interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many mobile applications.Web browsers can read HTML files and render them into visible or audible web pages. HTML describes the structure of a website semantically along with cues for presentation, making it a markup language, rather than a programming language.
HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items.
The language is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>
). Browsers do not display the HTML tags and scripts, but use them to interpret the content of the page.
Counter-Strike: Source is a complete remake of Counter-Strike using the Source Game Engine. As in the original, Counter-Strike: Source pits a team of counter-terrorists against a team of terrorists in a series of rounds. Each round is won either by completing an objective (such as detonating a bomb or rescuing hostages) or by eliminating all members of the enemy team.
Counter-Strike: Source retains its team-based objective-oriented first-person shooter style gameplay. The aim of playing a map is to accomplish a map's objective: defusing the bomb, rescuing all hostages, or killing the entire opposing team. The ultimate goal of the game is to win more rounds than the opposing team. Once players are killed, they do not respawn until the next round, though this depends on which server people play on. This gameplay feature distinguishes Counter-Strike from other first-person shooter games, where players respawn instantly or after a short delay.
Shooting while moving dramatically decreases accuracy, and holding the trigger down to continuously shoot produces severe recoil. The severity of damage induced by weaponry is dependent upon the specific locations of hits, with hits to the head being most lethal and shots which make contact elsewhere causing lesser loss of health.
Wesprzyj na Patronite ► https://patronite.pl/pasja-informatyki Mam przyjemność przekazać Państwu drugi odcinek serii na temat kaskadowych arkuszy stylów. Co będzie tematem przewodnim tego odcinka? Radość :) Czysta przyjemność stylizowania strony w CSS. Po prostu zrobimy fajny szablon strony internetowej :) Dziś... zrelaksujmy się, oddajmy się przyjemności tworzenia ładnego szablonu strony www. A kto wie, może zachowując taki stan umysłu nauczymy się jednak całkiem sporo? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PLIKI DO ODCINKA: http://miroslawzelent.pl/kurs-css/szablon-strony-id-klasa-google-fonts-hover DOBROWOLNE WSPARCIE: http://patronite.pl/pasja-informatyki http://miroslawzelent.pl/dobrowolna-darowizna/ CODE REVIEW NA FORUM: http://bit.ly/code-reviews-odcinkow TRENAŻER EGZAMINACYJNY: ht...
Capitulo #2 del curso básico de CSS, Selectores En este capitulo veremos los Selectores de CSS, aprenderemos de los diferentes tipos de selectores que hay y aprenderemos a utilizarlos. ♦ Blog de diseño web: http://www.falconmasters.com ♦ Curso de PHP y MYSQL: Completo, Práctico y desde Cero http://www.tutorialdephp.com ♦ Necesitas ayuda con el tutorial? Únete a nuestra comunidad: http://www.heroesdelaweb.com --- ♦ Curso de diseño web! http://www.falconmasters.com/cursos/curso-de-diseno-web-desde-0-introduccion/ ♦ Como escribir código HTML y CSS mas rápido: http://www.falconmasters.com/recursos-herramientas/como-escribir-mas-rapido-codigo-html-y-css-emmet/ --- Redes Sociales: ♦ Twitter @falconmasters: http://www.twitter.com/falconmasters ♦ Pagina de Facebook: ht...
수업영상과 예제는 아래 페이지에 있습니다. https://opentutorials.org/module/3129/18311
Aujourd'hui , on se retrouve sur le 2ème épisode de cette nouvelle serie, Comment Créer un site web ? dans lequel nous voyons les premieres notions du design avec le css. Bon Visionnage ;) Site d'annonces pour vos projets : http://pixelads.fr Les Bases du CSS : http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp Code-Couleur : http://www.code-couleur.com/ Telecharger Sublime Text 3 : https://www.sublimetext.com/3 Propriétés CSS du Jour : - color : permet de changer la couleur d'un élement - background-color : permet de changer la couleur de fond d'un élement - font-size : permet de modifier la taille d'un élement textuel - font-weight: permet de changer le type de texte - padding : permet de décaler un élement d'un certains nombre de pixels
В этом уроке мы рассмотрим все возможные виды селекторов. Это: универсальный селектор, селектор элементов, селектор классов, селектор идентификаторов, селектор атрибутов, cелектор потомков (контекстный селектор), cелектор дочерних элементов, cелектор сестринских элементов, cелектор псевдоклассов, cелектор псевдоэлементов Смотрите курс "HTML для начинающих" : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY4rE9dstrJyeZlPWoKJr1xKVVnG4w-Hc Не ограничивай себя видеоуроками на YouTube! Узнавайте еще больше полезной информации! Общайтесь с опытными разработчиками, преподавателями и развивайся через личное общение! Telegram: https://telegram.me/loftblog Slack: http://slack.loftblog.ru/ Наш сайт: http://loftblog.ru/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loftblog/ ВКонтакте: http://vk.com/loftblog fa...
Все основы верстки HTML и CSS в одном уроке для начинающих с нуля. Верстаем реальный макет сайта (лендинга) из Photoshop. СКАЧАТЬ МАКЕТ И ФАЙЛЫ верстки для ДЗ: https://wayup.in/lm/load/lm30 И еще кое что.... --------------- Посмотрите другие видео о верстке: День Верстальщика: Верстка С Нуля ☉ HTML/CSS/Адаптив - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlwPU0BRQKQ Создаем Сайт-Блог С Нуля За 4 Часа ☸ Photoshop/HTML/CSS/CMS - https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video;_id=A90NZOh1jyw Как Сверстать Сайт Адаптивно? HTML/CSS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROn-glSIKO8 --------------- Подписывайтесь на мой канал: https://www.youtube.com/c/wayupin?sub_confirmation=1 Спасибо за просмотр!
Cours Complet HTML CSS - Tutoriel pour Débutants et Confirmés [Partie 2/3] Cette partie contient les chapitres 4,5 et 6 de mon cours complet sur le HTML et le CSS. Au programme de cette deuxième partie : beaucoup de propriétés CSS pour mettre en forme des textes ou positionner des éléments. Nous allons commencer avec les propriétés de type "font-", avec notamment font-style, font-weight, font-size et font-family pour modifier la taille, le poids, la forme et la police de nos textes. Nous continuerons avec les propriétés de type "text-" avec, entre autres, text-decoration, text-indent ou encore text-align et text-shadow. Finalement, nous allons véritablement entrer dans le vif du sujet et dans le concret de ce cours complet HTML et CSS avec le modèle des boîtes et les propriétés hei...
Segundo video, aprenderemos la estructura básica de HTML y a crear snippets con Brackets Nuestro sitio oficial: http://jygproyectosweb.com/ Síguenos en facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JyGProyectosWeb Síguenos en Twitter: https://twitter.com/JyGProyectosWeb Apóyanos con un me gusta y compartiendo este video, muchas gracias a todos :)
►Купить дешевый Counter Strike GO - http://seriousseller.ru/ CSS V34 со скинами CS:GO (СТРАННАЯ СБОРКА Counter-Strike Source #2) - В этом ролике вы увидите новую сборку ксс в34 , где заменены все модели оружия из ксс (Counter-Strike Source) - CSS на оружие из кс го (Counter-Strike Global Offensive), это очень страння сборка Counter-Strike Source v 34, которую я только видел! Сборки в контер страйк В 34 были привычным явлением для 2009 года, но сейчас ксс в 2017 году мало кто модифицирует, однако сборки кс 1.6 и сборки ксс сурс (соурс) до сих пор иногда делают, так что в этом ролике вы их увидите! Приятного просмотра! ►►МОИ ДРУГИЕ РОЛИКИ ПО КС:ГО (CS:GO)◄◄ ►НОВАЯ CS:GO 🔴 - Counter-Strike Classic Offensive (КАК УСТАНОВИТЬ НОВЫЙ МОД ДЛЯ КС:ГО) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bItoZ6lESA ►...
Access +100 programming courses in Zenva: https://academy.zenva.com?zva_src=youtube-pfehtml As an entrepreneur have you experienced any of the following symptoms? Spending too much money on development. Having to wait weeks to get little things fixed on your website. You can’t move forward with your business idea because you don’t have a technical co-founder and you can’t code. If the answer is yes let me say that you are not alone. The causes of this problem are: All companies, no matter their size and industry, need development. From a simple landing page to more complex solutions such as mobile apps and information systems. Developer are expensive and scarce. But you probably know this already :) They say Programming is the new Math as it is an essential skil...
Learn everything about Overflow property and its value Hidden Visible Auto Scroll Demo Code: http://codepen.io/OsamaElzero/pen/myoWoJ/ Learn with full details the relation between float and overflow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iph2v39SguM
En este videotutorial aprenderás 9 buenas prácticas para maquetar en CSS. Nuestra web: http://bextlan.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bextlan Twitter: http://twitter.com/bextlan YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/bextlancom Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/113763991432440801400/ Libro Introducción a CSS: http://librosweb.es/css/ Curso CSS de desarrolloweb.com http://desarrolloweb.com/css/
http://www.LittleWebHut.com How to make a website: CSS Tutorial - Basics. This is the second in a series of videos designed to teach the basics of CSS. This video will demonstrate the universal, type, class, and ID selectors. This tutorial is based on CSS version 2.1. This is a good video series for those wishing to learn how to make a website from scratch. Whether you're using a basic text editor, or more advance tools like Adobe Dreamweaver, learning the basics of CSS will provide a good foundation to build on.
Die wichtigsten HTML-Tags im Überblick: Überschriften h1-h6, Abschnitte p, Bilder img, und viele weitere. In diesem Video lernt ihr, wie man sie richtig im HTML-Code einsetzt. Alle Grundkursvideos: Teil 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A1D2bCcBX8 Teil 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5tbnatuAic Teil 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K-CZ3RH2zk&feature;=youtu.be -- Mein YouTube Equipment -- Meine Kamera: http://amzn.to/29suMeY Das Objektiv: http://amzn.to/29suOmX Mein Mikrofon: http://amzn.to/29rifvV Video-Leuchten: http://amzn.to/29rjs6n Die Amazon-Links hängen mit dem Partnerprogramm von Amazon zusammen. Sie dienen dem potentiellen Käufer als Orientierung und verweisen explizit auf bestimmte Produkte. Sofern diese Links genutzt werden, kann im Falle einer Kaufentscheidung eine...
Na aula de hoje vamos escolher um editor para melhorar a produtividade e também conhecer mais algumas tags. Acompanhe o RBtech também pelo site: http://dev.rbtech.info
----- COURSE LINKS: + Source files on GitHub - https://github.com/iamshaunjp/css-flexbox-playlist + Brackets editor - https://brackets.io/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find more front-end development tutorials on CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, WordPress & more on the channel homepage... SUBSCRIBE TO CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW5YeuERMmlnqo4oq8vwUpg?sub_confirmation=1 ========== JavaScript for Beginners Playlist ========== https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9i9Ae2D9Ee1RvylH38dKuET ============ CSS for Beginners Playlist ============= https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9gQeDH6xYhmO-db2mhoTSrT ============== The Net Ninja ===================== For more front-end develo...
Não me convidaram
Pra essa festa pobre
Que os homem armaram
Pra me convencer
Apagar sem ver
Toda essa droga
Que já vem malhada
Antes de eu nascer
Não me ofereceram
Nem um cigarro
Fiquei na porta
Estacionando os carros
Não me elegeram
Chefe de nada
O meu cartão de crédito
É uma navalha
Mostra tua cara
Quero ver quem paga
Pra gente ficar assim
Qual é o teu negócio
O nome do teu sócio
Confia em mim
Não me convidaram
Pra essa festa pobre
Que os homens armaram
Pra me convencer
A pagar sem ver
Toda essa droga
Que já vem molhada
Antes de eu nascer