Mounting tensions between the US and Russia have led to a global political situation which is “more dangerous” than the Cold War, the German foreign minister has said ... Read more....
Three lions rescued and then protected a 12-year-old Ethiopian girl from men who had abducted and beaten her in order to force her into marriage. The girl had been missing for a week when she was found with the lions by police and relatives, Sgt. Wondimu Wedajo told AP from the provincial capital of Bita Genet. She had been beaten repeatedly and it is believed the lions chased the men off ... ....
(CNN)Record flooding. Hundreds of deaths. A hurricane so unusual, even forecasters were astonished. Hurricane Matthew shattered several records during its deadly march through the Caribbean and up the southeast US coast. Here's what we've learned about the extraordinary storm and the catastrophe it left behind.. Record-breaking stamina ... Photos. Hurricane Matthew's path of destruction. Photos. Hurricane Matthew's path of destruction ... ....
The RussianDefense Ministry has announced the deployment of Iskander-M missile systems in Russia’s westernmost region of Kaliningrad, near its border with the Baltic countries and NATO member states... The Russian official also condemned the hype ignited by Western media and NATO member states over the missile deployment, saying the concern over the move was baseless since it was part of regular military maneuvers in the region ... ....
New cardinals also include archbishops of Chicago and Indianapolis in move sending signal pope ‘values pastors focused more on mercy than morals’. The papal envoy to Syria has been named as one of a group of new cardinals announced on Sunday by PopeFrancis, including 13 who are eligible to succeed him. Twitter ... And in a rare move, 87-year-old Albanian Ernest Simoni has been elevated to the position of cardinal from parish priest ... ....
Four members of BYU’s swim and dive team, Erica Lienhard, Matt Denkers, PrestonJenkins and Payton Sorenson, won their various events Friday evening at the Intermountain Shootout... “We are still early on in our season, but we continue to swim faster and faster ... Rainer Ng, one of the team captains, followed Jenkins with a third-place finish, clocking a time of 51.00 in that backstroke ... MDT....
Kind of brutal when you think about it. Pokémon loosely translates as “pocket monster” ... When you're ready to evolve, go to your Pokémon list and rename your Eevee to Pyro (for Flareon), Rainer (for Vaporeon) or Sparky (for Jolteon) ... Then evolve, and you should get your desired Eevee! This is a reference to the anime series, in which the 'Eevee brothers', named Pyro, Rainer and Sparky had the same corresponding Eevee evolutions....
The newAustrian owners of a Scottish manufacturing company are to close its factory in Falkirk with the loss of up to 53 jobs ...Production will move to a "third-party supplier" in Macedonia in the Balkans ... M and F Management and Financing chief executive OttoRainer said the company planned "to close their manufacturing facility in Falkirk and manufacture through a third-party supplier based in Macedonia". 'Big loss'. Mr Rainer said ... ....
A little further afield, consider the Christ Heurigen in the suburb of Jedlersdorf, five minutes from owner Rainer Christ's 400-year-old, 25 hectare vineyard ... The affable Rainer insists his customers treat the premises as "their second living room." He hops from table to table for neighbourhood gossip and to get opinions of his family's twist on Wiener Gemischter Satz, a popular white wine in the region. NEED TO KNOW....
RAINER HUHLE, Committee Expert and Rapporteur for Colombia, said that the future of Colombia was full of uncertainty, including in relation to the implementation of the Convention, and this meeting was taking place in very specific circumstances for the country ...RAINER HUHLE, Committee Expert and Rapporteur for Colombia, took up the issue of military justice and the situation with false positives....
Enlarge this image. AP. AP. I'm usually the last in my field to know the Nobel Prize in Physics has been announced. If the recipient is someone close to theoretical physics or astrophysics, I usually get clued in to the good news by the big grins and buoyant chatter in the halls of the department. Our community is not huge and we all, very likely, know the awardees to different degrees ...Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne and Ronald Drever ... ....
The appointments follow the recent promotions of Simon Casson to President, Hotel Operations - Europe, Middle East and Africa and Rainer Stampfer to President, Hotel Operations - Asia Pacific, supporting the next phase of operational leadership and excellence as the company continues to solidify its global leadership position and grow its portfolio of hotels, resorts and private residences....
From the crocheted loo seats to the pram-cum-barbecue and roving wet bar, there are stunts and stage-props galore. Then you turn a corner and find an artwork that sticks in your head and stays there. @SearleAdrian ... But not all at the same time, though the conjunction would not surprise me ... Twitter ... Twitter ... With its period brown walls, daybed and mirrors, it corresponds to a description of film-maker RainerWerner Fassbinder’s own bedroom....